Golden hairpin

Chapter 118 Jiang Ning's Oath

Manxiu did not expect this layer, because Qi Tianqing had released a message just now, which will definitely make him look good. However, as soon as Fang Ziyan started to kill Qi Tianqing, she felt inexplicably sympathized. After all, Qi Tianqing's life is not caused by her personality alone. What's more, she is still young. When she understands, she will still live a wonderful life! I am not the master of fate. How can I say that other people's lives are the lives of others!

But Fang Ziyan still refused to give up. Fang Jing was almost killed by the little girl in front of her!

"Forget it, she is poisoned. She played chess one more time just now, but we neglected it. Fang Jing actually helped Qi Tianqing speak!

"Good! Don't kill her! Qi Tianqing, but you have to promise me one thing, that is, from now on, you can't catch people to test poisons at will, and you can't poison people with poisons. Can you do it?

A good man will not suffer immediate losses! At this time, Qi Tianqing suddenly became very docile, which was different from the one who just shouted with Man Xiu. Qi Tianqing actually agreed to this request!

In case, Fang Ziyan still did not untie her acupuncture points, but waited for everyone to leave. Fang Ziyan took out a pill. You must have heard of this 'unity of heaven and man'!"

"One pill between heaven and man?" Of course, Qi Tianqing has heard of it, but it was the first time he saw it. It is said that this Tianman-One Pill is a combination of two halves of poison. Once it isru kou, it will definitely die. But if you only take half of it, you will stay in your body for ten years, and every full moon night, you will have an attack and unbearable pain. But as long as another half is found within ten years, it can be relieved. However, the reason why it is called the unity of heaven and man is that its antidote can only be the other half that can be integrated with it, and any other antidote is useless.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Ha ha, I have promised not to kill you, how can I go back on my back? You can see that this half of it is for you first!" With that, Fang Ziyan pushed Qi Tianqing's mouth and pushed the medicine into her. Qi Tianqing is suffering and can't say, but now he is controlled by others, so he has to do so. I'll save the other half for you first. If you can really stop harming people as promised, ten years later, if you come to Ziyan Manor in Yongcheng to find me, I will definitely give you the antidote! However, if I hear you making waves again in the world, don't blame me that the next time I see you, it's not as simple as half poison!"

Oh my God! Every full moon night, he will go crazy in pain. Thinking of this, Qi Tianqing hates it so much that his teeth are itchy! Ziyan Manor, right? At worst, kill all the people in Ziyan Manor and snatch out the antidote!

"What if you die within these ten years?"

Qi Tianqing always speaks so viciously, but she does not anger Fang Ziyan. Instead, Fang Ziyan smiled and said slowly, "Drug, I will put it in an extremely safe place. Within ten years, if I really died first, you wouldn't know where the medicine is. And ten years later, if you can really be kind, even if I'm gone, the medicine will still reach you!"

Why wait for ten years? Just grab it from Fang Ziyan's hand in a moment! I was really stupid. Qi Tianqing couldn't help smiling at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that in two hours, your acupuncture point will be untied, and then you can fulfill your promise!"

"Thank you!" Qi Tianqing was so angry that she was going crazy. Fang Ziyan did things so watertight, and it seemed that she could see through her mind. Ten years, do you really have to wait for ten years? How can this cowardly spirit make Qi Tianqing, who is a rare opponent in the world, endure it! After all, it's all Qin Manxiu's fault. If he doesn't cooperate with others to capture her, how can she suffer for ten years? That's a monthly heartbreaking pain! Qin Manxiu, wait, as long as I, Qi Tianqing live for a day, I will never make you feel better!

At this time, Man Xiu walked on the road with everyone, but after all, he couldn't forget what kind of look was it when he turned back to Qi Tianqing's eyes when he left? Is it full of resentment and anger? Or is it full of sneer and pride? He can understand the resentment and anger, but what did she laugh at? What are you proud of? Man Xiu couldn't say it, but since he saw that look, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Brother Qin, what's wrong with your hand?" Yuwei saw Manxiu's wrapped hand.

"Oh, it's nothing, I accidentally hurt!"

"Does it matter?"

"It's okay! Don't worry!"

Man Xiu is opposite to Mu Lanzhi's eyes again. Why is she always looking at herself?

"Odeed to me, remember to pay it back!"

This is the only sentence Mu Lanzhi said to Man Xiu before he left. Man Xiu didn't know what it meant. What do you owe her? What kind of treasure map did you say? Otherwise, it will be the boxes of gold and silver emitted by yourself. But how can this be considered what he owes her? Why should you keep the account on yourself if it doesn't belong to her? But besides this, do you owe her anything else? Why does Mu Lanzhi always feel strange when she looks at herself today? Did she and the pastor want to pay money from the slum? Why did you meet Fang Ziyan and others again? It seems that it is not the enemy, but a friend of the united front?

