Golden hairpin

Chapter 117 Jointly capture the sky

First a horizontal on the forehead, followed by a skimming direction, horizontal folding hook... "Wan"? What? No, add the original point, it's the word "square"! Yes, it should be Fang Ziyan or Fang Jing! Are they here too? Great!

But after that, when Lin Yuqing drew two horizontal lines with a towel, Qi Tianqing was a little impatient. "I said, you do things quickly, and it's so troublesome to wash your face!" Fortunately, she only raised her eyes a few times, and thought it just took too long for this little two to wipe her face!

"You are so impatient to go out! Who asked you to watch others wash their faces!"

"You! Think it's beautiful! Who wants to see it!" With that, Qi Tianqing tilted her head and didn't look at them. Lin Yuqing finished writing the word "poison".

Ah! Poisoned? Fang Ziyan or Fang Jing is poisoned?

"Are you all right?"

"All right! Guest, I'll brew green tea for you before the rain. Just a minute, two!"

Lin Yuqing held the basin, took a towel, lowered his head and retreated. I hope he had received the message to Manxiu. At this time, there was another thing in Manxiu's hand, which was Lin Yuqing's flying knife, which was quietly stuffed to Manxiu from under the sheets when Qi Tianqing was not paying attention. Qi Tianqing, Qi Tianqing, you are smart for a while, but you are also confused for a while. This sheet was originally to cover people's ears, but it has become the best covering tool. Man Xiu carefully cut the rope in his hand with a flying knife, and did not dare to take it out. He kept posing as being tied. Just wait for Lin Yuqing to send tea again to cooperate with him and capture this vicious woman!

"What did you see? Is it a man or a woman?

"Bah, what a broken heart! It's purely Mongolian! I know a little about poison, and I dare to play an axe in front of this girl. I really don't know the depth of heaven and earth. However, this girl also taught him a good lesson. I'm afraid she is waiting for death in pain now, hahahaha!"

"Did you teach him a lesson? Do you use poison again?"

"Of course, this time I used a three-inch broken intestine. In just three quarters, he will be in pain to death. Who made him make a name that has nothing to do!"

"Is she a woman?"

"It's a man in his forties. But to be honest, if I hadn't used poison, I really couldn't deal with it with his efforts!"

Ah! Fang Jing is poisoned!

"Is there anything you can't deal with?"

"I'm just saying that if you don't use poison! But originally, he used the reputation of poison to scare me the world's number one. Isn't it a pity that he didn't use poison to deal with him for nothing?

"So, just a liar? Then why did you kill him?"

"Hmm! Only a fool like you will let others go! He wants my life! If I hadn't been clever and had been on guard, I'm afraid I would have been killed when he sent me the secret!"

"He wants to kill you? Why?"

"I don't know that! However, pretending to be a drug master and claiming to be the best in the world, it must be purposeful to attract me to the past. Maybe he went to the master... But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he will disappear in this world immediately! Whether he lied to me or not!"

"You are really open-open! I don't know if someone will come to help you next time!"

"Haha, don't say that there will never be this day. Even if there is, I can save myself."

"Do you have an antidote?"

"Yeah, look, that's in this purple bottle. I gave it a nice name, called Return to Dream. Is it poetic? This is all carefully developed by me. It's very precious!"

"Are you not afraid of having an accomplice at the end of the world?"

"Some words should come out after I hurt him. Fortunately, they didn't come out. If they come out, I have something better to treat them here! Unfortunately, it doesn't work!"

Looking at Qi Tianqing fiddling with the things in her hand and looking regretful, Man Xiu couldn't help trembling in her heart. Why does a little girl treat human life worse than insects and ants?

"Is it as simple as usual for you to kill people?"

"Ha ha, what's your expression? Chilling? What a pity? Or fear? Afraid? I didn't kill anyone. It's just that I tried the medicine. They were in bad luck and died. It's none of my business! Look at yourself, won't you be all right?"

"I'm afraid it will die worse than them. The blood on your body will be sucked up by your master and apprentice!"

"Don't worry! Even if you die, I promise you that I will repair your grave and burn you some paper money every year during the Qingming Festival. How about that?

"That's it, thank you very much!"

Man Xiu doesn't know what this girl is thinking in her mind. Is this a reward for his life? Repairing a grave? Let's keep it for her to live in! I, Qin Manxiu, won't live in your grave!

Thinking about it, he clenched the flying knife in his handshake. He was trying to figure out how to take down Qi Tianqing in a moment.

The knock on the door sounded again. Lin Yuqing sent the freshly brewed green tea before the rain.

Man Xiu looked at Lin Yuqing and shook his head gently at him. Because just now, Qi Tianqing said that what she wanted her partner to use was in her hand. In case Lin Yuqing did it, she would inevitably be hurt. Instead of forcing the antidote at that time, it would be better to make sure that it was foolproof. Qi Tianqing, a girl, is too different. I'm afraid that even if she dies, she will let others put her back first. It's better not to touch it.

"Give me a cup too! I'm so thirsty!"

