Jin Yutong

Chapter 114 Zu Shi

Chen Ran entered the mountain from the north of the village, and the mountain in the north is called Dajian Mountain. Of course, after leaving the village, they did not directly enter the mountain, but the remnants of Dajian Mountain. To a small place, it is a hill next to a hill, with great ups and downs. The hill and The hills are also fragmented by rain and strong wind, and there are countless deep ditches, but fortunately, there is still a mountain path.

After the last hill, the terrain suddenly turned down, and in the deep ditch under the last hill was dense weeds.

Running in the front are two wolf dogs. These two wolf dogs are raised by Mr. Zhao, but they are just very ordinary wolf dogs. However, the wolf dogs raised in rural ravines must be different from the pet dogs raised in big cities, which can be seen at a glance.

As the saying goes, they rely on mountains, eat mountains, rely on water and eat water. Palm Village is surrounded by mountains. Therefore, although the villagers of Palm Village also farm, they often enter the deep mountains in their spare time. Some people collect medicine, some go into the mountains to pick fruits, and some people pick mushrooms... Like this, they will not enter the deep mountains, but in Dajian Mountain. Just go down the mountain, and one thing is about to enter the deep mountains, which is hunting.

In the Palm Village, every family has to hunt. Although there have been fewer wild wolves and beasts over the years, there are still many wild boars, rabbits, pheasants, etc. When Boss Zhao went into the mountain to hunt, he had to take the two wolf dogs with him. At this time, the archaeological team took them when he entered the mountain. Although after entering the primitive forest in the deep mountains, he may encounter some beasts. It is definitely impossible to expect these two wolf dogs, but the wolf dogs can play a vigilant role, but as long as they don't enter the deep mountains too much. Inside, the possibility of encountering beasts is still very small, even if they encounter them, it is only occasionally.

The wolf dog is followed by Boss Zhao, followed by Wang Zhiqing and two armed policemen, followed by Li Hongji, Professor Yue, Wang Fei, and Mr. Ma...

Chen Ran followed Mr. Ma and helped Mr. Ma from time to time. In the archaeological team, Professor Yue and Mr. Ma are the oldest. Professor Yue is an archaeological expert. He has long been used to walking such a mountain road, but there is no impact at all. Mr. Ma is tall and strong at first glance. When he walked, he was not blushing and breathless. Chen Ran only helped Mr. Ma when he was about to jump off a steep slope.

Chen Ran is followed by Guo Xiaohong, Yan Ruyu and Sister Ru. The three women look weak on the surface, but in fact none of them are spoiled. In addition to following Professor Yue's archaeology, Guo Xiaohong is also a sportsman. Not to mention Yan Ruyu and Sister Ru, the people present, even those armed police may not be comparable to them...

The three women were followed by Cao Lin and Fan Hong. The two of them, including the five staff members who followed them, were carrying large bags of belongings, and two armed policemen walked behind them at the end.

Down this hill, the mountain road became narrower and narrower. There were weeds on both sides. The leaves were as sharp as knives. Chen Ran was careless, and a wisp of blood was swept out of his hands and neck. It was hot and painful. Fortunately, Wang Zhiqing immediately made people stop, and everyone sent a pair. Leather gloves.

Through the weeds, a mountain covered with lush trees suddenly appeared in front of you. By this time, they only walked to the foot of Dajian Mountain, and it had taken them more than two hours to travel.

After all, there are Professor Yue and Mr. Ma in the team. They are in good health, but they are old and gasp after walking for a long time, so they took a short break here, and everyone replenished some water and food.

The food prepared by the archaeological team is still very rich, such as compressed biscuits, dried meat, barbecue, canned meat and other foods that are convenient to carry. Moreover, before leaving at noon, they also brought some pickled rabbit meat, pickles and cowpeas, etc., and brought water with each A person has a water bag, which is full of water. After drinking it, just go to the front and replenish it. The most important thing to worry about in the mountains is water and food.

After a short rest, everyone entered the Dajian Mountain.

There is no road in Dajian Mountain. Even if there was a road thousands of years ago, it was covered by weeds on the ground. The forest is very ancient and magnificent, and its long history and strong power are firmly combined, revealing a solemn atmosphere.

Almost all the towering oak trees are stacked and towering. Countless thick vines wrap them tightly around them, and it is difficult for the sun to shine in. The low ones are hazel trees, horn trees, poplars and so on, which are dense and miscellaneous throughout the forest.

If it hadn't been for the leadership of Boss Zhao, it would not be easy to walk even with a compass, and the road led by Boss Zhao was still a shortcut and easy to walk. In this way, he walked intermittently for about three or four hours, and the sky gradually became late, and the forest became dark.

"I can't. I can't go any further. If I go any further, I will meet the beast. There are many of us, and the movement is too big!" Boss Zhao, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, holding a cigarette bag and shaking his head. If he had come alone, he would have been able to run to the place this afternoon. Now he has taken this team to this place, and he hasn't seen the ghost bear ridge.

Hearing what he said, everyone could only stop. Wang Zhiqing observed the terrain and asked if there was a spacious place near Boss Zhao to set up a tent. Now this place is full of big trees and it is impossible to set up a tent at all.

