Beast in brocade

Chapter 453 Analysis of the Situation

It's impossible for pies to fall from the sky. Really, this is absolutely impossible. You have always thought so, but what? He knew about the past, but he didn't know his own measure about Zhou Jingxian.

He has always felt that Zhou Jingxian's help is a natural thing for him, but what? He didn't even think about it. What's the natural thing? No, really not. They are not related to others. Why should I help you? How can this be impossible?

Really, this is really stupid. How can there be such a thing? Why are people who are unintentional and smart confused here? What's not easy to find? Nothing is easy to think about?

I have to give something here. Really, I don't know what to say. It's so stupid. What a hateful fool. Don't you dare to say anything. If you go on, you may have any bad things to say.

In this matter, the layout concept that Qi unintentionally found was too bad. He didn't see through the traps given to him by others. It's so abominable. What's the matter? Such a thing is such a thing that doesn't know the result, but what?

If you are a master, how can you not see through it? If you are not a master, how can you have what happened today?

It's so stupid. I feel stupid when I think about it. I haven't seen through anything. How can I be a master?

You are still too stupid. This fight is just like playing chess. Things that you can't see through are often the biggest killer. Oh, my God, what is this? Such a thing is something that I don't know what will happen.

But what? In fact, such a thing can be seen through, but he didn't mean to see through it. It's really not. It's so simple. If he sees through it, there won't be anything later, but he doesn't see through it? That's hard to say. What else can I say? Now that they have been locked up, what else can they say?

It's really abominable. Zhou Jingxian is a real master. If it weren't for her layout, she wouldn't have been tricked. Really, she's so angry. Why is she so angry? What kind of things have happened, what else can you say?

If you are unintentional, you can only blame yourself for being too stupid. If you are smarter, you won't have today.

Yu has always thought that he had a brain, but now, he feels that he really has no brain. That's disgusting. How can it be so disgusting?

He didn't want to be angry. He was not angry with Zhou Jingxian, but at himself. If he hadn't been too stupid, he would have arrived at his destination long ago. Unfortunately, I don't know if he can get there now.

If you accidentally lose your life here, then no one will complain, and it's useless to complain. You just blame yourself for being too stupid. If you want to complain, you can only blame yourself. But how can there be such a thing?

He has no intention but can't figure it out. He can't figure it out. Why is it like this?

I really don't know what kind of thing to say. What else can I say? What else can be done? If you don't do good things, you can only be a big fool. If it's not a big fool, you are a big idiot.

Tianzi No.1 big idiot, such a big idiot is like a thing that doesn't know what to live or die. Yu unintentionally feels like a person who doesn't know whether to live or die, because he doesn't even see the big hidden danger of Zhou Jingxian. What else are they talking about? Don't talk about anything. Just prepare to die. It's too shameful. Only such a person can do such a thing. He is a big bastard.

He can only do this kind of brainless thing, but what about such a thing? But it's the last thing such a big fool wants to see.

Although he is a big fool, he doesn't want this title, so he did it well. However, he didn't look like a big fool in most things, but at the most critical time, he still became a big fool.

Oh, it's so annoying. It's disgusting. How could it be like this? How can it be such a thing?

What about such a thing? There is nothing to say. There is nothing left. What else can I say? Everything is in vain. This kind of thing is very simple. A little thing will become a big thing, and a little thing will become a big thing.

This is the unintentional ability. He can't stop such a thing, because he feels very weak now, but he still wants to rush out, but there is nothing he can do. Good things have become this situation. I really don't know what to say.

You said that Yu Xin is usually a shrewd person, but why is he not shrewd at the critical moment?

In the final analysis, he still trusts Zhou Jingxian too much. If he can treat Zhou Jingxian like others, all this may be different. At least it will not be so easy for Zhou Jingxian to deal with him. No matter how bad it is, he can force Zhou Jingxian to tear his face directly, rather than now. Play with him.

Really, this is so wonderful. How can it be like this? How could Zhou Jingxian betray him? You know, he trusts Zhou Jingxian very much, but what? Zhou Jingxian rewarded him like this, which really chilled him.

Well, everything is no longer important, no matter why he trusts Zhou Jingxian so much, whether it is because he is lustful or because he believes in Zhou Jingxian. In short, he was sold by Zhou Jingxian and was sold in a muddle. Why did he say so?

Really, it's really not good to be betrayed, and it's also the kind that is deadly. I don't know when this life will end, and I don't know when I will die.

It's really disgusting. Zhou Jingxian said something. Now she doesn't say a word. What's the matter? Is she going to kill or shut it off? At least in the last sentence, Yu unintentionally knows what to do, but what? Now he doesn't say a word, which makes Wuxin very helpless.

He is really angry. Zhou Jingxian, you are so not a thing. What is it? If you sell someone, you will sell it. Now you still don't make it clear. It's really not a thing, it's not a thing.

Zi Wuxin has scolded now. Really, he is very angry now. Except for such a thing, he really doesn't have much to make him so angry.

Even the provocation of the Lei family and the Haotian family did not make him so angry, because such things are normal. As long as you fool around in the world, you will be targeted. No one will inevitably win today and his victory tomorrow.

So there is no need to be angry, but Zhou Jingxian is different. She is the most trusted person. Now she has betrayed Wuxin, which makes Wuxin very angry. It's too angry. What's the matter? What else can she say? Such a thing is not like a big bastard, and there is no need to say anything.

Abominable, don't do such a thing, but what a fairy is just a conspiracy woman.

Conspiracy, snake and scorpion hearts, that is to say, people like them, hum, it's terrible, terrible.

What kind of thing can have such a result?

I don't know. I really don't know. What else can I say? What's good to say? Now I can only say that Yu Wuxin is too stupid. Zhou Jingxian is so cruel that she actually sold Yu Wuxin.

Can't she see the heart of the cobler's unintentional heart for her? Why did she have the heart to betray her?

And I still can't see through it now. Why did Zhou Jingxian betray her unintentionally? Why is she? What's the benefit to her? If she does this, she will only make herself fall from her heart in the end.

I really don't know what's going on. Zhou Jingxian has done this now, and it's too late to say anything. Otherwise, she won't be careless to stop Zhou Jingxian from selling.

But now, it seems that this is obviously impossible. Zhou Jingxian dragged the unintentionally here without saying a word. Either she is thinking about how to deal with the unintentional, or she is delaying the time. She is procrastinating her partner to buy time to achieve the purpose of something.

Just what will this be? After thinking about it, he felt that it was very likely to rush to Lei Yating. Otherwise, what else could he say? Now things have reached this point, and they can only reach this point. But what?

Yuxin felt that he could not sit and wait for death. Even if there was no chance of winning, he would have to do it. If it really didn't work, he would rush up and fight. At worst, he would die. Anyway, Zhou Jingxian could not be too proud.

Uh-huh, it's hard, but before fighting, you still have to ask clearly. If you don't ask clearly, it's not easy to do all this. Really, but how to ask the question now and how can you do it?

Zhou Jingxian is not an ordinary person. She is not easy to deal with. Maybe she is such a master, but she is still a fairy. You know, the fairy is not a matter what to say. If there is no brain, it is called a fairy. So such a thing is so very It's a good thing to say. It's really unexpected.

The fairies will use such a conspiratorial means to deal with the unintentional. Is the unintentional? Or is it not worth Zhou Xianzi to take action head-on?

I think it's still the former, which means that Zhou Jingxian is also afraid of being careless. Otherwise, there is no need to do this. Otherwise, there is no need to sneak around. I believe that she will not have an unintentional life for a while.