Golden hairpin

Chapter 119 Bodhi Temple

Man Xiu looked at the third picture on the letter again. What the hell is this place? Holy Hand Incense Hall? It doesn't look like it! Take a closer look, there seems to be a bowl painted in front of the room, with three verticals on it. Ah, yes, it should be an incense burner with three incense sticks on it. That's the temple! But where is the temple?

Man Xiu hopes to see some clues from the painting. At least it's good to find the shepherd's father and daughter first and plead for mercy. Since the father and daughter did not get back the silver that had been divided with the poor in Jiangning Mansion, it proved that they still have a little conscience. As long as they meet, it should be easy to say. But no matter how you look at it, you can't be sure where the temple in the painting is. Since his father and daughter are in Zhengzhou, should the painted temple also be near Zhengzhou or Zhengzhou? Because looking at the temple, it doesn't look like the architectural style of the south, and it should still be in the north.

In this way, Manxiu embarked on a return trip back to Zhengzhou. This time, he walked and stopped. Because his entanglement was almost exhausted, he had to do some odd jobs for others along the way, or play some small songs to make money to support himself and save some travel expenses.

It was already July when Manxiu arrived in Zhengzhou. The weather is as hot as day, but Manxiu is constantly asking about the location of the temple. The person asked either didn't know or pointed randomly. On this day, Man Xiu accidentally bumped into the territory of Shaanxi.

Days of intense heat and all-day running made Man Xiu's body quite unstable. On this day, he was walking, but he felt that the world was spinning, and then fainted. It turned out that he was heatstroke.

When he woke up again, he was already in a small temple called Bodhi Temple. It was the monk who went to carry water that he fainted on the roadside and rescued him back to the temple.

Because this small temple is located in the deep mountains, there are not so many good men and women who come to burn incense and worship, but most of them come to support them are rich and noble families. It is said that the Bodhi ancestors here are very effective. When it comes to Buddha, Manxiu has always thought that everyone worships Bodhisattva. It is nothing more than burning a few columns of incense, kowtoing a few heads, saying a lot of his wishes, and asking for the blessing of the Bodhisattva. Unexpectedly, the Bodhisattva also has the same function as Bodhisattva in people's minds.

In order to make the body recover faster, Manxiu walks in the mountains around the temple or temples as soon as he has time, breathes the fresh air without noise, listens to the unique birds in the mountains, and receives the vast bodhi grace. This can't help but remind Man Xiu of the four years he spent after falling off a cliff at the age of seven. But in retrospect, the "bloodthirsty" life under the cliff was no more than one percent here. Although it is the same hidden place, the game there is not as fresh and elegant as here, and the appearance there is not as clear as the inner here. If you don't want to find your mother, you still can't let go of the vulgar things in your heart. Man Xiu really wants to die here, at least it's much better than living in an uncertain and confused life now, but after all, this idea is too utilitarian, and Man Xiu still silently apologizes to the Bodhi ancestor.

In the Bodhi Temple, the cultivated body has gradually improved. When he came out to idle this day, he saw a little monk cleaning the room, so he went up and asked if he needed help. After all, he had been talking about it for many days, so he had to do something. The little monk said that today that two female donors came to visit the abbot. Now they are reciting scriptures and worshipping Buddha, and they will stay overnight at night. Therefore, after cleaning, the room is not dirty, and the body is still If he doesn't recover, he won't do it. In other words, Man Xiu also left and continued to walk in the mountains and forests outside the temple.

Who are the two female benefactors who came to the Bodhi Temple? It was Zhou Ke's wife Hu Shi and daughter Zhou Xinran, and they also brought a little girl named Xiaobing. However, Zhou Ke said that because he married the daughter of Hu Xingying, his official career was smooth all the way. First, he became the deputy camp of Qinfeng Road, and now he is in the position of the general manager of soldiers and horses in Shaanxi. Hu Yong and he are still in a relationship with Kaifeng, and immediately he will fall into the capital and work at the feet of the emperor. Because Zhou Ke is too busy and rarely accompanies his wife, the Hu family can only rely on Buddha. As long as it is a temple, she will go to provide for it. This bodhi temple is even more convinced and often comes because she has fulfilled her wish before. This time, she brought her daughter happily together, and she obviously doesn't like this kind of place. She is used to the bustle. There are many old monks, little monks, and a Buddha statue of a Bodhi ancestor. What's the beauty? As soon as I heard about the temple, I shouted boredom, but I couldn't stand my mother's chatter all day, so I had to follow him to see it once.

