Beast in brocade

Chapter 452 Cherish Now

In fact, this can't be said to be unintentional, which shows that unintentional is a person who knows humility, isn't it?

If he himself says that he is a master, he will be too arrogant. In that case, it will be something that such a person can do.

This is an unintentional ability. He is very modest. Of course, now he wants to be arrogant and can't be arrogant. Really, he doesn't have that capital now. In front of Zhou Jingxian, he is already worried. Really, why is he so unlucky? Is this still a man? Why is it the same turn for men?

Damn it, why is it so damned? It's incredible to think about such a thing. He will be circled by a woman. Damn it. It's really shameful that this dressing thing spreads out. It's better not to spread this dressing thing.

Otherwise, what else can such a thing be said? There is nothing we can do. Unfortunately, why is such a thing a thing that doesn't know the end? Why? Because I don't know anything now.

But he knows at least one outcome, that is, the time he is wasted now is not good for the whole event. Really, this is true. It's really not good. What are the benefits? Now let's think about how to get out.

If you don't go out, everything will be in vain. I really don't expect that there can be such a saying about dressing up.

Well, this statement is also good, but what? What can happen to such a thing? Zhou Jingxian stared at each other, just like a female tiger. If there is no novel, she is likely to lose her hydrogen life here.

Although he didn't think that Zhou Jingxian would not necessarily kill him, he was not sure about this matter, just like Zhou Jingxian would betray him. He didn't expect such a thing, so he was not sure whether Zhou Jingxian would kill him.

If Zhou Jingxian really kills him, it will be fun. He will lose face. He trusts Zhou Jingjing the most, but in the end, he died in Zhou Jingxian's hands. If the enemy knows this, he won't laugh at others.

Really, at that time, people will definitely say that Yu Wuxin really doesn't know whether to live or die. Unexpectedly, he wants to make friends with Zhou Xianzi, who is too empty, and doesn't look at whether he is qualified enough. Really, what else can he say about this dressing up as a fool? Forget it, let's not talk about people. Anyway, he is dead and there is no need to say anything.

At that time, people will definitely say it so generously. Really, it's too angry. I feel angry when I think about it. I must not let such a thing happen. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen, but what else can I say? Don't talk about such a thing. Let's honestly think about what to do now. Really, such a thing is not easy to say, but what else can we say about such a thing?

There is nothing to say, there must be nothing to say, just like this dressing thing. Now he has been sold by Zhou Jingxian. The thing is that this dressing is simple. There is nothing else to say. Do you need to say it?

Zhou Jingxian has betrayed him. What else can she say? You can't let Zhou Jingxian not sell him, can you? This is obviously impossible. It's impossible. Nothing, nothing. It's that simple.

It's not complicated at all. Even if I don't know why Zhou Jingxian betrayed him, she has been sold. What's the use of this? Let's think about how to get out now. It's like a big cage. Now he is a captured beast waiting for others to do it.

You can't sit and wait for death like this. You must find a way. You can't let someone kill you, or use it as an exhibition. Really, he absolutely can't afford to lose this dressed face.

His face is not easy to lose. His face is precious. What else can he say? But now he doesn't want to lose, and I'm afraid it's hard to say. They have already taken action, but he is still worried. This is the gap. How can he still take action now?

You must take action. If you don't take action, you can't take action again.

Now, if you don't take action, you'd better be afraid that you will die ugly, and at that time, you won't have any face at all. It's disgusting, it's so disgusting. Why is it so disgusting? This is what it looks like. If not, what else can you say?

Damn, this kind of thing is the most terrible thing.

Don't say anything. You can't mention it too much. Really, but what is this? Don't say anything. It's useless to say anything if such a thing happens. And such a thing is a big lesson.

Of course, it is also a good thing to have a lesson. Only with a lesson can you make progress, but relatively speaking, this lesson is too big, isn't it? Such a thing will kill people. How can it be like this?

Really, it's terrible. What's going on? It's already like this. What else can I say? This is still about him, what if you don't say it? If he doesn't say anything, will anyone know about him? Really, it's annoying to think about it.

Why is there such a result? Why can't he have good things? Why do you want him to be unlucky now? What's good to say? It's hard to say. Such a thing is a very sad thing.

Let's die honestly.

But it's so unwilling. How can he die? Where can he put his face? So he can't lose this face. He must be killed. No matter how difficult it is, he has to kill him. He can't have an accident here. If something happens here like this, it will be over. Uh-huh, that's it is. If not, what else can we do?

There's nothing you can do. If you don't want to lose face, then do it, and do it well. You can't be vague at all. Whoever is vague is a big fool. Is such a thing also ambiguous and lose your life? Really, let's talk about such a thing.

It's so stupid that I can't say how stupid it is.

I don't want to think about it. I don't need to say anything. Such a thing is what a big idiot does. There are still many things that I haven't figured out. What's the matter? That's what to do next?

It's hard to say. Zhou Jingxian is not easy to deal with. She doesn't want to know about it, but what about now?

No matter how difficult it is to deal with, he has to deal with it. Otherwise, his life will be gone. It's true to think about it. If the boy Wuxin is not doing such a thing, maybe he really doesn't know how to do it. The advantage of Wuxin is that he doesn't admit defeat. If he admits defeat, then such a thing will It's not good. Really, such a thing is just like a big thing, and I don't know what's wrong with me. That's how I helped.

I don't want to think about how things can be solved? I don't want to think about anything. What can I say? Really, it's abominable. All kinds of things are done, all kinds of things are so simple, and everything is like this.

After thinking about it, I still like the time when I first met. Zhou Jingxian at that time was really abominable, but what? As time goes by, that freshness disappears, and there are also idiots, big idiots who don't know what to do or who they are.

No wonder Zhou Jingxian will betray him. This is normal. If you don't betray him, it's strange. What can he do to attract others? Apart from that unknown secret, he has nothing else to attract people. Really, that's it. What else can he say?

That's how he is. It's normal for Zhou Jingxian to betray him. On the contrary, he doesn't blame Zhou Jingxian now. Really, he doesn't blame Zhou Jingxian at all, and he doesn't know why. The resentment suddenly disappeared. In the final analysis, it's still his fault. If he could be more powerful, there would not have been this. That's the same thing.

is still too stupid and useless. If it is useful, such a thing will not happen.

Really, why can't you be better? Why can't it be stronger? Why do we have to go this far now? He really doesn't want to. He just wanted to start a new story with Zhou Jingxian, and this one appeared. This is really shocking. What else can he say without such a blow to people? Don't say anything, that's it.

First think about how to live now is the real thing. If you can't get through it now and your life is gone, then there is nothing left. Let's talk about the future. It's better to cherish the present. The current life is the most important thing. If there is no future, everything will be said for nothing. What else can we say?

No, nothing at all. In the final analysis, he is too useless. It's really useless. He didn't conquer Zhou Jingxian. What else does he have? No one can conquer, and no one can defeat them. In the end, they just hurt themselves. What's the matter? What's the matter? There's nothing we can do. There's really nothing we can do.

He can only think of a good way to understand things. Really, that's it. Otherwise, what else can he do? What else can I do? No, there is no good way. When there is a good way, let's talk about it again. Alas, it's really a good thing. At least let him know that nothing can be done in vain. There is nothing to dream about.