Golden hairpin

Chapter 73 Evil Fate

In the face of Narcissus's inquiry, Man Xiu did not care at all and said casually, "I know what those do? It has nothing to do with me!"

"Good brother, you don't know when you meet a nobleman! She said, don't say it's our museum owner. Even today's long live, the empress dowager, has to give her some thin face!"

"You boy, where did you get drunk and come here to talk nonsense! Be careful of the disaster coming out of your mouth, let the people of the court listen to it, and don't cut your head!"

"Ha ha, that is to say, how can it be so serious!"

"Shouldn't you kill the tongue of the current Long Live and Empress Dowager behind your back?"

"But the problem is that I'm telling the truth!"

"Who do you think is with Mrs. Yu? Is it possible that the Empress Dowager's mother? At her age, someone has to believe that she wants to do it!"

"Ha ha, I didn't say that she was a relative of the emperor."

"Oh? If she is not a relative of the emperor, who is she?

"Do you know Chen Lin?"

"Chen Lin? Oh, I've heard of this. Today, long live is called the father, just because the case of the civet cat for the prince was saved from the palace. But he is a chief eunuch!"

"Don't worry, listen to me! General Manager Chen also has a brother named Chen Zhong. He is not a eunuch, but a scholar who teaches as a teacher in a library in Kaifeng. Chen Zhong had a daughter under her knee. Because the girl was as white as jade when she was born, she named her Bai Yu. Chen Zhong loves Bai Yu very much and has taught her to read and read since she was a child. Bai Yu is also very smart. Under the influence of her father, she has read four books since she was a child, which is rare among girls, especially a beautiful girl like her. After the case of replacing the prince with a civet cat, he is very grateful to General Manager Chen and even calls him his father. But Chen Lin is humble and will not be proud of himself. He returned his hometown early and refuses to receive many long-year-old rewards. Long live the filial piety and benevolence, and naturally I always remember this. Moreover, Long Live is full of people who want to understand the heart of Long Live all day long, so Chen Lin's brother's family also quickly reported Long Live in the capital, which makes Long Live can't help but be happy. Therefore, Chen Zhong's family was summoned to the palace to meet each other to understand their long-forthought feelings for Chen Lin.

But at that time, Chen Zhong's daughter Chen Baiyu was 15 years old, with fair and delicate skin and polite manners. Long live, he praised at first sight, saying that this is a treasure, just like his Hetian jade, crystal clear. Seeing Bai Yu reply and being generous, he loved it even more. Therefore, he was summoned into the palace several times to talk. Chen Zhong is a smart person. Seeing the joy of Wanshi and the eyes every time he looked at Bai Yu, he expected that Long live was interested in Bai Yu, but he knew the truth that the door was as deep as the sea as he entered the palace and did not want his daughter to be involved in the endless harem struggle. Therefore, he chose a suitable opportunity and took the lead, saying that he was optimistic about Mao Jinqing, the order of Shangshu Province, as his son-in-law, and long live the success.

Mao Jinqing can be said to be the youngest Shangshu provincial order of his dynasty. He is full of talents and is eclectic and deeply appreciated. Moreover, there is an endless stream of people who have never been married. Long live was also thinking about showing him a good marriage, but he didn't expect Chen Zhong to mention it first. Although it is a pity that Long live intended to include Bai Yu in his harem, it is not only Ya's father's niece, but also his sister. It can also be regarded as a good match for Mao Jinqing, who is also loved by him.

So, Long Live personally made a matchmaker and agreed to Mao Jinqing about this marriage. Long live the golden words, saying that it is a matchmaker, but it is actually a marriage. Even if Mao Jinqing has great courage, he dares not go against the holy will. Soon, he picked Liangchen, gave a bride price, and married Chen Baiyu into the door. And because the white jade mentioned before Long Live is as crystal clear as his Hetian jade, and the number of words of Hetian jade is too many to be appraticable. Therefore, the word Tian in the middle is omitted from each other and called it Mrs. Heyu.

When he heard this, he knew that it was the origin of Mrs. Yu. Long live the marriage, and the one who married is still the youngest and most virting Shangshu provincial order. It should be very happy!" Man Xiu said to himself unconsciously.

"Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, they are absolutely natural, talented and beautiful! At that time, I don't know how much sensation it caused when they got married. In addition, long live the marriage, and the combination of the golden boy and jade girl made a myth. For a while, all the streets and alleys talked about and envied these two people. But unexpectedly, on the day of the wedding, Mao Jinqing was so drunk that he didn't even uncover Mrs. Yu's red head and went to bed alone. On the night of the wedding, the poor and Mrs. Yu took off the cover and took care of the newlywed husband who vomited all night. That's all. I heard that Mao Jinqing kept shouting another name in his confusion: Xiaoling! Mrs. Yu later forced the little man who had been following Mao Jinqing to know that Mao Jin was interested in the early morning, but he was a girl selling singers in the teahouse.

