Jin Yutong

Chapter 115 Poisonous Frog

Chen Ran was full of excitement and suddenly became extremely sober. Then at the first time, he rushed out of the tent and rushed out of the tent. He saw that others were also awakened and took out their weapons and rushed forward.

Chen Ran was a little nervous at first, but when he saw so many people, he was not nervous. He looked at the scene in front of him and raised his feet to come over.

At this moment, everyone stood on the edge of this open space and looked ahead. In the front, the two wolf dogs, which were no different from ordinary native dogs, had slightly arched their eyes like wolves, and made a sound of dog barking in front of them. Their voices were thick and solemn, full of air, as if they were warning a strong enemy...

But the front is empty, only "coo...coocoo..." The cry like a night dove sounded rhythmically, adding a little mystery and danger to this dark virgin forest for a moment.

Old Zhao squatted behind the wolf dog and listened from time to time, as if he was listening to something, but as if he didn't hear anything. He frowned. He lay on the ground and put his ear to the ground.

The four armed policemen also have their own means. Among them, Gao Lihui and Liu Chunlin guarded both sides of the crowd with submachine guns. The other two, Cao Xiaogang put the submachine gun around his neck, climbed up a big tree, and glanced around with the headlights on his head. The rest of Wang Wentao fired a shot directly into the air and immediately Shocked, a group of wild rabbits and wild pheasants flew away, the forest warbler also stopped chirping, and Prala's wings flew high...

Although no one found the shadow of the beast, the whole audience was solemn. The feeling between animals and animals can't be wrong. The wolf dog has been screaming like this, which means that there must be a fierce beast more powerful than the wolf dog hidden nearby. Not to mention stronger than the wolf dog, at least not weaker than the wolf dog, otherwise, I'm afraid the two wolf dogs in front of us have already jumped over.

Suddenly, with a grunt, the branches and leaves in front of him shook, and black figures rushed across the treetops and moved towards this side. However, the forest was originally dark. In addition, the distance was too far, and the shadow movement was fast, and the body shape could not be seen clearly. Only when the light shining from the electric light flashed, it could Seeing the shadow flashing, it's like a black ghost...

At this moment, with a whine, the two wolf dogs rushed up as if they were sprinting.

"Don't panic, stand still!" In this situation, many people present were a little panicked and couldn't help but want to escape, but before they moved, Wang Wentao, the captain of the armed police, shouted in their ears. While shouting, they fired a shot at the sky.

Except for their armed police, the people present basically have no force and have to rely on their protection. There are only four of them. If the crowd is scattered, it is obvious that they can't be protected.

Being shouted by him, Wang Zhiqing, Mr. Ma and Professor Yue also reminded everyone not to panic. Before the enemy appeared, it was not good for him to mess up. Chen Ran did not panic. He stood still and stared at the black shadow flashing in front of him.

Suddenly, in the afterglow of the corners of his eyes, he suddenly found a black shadow that seemed to rush at him. Chen Ran was shocked and couldn't help reaching out to grab the shadow. However, before he caught it, his whole body was suddenly pulled, and then a figure appeared in front of him and flew up. The foot kicked the shadow out.

It was Yan Ruyu who suddenly pulled Chen Ran, and it was Sister Ru who kicked the shadow out.

Sister Ru took a look at the half-dead shadow lying on the ground, stared at Chen Ran, and stood behind Yan Ruyu. Chen Ran was shocked and knew how rash his intention was just now. The number of poisonous creatures in the forest can't be counted. He grabbed it directly with his hand. Isn't it automatic? Door to...

Thanks, Chen Ran let the headlight shine towards the black shadow on the ground, and then he found that the shadow was actually a frog, a very ordinary frog. If there is something unusual, there are countless golden dots on the surface of the frog...

At this time, others also found that the shadow was a frog. At the same time, Professor Yue also reminded everyone not to catch the frog directly with their hands. This frog is poisonous and makes everyone wear gas gloves.

Chen Ran put on his gas gloves, and another dark shadow rushed over. The frog's movements were extremely fast and unpreventable. If he hadn't happened to cover his gloved hand on his face, the frog would have jumped on his face. This was not enough. He would have knocked the frog out and suddenly felt his head fall. A frog came down.

Fortunately, Yan Ruyu, who stood beside him, helped him fly out in time. Even so, it made him sweat coldly for a while, but at this time, he suddenly remembered his power.