"I don't know where you got so many things! What a trouble!"

"Who asked you to bring me here? I don't want to go with you either!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Burn you to death!"

Qi Tianqing reluctantly poured a cup of tea for Man Xiu and gave him a few more sips. But suddenly, Man Xiu felt that his breathing was not smooth, "In this tea, in tea..."

"Hey, are you all right?"

Qi Tianqing saw that he had difficulty breathing and immediately became nervous. As soon as he came to see it, a flying knife forced her pink neck. At the same time, several big holes were also spotted behind Qi Tianqing, and she couldn't move at all.

"It's this purple bottle. I'll look at her. Go and save people!"

Man Xiu took out the three-inch broken intestine antidote she just said from Qi Tianqing's waist and handed it to Lin Yuqing. At this time, Qi Tianqing saw clearly that the second child just now turned out to be colluding to deceive her with the antidote! No wonder as soon as the little two came in just now, she had a strange feeling. At that time, she felt that she was more careful. It turned out that she really should be more careful! And! I'm really stupid. I took him away because I knew that Qin Manxiu was invulnerable. Even if the tea was poisonous, how could Manxiu have such a big reaction?

"So you colluded to lie to me!" Qi Tianqing bit and said at the root.

"It's important to save people!" Man Xiu ignored Qi Tianqing, but urged Lin Yuqing to leave again. Lin Yuqing also knew that Fang Jing was in danger, and Qi Tianqing's acupuncture points were lit here. There should be no big problems, so he told Man Xiu to be careful and left the inn quickly.

"You will regret it! I will make you pay for everything you have done today!"

"What? Kill me?"

"Kill you, it's cheap for you! Don't give me a chance to catch you, otherwise, I will definitely make you unable to survive and die!"

Man Xiu's heart trembled again. Is it good for you to learn something at a young age? Where did such a big hatred come from?

"Who are you? I don't need you to teach me a lesson!"

"It's not right for you to catch people to try poison at will, and it's even worse to use poison to kill people! Who in this world is not born by his parents? Have you ever thought about how painful it is to lose a loved one?

"Bah! Don't tell me anything about the big truth, no relatives or relatives! I didn't! I don't know!" With that, there were a few tears in Qi Tianqing's eyes. It turned out that she also grew up without family affection and formed such a special personality. Man Xiu thought about himself, isn't it the same since he was seven years old? If it hadn't been for the voice and smile of his parents, Dun' teachings would have been deeply imprinted in his mind. In the years when he was in the Hundred Flowers Museum alone, he would have become a deformed person who resented society. Therefore, you can't blame Qi Tianqing.

"Would you like some water?" Man Xiu remembered that Qi Tianqing only gave him water first, and she hadn't had a drink yet.

Seeing that Qi Tianqing was so angry that his mouth was bulging, Man Xiu took the initiative to pour a cup and handed it to Qi Tianqing's mouth. As a result, Qi Tianqing really opened her mouth, "Come closer!"

It seems to be really thirsty! Man Xiu held the water cup closer to Qi Tianqing's mouth with his hand. But when Manxiu fed Qi Tianqing water, her mouth did not touch the cup, but bit Man Xiu's hand fiercely. Manxiu was so painful that he didn't care that the cup fell to the ground and just kept pulling his hand out. Fortunately, because there was still some distance between her hand and her mouth just now, Qi Tianqing bit not very strong, but that's all, Manxiu's hands still bleeding.


"Haha! I said, don't let me catch you again! Otherwise, I will make you suffer to the extreme!"

"You vicious woman! Incurable!"

Man Xiu was so angry that he walked aside and bandaged his hand. It really hurts to be bitten by her for no matter what. But today's incident is indeed that she colluded with Lin Yuqing, but it is also to save people and save herself? It's just a different position. I can't tell who is right and who is wrong!

After a meeting, Fang Jing and others rushed over. Seeing that he was fine, it seemed that the medicine worked. Fang Ziyan also came, as well as Xueer and Yuwei, ah, as well as Mu Feng and Mu Lanzhi!

"Qin Manxiu, are you all right!" Cher rushed to Man Xiu and pulled him to look left and right. Brother Lin said you were fine. Have your poison been relieved?

"Ye, I'm fine!"

At this time, Man Xiu inadvertently met Mu Lanzhi's eyes staring at him. In embarrassment, Man Xiu retreated to the side and turned his head to Qi Tianqing. At this moment, Fang Ziyan pulled out her sword and was about to kill Qi Tianqing, but Man Xiu came forward and stopped her.

"She is still young and ignorant, just spare her life."

"Are you still ignorant? How many people have been killed with poison, and they are still ignorant! Do you know that she almost killed Fang Jing today!"

"I know, I know, but the antidote is also hers after all. Without her, I'm afraid that if we have the intention to save Fang Zhuangzhu, we will be powerless to recover!"

"Man Xiu, you are the only one who plead with her! This kind of person doesn't know how to be grateful! Maybe she will leave later and look for revenge on you later!"