Beast in brocade

Chapter 428 There is a long way

A sect with more people than Taixu Sect, a sect that has been cultivated by the whole human race. Although such a sect is not strong one-to-one, such a sect is the most terrible. As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and can also overturn a boat.

This true martial arts school is the water of the world. There are countless people. There are really too many of them. No, I can't do it. How can these people with many makeup and samples be compared with high schools such as virtual doors?

In singles, Taixumen can be said to be the first in the world, and the master of his faction is indeed the first in the world, but so what? If the real martial arts faction fights with you, they will fight you as a master with the lives of tens of thousands of people.

In the end, there will be some left, but how much can you have left? I'm afraid there won't be any, and how long will it take you to cultivate a master? However, the human race has grown into a person in a few years.

How can such a speed be compared?

So it's really hard to say who is the most powerful in the world, because everyone has their own skills. Even if it is the strongest Taixu door, for the human sea tactics, they still have to retreat three points and have to avoid it.

It's too difficult to deal with. If you fight one by one, they will stretch out their necks to let you cut, but how much can you cut in the end?

Cut to the end, first annoy yourself, hum, such a thing, I have to say that it's terrible, and there will be times when killing people will be annoying. If it's not annoying, go and kill one to see how many you can kill. I'm afraid of killing a person. When you see the blood, you dare not do it again.

This is a truth, really a truth, don't believe it, such a thing has really happened.

In those years, when the human race rebelled, the Beast Cultivation Alliance was scared by this move. Otherwise, it would not have accepted the mediation of Taixumen and ceded the three continents of the world.

Of course, there is also the threat of too virtual in the middle, but the most important thing is that they are afraid of the human race. It is difficult to be afraid of such tactics. How to deal with such people? I have a headache when I think about it.

Kill people every day. Just looking at the person's head flying and the blood like blood makes you have to worry.

It's simply a sad autumn wind and rain.

The poor beast cultivation alliance was defeated by its own slaves in this way. No, the beast cultivation alliance is not pitiful. They are just a little pathetic.

Think about it, the world's first strength is forced to become the third in the world by a group of slaves. Such a situation is really a little sad.

Some people may say that the Beast Alliance is self-infectable, but even if he deserves it, their ancestors once made great contributions to human beings. Now looking at their descendants, they are forced by the human race to bow their heads and admit defeat.

It's really sad. Thinking about those years, what a majestic beast training alliance was, even foreign beasts should be careful, but now it has fallen to such a level, which is really deplorable.

However, this can only be said that the human race is too powerful. It is just a group of human beings with such low cultivation talent. They have always been the lowest level of society and are enslaved by others. Who would have thought that one day, human beings can also turn over and become masters.

What a terrible thing. This is actually not a good thing, because in this case, anyone may be overthrown by their slaves.

If you think so, who dares to make a career? Because of this, which slave may be given to the family business in the end.

This kind of thing is really not impossible, otherwise, why did the three continents with the prospect of repairing cripples fall into the pockets of the human race?

It's because the slaves of the human race rebelled, and they succeeded, which is amazing. Such a thing feels terrible when you think about it. It's really terrible. Why does such a thing happen?

Can't everyone be safe with each other? Why do you have to fight like this?

Can't you do well? But in the end, it still didn't work, but it still kept beating back and there. Today you overturned me, and tomorrow I will overturn you.

Turning over like this is like turning over. It's really not honest to sleep.

It's better to pull out and play the 20 boards directly. Hey hey, this kind of punishment seems to be too light. How to punish them?

Think about this carefully. Well, it's better to punish them all as slaves and never turn over. It's much better.

But in that case, who will control the world? There is no one in charge, even a slave, which is restless, so it's better to have someone to take care of it.

And this person must be very powerful. If he can control everyone, but others can't rebel, this person must be different from others, so that others will not dare to rebel.

Because the rebellious person always thinks that he is the same as me, why can he control me?

So if you have such an idea, there will be rebellion, which is the root cause of rebellion. Without this idea, there will naturally be no rebellion. In this case, what else can we talk about rebellion 3?

So if you want to prevent others from rebeling, it's best to find a mountain that others can't climb in a lifetime.

And there is such a high mountain now, who? Of course, he is unintentional. He is the strangest person in the world. No one can be more strange than him.

His body is composed of four creatures. This spectacle can't come out casually. Even if a person learns his unintentional ability and follows the unintentional route again, there will be no such a result again.

Because the coincidence is really amazing.

If you do it again, if you can't launch a soul storm with foreign beasts, and if you can't find an orc that can hold powerful energy, you can't think of this.

Don't underestimate the unintentional beast. He is really too powerful, but from the fact that he can walk energy from his bones, you can see that his extraordinary is coming. Such a thing is not what ordinary people can do.

Look at the soul storm devoured everything, but it failed to devour the animal body. Instead, it was absorbed by him. What a powerful energy it is. Can it be compared with ordinary people? Such a good thing is really not comparable to ordinary people.

If others want to do this, it will take a lot of trouble, but it doesn't take much trouble. Except for the initial plans, those things can't be counted, because those things he should do. If he doesn't do those things, he will get something for nothing. There is such a good thing in the world. ?

No, you can't find such a good thing anywhere. No one can think about it. There is no such a shameful good thing at all. Not everyone can get such a good thing. No matter how lucky you are, you can't get this kind of good thing, because you don't have unintentional good luck.

Can ordinary people get such good luck? No, it's not at all. Such a good thing, such a miracle can only happen once. If it happens more, it's not good luck. It's not a miracle. Miracles have to be rare once.

It can only happen almost once, which is a miracle.

This is called a miracle, otherwise, what else can it be? Such a good thing is amazing when you think about it. Why is he so powerful? Why don't others have this? Why?

It has to be said that he is unintentional, otherwise, how can he become it?

is really amazing. I have to say that it's amazing when I think about it. I don't want to sigh again. What a good thing, what good luck it is. As a result, I got it. Others can't get it, and others don't want it. Such a thing is only he. He has it. If he has it, others must not have it. .

Otherwise, what else would he do? Really, this is the life he wants. If he is still a bastard, there is no such thing at all. It's no different from a pile of mud. There is only a pile of mud left for such a thing.

In fact, if he can have dignity as a common-blooded son, he doesn't mind being a common-blooded son, because in that case, life is relatively stable, and there are orcists covering him. Why can't he do it?

It's really unexpected. My wife didn't expect that he would one day escape from the identity of a common-blooded child and establish a new identity. This identity is a unique identity in the world. If others see it, this is a monster, but the unintentional monster is very powerful. What? It's because he is unique.

Good guy, such a guy can't just be solved by strength. Ningban's guy is a kind of god.

It's a pity that no one knows all this. Even if you want to show off, there is no place to show off. What can you show off? If this kind of thing is known to others, it is a curse, not a blessing.

He is unintentional and blessed, and this is not only a disaster, but also may be a big disaster. I have to say that this disaster is very powerful. I have to say that this disaster is very powerful. If you are a little careless, this disaster will burn the orcs and common blood all over the world.

And the first victims will be foreign beasts and direct blood. This is really a major disaster.

Thehui has no intention to feel terrible, and people who know this will find it terrible. This is a terrible and powerful disaster.

And this disaster was caused by the unintentional. One of his actions directly implicated half of the lives of the world, which was directly related to the survival of the two major factions.

What kind of strength is this? Yu Xin has unconsciously achieved such an achievement, and such a thing is only a small part, and the more powerful one is still in the future. It also depends on his unintentional achievements.

The following achievements are really the most powerful.