Beast in brocade

Chapter 429 Skill is not as good as human

He has no intention to have this confidence. There is nothing he can do. Even if he doesn't have this confidence, because his capital is too thick. Such capital is enough to make him crazy. Good boy, it is difficult for him to succeed with such capital.

Why? Because even if he doesn't succeed, the good luck of success will still fall on them. There is no way to slip. This is his strength. His strength can't be said to others, but he won't say yes, because he is really too powerful.

What kind of strength does this have to be?

No, what kind of capital should it be? It's too strong. If he really wants to dominate, it's not impossible to present things to the people. Because of such a good thing, if you want to dominate, what can't be successful?

Really, such a good thing, such a capital, what can't succeed? Therefore, Yu Wuxin is very successful now, because his capital is too thick, because he has such ability, so he can now walk with the majestic Zhou Fairy, and he can completely ignore Zhou Xianzi.

Think about this and that by yourself, what is this? Is this crazy? Really, it's really crazy. What's wrong with him? How can he feel bad enough of such an neglected Zhou Fairy? If Zhou Xianzi's suitor knows, then one person can drown him with a mouthful of saliva. Unfortunately, this bastard has no sense of crisis at all.

He is not afraid now. He feels that he has the fairy of the world's first sect Taixu Gate to protect him. Even if someone eats the bear's heart, he dares not do anything to him.

Such a thing has to be convincing.

That's the truth. If the fairy is around, who dares to provoke him? You know, if you provoke him, you will provoke the fairy. At that time, even if the fairy doesn't sleep soundly and wants to do something to him, it won't work. Because of such a malignant tumor, Zhou Xianzi will not let him issue it.

In that case, for Taixumen, for Zhou Xianzi, it is a great shame. What is a great shame?

This is called a great humiliation. If you can't even protect people, why should you be a fairy? In that case, where can you put the face of Taixumen? This dressing-up must not happen to malignant tumors.

And even if Zhou Xianzi doesn't say it, no one dares to do such a thing. Otherwise, aren't they tired of living? I'm afraid few people dare to fight with the fairy of Taixu Gate.

Of course, except for this bastard, he is really too bold. Even the fairy is going to be pissed off by him. Who else dares to provoke him?

And he has capital. He has enough capital. If he doesn't do something, wouldn't it be too wrong for him to do something? Will he care about such a malignant tumor?

It definitely won't work. Who is Yu Wuxin? He won't suffer this kind of loss, so Yu Wuxin will definitely not suffer. Even if he provokes the fairy, so what? Does anyone else dare to eat him?

There is no one. Whoever dares to eat him will be bored. Such a thing is not negotiable at all.

From the beginning to now, so many people want to live with him, and in the end, haven't they all been cleaned up by him?

How can there be such a falsehood?

Yu Xin is such a person who must revenge. He won't suffer losses. Let others do the things that suffer losses. He just takes advantage of it. If he wants others to suffer losses, he doesn't care who the other party is. What's wrong with the fairy?

Besides, he didn't let the fairy lose a piece of meat or anything. Of course, such a thing is nothing.

He is unintentional. If he suffers, is there any reason? If he suffers a loss, there will be no reason for such a malignant tumor.

He is really guilty of being unintentional, because he is sorry for the good health given to him by God.

With the capital like Ning, it's better not to suffer losses. It's not as good as being a common-blooded son, but how can this happen unintentionally? He won't let such a thing happen.

If you can't do a good thing, you naturally have to do it well. If you can't do it well, you will be too shameless. How can you have the face to live again?

Forget it. There is only one way to go. There is no other way to go. If you take a detour, there will be no good thing.

And if you really suffer a loss, it's really more painful than death. It's a happy thing. Anyway, it's reasonable, but what else can you say about the loss? There is nothing to say, nothing at all.

It's useless to suffer losses. What else do useless people talk about? There is no shame in talking about anything. There is no face at all. Such a thing is really shameless.

How can the unintentional make such a shameless thing happen? No one, really no one, no one at all, such a thing is like walking on the ice little by little.

If you accidentally fall, you are likely to die. Is it easy to say?

It's definitely hard to say nothing, so Yu doesn't want to suffer losses. Even if Zhou Xianzi's loss doesn't take it, even if Zhou Xianzi has been good to him, so what? She actually has other intentions, otherwise, why doesn't she help others? Humph, don't bully him for such a thing. He is not a vegetarian.

He has no intention to eat meat, and even swallows bones. He wants to eat his light. There is no door, let alone no door, no window.

There is no possibility of such a thing at all. There is nothing to say.

If the fairy suffers a loss, she can only complain that the fairy has been unintentionally tricked. If she doesn't be tricked, she can't suffer any more if she wants her to suffer losses, and she is not willing to take the initiative to find trouble. Every time he is kind words. In the end, if the fairy wants to fight with him, then he has no way. , he can only be a bad guy once.

Isn't it? Yes, that's the truth.

That's what he thinks. This shameless guy is really shameless. How can he be ashamed? It's strange that he will be so kind. If he can be kind, there will be no kind people in the world.

The kind-hearted people must have been eaten by him, and they don't even have bones.

This kind of thing is really miserable. I feel miserable when I think about it. Do you think you don't want to do it? That's hard to say.

If you really do that, you will really become a bad person, but from the beginning to now, although you are not a good person, you can't be said to be a bad person, so there is nothing you can do about this kind of thing, because he is not a bad person, and you can't say that he can't spit out bones, but He is indeed not a good person.

It's hard to say. What's there to say? It's hard to say at all, because if you say something bad, how did a good thing become like this?

I really don't know. Maybe this is what Yu didn't mean to do. It's just because he never does business, so he won't be a good person, but he hasn't done anything bad, so he can't say that he is a bad person.

Alas, this kind of thing is really difficult to do. It's not easy to do at all. Is he a good person or a bad person?

This is really a big problem, and it is also a big problem. Isn't it a bad person?

No, because he is not a good person. If he is not a good person, he must be a bad person, but he is not very bad. Is he a bad person?

doesn't count, because it's not a bad person. It's too much to say that he is a bad person, so he is neither a bad person nor a good person. Who is he?

It can only be said that he is a beast, a very beast. Humph, that's the only way to say. Otherwise, it's really hard to say anything. Otherwise, what else can he say?

That's it. In this case, it's also praise for him, because some people think that he is not even a beast.

Because the real beast is a beast, and that is a real beast. Compared with others, it can be regarded as a beast.

is really not as good as that. In fact, it is really appropriate to say that it is better to be a hooligan. Such a good name is actually very suitable for him.

Haha, that's great. This name is really good, that is, don't compete with other beast practitioners for the name of that beast. If you can't compete with others, they dare to do anything. Does he dare to do anything?

If he doesn't dare to do anything else, but he can't do anything to have sex with his relatives. If he does such a thing, he will really have no face to live. Such a thing will be condemned by his conscience all his life.

How can he do such an upright person? How can he not be tortured by his conscience?

Well, that's not bad, but how can he be regarded as an upright person? Is he upright? How honest is he?

I really can't see that he is upright. Even if he is a big bastard, can he be upright? If he is upright, why does he still play such a conspiracy, and why does he use so many means with others?

Is this his integrity? Are you kidding? How can this be regarded as integrity? There is no such thing at all. There is absolutely no such thing. It's impossible to think about it. A person like him will be honest, and that the world will be in chaos.

Of course, it can't be said that he has no at all. At least when he is honest with his own people, but Qi Shuyu is also his own person. Why can't he treat others well?