Golden hairpin

Chapter 16 Lushan Face

It is said that Zhou Ke and Ren Moci rushed back to Qinfeng Road. As soon as they returned to the camp, Zhou Ke received a worship post with only a few words written on it, "Zishi, City God Temple in the West!" Zhou Ke hurriedly asked his men who sent the post, and the soldier replied that it was a child. When Zhou Ke asked the soldier to ask the child, the soldier replied, "The child said that I must give this post to Vice General Zhou, and then ran away without a trace."

Ren Moci, who was beside him, persuaded Zhou Ke after seeing the invitation: "Vice General, this is obviously a trap. You must not go! I'm in the dark, and the enemy is in the dark. Isn't it a waste of time to die like this?

"Mo Ci, don't say anything about this matter, I'm measured! Don't you think our hard work over the past few days has not been in vain? Not only did he find out the purpose of Hong Yi's entry into the Shaanxi military camp, but also wanted the distribution map of soldiers and horses. Now even the person behind him can't sit still and finally reveals the fox's tail! As the saying goes! How can you get a tiger without entering the tiger's den? Today, even if it's the Dragon Pool Tiger Cave, I have to break through it, not to mention it's just a small city-goal temple!"

"Vice general, even if Hong Yi went to comfort the department for the distribution map of soldiers and horses, he later went to the capital. How could he be killed when he came back eight years later? What does this have to do with the person who asked you out today?

"Good question! That's exactly what I want to ask! And the person who can give me the answer will meet tonight!"

"Vice General, I'll go with you!"

"No, I'll go by myself!"

"Then I'll find some people to ambush around. If the situation is wrong, we can also save you!"

"You don't have to! I believe that the other party wants to meet me alone! As you said, we are in the dark, he is in the dark, and there are many opportunities to kill us. I guess he knows everything about our recent actions. Otherwise, why did I receive a worship message as soon as I returned to the camp? Obviously, he doesn't want to kill us, but wants to talk, which shows that we can't pose a threat to him, and it can even be said that it may help! Arrange a child to come to worship. Humph, I don't want this mystery to be solved too early, otherwise I won't be interested! Not to mention, he is also very attracted to this move. I'm looking forward to tonight's appointment now, and I want to see the true face of this Lushan! You can't scare the snake before you figure things out. Maybe it's not the big snake we finally want today!"

"Yes!" Although Ren Moci agreed so, he was extremely worried about Zhou Ke's safety, but he was afraid that he would violate his intention and let the previous achievements be abandoned, so he had to agree first.

Zhou Ke went to report to Qin Wei what had been found out in the past few days, but he did not mention that he had an appointment tonight. Zhou Ke is extremely stable and belongs to the kind of person who will never publicize in advance before confirming what he has gained. It is also because of his steady and meticulous personality that Qin Wei especially valued him.

Qin Wei was shocked when he heard that Hongyi had moved to steal the distribution map of soldiers and horses in Shaanxi. He quickly asked Hongyi if he had done it. Zhou Ke replied, "The distribution map of soldiers and horses is still appeasing the department, but he did not dare to assert whether Hongyi copied and brought it out. However, recently, seeing the battle between the court and Xixia, Xixia does not seem to have much advantage. Even if the distribution map is copied, it should not have fallen into the hands of the Xixia people.

Qin Wei ordered Zhou Ke to speed up the investigation. Although it only involves the distribution map of soldiers and horses in Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi, as a key place to fight against Xixia, will be unimaginable once it is lost. If Hongyi copies the map, it must find out the whereabouts of the copied map and find out the behind the scenes. The Lord made it to ensure the safety of the Song Dynasty!

Zhou can leave after receiving the order. Until the evening, I went to the City God Temple in the west of the city alone. At this time, Shaanxi City had already been shrouded in night and was surrounded by silence, but Zhou Ke was in a twelve-point spirit, because he knew that the person he wanted to see tonight was definitely not idle, and he would lose his life.

When Zhou Ke approached the City God Temple, he suddenly saw a figure flashing by. The figure moved quickly. If Zhou Ke hadn't been boldly, he would have thought it was a ghost who appeared and was scared to death. Zhou Ke boldly continued to walk forward, and at the moment he stepped into the City God Temple, the figure flashed by again. Zhou Ke clenched the sword in his hand and paid attention to it. The gloomy night and the cold wind really made people feel creepy. Zhou Ke coughed and said, "I thought you had the courage to come to the appointment. I didn't expect that I came to the wrong time. I'm just a shrinking head and pretending to be a scary coward! So, it doesn't matter if you don't see it!" With that, Zhou Ke took back the leg that was about to enter the City God Temple and turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, the shadow appeared again. This time, it did not flash by, but appeared in front of Zhou Ke. Zhou Ke looked at the visitor. He was tall, wearing a black robe, a mask on his face, and a black hat. Zhou Ke was wrapped so tightly. Zhou Ke not only sneered.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Is that you who asked me out?"

"What's the matter? So what if it's not?"

"Yes, you are not sincere enough. If not, there is no need to talk about it.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Just looking at your light skills, I know that your martial arts are extraordinary, but after all, I am not Hongyi and Xiaomozi, and I can be slaughtered by you!"

"Vice General Zhou is so smart that he even knows this!"

"This is not a check, it's a guess! As soon as Hongyi came back, you asked me to come to the appointment. It was related to Hong Yi's case, and Hong Yi met Xiao Mozi before his death. After that, Xiao Mozi also died, and both of them were killed by the same martial arts man. Now seeing that you are like this, you are the only one who should kill!"

"Yes, that's right! Unfortunately, after so many years in the court, don't you know the more you know, the faster you die?

"You won't kill me tonight! Just like I didn't plan to kill you tonight!"

"Haha! Interesting! I like talking to people like you!"

"Okay, let's get back to the story! What's the matter with me?"

"Since Vice General Zhou is quick to speak, I won't go around the bush. Tonight, I asked you out to..." At that time, the man in black actually pulled out his sword to kill Zhou Ke. Zhou Ke was not in a hurry to deal with this unexpected change, so he had to block it with an unsheathed sword. You came to fight for more than a dozen rounds. When Zhou Ke saw that he was about to defeat his opponent, he grabbed a stone from the ground in a hurry. To the other party, when the other party was resisting the stone with his sword, Zhou Ke took the opportunity to use his sword against the opponent's waist. At this time, I heard a slap in the City God Temple. For a moment, the temple was brightly lit, and only one person inside said, "Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person. General Zhou is really a hero!"

It turned out that the person who wanted to meet him had been in the City God Temple, and the man in black in front of him was just his helper! Zhou Ke listened to the sound from the temple. When he looked at it again, he saw a very well-dressed man standing at the gate of the temple. Looking carefully, it turned out to be Ma Haiqing, the richest man in the city! His doubts about Ma Haiqing appeared in Zhou Ke's mind again. It turned out that he was right. It was Hong Yi and Xiao Mozi who instructed Ma Haiqing to kill the person in front of him. What did he want the Shaanxi soldiers and horses distribution map to do? Ah! Xixia!

While Zhou Ke was stunned, the man in black immediately flashed aside and went to plead guilty to Ma Haiqing. Ma Haiqing waved his hand and said, "General Zhou, since you are here, let's talk before leaving!" Zhou Ke followed him into the City God Temple.

General Zhou must have a lot of questions, right? Why did I appear here? Why did he instruct Hong Yi to copy the distribution map of soldiers and horses? Why did you send someone to kill Hong Yi and Xiao Mozi? What's the purpose of dating you today? Who the hell am I? What is the ultimate goal?