Jin Yutong

Chapter 479 Bid

"Welcome, sir, please come here..."

When Chen Ran walked into the exhibition hall of the Emerald Time Hotel and was covered by the investment company, the situation he saw was different from what he saw last time. At this time, the exhibition hall had no more wool exhibition, but was arranged into a small auction hall. Not to mention four etiquette ladies stood at the door, but also specially responsible for receiving As soon as Chen Ran led Yang Shijie and the others in, they were led to a row of seats by a female student.

The female Yingsheng led Chen Ran and his party to their seats and sat down. Obviously, she only saw at a glance that Chen Ran and Chen Ran was the main person, so after Chen Ran sat down, she directly targeted Chen Ran and Chen Ran to explain how to bid, and said that the bidding time would be over in half an hour. After saying that, he told Chen Ran if there was anything he didn't understand to call her, so he twisted his little buttocks and turned away.

"Sir, if there is anything you don't understand, you can call me at any time..." The voice of the female waiting for Yingsheng sounded a little coy. As a result, as soon as the female waiting for Yingsheng left, Guo Hai stretched out his neck and learned from the other party's coy voice.

Chen Ran stared at him fiercely until this guy smiled and closed his mouth and closed his eyes to refresh himself. Then he focused on the others sitting in the auction hall.

There are many people sitting in the auction hall, but although there are many people, the whole auction hall is very quiet, just like a teahouse.

The people sitting either sat there looking at the information provided by the investors on the table, or sitting there with their eyes closed and waiting for the bid king to open the bid, or the people gathered their heads together and whispered, and some of them were looking at the other people sitting in the auction hall like Chen Ran.

He glanced around. Most of Chen Ran didn't know him. Only a few looked a little familiar. He should have seen him when he killed the market last night. Obviously, he was not familiar with him. When he looked over, several people who recognized him were friendly and nodded to him, but they just nodded. After all, yesterday He left early at night. Although the onlookers were more enthusiastic about him at that time, the reason was largely due to the atmosphere at the scene. The enthusiasm passed. Now when Chen Ran killed the market last night, although he won twice and won a ridiculous victory, it was not a big deal.

After all, those present are also big bosses who have seen strong winds and waves, and after Chen Ran left last night, he also bet on a few pieces of high ice materials on the big gambling market. Of course, the main reason is that they did not see the last big bet between Chen Ran and Wu Laosan. If they see it, they can see it now. Chen Ran is probably a different attitude, but this is exactly what Chen Ran wants. He doesn't want anyone to ask him to help him look at stones or choose stones wherever he goes in the future.

The other party nodded to greet him, and Chen Ran also nodded to respond to the other party. After looking around, he looked forward, and there was also a rostrum table in front of him, and there was a box on the table for bidding.

After looking at it, Chen Ran focused on the king wool behind the rostrum, which can be said to be dressed up.

The festive appearance is as if to marry a big girl. Seeing this, Chen Ran couldn't help smiling as the hair of the big girl's marriage. Obviously, this is not the first piece in China. Isn't many treasures in China regarded as married big girls now?

These days, in order to be elegant, they obviously want to change hands or auction to make money, but they don't mention the matter of switching hands and auctioning out, but saying that they are looking for the baby's mother's family or the mother-in-law's family.

I don't know if I can marry this standard king. Thinking of the national treasure-level jade inside this stone, Chen Ran couldn't help but feel hot. After gambling with Wu Laosan last night, why he was not as excited as he imagined? The reason is not because of this standard king wool.

He didn't leave those pieces of chicken oil yellow jade and the old pit glass jade, but exchanged them for money. Isn't it the national treasure-level jade in this standard king wool?

I have seen the national treasure-level jade in this standard king wool. To be honest, Chen Ran really can't get much interest in those chicken oil yellow jade, which is the reason why he wanted to turn those chicken oil yellow jade out at that time.

After observing the scene, Chen Ran thought about how much money he should invest. Before thinking about this question, he first calculated how much money he would have in total. You should know that he is bound to get this standard king's wool. Unlike others, others are betting, and naturally he does not dare to pay too much. The money, but he is different. As long as he takes down this king, he doesn't mind making an extra 18 million yuan. In fact, for the sake of safety, he is indeed ready to do so, even if he invests all the funds at hand.

In the morning, Master Jiu had called him to tell him that the funds of the materials had been transferred to his account last night, and the bank also called him to tell him that it had arrived.

When participating in the killing, there was no need to say more than 10 million funds in the first game, because at that time, more than 10 million of funds were all invested in the second game of the killing. The funds won by the second game and the funds earned by betting were almost 100 million, but the funds were taken from the Jade Hall. It was brought out to deduct 10% of the transaction commission. Later, when he gambled with Wu Laosan, he recorded more than 240 million yuan, and among these two billion yuan, there were 10 million deposits issued by himself. In this way, his bank account number is about 320 million yuan.

As long as this fund can be taken down, he does not mind investing all the funds. Compared with the national treasure-level jade in this king, 10 to 20 million is really nothing. The only thing that worries him is that he can't invest all the money in this king's wool.

