Golden hairpin

Chapter 72 First Night's feelings

"Are you looking at me cold like this?"

Although Man Xiu was a little puzzled, he was not stupid. After this reminder, he let Mrs. Heyu sit down by the heater and put a thick dress on her. After that, he took a hand stove and put it in Mrs. Heyu's hand. Then, he went to make the bed, looked back at Mrs. Heyu, turned around, untied his jacket, left only a white shirt, and said, "I'll wash it, and sleep when I come back." He got into the back of the screen without looking back.

Man Xiu took a shower early in the morning. This is his habit, and it is also cultivated by Ye Zilian. There is nothing special about it. Maybe it is for the refreshing of the day. Therefore, when washing again at night, it is just to relieve fatigue for a day and wash quickly. When Manxiu came out, Mrs. Yu was still sitting by the fireplace, but she was a little distracted and didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing Man Xiu coming out, he said slowly to Mrs. Yu, "Warm the quilt. It's still cold in this room." Man Xiu didn't make a sound, but obediently got into the quilt to warm the woman who wanted to spend time with him.

After a while, the quilt was warm. Manxiu got up. Although there was a heater outside, it was still a little cold after all. As soon as he got out of the quilt, he had a cold war. When she looked at Mrs. Yu again, she had already shrank into a ball, holding the stove tightly and leaning against the stove to keep warm. It was his negligence. He should have warmed the quilt earlier and let Mrs. Heyu enjoy it.

Manxiu sat next to Mrs. Heyu and whispered, "Go to sleep." Mrs. Yu looked up at him and said, "You are different from them."

Man Xiu lowered his head. Of course, he knew who the "they" were referring to in the Yufu population, but what's the point of talking about such a topic to him now? So what, what's different?

"I like you very much!"

This sentence surprised Man Xiu a little. But in the same way, this sentence doesn't mean much to him now. So, Man Xiu replied faintly, "Thank you for your wrong love!"

"If I were someone else, I wouldn't know how ecstatic I would be, but you are so indifferent!"

"Madam, do you want to say that I don't know how to praise? If you want to dislike me, just shout, and there will naturally be a better exchange for me outside. Madam is not afraid that there is no one to accompany the night.

"Ha ha, what kind of tactics are you? The method of excitement? I'm so angry that I can drive you out so that you don't spend the night with me? I don't like this! Just let you accompany me!"

Manxiu has nothing to do. It's really a trick to show off in front of Mrs. Yu.

"In that case, rest early."

"Ha ha, you are really interesting. Obviously, you want to avoid this night by all means. Why don't you say it directly? But now he says to rest earlier?"

"Avoid this night, what about tomorrow night? What about the night after? It's my creation to meet a person like my wife. I don't know who I'll meet tomorrow. It's better to be like this.

"You seem to be very wronged and don't like it here."

"I don't belong here in the first place!" As soon as the words were spoken, Man Xiu knew that he had lost his words again.

"Oh?" Mrs. Yu wanted to stop talking, because whether it was caught or bought, it was all about the Hundred Flowers Museum, and she should not interfere.

"I'm sorry, I lost my words for a moment. It's none of your business." Man Xiu habitually picked up the peach blossom purse he had just untied from the table and bowed his head and fiddled with it in his hand.

"Is this your purse? How beautiful! Needle and thread is also good!" Seeing that he was playing vigorously with Mrs. Yu, she grabbed it and looked at it.

Originally, it was a little angry that Mrs. Yu touched her mother's things without her permission, but when she praised her mother's craftsmanship like this, she smiled innocently like a child and replied happily, "Well, it was sewn for me by my mother, saying that it was a gift for my first year! After all, I have been wearing it for 12 years.

"Oh? I thought there were peach blossoms embroidered on it, in response to your name!"

"I am predestined with peach blossoms, and my mother likes peach blossoms very much, so whenever the peach blossoms are in full bloom, no matter how far away, my father will always fold a branch with my mother. The mother under the peach blossoms is particularly beautiful!" Man Xiu's thoughts have obviously returned to the past.

"Where are your parents?" Mrs. Yu usually doesn't ask about other people's private affairs, but today she has made a special case for this special child in front of her.

"My father passed away and my mother's whereabouts are unknown now, but one day I will find her." Man Xiu said very lightly, because he didn't want to transfer his pain to others, not to mention that everyone's situation is different. Even if he cried again, how could a lady like the other party who enjoys the glory of the world understand his sadness! Take a step back, what can you do even if you understand? People come to have fun, but they provide fun. Today, they have made a lot of taboos, and it's time to stop.

"With a good son like you, your mother is really happy. No matter where she is, I believe she will pray for you."

"It should be...Madam, I want to ask you something."

"Oh? Please me?"

