Jin Yutong

Chapter 480 Cheng Yaojin

"Four billion! No, it's 40 million, dizzy, why is there still five million invested..."

Thinking that he could completely detect the energy aperture into the standard box to check the bids cast by others, Chen Ran's eyes suddenly lit up and did not hesitate to release several energy apertures to detect the past. Now his energy aperture can be detected as far as 17 or 18 meters, and the position he sits in front of each other. The tag box on the auction table is less than ten meters away, so when detecting, there is no need to move the position. While listening to Chang Fatty talking to him, he controls the energy aperture and penetrate into the tag box. After pentling in, the first tender found shocked him. After seeing it clearly, he was relieved. It turned out that he At first sight, when he saw a number 4, he directly regarded the bid funds as 400 million. After seeing it clearly, he found that it was 40 million, not 400 million. This can't be blamed. According to him, the value of this bid king wool is more than 200 million. How could he have thought that there would be someone who invested 40 million, making him more Unexpectedly, there are more outrageous ones behind. At this time, there are more than a dozen tenders in the box. After reading all these dozen tenders, except for the normal tenders submitted by the Nanyang jade merchant surnamed Ping just now, none of them is normal, because these dozen tenders do not even have hundreds of hundreds of millions. Most of them are tens of millions, 80 million... 50 million... 20 million and so on, and there are also millions of ridiculous ones. Fortunately, there are no hundreds of thousands.

Discovering this situation, Chen Ran was still a little puzzled at first, but he figured out in an instant. Obviously, these dozens of tenders must be released by those who wanted to bid*. According to him, it seems that several jewelry companies have cast bids, such as the old Phoenix who cast bid the day before yesterday. However, these dozen tenders in the bid box do not have the tenders submitted by the old Phoenix Company. From this point, it undoubtedly proves his speculation. How to say this eye-catching big deal, if the old Phoenix bids, it will definitely bid in the name of the company. After all, this is also a free advertisement.

Just now, the Nanyang jade merchant surnamed Ping's bid was normal. The standard gold was 200 million, followed by 600 million yuan, that is, more than 200 million yuan.

"Brother, there are still ten minutes left..." Ten minutes before the end of the bidding, Chen Ran was confident, but he was very calm. On the contrary, Chang Fatty was a little calm. Obviously, he was a little anxious for Chen Ran when he saw that Chen Ran had no intention to fill in the tender at all.

Looking at Chang Fatty's more nervous appearance than him, Chen Ran couldn't help but feel a little dumb, and then smiled, "Brother Chang, don't worry, let's just vote in the end."

Chang Fatty smiled dryly when he heard the words, and then woke up. The Lord is not in a hurry. What's he worried about? Chen Ran's calm appearance made him admire himself.

said so, but Chen Ran still took the tender first and filled in the other options on the tender while paying attention to the scene. Obviously, at this time, even Chang Fatty, who was just joining in the fun, could not calm down, let alone others. The auction hall was obviously a little ** for a while. Come on.

"Guests, there are still ten minutes left before the end of the bidding. If you have not sent the tender, please send the tender as soon as possible..." At this time, the voice of the head of the investment company on the stage also sounded.

As soon as the voice of the head of the investment company sounded, the auction hall suddenly became lively, and almost half of the people sitting in the auction hall stood up coincidentally.

"It is also more than 360 million, more than 600 million, more than 27 million, more than 28 million..."

It's almost time, and those who should take action have also taken action. In two or three minutes, several bids were thrown into the tender box. For each time a tender, there was a corresponding burst of applause in the hall. Three or four bids were thrown into the box, but Chen Ran found these The tender submitted by people is not as high as the outside world and the bid invested by Chang Fatty told him that it has reached 300 million or even more than 300 million. Three or four consecutive copies are between 260 million and 290 million, and no one has exceeded 290 million. It seems that rumors from the outside world are also spread by these jewelry companies. *, Chang Fatty also heard that people deliberately released it to scare off some people. The standard they really want to invest is actually not so high. I have to say that this can really scare off many people.

"This is 300 million. You boy, take it easy."

When Chen Ran filled in the tender, Guo Hai put his head and patted Chen Ran on the shoulder. Guo Hai followed Chen Ran here and didn't know that Chen Ran wanted to shoot this piece of material. He just thought Chen Ran was here to see the excitement, but after Chang Fatty came over and listened to the conversation between Chang Fatty and Chen Ran, he Only then did he know that it was not like this. It turned out that Chen Ran wanted to shoot this standard king, which scared him a lot. Although he knew that Chen Ran's gambling stone was powerful, after all, this was 300 million, not 3 million, or even 30 million. He took 300 million to bet on a piece of wool. Even if he knew that Chen Ran's gambling stone was more powerful, he didn't have one in his heart. With a little confidence, he was also a little worried that Chen Ran won this piece of standard wool because his self-confidence rose so many times in gambling, but he did not stop Chen Ran, but just reminded Chen Ran.

