Golden hairpin

Chapter 14 The Case is clear

Zhou Ke and Ren Moci listened carefully. After Wang Taoer described Hong Yi's kindness to his family, Zhou Ke said, "In this way, your friendship is extraordinary!"

"Yes, since then, we have often had contact, and we have also given Engong a card at home and offered it all day long. But soon after, Hong Engong left here because he was going to Beijing. I never saw him again. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect him... How did Hong Engong get there?

"It was stabbed to death."

"How, how can it be! How can such a good man be killed? Can you find out who the murderer is?"

"It's being checked now. Do you know what kind of people Hong Yi has ever had with, and whether there are any suspicious people in it?

"Hong Engong has a good relationship with Lord Hao, and naturally he has more communication with Lord Hao. As for other people, I don't know him well at first, and I don't know him. But later, when I became familiar with him, I only saw him painting more and had little contact with people. I also saw all of Lord Hao or adults's friends, and even the people in the barracks, there were no unusually suspicious people!"

Speaking of painting, we are here today. Hong Yi should have painted a lot of paintings here for two years. Why didn't he see one of his works here at home? Could it be that he was not satisfied and burned it all? Or has it been too long and lost? Or did he take it away when he went to the capital?

"Oh, that's not true, just because his painting is not here, but in my house!"

"Ah?" Zhou Ke and Ren Moci never expected such an answer.

"If you don't believe it, you can go home with me now. On that day, because of his urgent leave, he specially asked me to help him clean up the paintings and said that they were all bad drafts of the paintings, which made me burn, but after thinking about it, I felt that it was Engong's belongings, and I was not willing to burn them. So I took it home and collected it as a treasure. During the Spring Festival, I took it out to worship, and I also saw Hong Engong himself!"

Zhou Ke and Ren Moci didn't say anything, so they asked Wang Touer to lead the way and follow him home. Sure enough, as the king said, the family respectfully worshipped the plaque of Hongyi. Zhou Ke and Ren Moci looked around, but they didn't see the painting alone. Wang's head opened a cabinet next to the table of worship, took out a package from it, and opened the package. It turned out to be a long cylinder-shaped box. Wang Touer smiled and said, "We can't read, let alone paint. We just think this is a benefactor's item. We have to keep it well, and we don't know whether the collection method is right, but you see, these papers have passed for eight years and are still intact!" Although Zhou Ke felt that he was a fool, although his words were ridiculous, he was not very scheming. He was also sincere for Hong Yi and didn't care about him.

Zhou Ke and Ren Moci looked at Hongyi's paintings carefully. As Xu Shun said, there were many hills on the paintings. Originally, he was a painter specializing in landscape painting, but there is indeed not much water here. It is normal to paint mountains realistically. Therefore, after looking at dozens of Hong Yi's paintings, the two did not find anything suspicious. Is it the wrong direction? The problem is not on the picture at all?

Coming out of Wang Tou'er's house, Zhou Ke and Ren Moci were like discouraged balls and listless. When listening to Wang Touer say that Hong Yi's painting was in his house, the two thought that they had found the focus of the problem, and the mystery of Hong Yi's death might be revealed, but it was far from being as simple as they thought. They got nothing in the painting. Maybe I have to go to the capital to explore. Maybe it was an accident for Hong Yi to make friends with Lord Hao ten years ago and paint in the barracks, but they made this matter complicated.

The two arrived at the appeasement department and stayed for one night. They were ready to report to the above the next morning and then returned to Qinfeng Road. There was nothing to say that night. Zhou Ke had something on his mind, so he went out for a walk and thought about things alone before the chicken announced in the early morning. Later, Ren Moci, who got up, saw that Zhou Ke was not there. He also went out to look for him and found Zhou Ke, who was thinking about the problem in the corner of the barracks. Ren Moci said, "Vice general, don't worry too much. Since this is already the case, why don't we go back to Qinfeng Road first!" Well, that's all." Just as Zhou Ke was turning around to leave with Ren Moci, he was stunned. Ren Moci followed Zhou Ke's eyes, ah! That mountain! Where have I seen it! Yes, it's in Hong Yi's painting!

