Golden hairpin

Chapter 13 Willow Dark Flowers

Zhou Ke thought about what to do next. Lord Hao had returned to his hometown as early as a few years ago, saying that he had returned to his hometown, just because the court felt that he was unfavorable to the battle of Xixia and hinted that he had returned to his hometown. And his hometown is far away from Cangzhou. Is it possible to visit Cangzhou? But even if he went there, Lord Hao was nothing more than making friends with Hong Yi because of painting. What else can he find out?

Go to the capital? Instead, we should be able to find out something. It's just that it takes a lot of effort to see Lord Cui in this Privy Council. I'm just a small deputy general of Qinfeng Road's deputy camp. How can I meet the adults of the Privy Council? What's more, Lord Cui was just a recommendation at that time, and it was difficult to say what happened after Hong Yi arrived in the capital. And what did Hong Yi do in private? Who do you get in contact with? Did you stay in the capital for eight years or went somewhere else? How can you be killed in a few days after returning to Shaanxi? I guess I don't know the answer to these questions. It is possible that Lord Cui just doesn't know, and maybe he pretends not to know, but in any case, he should not gain much from Lord Cui.

Breakthrough from Xiao Mozi? He has been lonely since he was a child and was taken in by Ma Haiqing to survive. Since the outbreak of Hongyi's murder, he has been to Ma's house many times. No matter what he asks, Ma Haiqing doesn't know how to investigate?

Zhou Ke thought about it, but it became more and more difficult.

At this time, a soldier named Ren Moci, who had been following Zhou Ke, reminded Zhou Ke. Vice General, Xu Shun said that Hong Yi has been in and out of Shaanxi Jingfusi for two years, and has also painted paintings in the army. Why don't we go to Fusi and ask what can be gained? Zhou Ke heard it and suddenly opened. Yes, Hongyi left here with Lord Cui to go to the capital. It is impossible for him to take all his things, especially paintings. Well, he may bring a few pictures, but what about the rest? In Hongyi's home, the only work found was still sandwiched in a dusty book. It can be seen that someone searched all his paintings. Yes, the secret is in the picture! Xu Shun clearly said that Hong Yi had painted in the barracks! The paintings at home can be easily searched, but not in the barracks. Why don't you appease Si? Maybe you can find the paintings left by Hong Yi and find some clues from those paintings.

So, Zhou Ke went to ask Qin Wei and Hu Yong for instructions. After passing the letter with Jinglue's appeasement department, Zhou Ke took Ren Moci to the appeasement department.

This happened eight to ten years ago, but many people still have an impression when it comes to Hongyi. Zhou Ke said that he wanted to ask if Hongyi had any paintings left in the camp that day. The officer called the guards guarding the debris library and asked him to take Zhou Ke and Ren Moci to the warehouse to look for it. Because Lord Hao only collects famous works, and he doesn't want what Hong Yi usually paints. There are very few soldiers who can read in the barracks, and those who know how to paint are even fewer. Therefore, no one remembers where the paintings Hong Yi made in the barracks went. If there is, it should be in the sundries.

There are a lot of things in the debris library, which makes Zhou Ke and Ren Moci have a big headache. Is it possible to turn this debris warehouse upside down? This is a big project! The garrison of the sundry warehouse is obviously a recruit. Since the handover has not been completely completed, he can't even say anything specifically in the sundry warehouse. Asking him is tantamount to asking in vain. The recruit said, "After lunchtime, the veteran who used to guard the grocery store will come and continue to hand over. You can ask him then." I have no choice but to wait for lunch.

At no time in the afternoon, Zhou Ke and Ren Moci saw an old man walking this way with a wine gourd in his hand. At the same time, he heard the recruit say, "Oh, that's the guard here. Everyone calls him the king." Zhou Ke and Ren Moci looked at each other and couldn't help frowning. Although he didn't say anything, he muttered in his heart, "Can this king, who has been drunk for six or seven minutes, provide them with valuable information?"

After a while, the king came to him. The king was a little older, and today, because he was about to finish the handover, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he drank more. His feet did not listen to the command and almost tripped himself. Thanks to Ren Moci's hand to help him, the old man would not make a fool of himself in public. The king's eyes were red, looking at Zhou Ke and Ren Moci with a little drunkenness, and asked intermittently, "You, you, who are you!" Ren Moci said, "We are from the Qinfeng Road barracks in Shaanxi, and this is Vice General Zhou. Due to two consecutive murders on Qinfeng Road recently, we were ordered to investigate the case.

