Golden hairpin

Chapter 15 True Purpose

"Do you remember the time when the Hong painter painted the same painting?"

"I can't remember that Hong painter has painted so many paintings, and the time is uncertain. We are all lay people. We are afraid of making jokes, so we seldom ask."

"Let's go first and have a look." After Zhou Ke finished speaking, he carefully surveyed in the library with Ren Moci.

I have long heard that Lord Hao is an orderly and well-behaved person. Today, you can know a little about it through the placement of the library. All the objects in the library are placed very neatly, the classification is very clear, and different categories are divided into areas. It is very clear and easy to find documents. In order to ensure the absolute safety of documents, the roof of the library is far away from the ground, and it is difficult for ordinary people to jump out of the roof without a special way to enter the library. The walls are also very thick, and no traces of dug have been found. There are only a few small windows on the wall for ventilation. But when I took a closer look, one felt newer than others, so Zhou Ke asked, "Was that window changed later?" The veteran replied, "Your excellency is really good. The original window was seriously aging, and the window frame can be removed as long as you remove it with your hand. Because of the window, the surrounding wild cats can often get in and out of this place. And this is a lot of land! In order to ensure the safety of the document, the window was changed. Since the change, no wild cats have broken in.

"Wildcat?" Zhou Ke said to himself. Then he asked, "When did you change the window?"

The veteran thought for a moment and said, "It's also a coincidence that eight years ago, after painter Hong left."

"Oh?" This aroused great interest from Zhou Ke and Ren Moci, "That wild cat also came in and out of this place eight years ago?"

"My lord, that's right!"

"Has there been a wildcat breaking in before?"

"We don't know if there was any before. Anyway, I heard Wei Da say that he had seen it once!"

"Wei Da? Who is he?"

"Oh, that's right. There are ten people in our small fire. They are guarded by two people outside the main gate every time, and we will change shifts every day."

"Do you also change the time?"

"Yes, it's changed twice a day. Ten of us take turns to guard it."

"Ten of you? What about the other six people? It turned out that Zhou Ke and Ren Moci came by coincidence. It was Youshi, when they caught up with their shift, so they met four people at once, two of whom were new recruits. They didn't know anything about the past and couldn't help.

"Why, two adults want to see them?"

"In addition to the Wei Da you mentioned, are there still veterans like you two who served here eight years ago? Or do you know Hong Yi?"

"Let me think about it! Oh, that is, Wei Da, and the others have been transferred, or it's time to go home now.

"Go and find Wei Da!"

There went to find Wei Da. Ren Moci asked eight years ago, before Hong Yi left here for the capital, there was any abnormal situation here, but everyone answered.

Zhou Ke and Ren Moci went out again to check the newer window facing the outside. Although this place is also in the barracks, it is an excellent secluded place. If there are no patrol guards who come here and are just fixed guards, no one will ever see this location. But how can we ensure that there are no patrol guards? By the way, Hong Yi painted here every day and had already figured out the rules of patrolling soldiers. Moreover, when the shift was handed over, it was the most chaotic time, and he had a chance to escape! Zhou couldn't help but admire Hong Yi. He took great pains and used his painter's unique vision to find such a place to escape from the library safely! And as long as he escapes from the library safely, even if someone sees him, he and Lord Hao make friends well and often come here to draw, who will doubt him again? But the question is how did he enter the library and what did he get in for?

While thinking, Wei Da arrived. Ren Moci asked him again the questions he had asked other guards before. Wei Da said the same as everyone else. Zhou Ke asked him, "What special happened around the day you saw the wild cat?" Wei Da thought for a moment and said, "I remember talking about that wild cat. The day before that day, I didn't know what I had eaten. Since the early morning, I have been running to the toilet, and my legs have softened. After a long time, the Hong painter came to paint with the painting tools on his back. I didn't say much to him because of a stomachache, so I asked another guard, Kong Mazi, to take good care of the library and went to the toilet again. Unexpectedly, there was already someone in the toilet. I waited for the man left and right to wait for the man to come out, and there was no reply to shouting. I had a terrible stomachache and was very angry, so I pulled the door vigorously. I didn't know who was doing something wrong and tied the door from inside with a straw rope. I was going to have an attack, but my stomach was really tight, so I didn't care much about it. Let's talk about it first. Maybe I tossed around all night and was too tired. Later, I actually took a nap in the toilet. When I came back, it was already Mao. I saw the next two people who were coming to work from afar and thought that I could finally have a good rest, but suddenly remembered that I didn't see Sun Mazi when I came back just now! Although the Hong painter's painting tools are there, there are no people. At that time, I was very nervous. I was afraid that something would happen to the library, so I opened the library with the key. As a result, I found that the map of soldiers and horses placed on the right side of the bookshelf revealed a corner! Your Excellency, you know that all the things here are placed in a very regular way. It is absolutely impossible for the map to show a corner of the soldiers and horses. At that time, my hands were sweating, but at this time, a black wild cat jumped up from my side, which really scared me. After that, I saw that the wild cat was a little bad from there. The window rushed out, and then I thought that it might be caused by a wild cat.

"Where is the Hong painter?" Ren Moci couldn't help asking.

"Oh, later I came out and saw the Hong painter coming from the direction where he lived. He also handed me some medicine to relieve stomach pain. He said that he also had a bad stomach two days ago, so he went to the pharmacy to grab a few pictures of medicine. As a result, his stomach recovered and he didn't take it again. He said that if I didn't dislike it, he would take it back and cook it. At that time, I was really moved and wanted to give Hong painter money. He said that he would not take anything. He said that the medicine was also his left. If he didn't take it, he would throw it away. He should do more good things and let the medicine also play its role in curing diseases and saving people! It's different to see humanistic people speak!"

Zhou Ke laughed secretly in his heart. How can this help you? Maybe the one who drugged you and tied the toilet door from inside is Hong Yi's!

"What about Sun Mazi? Where has he been?" Zhou Ke asked.

"Oh, I learned later that his neighbor's house was on fire and ended up coming to his house. Someone came to tell him that he saw that it was almost the handover time and he didn't see me, so he hurried back to save his family first."

"Then leave the library unattended?"

"The man said he would guard him for a while."

"Who is that man?"

"I also asked when I chatted with Sun Mazi later, but he said that as soon as he heard that there was a fire at home, his head was one or two big, and he didn't pay attention to who the other party was. He was relieved when he was wearing military uniforms. Anyway, he didn't give the key to the man, and when he was about to hand over the shift, he didn't expect anything big, so he went there. ."

"So it is!" So far, Zhou Ke has basically understood all the purposes and actions of Hong Yi's visit to Shaanxi Appeasement Division. He deliberately presented famous paintings to get close to Lord Hao, and used his unique wisdom to make friends with Lord Hao. Then he could freely enter and exit the barracks. The frequent access and painting experience made everyone in the barracks familiar with him, and his kindness showed kindness everywhere, so that everyone in the barracks had a good impression on him, but he did not know it. He took the opportunity of painting to master all the conditions of the barracks, especially the library, and he found the right opportunity to copy the distribution map of Shaanxi soldiers and horses! Obviously, he still has a helper. It is too coincidental that Sun Mazi's family's fire broke out. The person who informed Sun Mazi to wear military uniforms is also doubtful. But the key is more important than this is what a painter want the Shaanxi soldiers and horses distribution map to do? Xixia!" An ominous idea flashed through Zhou Ke's mind, and he immediately ordered Ren Moci to return to Qinfeng Road with him quickly!