Jin Yutong

Chapter 742 Worship

At the end of the public market, the number of bosses who came forward to talk to Chen Ran obviously increased a lot. At this time, they did not hide it, and directly asked Chen Ran's plan to deal with the wool in his hand one by one.

Chen Ran did not hide it from them anymore and told them bluntly that he had acquired Jin Yuxuan Jewelry Company.

The bosses who came to talk were obviously caught off guard by the news he released. Jin Yuxuan did not send anyone this time, and everyone has been speculating. It's not that everyone hasn't thought about whether someone has acquired Jin Yuxuan, but according to the situation of the Lin family, even if someone buys it, it should be punished now. At the stage of the discussion.

Everyone never thought that Jin Yuxuan had been acquired. The acquisition was not by others, but Chen Ran, who was making a lot of noise on the public market.

I thought that Chen Ran just wanted to make a big profit by hoarding goods in the wool market, but now it seems that things are not that simple. Chen Ran has set up such a big battle on the public market, and now he has acquired Jin Yuxuan, which is obviously trying to enter the jewelry market.

Seeing that the princes dominated by Guangdong want to manipulate the jewelry market, is it that the red three generations in the capital can't sit still? Do you also want to take the opportunity to make a profit in the jewelry market?


Obviously, when the bosses who chat with Chen Ran heard the news, they subconsciously thought about the person standing behind Chen Ran.

You can't blame them. After all, Chen Ran appeared so suddenly that he had never heard of this person before, as if he had suddenly appeared. In addition, Chen Ran was so young, but he had so many funds.

As for why they implicated Chen Ran with the Red Three Generations in the capital, it is because they have more or less heard all the relationship between Chen Ran and the capital, and where is the capital club? That's the base of the three red generations in Beijing.


Chen Ran did not give up the ideas of the bosses who came to talk to him about the jade goods in his hand, but each of them left room for cooperation.

Although these bosses did not respond to him on the spot, he believes that at some point these bosses will take the initiative to come to seek cooperation.

After Chen Ran left the venue, the bosses who came to participate in the public market almost knew that Jin Yuxuan had been acquired by him...


Out of the meeting, Chen Ran and his party went to eat. The place to eat was still the same place, but there were more Chang Fatty Yan old man Zhao Guosheng and others. In the past two days, the meal was not invited by Zhu Feng. Chang Fatty Old Man Yan and Huang Shang all took turns to invite him once. Yesterday, Zhao Guosheng and Boss Liao also had a meal with Chen Ran. After dinner, Zhao Guosheng invited Chen Ran once today.

The number of people is quite lively. Naturally, what everyone said at the dinner table is still a matter on the public market. After dinner, the group of people discussed it and temporarily parted ways. Zhu Feng had already been to Wacheng and stopped following Chen Ran. In the afternoon, there was a clearly marked auction that he just stayed to participate in and took care of them by the way. The wool photographed before.

The wool auctioned during the public market can be taken away on the spot after paying off the payment or continue to stay in the organizing committee's warehouse and wait for it to be handed over to the transportation company for direct transportation after the end of the public auction. The materials photographed by Chen Ran, Zhu Feng and Wu Laosan were not taken out on the spot or left in the original warehouse, but rented separately by the organizing committee. A warehouse was built.

Directly renting a warehouse is not the privilege of Chen Ran and his party. Any company participating in the public market has such a privilege. The rented warehouse can require the organizing committee to provide armed protection or send its own guard protection or mercenary regiment protection. Stay during the public market There are still a lot of mercenaries in Nebidu. The warehouse rented by Chen Ran and the three has not only armed protection of the organizing committee, but also the guard protection sent by Qinglong's mining team and the transportation company that has signed the contract. In addition, Zhu Feng also sent confidant bodyguards to guard there.

Although there are only Chen Ran and Wu Lao* mining area in the end, the battle between the two is not small. First of all, the two bodyguards, Feng Xianjun, Han Yuchun and Xiaohei, will definitely follow. Secondly, there are not only several bodyguards sent by Qinglong, but also several Burmese national security personnel sent by the Myanmar military government to be responsible for their safety.

Chen Ran made such a big move on the public market that Qinglong and the Myanmar military government have obviously investigated Chen Ran's identity more or less.