Chen Ran was busy and didn't have time to pay attention to him. He just um, and focused on the auction table. This is only the last five minutes before the end of the bidding. Those who should take action have also taken action have been taken action, excluding those tenders that are regarded as fog bombs. At present, the one whose surnamed Ping is not included. There are a total of four, and the highest gold is more than 288 million, but I don't know what's going on with the old Phoenix and Zheng's jewelry. So far, they haven't taken action, and now it's up to the two families.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here..." When Chen Ran was paying attention to the two people in charge of the old Phoenix and Zheng's jewelry, two hurried past him. They had already passed by, but the leader inadvertently saw Chen Ran sitting here suddenly He stopped and then turned his head and respectfully asked Chen Ran.

Hearing this greeting, Chen Ran couldn't help turning his head and looking over. At this, he was stunned. Although the two men looked at them, he just took a look and remembered what these two people were from. These two were nothing else. It was the two days when he auctioned the Flower God Cup and Zhu Feng quarreled with him. Personally, I'm just missing the second devil.

"Hello, who are you?"

Although Chen Ran wondered why the two Japanese devils came here and recognized him, he still asked confusedly. On such an occasion, he didn't want to have any intersection with the two Japanese devils, so as not to be recognized and become the public enemy of the whole audience. Although the jadeite is from Myanmar It is produced, but Burmese people don't play jade at all. The most popular is the Chinese. The jade culture has also become a part of China. Like antiques, Chinese people are very exclusive, not to mention two Japanese devils.

It's not long before the end of the bidding. Although Chen Ran is dealing with the two Japanese, he has been paying attention to the actions of the two field leaders, Lao Fenghuang and Zheng's Jewelry.

It was a little too late. Seeing them stand up at this time, Chen Ran didn't have time to wait until they put the tender into the box before using the energy aperture to detect it, and directly controlled the energy aperture to probe into the tender they had just filled out.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, my surname is Tang. I am a loyal fan of the Flower God Cup. Last time you auctioned the Flower God Cup, I saw you once..." This Japanese named Koizumi is very good at Mandarin, and I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Hearing that Chen Ran did not recognize him, he also concealed himself. I am a Japanese, and I have given myself a Chinese surname.

"It turned out to be Mr. Tang..."

Chen Ran is busy now. He can't take care of this Japanese devil. When he hears the other party's words, he casually dealt with it. At this time, he has also explored the tenders of the two companies, Old Phoenix and Zheng's Jewelry.

After exploring the tenders of the two jewelry companies, Chen Ran was stunned. The standard gold invested by Zheng's jewelry of these two jewelry companies is exactly 300 million, while the standard gold invested by the old Phoenix is more than 300 million yuan, no more than a penny, but only one yuan more than one yuan. Compared with the gold invested by the two companies The previous jewelry companies obviously invested a lot of money. It can be seen that the two jewelry companies are obviously bound to get this standard king wool, but I don't know if it's a coincidence or what's going on. The old Phoenix only invested one yuan more than Zheng's jewelry.

Although Chen Ran doesn't believe that there will be such a coincidence, it has little to do with him. He just needs to know the amount of money invested by the two companies.

After knowing it, it will undoubtedly be easy to do. Originally, Chen Ran planned to invest all the funds at hand. Now that he knows the funds invested by Old Phoenix and Zheng's jewelry, he will naturally not throw money into it in vain. It is naturally the best to save a sum of money.

Chen Ran, Lao Fenghuang and Zheng's jewelry jewelry companies have no holiday. Naturally, he will not bid for only one yuan more than Lao Fenghuang. That will obviously offend the two companies. After observing the whole audience, it is estimated that no one should take action, even if it is too late, he will be busy. The tender is filled with 500,000 more funds than Zheng's jewelry, which is also said.

It was too late. After filling it out, he put it in a bag and sealed it and handed it to Guo Hai to ask him to quickly go to the front and put the bidding box, Chen Ran was relieved.

"Does Mr. Chen also like this wool?"

Chen Ran just breathed a sigh of relief, and the Japanese voice next to him sounded again.

"Yes, is Mr. Tang also interested?"

Chen Ran did not hide it. After all, when he filled in the tender just now, the Japanese had been looking at it. Of course, when he filled it in, naturally would not be seen by others. Even Chang Fatty deliberately turned his head aside when Chen Ran filled it in order to avoid suspicion.

When Chen Ran answered casually, he didn't care about it. After answering, he suddenly realized that the Japanese also took a fancy to bid. Such an idea flashed in his mind, and he also looked at the Japanese named Mr. Koizumi, but saw him looking at the Japanese. At that time, the Japanese was looking at the watch. After looking at the watch, the Japanese named Mr. Koizumi turned around and nodded to the Japanese behind him. After he nodded, the Japanese behind him turned to the front, and there was also a bid document in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ran's heart suddenly beat and beat. Just now, when he observed that there was any action in the audience, the whole audience observed, but only the two Japanese standing beside him were missed, and they had filled it out and were still waiting to vote.

Chen Ran was stunned, and then quickly released a few energy apertures and reached the tender in the hand of the bidding Japanese as quickly as possible.

3001 million!

500,000 more than his own... After detecting the gold invested by these two Japanese devils, Chen Ran immediately looked at Guo Hai. At the same time, he opened his mouth and was about to stop Guo Hai. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he closed it again, because when he looked at Guo Hai, Guo Hai happened to put the bid. In the box.