"Yes, please. Can you not tell Fuyu about today's conversation? If I say it, I will definitely die."

"Haha, I said you were different, and that's true!" Mrs. Yu thought he would make some demands. It turned out that this was it. Even if he didn't ask, she wouldn't say anything.

"Let's go to bed." Mrs. Yu is obviously a little cold. Man Xiu didn't know whether it was cold or something, but he trembled again. When he stood up, even the golden hairpin he carried with him fell to the ground. Man Xiu hurriedly picked up the hairpin, as if he had fallen the most distressed thing. He looked carefully and again. After confirming that it was okay, he carefully wiped it several times.

"Is this also yours?"


"Since you have this golden hairpin and don't want to stay here, why don't you redeem yourself?"

Fuyu said that I am different from them. Anyone in this Hundred Flowers Museum can redeem himself with enough gold and silver, but I can't. Life is the people here, and death is also the ghost here.

"Do you have a problem with him?"

"No, I've never seen him before I came."

"Why is that?" Mrs. Yu and Fuyu have known each other for eight years. With his understanding of Fuyu, he should not say such words to a twelve or three-year-old child. What's more, he has a lot of people. As long as he makes money, he is afraid that he can't cultivate a better one? What's more, children like Peach Blossom, who have only been raised for half a year, have not invested much at all!

"There is no reason. Here, he is God."

When Man Xiu said all this, it was so ordinary, as if it was as simple as saying that let's go to eat the osmanthus cake sold at the front door tomorrow. But in Mrs. Heyu's ears, every word sounds so harsh! He is just a minor child!

"Sleeping with your clothes off." Manxiu said and untied his coat. The white skin pricked the dazzling peach blossoms, but Manxiu could still see it every time he took a shower!

But when Manxiu untied one or two buttons, he and Mrs. Yu's hand stopped it.

"Dress it, it's cold at night... Do you have an extra quilt here? I'm afraid of cold."

After saying that, Mrs. Yu didn't care about Manxiu. She first got into the quilt and wrapped herself tightly with the whole bed, leaving no space for Manxiu to enter. Man Xiu is grateful, and I can't say thank you at the moment. After that, he took out another bed of bedding for washing from the cabinet and consciously spread it on the ground. But Mrs. Heyu said again, "Come up, the ground is cold!" I can't occupy a whole bed alone." With that, Mrs. Yu even moved the quilt to the side against the wall, leaving the other side of the bed for repair.

Man Xiu was not obedient this time, but said, "I like to be cooler. I'm used to it!" He still spread the mattress on the ground and drilled into the cool quilt, but at this moment, his heart was warm.

I woke up the next day, but it was already three poles a day. Maybe I drank more and was a little tired yesterday, and I slept until this time. Turn around and look at **, there is nothing else with Mrs. Yu! It has been empty for a long time. If it hadn't been for another quilt still messy there, Man Xiu thought he had had a dream yesterday. Now that I wake up, everything is empty.

Because of Mrs. Yu's stay, no one asked Man Xiu to gather early this morning. But when Manxiu finished taking a shower and went out, he happened to meet a narcissus coming towards him with a woman. No wonder Narcissus lives next door to him, which is still a neighbor. When he passed him, Narcissus winked at him excitedly, as if to say, "Brother, I succeeded too!" Looking at the woman again, she also had a little beauty. Man Xiu couldn't help laughing secretly in her heart. This Narcissus should be satisfied.

However, at ten minutes of dinner, Narcissus came to knock on his door. Before Man Xiu asked, Narcissus told Man Xiu the first story of him and the woman as if he were telling some heroic deeds. At this time, Man Xiu figured out that most of the people who came here were female guests, and few would choose to spend the night here. Yesterday, Mrs. Yu stayed, probably to help him avoid the punishment of Fuyu, and he was even more grateful to Mrs. Yu.

When Narcissus asked how Manxiu and Mrs. Heyu spent that day and night, Manxiu's answer was very vague. Fortunately, Narcissus knew him and knew that he had been very low-key. If he had been someone else, he would have thought that Manxiu had climbed to a high branch and no one would have risen!

"I really envy you. You are so lucky the first time!"

"How do you say this?"

"You don't know! The lady you accompanied yesterday went to the curator this morning and said that she would contract you in the future and won't let you pick up other people's guests. Before leaving, he gave the museum owner a dozen silver tickets. It seems that it should be a lot of money.

"What? Then, will the curator come to her?"

"Ha ha, my stupid brother, who is that lady?"

"Mrs. Heyu, that's what I heard called her. That's what I called her, and she didn't deny it!"

"Ha ha, it's Mrs. Yu, but just like your name is Peach Blossom and my name is Narcissus. These are all aliases. Do you know what her real identity is?