Before that, Qinglong only regarded Chen Ran as a prince related to the general ginseng. Therefore, although he arranged his men to welcome Chen Ran, he didn't take it seriously at all. After ordering it, he basically forgot about it.

Later, Chen Ran made such a big move that his men who stayed in Nebidu naturally reported the situation to him, and then he paid attention to Chen Ran.

Qinglong is the foreign editor of the general staff, and naturally has his own relationship with the general staff. Therefore, after noticing Chen Ran, he easily learned about Chen Ran's identity and the person standing behind Chen Ran.

Chen Ran's background obviously shocked him a lot. If Chen Ran is just an ordinary person or just related to the general staff, he naturally doesn't need to care, but Chen Ran is the deputy director of the General Counselor General Office... A deputy director of the General Counselor is enough for him to treat him carefully, not to mention General Yang standing behind the deputy director. General Feng is General Xia.

He is the number one person in Myanmar, and his industry and power are also most of Myanmar, but Chen Ran's words are still just one sentence.

As a result, although he did not immediately come to see Chen Ran from Chanbang Special Zone, he also quickly called Chen Ran to compensate for the crime of neglect. Originally, he was going to rush to Nebi to see Chen Ran later, but Chen Ran did not let him come on the grounds that he participated in the public market as a jewelry merchant.

The Myanmar military government has also noticed Chen Ran's identity. Now the Kachin army supported by the U.S. imperialists is fighting with the military government. Whether it is to negotiate peace or continue in the future, the military government obviously urgently needs China's support and position. Knowing Chen Ran's identity, they are naturally careful of Chen Ran. Also enthusiastic.

More than a dozen people flew directly to Wacheng, and Nebidu flew to Wacheng for less than an hour, which was also fast.

Wacheng, also known as Mandalay in written language, is the second largest city in Myanmar. It was a strategic place in ancient times and was also the location of the Royal Palace of Myanmar. Its geographical location is very important. There are many overseas Chinese living here, so you can see a lot of Chinese compatriots here.

Even Wacheng's current economy is mainly controlled by Chinese descent. Due to its superior geographical location, it has always been a centralized place for the trading of jade wool, finished products and various gemstones.

Myanmar and other jade wool mining companies and international jewelry companies have special strongholds in Wacheng.

All the previous legendary gambling stone stories also took place in Wacheng, which is a place with a long history and tradition.

When landing by plane, Chen Ran, sitting by the window, could easily see a luxury villa on the outskirts of Wacheng. These villas were basically bought and built by local rich Chinese. It can be said that Mandalay in Myanmar is the most powerful among the Chinese except for the personnel of the military government.

You can not go to other places in Mandalay, but you must go to the ruins of the expeditionary force in those years. Not only do you go to Mandalay, but basically Chinese people will go to this place to worship when they go to Myanmar. It can be said that this place is also a spiritual symbol of the Chinese.

During the anti-Japanese period, after France accepted Japan's request to stop shipping goods between China and Vietnam, the Japanese army invaded Vietnam and signed a friendly treaty with Thailand, resulting in the complete interruption of the Yunnan-Vietnam line, so the Yunnan-Myan Road became the only channel to aid China.

In order to defend Myanmar, China and Britain planned to establish a military alliance as early 1941. China actively prepared and proposed that Chinese troops enter Myanmar for defense as soon as possible. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, on December 23, 1941, China and Britain signed the Sino-British Agreement on Joint Defense of Yunnan-Burmese Road in Chongqing, and the Sino-British Military Alliance was formed.

However, because the British army despised the strength of the Chinese army, overestimated itself, and did not want foreign troops to penetrate into its colonies, and repeatedly delayed the Chinese expeditionary force from entering Myanmar, the Chinese expeditionary force scheduled to enter Myanmar had to stay on the China-Myanmar border. However, after Japan launched an attack in early January 1942, the British and Burmese army was defeated all the way, and then hurriedly invited the Chinese army to enter Myanmar to participate in the war. China established the First Command of the Expeditionary Force and went to the battlefield in Myanmar. However, because it has lost its first opportunity to fight, it has caused the defeat of the defense of Myanmar. This is mainly due to Britain's extreme adherence to the established strategy of Europe and Asia. Once the war situation is unfavorable, it will completely lose interest in defending Myanmar, but retreating repeatedly, turning the Chinese expeditionary army's battle to defend Myanmar into a battle to cover the British retreat.