Chen Ran, who saw this scene, was stunned, and then stared at Guo Hai happily and fucked him. Why didn't you see your boy so fast in normal times?

What should I do? What should I do... It's not even half a minute. Obviously, it's too late to rewrite a copy. Chen Ran really has the intention to kill these two Japanese. It can't be blamed on him. Anyone who sees the national treasure-level jade in this king's wool will probably be jealous and wants to kill people, and last time When the Flower God Cup was auctioned, the two Japanese let the two devils make trouble. He hadn't settled the bill yet, but it happened again.

No, he must be stopped... Chen Ran is also a little jealous now. If he hadn't seen the national treasure-level jade in this standard king, he would not have been like this, but the key is that he saw it, and just now he even thought that this standard king wool was his, but he suddenly killed one. Cheng Yaojin, or two Japanese, want to take away this king's wool, how can he not be jealous?

How can you stop him and stop him from bidding? How to stop him...

Once the Japanese put the tender into the bid box, it will be a for conclusion. Even if it is exposed that they are Japanese, it will be too late to provoke crowd anger. At least this bid king wool will not fall into his hands, so Chen Ran can only think about how to stop this Japanese from bidding. It's obviously not good to stop him, and it's obviously not good to make trouble...

By the way, there is a way... Chen Ran's mind is running rapidly thinking about how to stop this Japanese from being discovered. Thinking about it, it suddenly lit up in his mind.

Two or three minutes before the end of the bidding, almost everyone's attention was on the heads of the two jewelry companies, Lao Fenghuang and Zheng's Jewelry, because it was said that they took a fancy to this bid king wool when they were in Kunming, and the vice presidents of the two companies rushed to Tengchong in person. After shooting this piece of standard king wool, although they haven't taken action yet, they will definitely take action at the last minute.

In fact, in the last two minutes before the end of the bidding, the heads of the two companies did take action, and after the heads of the two jewelry companies put the bids into the bid boxes one after another, the end time of the bidding has arrived, and obviously, after the two jewelry companies take action, they will not If someone takes action again, after all, it's not too late to say that it's too late. Even if it's time to take action, it's time to take action long ago, but surprisingly, I didn't expect that someone would take action in the end.

When the people in the field were still wondering what the last young man was doing, it was surprising that another short man walked from below to the stage at this last moment. Needless to say, looking at the tender documents in his hand, he knew that he was also bidding.

As a result, almost everyone in the audience couldn't help looking at the last short man. When they looked at it, they couldn't help looking at the time. Although there was less than half a minute left, it was still too late.

After all, this is the last moment. Although the atmosphere of the whole audience is not tense, the people in the audience did not say anything and were looking at the short man who made the last action.

In full view of the public, the short man was also walking towards the stage, but I don't know what happened. The short man suddenly walked slowly. When the short man was walking at this time, his walking posture was also normal, but it gave people the feeling that he was walking very slowly, as if he didn't want to go up. Like a platform, this is not a normal distance from the stage, which gives people the feeling that he has only walked halfway after walking for a long time.

At first, everyone still thought that it was possible that this short man walked slowly. After all, this short man walked in a normal posture, but after looking at it for a long time, several bosses present couldn't help thinking about whether this short man deliberately didn't want to bid on the stage?

When the short man walks, the head of the investment company on the stage is also looking at the short man. Naturally, he hopes that the more bidder the better. Although the short man's bid is not necessarily the highest, an extra tender for him is more or less good for him, so he sees this short man. After a long time and still on the stage, he was a little anxious for the other party. He couldn't wait to step forward and pull the other party. Fortunately, although the other party had been on for a long time, he finally walked to the stage, but before he could be happy, the set alarm clock suddenly rang.

After all, this short man has come to the stage, that is, a step or two away. The person in charge of the investment company is also a little selfish, thinking that as long as the tender is put into the box after the alarm ringing, it is no problem, but what makes him angry is that it is now. The short man is still linger. Moreover, the short man seemed to have nothing to do when he was linger, and after a long time, he finally walked to the chairman's table.

The person in charge of the investment company was finally relieved. Seeing that the short man was still so lingering, he was ready to throw the tender from the short man himself, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, the alarm suddenly stopped.

It doesn't matter if you quickly stuff the tender into the standard box at this time. The person in charge of the investment company has the intention to help the short man drag it again, but the short man is still linger at this time. When he drags down again, the people under the stage are already dissatisfied and coughing one after another. Get up.

"Dear guests, the bidding end time is..."

The person in charge of the investment company is not too much, and he can only announce it helplessly. What makes him angry is that the short man is still surprised after the announcement, as if to say, why is the time has come? Damn, how do you think the time has come?

After the bidding time, the whole audience was dumb. Even Mr. Koizumi, standing beside Chen Ran, looked at the short man on the stage inexplicably. No one found that Chen Ran, who was still sitting in the chair, exhaled a long breath...

[I was not satisfied with what I wrote last night and didn't send it out. Today, I overhauled it and it hasn't been sent out until now. Sorry, it's almost 6,000 words.]