Beast in brocade

Chapter 490 Find yourself

But who can feel his loneliness? It's really the most abominable thing. He doesn't think he's doing really well. What's the matter? Why is there such a thing?

What is this?

Don't you think about it, hasn't he always been so smooth? How did it come to this day? Whose thing did all this come from today?

Why doesn't it feel like he is unintentional at all? He is unintentional. Why does he want to be like this? It's really abominable. It must be such abominable thing. Really, there is nothing wrong at all. Why is that? Isn't all this done like this in the end?

Maybe, he can only think like this now. If he doesn't think like this, he has nothing to think about.

Really, there are still many things that he doesn't know, and only this can make him think about it. He doesn't have the energy to think about other things now. He really doesn't know what's going on in the end. Maybe, it's really maybe. Fortunately, things haven't reached the end yet. There really aren't. If there is, then Sorry to bother you, is it really like this? Maybe there is something I don't know.

How can it be like this? Does it have to be like this? Well, it's hard to say and it's not easy to do. You can only think like this. Let's just think about it like this. Really, you don't have to think too much. What's wrong with thinking too much?

Isn't it all like this in the end? This is what it is like. I don't know what will happen in the end, and I don't want to think about what can happen even if there is anything?

The unintentional is too stupid. He thinks things too simply, so that he invisibly harms himself. This is the most terrible thing. If he doesn't do such a thing, what else can he do? Really, it's so abominable. What's going on? Fortunately, the last thing is not like this. If it is still like this, then he has nothing to say. It's really gone. What else?

There is no need to say anything. Really, what kind of good is this?

He has no intention to do such a thing. If such a thing had been put in the past, he would not have thought of it, but he felt that he was excellent. Although he was not God's illegitimate child, it was not bad. It's really not bad. But even if it was like this, what could he do in the end? Must it be like this?

No, if it's like this, there's no need to think about it at all. Really, that's the only thing. Really, I didn't expect that things would end up like this. What else can they say? There is nothing to say, nothing to say. This is the biggest result. You don't need to talk about everything, or has no one done the last thing?

Really, such a thing is okay. It's amazing. What kind of thing is this?

He doesn't want to think about it now. Now he wants to change how to change it. If he doesn't change, there's nothing he can do. It's all this point. What else can he think about? Isn't it the last major result?

Yes, it must be like this. There is no way to think about everything, and there is no way to do it. The final result of such a thing is a result, that is, you can't do it yourself, and you can't think about it, let alone how much will be in the end. People are thinking about such things and don't know where such good things have gone.

It's really gone. Is he really out of luck?

optimistic, unintentionally saying good luck, he is thinking about good luck, but this kind of reverse good luck, what kind of luck is this?

Whose good luck will be hungry? Whose good luck is so lonely? It's really annoying, and I don't want to think about what's going on, or is there no need to talk about it? It's really unnecessary. If it's still necessary, it's strange. How can it not be strange?

He is about to starve to death now. Is good luck to let him die like this? In that case, he might as well go to Zhou Jingxian and let her kill herself with a sword. In that case, it's easy to say, but what about now?

Now this is called a coward. No matter how you think about it, you will feel that you are too incompetent.

In the end, there will be such an end. If his friends and enemies know about this, how will they react?

I'm afraid that no matter who it is, you will laugh in the end, right? Haha, it's ridiculous. What kind of ability is it to die like this?

This should also be a kind of ability. Others don't have this ability. They must not have it. Who will treat him like this? It's difficult for others to see Zhou Jingxian. How can they make Zhou Jingxian work so hard to deal with him?

Yes, this is a privilege, an absolute honor. If you are not an ordinary person, you can't get it. Really, this is what it looks like. Fortunately, it's not said like this. If it's like this, is it still okay?

It's really amazing. Maybe there's still a little something to say, but there is no final result. If you really want to say so, what else can you say? Needless to say, it's really not necessary. Well, it's not what you can get in the end, but nothing in the end.

He has nothing now. He is trapped here alone, and he doesn't want to go out.

Of course, it can't be said that he doesn't want to go out, but now he can't see the road at all. He feels that there is a dead end everywhere.

Although he knows that there is always a way out, what about now? Nothing, really nothing.

He knows that he has to find the way. As long as he looks for it, he will definitely find it, but what about the end? I can't find it. I can't find anything. No, it's just now. It's not the end yet. I can't say the result yet. Maybe I will find the way the next moment.

It's just that this goal is to find it. If you don't look for it, there is no such premise. Really, it's disgusting. Why is it so hateful? Why can't things be done well? If all good things come like this, then don't do the last thing. I don't know what these things will be in the end.

He must look for it now. If he doesn't look for it, then there will be nothing left. How can it be like this? I can't think of it at all. Fortunately, things have been like this. Is it all like this?

Maybe there are other results in the end, but now there are only two results, one is to go out and the other is waiting to die here, but he really doesn't know what to do in the end.

Why is this so bad?

It's okay. If you don't know, you don't know what will happen. Is it really like this? Really, it must be true. Fortunately, things have not reached the end. If they reach the end, they don't know how to do it.

The end is the most terrible. No one wants to go to the end, because once it comes to the end, many things can't be changed. Well, this is what it looks like. Really, I can't think of it at all. Fortunately, not everyone can think about this matter. If such a thing also makes people think about it, what else can it be? Question mark

Maybe, maybe this is a result. Fortunately, things have not come to the end yet. Maybe there will be other explanations. If there is, then you really have to figure it out. If so, what will happen?

Maybe, maybe there is only such a thing. Why is it like this? What's going on? No, I don't think about anything at all. What kind of thing is this?

What's the good thing? No one knows. If someone knows, they don't know what will happen in the end.

Really, I don't know, I don't know at all. No one knows what such a thing will be in the end.

In the end, it is full of fog. If you want to see the end, then think about it yourself and do it yourself. Fortunately, things have not yet reached that point. If it has reached that point, is there any end to this? No, it's no longer used up.

Fortunately, things didn't come to the end.

Everything is still possible. You must cheer yourself up. Really, even if it's like this, so what? What is all this?

Maybe it's not done like this, really, it's true, why is it like this? How did you get to this point?

Don't you know when to do something? The most important thing now is to go out. If you don't go out, there will be only one final result.

That kind of result is not a good result, really? It must be like this. How can it be like this? If not, I don't know what to do. Why? Why is it like this? What's going on? What the hell happened? It's really disgusting. Why is it so disgusting?

Hateful, hateful. If you want to get something, you still have to go out by yourself. If you don't attack by yourself, you won't get anything. Really, this must be difficult. You can't pass it like this. Such a thing is so abominable. How can it be like this?

He is very afraid. Now he feels afraid, because he is too lonely. If he is not lonely, then all this will not happen. He can't be so lonely. He must find himself. In fact, he lost is not others, but himself. This is the most important thing.