"Oh...dead, dead...ah! No, no, it's none of my business! Absolutely, absolutely not, I killed it! Absolutely not!" As soon as Wangtouer said this, Zhou Ke and Ren Moci really couldn't laugh or cry. Zhou Ke was thinking about whether to waste time on this person, but since he came and didn't find the grocery library, he always felt unwilling to return empty-handed, so he had to put up with it and said, "There is a painter named Hong Yi among the dead. I heard that he stayed here eight years ago. You go and get the account book used to register the sundries. Come on, let's have a look.

"What, what? What do you say?" Wang's words were a little unfavorable.

This made Zhou Ke angry, and he shouted at that time: "Mr. Wang! As a veteran, how dare you drink on duty and delay business? What should you be guilty of!" This drink scared the king's wine, as if Zhou Ke had the majesty of heaven. If Mo Ci hadn't introduced Zhou, the deputy general of Qin Fenglu, the two guards would have thought he was a general.

"Go and bring the account book!" After listening to Zhou Ke's instructions, Wang'er went into the room and took out the account book without saying a word. Zhou Ke looked through it and recorded everything in detail, but there was nothing they wanted. Zhou Ke and Ren Moci were very disappointed.

At this time, Wang Taoer asked timidly, "Your Excellency, what you just said is Hong Yi?" It turned out that it was not that he didn't understand what Zhou Ke told him to do just now, but that one of the dead he heard was Hong Yi. It's just that I was too surprised to express it because I drank wine.

"Yes, we are talking about Hong Yi, a landscape painter. I heard that he also made good friends with Lord Hao, the former comforter, and had been in and out of the barracks for two years."

"He, how did he die?"

"Do you know him? What does he have to do with you?

"I don't know him! He is a great benefactor that I and our family will never forget! The two adults don't know anything, so listen to me slowly. Although I have been together all my life, I am just a guard guarding the sundries, but I have a very well-behaved son, which makes me very proud. He is called Xiao, diligent and sensible since childhood, and rarely worry about the old couple. Ten years ago, when my son turned 18 years old, the couple discussed it, took out the money they had saved for most of their lives, and asked the matchmaker to tell him a daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law was beautiful and diligent. Therefore, although there was not much money in the family, the family lived a happy life. However, I didn't think that there would be any accidents and misfortunes. One day, I drank a few more cups of wine with my friends and was provoked to go to the gambling house opened by Zheng Dahu in the village to gamble. As a result, not only did they lose money, but also lost to Zheng Dahu. I was very angry when I heard this and hit him. Unexpectedly, he was single-minded. In order to get his daughter-in-law back, he ran to argue with Zheng Dahu. During the dispute, he actually hit him first. Think about it, the person who opened a gambling house is rich and powerful, how can he suffer this dumb loss for nothing, so the Zheng Dahu made his subordinates catch Tianxiao and sent him to the government, which is bound to ask him guilty. We didn't have money, but now we lost our daughter-in-law, and our son was thrown into prison. My wife and I went to beg Zheng Dahu for days, but the other party didn't pay any care of it. Just when I called Tianying and the ground was not working, I accidentally met Hong Painter when I was on duty. He was kind and asked me what I was doing when he saw that my face was full of sadness. I sighed and told him before and after the incident. I thought he was just a painter and wouldn't help, but it was also good to talk to someone. Unexpectedly, the Hong painter turned out to be a warm-hearted person and asked for this matter in front of the comfort envoy Hao. Lord Hao came to meet Zheng Dahu. Yan Tian was stupid and beat people because he lost his daughter-in-law. Fortunately, he was not serious at that time. Zheng Dahu did not hurt much, and Zheng Dahu's men also beat Tianxiao. Light, now let the government judge Tianxiao to pay him some money, and it's enough to turn big things into small things. When Zheng Dahu saw Lord Hao come forward in person, how dare he ask for any more compensation? At that moment, he withdrew the complaint and returned the little daughter-in-law, so that our family could be reunited again. Do you think he is the great benefactor of our family?