Jin Yutong

Chapter 680 There is no cure

"Let the little magic doctor laugh."

Professor Kong didn't care. He nodded and took the light film from Chen Ran's hand and pointed to Chen Ran to introduce it: "See? The tumor is right here..."

Chen Ran just scanned Minister Cao's brain, but unfortunately, the human brain is too complicated and there are too many parts that look like tumors. If you don't distinguish it carefully, it is difficult to find it for a while.

Hearing Professor Kong's introduction, he scanned it according to the position it pointed on the light film. Sure enough, he saw a tumor wrapped in a mesh nerve, which was compressing several trigeminal nerves. It looked as if to break the nerve, and the membrane wall outside the tumor was also a little transparent, and there were some on it. Xu Xuesi seems to break at any time.

Chen Ran knew that whether the tumor broke those nerves or the tumor itself ruptured, Minister Cao's life would be in danger.

"These thin lines are the patient's nervous system, and the patient's unconsciousness is because the nerves are squeezed..."

Professor Kong went on to introduce to Chen Ran. Naturally, he did not know that Chen Ran was looking at the situation inside with his own eyes.

While nodding his head and listening to Professor Kong's introduction, Chen Ran has tried to probe the golden light energy into the tumor, but as soon as the golden light energy entered, it was rebounded by a strong force.

Chen Ran's heart sank. The malignant brain tumor is cancer. The principle is the same as that of cancer cells. Both the cells in it produce mutant and have a strong ability to infect and proliferate. These two abilities are undoubtedly equivalent to attack ability for foreign objects. He encountered this situation when he treated Yang's mother's white blood cells. .

This undoubtedly shows that Minister Cao's tumor has deteriorated to a very serious level. According to this situation, even if Minister Cao is operated on, I'm afraid he will have a second operation in less than a month, and it won't take long after the second operation...

This is still under the condition of successful surgery, and people with some medical knowledge know that craniotomy is generally prepared for the afterthought before the operation. The success rate of one operation is higher, and the second operation...

The key is that the success of the operation only has a delaying effect. Although the operation removes the tumor, it is ultimately treating the symptoms but not the root causes.

Sure enough, Chen Ran also heard Professor Kong say, "The patient's condition has deteriorated, and at present, he can only have a worsening surgery to delay the deterioration of the tumor, but this is only to treat the symptoms but not the root causes..." With that, Professor Kong looked at Mrs. Cao and Cao Huiyao helplessly said, "So the patient's family should do a good job in the patient's recurrence and further Psychological preparation for deterioration.

Just now, Professor Kong's name and attitude towards Chen Ran not only stunned the eyes of Dean Zeng and other doctors, but also made Mrs. Cao and Cao Huiyao so confused that they looked at Chen Ran in a daze. It was not until Professor Kong introduced the situation to Chen Ran that they focused on Professor Kong.

Hearing Professor Kong's words, Cao Huiyao's face suddenly turned pale and her body couldn't help shaking. Chen Ran held her hand and then crossed some golden energy into her body along her hand. After her face looked better, she also crossed some into Mrs. Cao's body.

Just now, he took care of Minister Cao's condition and neglected the health of their mother and daughter.

After Cao Huiyao's face turned red, Chen Ran originally wanted to let go of her hand, but she grasped his hand tightly and half leaned against him.

Chen Ran could understand her mood at this moment, so he held her hand after realizing this.

"With the patient's current situation, it can no longer be treated in other ways. The only way is to operate." Chen Ran asked so many questions to obviously want to see if there was anything he could do, so Professor Kong said to Chen Ran after introducing the situation. Naturally, he was telling Chen Ran not to bother thinking about it. Now he can only let him have an operation.

Chen Ran nodded and said nothing, but asked Professor Kong to take a look at the film. After reading it, he immediately frowned and then asked, "Professor Kong, how sure can you guarantee the success of the operation?"

"There is no guarantee that surgery, success and failure will always be between Bo Zhong." Professor Kong shook his head and said that there is no 100% successful operation, no matter how small the operation may go wrong during the operation, not to mention the tumor deterioration surgery like Minister Cao.

A little blood in the brain can kill people. Although Professor Kong has had several such deterioration surgeries before, the situation in everyone's brain is different.

Of course, the organs and structures in the human brain are the same, but due to living conditions and habits, work conditions and even accidents, the position size and shape of some organs inside a person's brain are different. For example, someone is used to sleeping with his face to the right side, so the right half of the person's brain The situation is obviously different from the left half.

And several previous deterioration operations performed by Professor Kong also failed.

Therefore, Professor Kong will naturally not guarantee such a problem, but although he can't guarantee 100% success, he is confident that there is no better than him in the whole country to do such an operation.

