Jin Yutong

Chapter 679 Little Magic Doctor

When he rushed to the intensive care unit, he saw two white coat doctors surrounding Cao's mother and Cao Huiyao's mother and daughter to persuade them to sign the operation consent form. Chen Ran pushed the door and interrupted them.

"Who are you? Who let you in? Minister Cao's secretary was also there. Seeing Chen Ran pushing the door in, he scolded him and was about to bombard Chen Ran out.

Naturally, many people came to see Minister Cao's high-ranking and powerful illness, but that was after his condition stabilized, and now it was the critical time to treat Minister Cao's illness. However, many officials or called or sent secretaries to inquire about the situation to show their concern. Of course, the secret sent The book can't see Minister Cao's face. At most, they ask or register a name to represent their leaders in the reception room of the special care unit.

And now Minister Cao's secretary obviously regards Chen Ran as an unruly secretary sent by which official.

"How's it going?"

Chen Ran left him directly and asked about the situation first without saying hello to Cao's mother. He couldn't answer the phone call on the plane. When he was in a taxi, he called Cao Huiyao and no one answered, so he still doesn't know what's going on.

When asking, he turned his head and looked at Minister Cao, who was lying sick**. At this moment, Minister Cao's eyes were closed, his face was pale, and his lips were blue. Looking at this, he knew that he was not serious.

The disease is like a mountain, and Minister Cao, who is powerful in officialdom, has no resistance in the face of the ruthless disease. Now he can only lie helplessly**.

Cao's mother was obviously hit by the sudden bad news. She shook her head but didn't say anything. Cao Huiyao's expression was not very good, but Chen Ran's arrival somewhat restored her face and reluctantly said, "Brain tumor, they said that she must be performed immediately in the late stage."

With that, he handed the consent form of the operation in his hand to Chen Ran, and then said to the two white coat doctors, "This is my brother." She introduced Chen Ran to the two doctors and obviously said that as long as her brother agreed to have an operation.

Hearing her introduction, Minister Cao's secretary, who was going to question Chen Ran, stood aside and said nothing, although he didn't understand when Minister Cao had a son.

"Brain tumor!" Hearing that it was a brain tumor, Chen Ran's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that Minister Cao would get this disease. This disease is not easy to cure. If it is early or benign, it is also easy to treat, but in the late stage or malignant, it is not easy to treat. Even if the operation is not, it can only be delayed.

This is obviously the case with Minister Cao.

This is not the reason why Chen Ran's face changed. Why did he rush from the capital in a hurry to see if he could help.

If it is other diseases, even cancer, he will not worry about anything with certain experience, but he is uncertain about brain tumor for a while.

First of all, he has never been exposed to this disease before, and secondly, the tumor grows in the brain. It is obviously impossible for him to treat it with the previous method of treating people. Secondly, although his golden energy can cure the disease, it cannot make the tumor disappear.

"Do I have to have an operation?" Chen Ran frowned and asked while looking at the consent form. Obviously, he could not see anything from the consent form. When he saw that the doctor standing opposite him was holding a film that should have been taken for Minister Cao in his hand, he asked for it.

The doctor handed him the tablet and persuaded him, "The tumor in Minister Cao's brain has worsened, and he must have an operation to worsen it immediately. If he doesn't do it, his life will be in danger at any time." After saying that, it seemed that in order to reassure Chen Ran about the safety of the operation, he continued: "The chief physician who operated on Minister Cao is Professor Kong Weimin, a special expert of our hospital. Professor Kong is an authoritative expert in the field of breast cancer, lung cancer and other solid tumors. He has studied at the Cancer Center of Massachusetts General Hospital affiliated to Harvard Medical School in the United States. More than 20 years of clinical practice in oncology, with rich clinical experience..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the person who pushed the door.

"Not ready yet?" A doctor in a white coat in his fifties broke in while wearing a mask and frowned and asked, followed by two people in white coats.

"Professor Kong, Dean Zeng..." persuaded Chen Ran's two doctors to greet the two leaders who came in, and then the one who had just talked to Chen Ran looked at them with embarrassment and said, "Minister Cao's family has not signed yet..."

Hearing what he said, Dean Zeng, who came in with Professor Kong, looked at several of the family members of Minister Cao. Minister Cao was in charge of the official hat of the whole province, and naturally he was also in charge of him. Naturally, he did not dare to be presumptuous.

However, Professor Kong didn't care, and the other party was obviously not a good-tempered person. He got angry as soon as he heard it: "Why don't you sign? I don't know that the longer it drags, the more..."

Several doctors, including Dean Zeng, obviously didn't pay much attention to Professor Kong's anger. First, they all knew Professor Kong's temper. Not to mention Minister Cao's family, even if Minister Cao himself provoked him, he would still dare to get angry. This is the reason for Professor Kong's temper, and naturally Professor Kong's identity. The reason is that although Professor Kong is a special professor in the provincial hospital, he is also a member of the national health committee. This health committee is a veritable "royal doctor" who has had a lot of contact with national leaders, so naturally he did not pay attention to Minister Cao, the head of the organization department.

