Beast in brocade

Chapter 491 Escape Day

If you find yourself, you can get out of the predicament. If you get out of the predicament, you will have a meal. Yu Xin has never thought so. Now he begins to think so. The biggest reason why he wants to find himself back is actually eat, which surprised him very much.

is also very funny. How can it be like this? This is really surprising. What's going on?

When did he fall to this level? It's really strange. He is unintentional. How can he be like this today? I don't know how much more to do in the end?

But is there anything more important than eating now? No, it's really gone.

There is only food. If he doesn't eat, he will die. If he dies, what else can he say? There is no need to say anything. Good and bad things are gone. Well, that's what it is like.

So you will have food to eat when you find yourself, but how to find yourself? I don't know. I really don't know. Everything is like this. What else can I decide? I don't know, I really don't know.

Is this the only thing? People who don't know don't know what to do. Is that the only thing? It seems that this is the only thing. Is it really like this? Why is it like this?

Fortunately, things have not come to an end, that is to say, he doesn't have to die now. Is it really such a thing? No, maybe, maybe not, really not. Well, it's all like this. Why did things end up like this? People who don't know don't know what else to do in the end.

It's really disgusting. He is about to starve to death. No one has come to bring him food yet. Zhou Jingxian doesn't really want to starve him to death, does she?

This woman is really too vicious. How can she have such an idea? How can she be like this? If she wants him to die, she can use other methods. She can fight with him. Is it still someone else's words at that time?

Really, it's so abominable. How can there be such abominable thing? Killing people is just a nod. Now such a thing is more painful than killing him. Who wants to be starved to death? What is this?

Everything is like this. I really don't know what else will happen in the end? Maybe this is the only thing to do in the end. Don't you know that this is the only thing in the end? Really? Well, it's already like this. It's really like this. Why?

There is no reason, just know a fact. If you still want to ask why, it's really too ignorant, really? It's like this. If it's not like this, how much more things to do?

No, what kind of thing is this? Maybe, I really don't know everything.

I don't know how to deal with it. Well, it's like this, really? It's okay. Why did you go to such a place?

Really, it's a pity that he can't use his ability. He has no strength at all now. How can he be like this? If it's too bullying, he won't accept it. If he really won't accept it, then don't say anything. Why should there be such a thing? I don't know if there will be anything else to talk about in the end. It's really disgusting. It's all like this. I don't know where it will go in the end.

Really? I don't know, I really don't know, well, that's what it's like. Really, it seems that I don't know where to go. This may be a big trouble. It's too troublesome. It's really too troublesome. Why is it like this? Fortunately, it hasn't arrived yet. There is still a chance. He hasn't died yet. If he really dies, then everything will have to be said.

He can't die. He wants to find a chance. As long as he is given a chance, he will definitely be able to seize it, and he will never let go. If he really let go, all this will be meaningless. I don't know, really? Isn't it? Maybe not. It's already like this. What else can I say? I don't know, I really don't know why I can't do it when things get to this point? What else is there to say? None, right?

Really, he has now figured out that he can't die. This is the premise. As long as there is this premise, the following things are easy to say. In fact, this is nonsense. If anyone doesn't know to die, there will be nothing.

Really, this matter can also be said like this. I don't know what else to explain in the end. Really, what is this? No, really no?

Maybe it's like this. You can say whatever you want. It's really like this. Fortunately, I don't know what else to say in the end.

If it really wants to be an opportunity, it's hard to say. Maybe, everything has no result. How can there be a result at this time?

There won't be, there won't be. He just wants to eat now, but how can he eat? He has no food to eat. Where is he going to eat?

He now feels that he may really die this time, because he feels that even if he is not starved to death, he will be angry to death. Really, what is this?

He can't even eat anything now. He is careless, so he has never been afraid of the master in front of him, but who ever thought that he would end up today? No one can imagine that if anyone has thought of it, I'm afraid it's Zhou Jingxian?

However, Zhou Jingxian should have just thought of it, because she must not be sure before restraining Yuxin. After all, Zhou Jingxian is also a six-level master. If Zhou Jingxian wants to trap him, there is no certainty that she will win.

I thought I was going to do something, and I might have to pay a little price in the end, but who would have thought that she was not careful of her at all? This was really ashamed and made her feel a little guilty, but how could such an opportunity not be taken advantage of?

If it doesn't work now, it's too sorry for the inad, so she took advantage of this opportunity to trap the inad. Once the inad inadlinent enters her fantasy, she is sure to trap him in it.

And without food, he can only starve him to death, but what is this? Will Zhou Jingxian let him die unintentionally?

No one knows this. Maybe only Zhou Jingxian knows the answer herself.

Hum, there was a long sneer. Such a thing is really abominable. He, a big man, was bullied by a woman. This is the most abominable thing. How can there be such a thing?

He is too useless.

He couldn't help but feel sad. He was really heartbrot. What's going on? I don't know where I went? Really, maybe it's like this? Really? Fortunately, it's okay. Why do you want it like this?

He hates it so much. If there is a chance to do it again for him, he must not be able to do it like this. He must reverse this matter. It's really like this. Well, things have been like this. Is it still useful to think about this now? It's useless. He's desperate. He's really desperate.

At this time, he slowly stroked Zhan Tian and said a sentence like this. Really, good man, you can't be desperate. Now he is about to die.

I just don't know what will happen to Zhantian after he dies? Will it fall into the hands of those guys in the Lei family? I don't think so. This is Zhou Jingxian's fantasy. Only she can enter here, so only Zhou Jingxian can get this beheading, but what? In that case, what will she do with Zhan Tian?

Is her goal to kill the sky? It seems that it's not. If she had also come to kill the sky, she would have done it long ago. How could she wait until now? And now she has disappeared and has not killed the world.

How can it be like this? It's so annoying that he can no longer protect Zhan Tian.

Yu Wuxin felt a pain in his heart, and he held Zhan Tian's hand harder and silently conveyed the hatred in his heart to Zhan Tian.

And at this moment, Zhantian suddenly burst into light, a strong wind blew, and his heart tightened. What's going on? Why did Zhantian react? Is it also reluctant to be careless?

He thought about it in his heart and couldn't help smiling. It was really great. It was not in vain for him to think of it at the last moment, and with Zhan Tian accompanying him, he felt it was worth it.

He looked at Zhan Tian quietly and saw Zhan Tian launching a strong wind. He was wondering what these winds were, and he saw that there seemed to be changes around him. The illusion around him was distorted, and then slowly blurred. He opened his eyes indiscriminately. What's going on?

Does it mean that the fantasy is going to be broken?

The pita unintentionally stared at the change of the fantasy. Sure enough, in less than a moment, those scenes that were fake and really bothered the pitiful disappeared in an instant, and a barren slope appeared around it.

He didn't want to recognize this place. When he returned to Taiping County, he actually passed by here. It seemed that he had gone out of the fantasy.

Oh, my God, that's how it came out? This is the credit of the sky, right?

Zhou looked at Zhantian in surprise, and at this time Zhantian unexpectedly changed back to its original appearance. No matter how it was called, it did not respond. Haha, that's great, it's really great. It's indifferent. How could such a thing happen like this? Isn't that too surprising?

He didn't care whether Zhantian would react now. He is just happy and finally escaped.