After all, I heard from Chang Fatty that other people's bids are also about 300 million. His capital is more than 300 million, but his advantage is not obvious. When bidding for something worth 300 million yuan, no one will care about hundreds of thousands or even millions of fractions. Now that he has made action, then for this bid Wang Mao's material is bound to win, and it is not impossible to invest 10 million or 20 million more.

At present, Chen Ran can only expect them not to be cruel. In fact, he really wants to tell them that if you spend 300 million yuan to shoot this piece of standard wool, it can only be a gamble, and you'd better not shoot it.

Of course, Chen Ran can only think about this idea, but not to mention that if this piece of standard king wool is replaced by others, it is really such a result. He has a supernatural ability. When he first saw it, he almost lost his eyes. If others take pictures, it will naturally be cut at the beginning. If you won't find it, the national treasure-level jade inside will be destroyed.

Chen Ran observed for a while, and I don't know whether they have cast bids or what's going on. Since he came in, he hasn't found a person bidding. Looking at this situation, it is estimated that either he has voted, or he is still watching. Anyway, there is still a period of time away from the bid opening. Although the period is short, it is the most critical time.

While Chen Ran looked at the bidding documents on the table, he always paid attention to the scene. His hearing was better. When he paid attention to the scene, he also listened to the whispers of the people in the scene, but obviously could not hear the substantive content. After all, even they participated in the bidding. It will not be discussed in such a public place.

When there were more than ten minutes before the end of the bidding time, the door of the exhibition hall became lively, and twos came in together from time to time. Generally speaking, the master appeared at the end, which is true. Look at the men who came in at the end. Zi also knew that these people were the real owners of bidding, but unfortunately, Chen Ran observed that he didn't even have a familiar one. At this time, he thought that it would be better if he were a person in the industry, Chang Fatty, and at least he could introduce him to what these people were.

It was said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive. Chen Ran just thought that it would be good if Chang Fatty were here. Before two minutes had passed, he saw Chang Fatty appear at the door.

After Chang Fatty came in, he stood at the door and looked at Chen Ran. When he saw Chen Ran, his eyes lit up first, and then he ran over.

"Hey, Brother Chen, I guess you're here."

After Chang Fatty ran over, he sat directly beside Chen Ran. Naturally, his attitude towards Chen Ran was naturally more enthusiastic.

Chen Ran did not feel surprised by Chang Pangzi's words. After all, he has told Chang Pangzi that he may be interested in this standard king. It will be time to open the bid soon, and he will naturally be here.

and Chang Pangzi exchanged two times. He had not yet asked Chang Pangzi about it. Chang Pangzi also took the initiative to introduce to him those who may sit in the auction hall. In fact, these people are nothing more than old Phoenix and Zheng's jewelry in Hong Kong, and there are jewelers in Guangdong. There are also jewelry merchants around Shanghai. Except for large companies such as Old Phoenix and Zheng's Jewelry, which are wholly owned, the others are basically jointly funded by several jewelry companies.

Chang Fatty's introduction also made Chen Ran know a lot of people in the industry. Although he only knows but doesn't know each other, for businessmen, as long as they meet and know who the other party is, it is enough.

Just as Chang Pangzi was introducing, the auction hall suddenly **. Chen Ran looked up and found that a boss in a suit had come to the front to bid.

"This guy's surname is Ping, and he is a Nanyang jade merchant in the Central Plains. Lu Dawson first partnered with him, but... Speaking of which, thanks to you..." Chang Fatty also saw this person. After seeing this person, he introduced him to Chen Ran. When he introduced him, he suddenly gloated and laughed.

When Chen Ran heard what Chang Pangzi said, he suddenly remembered. He remembered what Chang Pangzi had told him. Lu Daosen also seemed to have partnered with others, but why didn't he see it now?

However, he did not know that when Lu Dawson and he were gambling, because he was more optimistic about his own wool, he pushed off the person who was originally betting and let his people bet on it. As a result, he lost a loss of money. He not only lost the funds used to participate in the bidding of the king's wool, but also became a joke in the industry.

If Lu Dawson finally wins, he will push away the people who had followed him to bet, then naturally have nothing else to say. Businessmen, it's normal to do this. Anyone else will do this, but it's not easy for Lu Dawson to lose, so naturally people will laugh at him, especially if they bet with him. The person who pushed it away is even more gloating.

Lu Dawson's trip to Tengchong also came with an oath, but it turned out to be gray.

After listening to Chang Fatty, Chen Ran was a little dumb. If you let others know that the corner material he won by Lu Dawson was cut off from Lu Dawson's cut wool, I don't know what it would look like?

Of course, Chen Ran just wanted to think about it. He didn't say that the matter had passed, but that he didn't have any evidence. If Lu Dawson didn't admit it, he had nothing to do.

He followed the boss surnamed Ping and put the tender into the standard box and looked at it. Chen Ran was suddenly stunned, and then secretly complained about himself. Why did he forget the energy aperture and put the energy aperture into the standard box to see. Isn't it clear who invested how much money?

[Thank you for the reward of the two brothers Wei Li and the bookworm 123 in the north.]