Jin Yutong

Chapter 743 Cultivation of Spiritual Power

If you go to Padang, you have to fly to Myitina and then drive to Padang, while the mining area Chen Ran chooses to go to is on the line of the Chindon River at the lower reaches of the junction of the Uyu River and Tanai River where Patang is located.

This place is already outside the scope of the emerald mining area designated by Myanmar, further down than the famous Damkan field area in the lower reaches, and belongs to the edge of the mining area.

Of course, the mine in such a position will not be large. If it is big, it will have been circled by Myanmar.

There is a reason why Chen Ran chose to go to this venue.

When looking at the wool, Chen Ran found several pieces of high ice jade wool in the wool brought by the organizing committee. Among these materials, Chen Ran found glass materials. It is said that it is not surprising to find a few high ice jade, but it is rare. These high ice jade hairs are rare. There are not only green emeralds, but also two seawater emeralds. The reason why it is rare to say that there are both green emeralds and seawater emeralds is that these high ice species of materials come from the same field.

Different field mouths, the wool characteristics of their respective appearances are also different, such as color, some black yarn, some dark red, some yellow... For example, the thickness, uniformity, thickness of the skin, as well as the size of particles, distribution, and the combination fastness of the skin, etc.

Therefore, the gambling stone master who is really proficient in wool can usually accurately say the outlet of this wool at a glance when looking at the wool.

Although Chen Ran didn't see which field these materials came from, it can still be seen that they don't come from the same field.

Chen Ran didn't notice this at first, but later he suddenly noticed it when he put the two ice seeds together.

After noticing it, Chen Ran deliberately looked for the "same type" material on the public plate.


There are not many materials exhibited in this market on the public market, and it is obvious that they are all used to make up the number.

This is undoubtedly very strange.

From the perspective of the whole situation, the material of this field is obviously not valued. One that is not valued undoubtedly explains a lot of problems. First of all, this field is not big, and secondly, it has not been made of good materials. In the wool industry, it also pays attention to bloodline and aristocracy. The mine that has been high-end and best jade is a famous pit. The value of the material out of the pit is much higher than that of the "civilian" mouth.

Just like those old pits.

In the end, this mine is either newly opened or is about to be closed. This can be seen from the fact that there are not many materials on the public market at this market.

Not being valued means that there has absolutely no high-end jade in this market before. If it appears, it will not be ignored. Now seven or eight high ice materials have appeared in the wool used to participate in the public market in such an undervalued field. These materials are basically all gambling materials. This What does it mean?

means that in addition to Chen Ran, other people, including the owners of this market, do not know that there will be high-ice materials in the materials they bring to participate in the public market, and even do not know that this market can produce high-end materials, which also means that there must be more than a few high-end materials in this market.

Since Chen Ran found this situation, he naturally had to go to this entrance to sweep the good materials inside.

At the end of the public auction on the first day, Chen Ran wanted to inquire about the information of the wool cargo owner in the office of the organizing committee to inquire about this market.


The name of the venue is Huiluchangkou. The venue is not large, so there are not many people who know the place, but the organizing committee specially selected a local national security personnel to lead the way for Chen Ran and his party.

When I watch the film and see the scenic spots shot in Myanmar, Thailand and other places, I always feel that these places are very beautiful, but when I really go to the place, I don't feel beautiful. The city is better. Out of the city, I can only use one word to describe it, desolate!

Most of the roads are still dirt roads, and the loess raised by the car is like a sandstorm.

Chen Ran looked out of the window for a while and then closed his eyes to practice.

He practiced not the method of absorbing and gathering qi, but a practice method specially used to exercise mental strength.

This cultivation method was selected by Chen Ran from Tang Mi's golden book. Since absorbing Tang Mi's Jinshu, Chen Ran will sort out the memories absorbed from it as long as he has free time.

The memory absorbed from the cloth is indeed Tang Mi's inheritance. The inheritance is divided into two parts. The upper part contains Tang Mi's teachings and rules, and the lower part contains many Tang Mi's cultivation methods.

These cultivation methods are divided into three parts, namely, the miscellaneous part, the fetal Tibetan world and the King Kong world. The miscellaneous secret department is also the method of using various spells, which pays attention to magic power and driving ghost divination medicine, etc. Tantra mainly focuses on the study of true words and spells, so this part accounts for a very important part.

The Fetal Tibetan world is dominated by the Great Sun Sutra, which is mainly based on the cultivation of the mind, while the King Kong world is dominated by the King Kong Top Classic, which contains many methods of refining the body.

Chen Ran is not interested in Tang Mi's teachings and rules, but he is very interested in many cultivation methods, especially the Great Rijing, which is mainly based on cultivating spiritual power.