The mother here worships the Buddha and recites the scriptures, and happily sneaks out of the temple with the girl Xiaobing to see if she can find anything to play with. Sure enough, she really found it. A cute little white rabbit in the mountain forest fell down several times in order to catch it. At the same time, it let the little white rabbit run away. She happily went to chase the White Rabbit, and Xiao Bing chased the young lady closely behind. This young lady was famous for being difficult to serve and capricious. When she was a girl, she was worried all day long, because if something really happened to the young lady, she would still be scolded by the board.

Cha Manxiu also walked in the mountain forest. When he saw a cute little rabbit in front of him, he ran a few steps and stopped. He gently caught it in the past and remembered the good times when he went up the mountain with his father when he was a child. When he stroked the hairy edge of the little rabbit happily, he heard someone shouting in the distance: "Sh on!"

Man Xiu didn't feel that he was calling him, so he continued to walk and heard: "Hey, take the rabbit, stop!" Hearing this, Man Xiu stopped. When he looked back, he saw a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl rushing up breathlessly. The little girl has a duck egg-shaped face, red phoenix eyes, and her clothes are very exquisite, but it seems that she has fallen and rubbed several pieces of mud on her beautiful clothes. Soon after, a girl a little older than her followed, but she was dressed as a girl.

"Hey, give me the rabbit!" Zhou Xinran seems to have never learned to speak politely to anyone, and he is mostly commanding. But Man Xiu felt that how could this girl be so uncultivated at such a young age that he ignored her.

Zhou Xinran then shouted, "Hey, what about you! Did you hear that?

Man Xiu still ignored him and happily ran to him, opened his hands and blocked his way. Give me the rabbit!"

Manxiu still ignored her. He couldn't help frowning, put down his arms, gestured, and said randomly, "Are you deaf? You are not blind, are you? Then watch it! Give me the rabbit!" He pointed to the rabbit, then pointed to himself, and then stretched out his hands, meaning to pick up the rabbit.

Who knew that Man Xiu still ignored her, but leaned on one side and was ready to continue to walk forward. He was anxious and reached out to take the little white rabbit. Man Xiu retreated and said, "Why give it to you!"

"Ha, it turns out that you are not deaf and mute!"

"Who is the deaf and mute? I didn't say I couldn't hear what you said!"

"If you hear it, don't give it to me!"

"Why should I give it to you!"

"I saw it first!"

"I caught it!"

"What I saw first is mine!"

"Is that the world I came to first, and the world belongs only to me?"

"That's different!"

"What's the difference! According to you, as long as you see it first, you deserve it. Isn't everyone able to get the world!"

"You are presumptuous!"

"Is it your turn to say the word unbridled?"

"Why can't I say it! Do you know who I am?

"Who do I care who you are? Even if the King of Heaven comes, as long as there is something reasonable, we have to discuss it!"

"What's wrong with you? I don't care, you still give me back the rabbit!"

"Falth? Did I borrow a rabbit from you?

"You! Give it to me!"

"Why do you still want to grab it now?"

"That's mine! I want it!"

"You said it was yours. If you wanted it, would I have to give it to you?"

"I warn you, my father is..."

"Don't do this, why don't you move your father out for a rabbit? Even if your father is the emperor, I'm not afraid!"

"You, you bully too much! Do you believe that I killed you!"

Man Xiu originally planned to teach this little girl a lesson, but she didn't expect her to say the word "kill"! Man Xiu couldn't help but feel cold. What kind of world is this? Why did her family teach her to treat people like this at such a young age?

"At a young age, you actually regard human life as grass mustard! Or for a rabbit!"

"Hmm! In my eyes, rabbits are more valuable than your life! You low-class servants don't know etiquette at all. It's okay if you don't kneel down when you see a rich lady. It's not an exaggeration to dare to talk back here!"

This sentence angered Man Xiu, "The young lady of a rich family is a human being, and we are not human?"

"Hmm! To say that you are human is to look up to you. In my heart, you unspeakers are not as good as beasts!"

With a slap, he was stunned for a while, and then sat on the ground and cried. He dared to hit her!

"Miss, miss, are you all right?" The same is true of this girl. Seeing that the young lady cried like this, she even comforted her, "Are you all right?" Does it look like it's okay?

"You, how dare you hit me! I, I, I will make you die! No, you can't live or die!"

This is the second woman to say such a thing to Man Xiu. I don't know if it's angry or sincere. But it's extremely uncomfortable for a fourteen or five-year-old girl to say such vicious words!

"You want a rabbit, right? Here you are!" With that, Manxiu threw the rabbit on the so-called young lady who was sitting on the ground crying. The rabbit's four feet ran to the girl's flowery face at the same time and screamed loudly. The rabbit may also be scared by the shouting. When he was nervous, he actually left a thin scratch on the girl's face. After that, she stepped on her face and ran into the bushes and disappeared.