So they were not surprised to hear that Professor Kong was angry. The two doctors who just persuaded Cao Huiyao and Chen Ran were quite relieved. If they operated on Minister Cao, they would have to open the skull. Although the current medical skills have reduced the risk to a small amount, there are still great risks, so Cao Huiyao has not signed the consent form, such as If the ordinary people are changed and the family members don't sign, then they won't do it, but the patient is the head of the organization department of the provincial party committee. Both the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor have issued a death order, so they can't help but not do their best.

Several people listened to Professor Kong's angry sound, but the sound suddenly stopped. They were stunned, and then they couldn't help looking at Professor Kong. However, they saw Professor Kong looking at the young man opposite with a stunned face that Miss Cao said was her younger brother's.

"Are you also a little magic doctor?"

Professor Kong was shocked to see Chen Ran, who turned around, but then asked with surprise and joy.

Chen Ran was stunned by his question, but then he understood that the other party was one of the experts who saw the elderly that night. Because there were too many people at that time, and the experts were in the room when he was outside, the experts went out when he entered the old man's ward. Later, it was the same situation, so he Except for knowing Dr. Luo, several other experts don't know or even see him face to face.

"Are you?" Chen Ran nodded and then asked, but nodded to tell the other party that he knew his identity.

"My surname is Kong." When Professor Kong saw that Chen Ran recognized his identity, he didn't say anything else. He only said his last name. Then he did not urge him to operate on Minister Cao immediately. Instead, he looked at Chen Ran with great interest and asked, "The little magic doctor also came to see Minister Cao?"

"Professor Kong, you'd better call me by my name. I really don't dare to call you a magic doctor." Chen Ran was really awkward to hear that the other party was a little magic doctor. He didn't know exactly what Yang* said to them that night. They seemed to have determined that they were disciples of a magic doctor.

"If you don't dare to do it, no one dares to do it." Professor Kong smiled, then looked at Chen Ran and said with a smile, "If I had known that the little magic doctor was here, I would have been in a hurry. With the little magic doctor's medical skills, Minister Cao's disease must be nothing, right?"

Chen Ran frowned. Although the other party shouted respectfully, he was obviously a little unconvinced or wanted to compete with him face to face.

However, Chen Ran didn't say anything. Minister Cao is his relative. No matter what the other party thinks, he will go all out to treat him.

"The sea of medicine is endless, and the magic doctor is not a magic doctor, but Uncle Cao is my elder, and I will do my best."

Chen Ran didn't want to compete with him for any medical skills, so he made it clear that he appeared here because Minister Cao was his relatives rather than being invited to rob him of his "business".

Professor Kong, who was waiting for Chen Ran to answer, was stunned at first, but then couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Chen Ran guessed correctly. Professor Kong really wanted to compete with Chen Ran face to face, but it was not that he was unconvinced by Chen Ran's medical skills.

He is very convinced of Chen Ran's medical skills, otherwise he would not have been surprised and happy to see Chen Ran here.

When he first met Chen Ran, he was just interested in Chen Ran's medical skills and wanted to see Chen Ran's medical skills with his own eyes, but in his mind, he suddenly thought that Minister Cao's disease was a brain tumor. Now the only way to cure it is to have an operation.

Operating is simple, but it is obvious that there is no certain foundation that no one can do it. Professor Kong believes that no one in China can do better than him. In addition, in his eyes, Chen Ran's medical skills are still not as good as that of a rural doctor. Under his mind, he couldn't help but think about competing with Chen Ran, or even wanted to see Chen Ran's "joke".

It's just that Chen Ran's mind inevitably fell down when he said this.

One is that Chen Ran guessed his thoughts, and the other is that "the dead are big". For doctors, that is, "the patient is big".

It's like someone dies or is seriously ill. Naturally, you can't talk and laugh in front of other people's families.

Now Minister Cao is still lying in the hospital bed. Chen Ran must be very anxious as a family member of Minister Cao, and he is not in a hurry to treat Minister Cao, but he wants to fight with Chen Ran about his medical skills and want to see Chen Ran's "joke", so that his colleagues can't help but doubt and laugh at his medical ethics.

"Professor Kong, I just arrived and don't know the situation yet. Can you tell me the situation first?"

When Chen Ran saw Professor Kong's expression, he knew that the other party was not the kind of competitive person, so he gave him a step down. He is not sure about himself to treat Minister Cao now. Maybe he has to rely on the other party to have an operation, so it's better not to let the other party have a pimple in his heart.

As he spoke, Chen Ran took out the film handed to him just now and looked at it, but secretly scanned Minister Cao's head with golden energy to find the tumor in it.