The reason why it is so natural is that his power is now called spiritual power. When he saw the spiritual power cultivation method in the Great Sun Sutra, he wondered whether it was useful for his current spiritual power. After trying to practice, he found it useful.

After practicing for a few days, although his mental strength has not been strengthened much, he obviously feels much more solid compared with before. He didn't feel anything before. Now after practicing, he feels that the mental power he released before seems to be particularly scattered.

Chen Ran not only practiced the method of exercising spiritual power, but also learned a lot of methods of using mental power, such as perception ability, pressure, adjustment and control of the surrounding environment and atmosphere, changes in temperament and momentum, weather prediction, etc. These are simple small methods, complex and deep with gazing, aura. Arrangement, exorcism, voice control, object control, and even hypnosis, etc.

In fact, Chen Ran had been using it before, but at that time, he did not understand the principle and inadvertently figured it out. Now that he got these methods from Tang Mi's inheritance, it is undoubtedly like a wild roader's sudden system principle and guidance. In this regard, Naturally, he is like a treasure.

Of course, he is also new to it. It is easy to master the small method, and the complex and profound obviously requires him to slowly practice and control it.


The cultivation of the spiritual power method is not as complicated as imagined. You just need to keep calm, breathe evenly, and then imagine that there is a sun in the middle of your eyebrows or heart, and then concentrate all your thoughts and minds in this direction.

In this way, you will feel that all the energy of your body has turned into a spring, flowing towards the deep pool of the eyebrows or heart.

Why do you say "eyebrow or heart"? This is because the mental power is divided into the upper and lower parts in Tang Mi, the upper part is divided into the mental power of the brain and the lower part is divided into the mental power of the heart.

It is impossible for ordinary people to see things after closing their eyes, so close their eyes and imagine themselves looking at the objects in front of them. Don't imagine looking at them with their eyes, but imagine that the brain receives the information from the front. There should be a strong desire to see, if the brain produces a boiling and swelling, Or there is a feeling of pressure, and this feeling can flow and compress - this is the spiritual power of the brain.

When ordinary people change their emotions, they will have feelings in their hearts. For example, when they are sad, there is the pain of the heart being torn. When they are depressed, the heart feels oppressed. When they are happy, the heart will also feel comfortable. The energy that produces these feelings is the spiritual power of the heart.

In fact, to put it simply, it is the difference between mental strength and mental strength.

The two can be practiced at the same time and complement each other.

Chen Ran's practice is a little different from other people's practice, that is, whether he concentrates his consciousness on the mud pill palace in the center of his eyebrows or the heart field in the heart, he will jump into the white space and then practice in that white space, which is obviously related to his power and heart injury.

After practice, Chen Ran can now see a lot of things with a little concentration, and the feeling around him has also changed after practicing with this practice method.

In the past, although it could be seen and heard, it was watched and listened from the perspective of a bystander, as if watching TV and movies, but now it is different. Now Chen Ran will have a feeling of melting into it when he goes to explore.

It seems that if you detect the surrounding air, there will be a feeling that "I" is also air. If you detect a grass, there will be a feeling that "I" is this grass, and this grass is "I", and then sometimes I will feel that this grass is "I", so that the "I" grass can do whatever it wants.

Chen Ran also found a reason for the change of this feeling, that is, after practice, his mind has been improved, and it can't be said that his mind has been improved. After all, he has just begun to practice. It is impossible for such a short time to change so much, or the control of his mind has been enhanced. In time, he has never practiced the mind before, but now he has mastered the method after practicing...


Although the time spent on the road was longer than Chen Ran imagined, he had been practicing all the way and didn't feel it for a long time. Wu Laosan obviously didn't feel this way. He turned him upside down and the whole road was dizzy.

The convoy turned a big bay and saw a wide river, but there were no potholes in the river, that is, there was a little rain. On the other side of the river was a canyon, and the mountain bags on both sides of the canyon were piled with abandoned stones.

Knowing that it was the place, Chen Ran also finished his practice and looked out of the car window.

Without deliberate exploration, Chen Ran felt the existence of aura here, although it is still very thin for the time being...

Can the emerald vein produce aura?

This is the first time Chen Ran has been to the emerald mine, so he doesn't know if there is aura in the place where there is a jadeite vein. He feels the strong aura energy coming from in front of him, and his mind detects it with a mental strength.

Without waiting to check the source of Reiki, Chen Ran suddenly stared.

After a moment of meditation, Chen Ran said to Feng Xianjun and Han Yuchun, who was driving in front of him, "Dajun, slow down a little, Lao Han, call the people in the other two cars immediately!"