How can the singer in a teahouse be compared with her long-old wife who married and carried a sedan chair into the house? At first, Mrs. Heyu was also on a whim and could return to her side after a few hours. However, three years after marriage, Mao Jinqing did not stay in Mrs. Heyu's room once. Instead, he only went to the singing Xiaoling's place to have fun. Mrs. Yu has read the sage book since she was a child, and she is very polite. She will not go to trouble with Xiaoling like those shrews. The only thing she can do is to read every night to spend the cold and difficult night, and also look forward to her husband's recovery. In this way, the marriage envied by everyone is very painful for Mao Jinqing and Mrs. Yu, but because it is a long live marriage, they can only maintain the name of husband and wife.

And in the same year, one day, Mao Jin went home drunk and gave a salute to Mrs. Heyu for the first time. Just as Mrs. Heyu thought it was bitter and sweet, Mao Jinqing actually called out the harsh name: Xiao Ling! It turned out that he was drunk and regarded her as her! The next morning, facing the red blood stains, Mao Jinqing didn't even say a word, but went out without looking back. For several days, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Yu cried bitterly! Since that day, Mao Jinqing has never returned home and inquired that he had already bought a real estate outside and lived with Xiaoling.

Mrs Yu even thought about whether to suggest her husband marrying Xiaoling as a concubine. After careful in detail, she found that Xiaoling had already married someone, but she was just a boat runner. She went to sea for half a year or a year, and rarely stayed at home. Moreover, when he went to sea two years ago, he encountered storms. Although his body has not been recovered, it has been two years, and it should be considered dead.

Even if it takes three years to guard the spirit, how can Xiaoling hook up with someone else's husband again? And counting the time, it has been three years since Mrs. Yu got married, and before that, Mao Jinqing had something to do with Xiaoling... Humph! I really know people's faces and don't know my heart. Unexpectedly, the Shangshu provincial order would do such a shady thing behind his back! The more Mrs. Heyu thinks about it, the more angry she is, and the more unwilling she is!

One year later, Mrs. Heyu's father, Chen Zhong, died. In the same month, her mother also went with her father because of sadness. Mrs. Heyu suddenly became lonely in this world, and there was not even a confidant. In the face of this so-called home, which has been cold, lonely and painful for four years, and Mrs. Yu has a great antipathy. From then on, she went to the other extreme and began to make friends abroad. This so-called home has also become a place for her to hold banquets. Different faces and the same wine all day long, drinking unconscious almost every day. At this time, Mrs. Heyu came into contact with a male prostitute for the first time. The considerate words and meticulous care made Mrs. Heyu experience the enjoyment of being a woman for the first time. Mrs. Heyu, who has always been dignified and generous, has apricot come out of the wall. Mrs. Heyu did not feel ashamed of her behavior, but a pleasure. In this way, she felt that she not only got happiness and enjoyed life, but also retaliated against Mao Jinqing and Xiaoling with practical actions. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

The so-called husband never appeared in front of him again after dying in a drunken dream for nearly a year. On that day, my father was afraid that he would marry into the harem and live an unhappy life, so he took the initiative to choose this young and righteous and praised by everyone. But I don't know that people are not as good as God, and they still live an unhappy life! And a year of recklessness did not change her fate, but became more sad! Are you destined to die alone?

It was not until one day that his men came to report that a young woman in gorgeous clothes who claimed to be Ling Shun would definitely visit his wife, and Yufu realized that something had happened to Mao Jinqing. Otherwise, after the woman entered the hall, Mrs. Yu looked up and down at her several times, and then asked coldly, "Are you Xiaoling in Mao Jinqing's mouth?" What do you want from me?"

Mr. Yu guessed right. The woman in front of her is Xiaoling. To be honest, her appearance is flat, far from what she imagined. I really don't know what charm this woman has that makes Mao Jinqing so fascinated her! But now these are no longer important to Mrs. He Yu.

Xiaoling left crying, because Mrs. Yu resolutely refused her request, went to see Mao Jinqing, who was terminally ill, and said forgiveness to his face. What a hundred days of grace for a husband and wife! If you think about the feelings of husband and wife, how can you regard yourself as air five years after marriage, but the only time you have sex still mistakenly regard yourself as Xiao Ling because of drunk! Now that I see that I am about to die, I come to ask for forgiveness and want to get the salvation of my soul! Think beautifully! Because this marriage has almost changed Mrs. Yu's life. How can she be willing to forgive him so easily? She wants him to regret it for life!"