This made the two excited and hurriedly went to Wang's head and asked him to borrow Hong Yi's painting. The two went around in the barracks for a few more days, compared the location of the hills and the actual mountains in Hong Yi's paintings one by one, and finally confirmed dozens of Hongyi's painting points, among which the same mountain was also depicted from different angles. But what does this mean? Thoughts stagnated again. A painter can choose what he thinks is beautiful to portray, and it is even more understandable to portray it from multiple angles. What are they now obsessed with his painting points for? Why are they so excited when they find that the actual hill is the mountain in Hongyi's painting? They can't even tell themselves. Maybe it's wrong again! Go back to Qinfeng Road early and plan to go to the capital early. Maybe you have found out more valuable information than this earlier.

The two fell into meditation again in front of the painting and the summary of their other location. Helplessly, they went out to the barracks again. According to the angle of Hong Yi's painting at that time, they also stood one by one.

Ren Moci said, "Vice General, this is the tenth time. We have changed ten times according to the angle of Hong Yi's painting. I'm afraid it's just a painter who chose an angle of painting."

"No! No!"

"What did the deputy find?"

"Maybe he chose the angle casually, but he didn't choose the location casually!"

"Vice General?!"

"You see, although he painted mountains, he chose different angles. Have you noticed that there is one thing in common among the angles he chose?"

"What do they have in common?"

"Yes, there are soldiers guarding! You see, he painted this mountain the most, and this is the place where the adults are. From this place, he drew twice, and this is exactly where the library of confidential documents is located. He must have a purpose. He is mastering the arrangement of all the soldiers through painting, alternating!"

Ren Moci suddenly realized, "The deputy general is really smart!" But what is his purpose? Didn't he make friends with Lord Hao? Even if there is any purpose that he can't do when he comes into contact with Lord Hao, he has to find out the situation of all the soldiers before he acts?

"If he communicates with Lord Hao again, Lord Hao will not give him confidential documents! He wants to steal!"

Ah? What documents will it be?"

"I have to go into the library to have a look!"

The two asked for comfort again and entered the library. Zhou Ke and Ren Moci asked the guards in charge of the library in detail, but do you remember that there was a painter named Hong Yi who often went to the barracks ten years ago? Two older soldiers said that they vaguely remembered that there was such a person, because he was very close to the former comforter Lord Hao, so he often went in and out of the barracks, but they were not familiar with him. They just met and said hello, but he often painted here. Because the paintings were all the mountains behind, I didn't care about him.

Zhou Ke and Ren Moci looked at each other after hearing this. At this time, Zhou Ke took out Hong Yi's two repeated paintings and asked the soldiers if he still remembers Hong Yi painted the same paintings twice at that time? The guards have been thinking for a long time. Obviously, it was a long time ago. They don't understand painting and don't care about it. Naturally, they can't remember it very clearly.

After a while, one of the veterans seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "Yes, there seems to be such a thing! At that time, I was handing over with someone. When I passed by painter Hong, I came over and took a look at it out of curiosity. As a result, I found that it was almost the same as the previous one. I asked him, 'Why did you draw here again?' He seemed to say, 'The previous painting is not good. I feel good today. Draw it again.' I looked at it for a while and then left.

"What time is your shift?"

"Every day."

"Youshi?" Zhou Ke and Ren Moci couldn't help but be stunned. Don't ordinary painters choose to paint during the day? Why did Hong Yi choose a time close to the evening? Unconsciously, I am more suspicious.

At this time, I only heard the old man say, "It was summer, and it was still bright at that time."

"He arrived at Youshi and started painting?"

"That's not true. Every time Hong painter draws for a long time, he has never painted."