Just when another dark shadow came, Chen Ran, who had been prepared, quickly released an energy aperture and flew out. Just like when it was used on people, the energy aperture was trapped on the frog, which made the frog suddenly stop in mid-air, and the pause took a long time, almost stopped for dozens of seconds. Time, this time, even if Chen Ran doesn't have any effort, is enough for him to take action.

With a bang, the frog that was fixed in mid-air was slapped out by Chen Ran.

With a supernatural hand, the poisonous frog in front of him basically can't threaten Chen Ran. Chen Ran can be said to be the easiest one on the scene, that is, Yan Ruyu and Sister Ru, who are good at kung fu, are not as good as him. At least they still have to move, like Chen Ran standing still, motionless, and frogs rushing. With a wave of his hand, the frog flew out.

The whole action is so light and easy.

Yan Ruyu has been paying attention to Chen Ran. She knew that Chen Ran had no time and was afraid that the frog would hurt Chen Ran, but she paid attention and found something wrong. She couldn't say anything wrong, but she just felt something wrong, as if Chen Ran should not deal with it so easily. In her eyes, she rushed to Chen Ran's frog is no less than hers, her movements are not slow, and Chen Ran's movements are not fast. How can he deal with it so easily?

This gave her a trace of surprise when she looked at Chen Ran.

Chen Ran dealt with it easily at first, but with the loss of time, more and more energy apertures were consumed, so he was not so relaxed. His whole brain was a little dizzy and had a faint feeling, but in this case, he could only improve his spirit.

took a chance. He quickly checked the number of remaining energy apertures. The result of the investigation made him pale, and there were less than five energy apertures left.

Soon... there is only one energy aperture left!

He really doesn't want to consume this energy aperture, because he doesn't know whether he will lose the special ability to identify antiques if it is consumed. At this time, a sharp scream suddenly came from a distance.

"It's big black!" Boss Zhao suddenly exclaimed.

As soon as his exclamation fell, there was another sharp scream. At the same time, a dark shadow suddenly rushed to Chen Ran. Under the reflection, Chen Ran released the last energy aperture almost without thinking about it.

Although the frog was fixed there, it was not kicked away by Chen Ran. Because the last energy aperture was released, Chen Ran only felt that his eyes were black and his body shook, and he couldn't help but want to fall down. Fortunately, Yan Ruyu reached out and kicked out the frog that rushed to him.


A rhythmic frog call suddenly sounded. With this frog call, the frogs that rushed to the crowd suddenly shouted in unison, and then let go of the crowd, like a string *, shooting into the circuit. With the ghostly dark shadow flashing, the surging frog disappeared without a trace. It's as if it has never appeared, of course, if there is no pile of frog corpses on the ground.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden change, but they also breathed a long breath. Wang Zhiqing quickly checked whether anyone was poisoned. Fortunately, no one was poisoned. Although the frog in front of him is too many, it is not dangerous. Even if it is poisonous, the frog will not spray venom, as long as Don't let his body get close to the venom on his skin, it's nothing. Smart people wear gas gloves when fighting against frogs, but also cover their neck and face, revealing only a pair of eyes...

Although no one was poisoned, the two screams just now were obviously the voices of Mr. Zhao's two wolves and dogs. I'm afraid they are already more or less auspicious. Two armed policemen were left to guard the crowd, and the other two armed policemen accompanied Lao Zhao to the front to see what happened...

At the other end of the dense forest less than 200 meters away from where Chen Ran and they were stationed, the moonlight sprinkled a piece of silver, gently wrapping a huge tree, and on the straight torso of this huge tree, a creepy scene was staged.

The frog, a fist-sized frog, is lying on a trunk. The frog's whole body is golden, interspersed with black stripes in the middle, a pair of huge green eyes shining green, and its white belly makes a grunting sound...

Under the torso where the frog is located, there are two green corpses lying. Isn't it the two wolf dogs of Mr. Zhao?


With the cooing of the golden frog, as if responding, a rhythmic frog immediately came from a distance, and then in an instant, I saw black shadows jumping towards the golden frog along the branches of trees in the forest...

Although these frogs were killed a lot by Chen Ran and others, there were still dozens of them. The last frog came to the golden frog and rushed towards the golden frog as if they had seen their relatives. The frog fell to the ground, but it had become a corpse, and on the frog's body, the golden light also disappeared and became an ordinary frog.

Not long after, except for the golden frog, all the frogs turned into corpses and piled up under the tree, and the golden frog became brighter.

The next moment, the golden frog jumped up and fell accurately on another tree trunk. It wandered away lightly. The golden figure in the moonlight was like a golden bat...