However, the Chinese Expeditionary Force still made achievements admired by the allied forces of Britain and the United States, and achieved certain strategic goals. From March 1942, the Chinese Expeditionary Army began to fight against the Japanese army, and in early August, the Sino-British allied forces withdrew from Myanmar. It took half a year to fight more than 1,500 kilometers, fought bloody battles, and repeatedly file the enemy fronts, causing the Japanese army to suffer a rare heavy blow since the Pacific War. It has repeatedly given strong support to the British and Burmese forces and won the defense of Tonggu. Sva's blocking battle, Ren'an Qiang's relief battle, Dongzhi's recovery battle and other victories.

Although the final result of the Battle of Mandalay was a defeat, many combat heroes emerged, such as the annihilation of Sun Liren, the Chinese general with the most Japanese army. The most commendable thing is his attitude towards Japanese prisoners. All Japanese stained with Chinese blood will be killed, which makes several people feel that every time they think about it. The blood is boiling; there is also the cave five battlefields where Dai Anlan, the 200 division commander who died in the battle, had fought.

Several expeditionary army TV series now are basically based on the 200th Division.

Because it happened to be during the National Day, several battlefield relics left by the Anti-Japanese War were almost overcrowded. Naturally, most of the people who came to these places were Chinese. Chen Ran also met many "acquaintances" on the public market. Although these "acquaintances" basically did not talk to Chen Ran on the public market, When I came here, I saw Chen Ran, but they all said hello to Chen Ran, so that those Chinese tourists who did not participate in the public market and just came to Myanmar to inquire about Chen Ran's identity.

In mutual praise, Chen Ran's name soon spread among tourists...

Although everyone doesn't know each other, there is no doubt that there is an inexplicable sense of intimacy and national pride in such scenes.

But this feeling never came back to the martyrs' cemetery.

Compared with those battlefield relics or tourist attractions that are used to remember the deeds of those years, there are undoubtedly fewer tourists on the cemetery. Only some scattered figures are worshipping the tombstones of the ancestors of the expedition. When they arrive at the unknown tombstone, they see an old and desolate old man. People sit on the edge of an unknown tombstone and touch the tombstone back and forth while constantly saying, "Little Japan was expelled from China", "Little Japan surrendered", "New China was established", "We ordinary people have lived a good life", "Our country has become strong, and no one dares to bully us anymore" Class words.

Just talking, but the other party suddenly cried aggrievedly like a child: "But we can't go back! We fought against Little Japan not for *, not for the Kuomintang, but for the Chinese people, but why can't we even go home in the end? Are we wrong?


Along the way, Chen Ran did not say anything. Except for a subordinate sent by Qinglong who said, "It's not that he can't go home, but that he has no home to go back", everyone else was also silent.

Of course, the reason why Qinglong's men are silent with the people of Myanmar's national security is naturally not... They are just silent because of Chen Ran's silence. They have seen too many people like this in Myanmar and have long been used to it.


Myanmar's jade mining area is located in the northern Mykina region, on the junction of Yushijie Province in the western part of Kachin State, that is, it extends from north-east to south-west along the upper reaches of the Oolong River, with a length of about 250km, a width of about 10-15km, and an area of more than 3000km2.

After hundreds of years of mining, within this 3,000km2 mining area, the emerald mining area is dense. Due to the abandonment of the old and the new, it is difficult to count the number of new and old pits, large and small.

Generally speaking, when it comes to the jade mining area and the source of jade, the first thing that comes to mind is Patan.

Pagan is the first place in the world to find emerald, and it is also the place of origin of jadeite with the largest production and the best texture in Myanmar. Therefore, for jade lovers, merchants and players, Pagan is a holy place in their hearts, just like Mecca in the hearts of Islamists and the Vatican in the hearts of Christians. .

It's undoubtedly a pity if you don't go to Myanmar.

Chen Ran's first choice to go to the mining area to see raw stone mining is naturally to go to Patan, but Chen Ran did not choose to go to Patan, not because the military government is fighting with the Kachin army or because of the trouble of going to Palg, but Chen Ran's real purpose is not to go to the mining area to see raw stone mining.