Boss Zhao thought for a moment and said, "Then let's go forward for a while. There is also a spring over there, and there is an open space under the spring."

After walking for nearly an hour, everyone came to the place mentioned by Boss Zhao. Wang Zhiqing and others cleaned up the weeds in the open space under the spring, and then cut some dry branches and weeds to make a fire in the cleared open space.

If you sleep in the wild at night, it is necessary to ignite. In addition to the fire, a high-power headlight is also given to everyone.

Although Chen Ran's body was much better than before after Master Miao's recuperation, after all, this time is too short, which is a little worse than others. After walking this afternoon, he was a little unbearable, especially when he was on the mountain road, he had to help Mr. Ma and sit on the grass, and he held the water bag. After drinking, although my stomach was a little empty, I couldn't eat dry food. It took me a long time to eat some compressed biscuits.

Professor Yue and Mr. Ma also couldn't stand it. They sat on the air cushion, ate food, drank water, and didn't say anything. It was not until Chen Ran ate compressed biscuits for a long time before they seemed to recover.

"Oh, Lao Ma, it seems that your body hasn't fallen yet. I'm not as good as you now." Professor Yue looked at Mr. Ma and smiled bitterly, "Thinking about the strength of working in the field before, tut... Later, he was locked in the cowshed for two or three years and went to the countryside to build a house for others. He hasn't suffered anything. He has survived. Now he is old and useless. He just walked such a little and couldn't breathe. "

"Haha..." Mr. Ma laughed and said, "I can't do it either. Didn't you see that you are so tired and out of breath..."

Except for Boss Zhao, four armed policemen, as well as Yan Ruyu and Sister Ru, all the others present were exhausted. Chen Ran sat on the air cushion and didn't want to open his mouth. Seeing Yan Ruyu's still energetic appearance, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Although it was dark early in the mountain, it was actually only more than six o'clock. Everyone couldn't sleep and talked and laughed around the fire. However, it was Professor Yue and Mr. Ma who talked about their archaeological affairs in those years. Yan Ruyu, Sister Ru and Guo Xiaohong all got into the tent.

With that, but when it comes to the archaeological destination this time, everyone is guessing what is in the Ghost Bear Ridge...

What on earth is there in Ghost Bear Ridge?

I'm afraid no one present wants to know more about this answer to this question, but what does Ghost Bear Ridge have?

At this moment, Wang Zhiqing handed Mr. Ma a brocade box: "Teacher, this is what the tomb robber brought out. It looks like a piece of quartz. After testing, it is very hard, more than diamond. I look like a key, which may be useful for our archaeology this time. I brought it. Can you see if you can see its origin?

Mr. Ma nodded and took over the brocade box. After opening it, he saw a stone that looked like a key and a quartz color. He frowned, thought for a moment, and nodded: "Judging from the shaman text on the cloth, this stone should be the ancestral stone of shamanism."

Seeing the doubts on everyone's faces, Mr. Ma continued: "In the myth of shamanism, the first life in the universe is called the stone god, and the world was created by this initial cosmic god. As the source and support of fire, stone is regarded as the mother of the universe or the symbol of the vitality of the universe. When the shamanism sacrifices, the clan has to salute the ancestral stone, the shaman praises the mother's ancestral stone, the mother's ancestral stone, the bright ancestral stone, the ancestral stone of life... In folklore, the stone is the borrowing of the shaman's soul. The shaman nourishes the soul with the help of stone and enhances the soul power. Of course, this is just a legend. In fact, the root It doesn't exist, but the shaman worship stones are real. The stones they worship are called ancestral stones, and the shaman's costumes are also decorated with divine stones..."

"It seems that this Ghost Bear Ridge has something to do with shamanism!" Professor Yue nodded and said for a moment, and frowned, "It's just that there are too many dynasties that believe in shamanism in China. As far as the period of the three emperors and five emperors, there are the Mongolian clan of the Great Yuan Dynasty and the virgin family of the Qing Dynasty. I really can't say which dynasty this Ghost Bear Ridge has anything to do with!"

Mr. Ma nodded and handed Wang Zhiqing the brocade box containing the shaman ancestral stone. He did not care about this ancestral stone, because as long as there is a place of shamanism, there will be ancestral stones for worship, which is not surprising.

Although everyone was very interested, after all, they rushed to the mountain road all afternoon. After talking and laughing, the people who changed shifts and guards got into the tent, and Chen Ran was no exception.

Lying on the air cushion in the tent, there was the rustling sound of phoenix trees shaking in his ears from time, but Chen Ran came with thoughts. Suddenly, he found that his power could still understand this kind of shaman's original text. He couldn't help thinking about what was going on with his power. I have more expectations for tomorrow.

What on earth is there in Ghost Bear Ridge? Can you reveal the secret of your power?

Late night.

When Chen Ran woke up, he was suddenly awakened by the roar of the beast. He suddenly sat up, and a series of wolf and dog roars came to his ears--

There are beasts!

[ Spitting blood for collection, asking for red tickets, Jianghu urgent...]