After asking the story, Man Xiu knew that Mu Feng also knew that he regretted it. Later, Mu Feng also really fulfilled his promise, explained the facts to Jianghu friends, and publicly apologized to Ziyan Manor for his ignorance. It's a pity that he has dreamed for many years, and he was cheated by Huang's mother. He is really unwilling! However, Fortunately, he also has the Holy Hand Fragrant Hall and his precious daughter. Moreover, after this incident, he met Fang Jing and his wife at Ziyan Manor. Later, many friends when walking around the world were much better than many enemies!

Mu Feng left with Mu Lanzhi. Fang Ziyan and Fang Jing also pretended to be worried about this trip. After saying goodbye to everyone, they also went back to Ziyan Manor. After another encounter, the remaining young people seem to be more harmonious.

I don't know where to go next. Lin Yuqing said that the pursuit of him by the military headquarters in Tokyo has stopped. After returning home, Ye Zilian's relationship with his father Ye Mingzhi was greatly eased. In order to show his sincerity, Ye Mingzhi once again took the initiative to contact Fu Yu, the owner of the Hundred Flowers Museum, asking him to stop pursuing the matter of manoeing and smuggling. Although Fuyu was reluctant, he still sold this face to Lord Ye Mingzhi and promised not to chase Man Xiu again.

And Ye Ziqi's place, as Lin Yuqing predicted at that time, returned to Beijing, Ye Ziqi found someone to lift Ye Zilian's residence. He was unwilling to fall into the hands of Ye Zilian, who had been dismissed, and he didn't expect that Jinlan did not live in that room. Instead, he moved into the home of Lord Du, the servant of the Ministry of War. Ye Zilian also unexpectedly moved back to live, making Ye Ziqi unable to start and crazy.

Jinlan is now accompanied by Yunxuan and in Du's house, which is very safe. However, Jinlan did not find the two uncles Yuan Fei and Meng Xing, and there was no news of his mother Meng Ling in Tokyo. Even if Man Xiu went back, it was not much sense. It was better to try his luck outside. If I am predestined with my mother, I will see her again.

Lin Yuqing also said that Lord Du really wanted to see him to see what charm he had that could make Mrs. Yu listen to him like this. The two precious daughters also spoke for him, and even Xueer did not hesitate to quarrel with her father for the sake of mance. But Manxiu gently refused. This kind of meeting was extremely embarrassing, so it's better not to see it well.

Man Xiu is going to leave, and Lin Yuqing can't stop him again. Xue Er insisted on going with Man Xiu, but she was pulled back by Yu Qing. Yuwei didn't say anything, but as soon as she got home, she ran out again, not a daughter's filial piety. Thinking that Xiao Fei couldn't find her, he left and went home with his brother. In this regard, several people parted ways again.

But not long after the separation, Man Xiu received a letter from a little boy. There was nothing written on the envelope. When asked who gave it to him, the boy turned his head and ran away without saying anything. Man Xiu opened the letter full of doubt, but there were no words in it. It only took a long time for Man Xiu to identify a few crooked paintings.

The first picture looks like a slender stick, but there seems to be a cylindrical thing above the stick. What is this!

Look at the second picture. There are several big ingots drawn in the center of the picture, each with several lights drawn on it, and an ellipsis is drawn next to it. Finally, a number is written and counted, which is 1,000. This is easy to understand. It should mean a thousand taels of silver.

In the third picture, a temple is not like a temple, and the house is not like a house. There is an arrow behind the house, pointing to the second picture. It should mean to put a thousand taels of silver behind the house.

The fourth picture, with a large number three, followed by a moon, which seems to mean three months. And this picture is connected with an arrow in the middle of the first picture. It seems to be a three-month period to exchange silver for that object.

The person who wrote the letter is either illiterate and has poor painting skills, or he did it on purpose. But who is the person who wrote the letter? Is it for him? This first picture... The more Man Xiu looked at it, the more familiar he felt. Suddenly, he subconsciously took out the golden hairpin he sewed on the inside of his clothes, ah! No more!

Man Xiu knows who wrote this letter, Mu Lanzhi! That's too much! He almost lost his life and stole his golden hairpin. Fortunately, the purse was still there. Alas, I also blamed myself. At that time, she was too nervous and didn't protect anything else. She protected the golden hairpin alone, which made her take advantage of the loophole and grab the handle.

Exchange 1,000 taels for a golden hairpin, Mulanzhi's appetite is really not small! Ah! By the way, no wonder she finally said that she owed her. Remember to pay her back! That's really why! It's really abominable, it's extremely abominable! Unexpectedly, he threatened his most precious golden hairpin!

One thousand taels of silver, it's not easy to talk about! Where can he go to raise money? What a headache, a headache!