Chen Ran was silent after hearing this, and after a while of silence, he said to Professor Kong, "Professor Kong, do you think this is okay? I'll treat it with my own method first. If it doesn't work, I'll let you have an operation."

If Chen Ran held before and if he was not sure, he would let Professor Kong operate on Minister Cao, but now he doesn't think so.

First, he is not very sure. Professor Kong is not very sure. It's just that there is no other way but to do it. I'm afraid Professor Kong himself is uncertain about the success rate of the operation. Although Professor Kong may have done many such operations before, everyone's situation is Different, the deterioration of the tumor is also different.

Chen Ran just compared the real situation in Minister Cao's brain with the photo film, and found that although the photo film captured the position of the tumor in Minister Cao's brain, the situation around the tumor was a little wrong.

The squeezed nerves are not only the ones that Professor Kong just pointed to him, but the whole tumor is wrapped in a mesh nerve.

There are several other places. Although Chen Ran doesn't know what organ it is, there is nothing on the light film.

Although these are small problems, although Chen Ran can completely remind Professor Kong when performing the operation, although Professor Kong's experienced words can completely avoid these problems, it is still too risky for Chen Ran to let Professor Kong perform surgery, and during the operation If something goes wrong, Chen Ran's golden energy will help even if it can be remedied.

If the patient is not Chen Ran's relative, Chen Ran naturally has nothing to say, but Minister Cao is his relative, and he doesn't want to be surprised at all.

In addition, the operation is only to delay the deterioration of the tumor, and it can't fundamentally solve Minister Cao's problem at all. What's the effect? Although it can be delayed, after the delay, the situation will be more serious at that time. Instead of that, it's better to treat Minister Cao first, even if It's not risking to take some risks.

Of course, there is a reason why Chen Ran said this. Although he still doesn't know how to treat Minister Cao, he also has a way to delay the deterioration of Minister Cao's tumor, at least so that Minister Cao's life is now in danger.

When he was silent just now, Chen Ran had been trying to treat Minister Cao with golden light energy.

The tumor will break at any time, and Chen Ran does not dare to force the golden light energy into it. He can only attach the golden light energy to the surface of the tumor for the tumor to be absorbed by itself.

Chen Ran could clearly feel that after absorbing the golden light energy, the swelling and poison on the surface of the tumor were gradually fading, and then Chen Ran also used golden light energy to wrap the tumor in the same way as he used elixir to form an energy cover to protect himself when he was underground.

While making the surface of the tumor fade, he wraps the tumor. As long as he maintains it, he obviously doesn't have to worry that the tumor will squeeze the outer nerve lines and rupture in the short term.

Of course, this is only in the short term. This method is obviously more to treat the symptoms but not the root cause than surgery.

However, Chen Ran has another idea, that is, after all the swelling and poison on the appearance of the tumor are eliminated, he will penetrate the golden light energy into the tumor and then place an energy mask on the inner wall of the tumor to protect the swelling and poison inside the tumor from spreading outward.

is to divide a territory for those mutant cells and let it proliferate and spread casually in this territory, and no matter how it spreads, it can't proliferate outside the territory.

Outside the territory is Minister Cao's brain organs, which can't affect Minister Cao's organs, so naturally it can't hurt Minister Cao.

What needs to be done next is to completely remove these mutant cells.

The only trouble is this place. In the past, he treated Yang's mother with leukemia and detoxified Wu Bing to exclude mutant white blood cells and viruses from the body, but now it can't be ruled out and can only be eliminated.

His ability to return those mutant cells to normal is said to have the function of eliminating them, but the key is that the ability of cell infection and proliferation after mutation is too strong.

As long as Chen Ran returns all the mutant cells to normal at the same time, countless mutant cells will appear at that moment. The golden light energy is controlled by Chen Ran. No matter how fast Chen Ran's reaction ability is, it can't be compared with the proliferation ability of these cells. Therefore, it is impossible to count on the recovery ability of golden light energy. You have to think about other things. Method.

"What else can be done besides surgery? The patient's condition can only be operated now!" Before Professor Kong could say anything, the doctor who just talked to Chen Ran couldn't help saying.

However, although the other party refuted Chen Ran's words, his attitude was not bad. The reason for this is that Professor Kong obviously played a great role in Chen Ran's name and attitude. If not, Chen Ran would probably be laughed at and reprimanded by them if he was not bombarded out.

"I have my own way."

Chen Ran didn't say much to him. After looking at him, he turned his head to look at Mrs. Cao and Cao Huiyao. After thinking about it, he said to their mother and daughter, "Auntie, Sister Huiyao, I'm sorry that I didn't expect to rely on medical skills to make a living, so I haven't told you before that I would also treat people, although I dare not say that I can't cure it. Disease, but so far the patients I have met have not been cured by me..."