Golden hairpin

Chapter 122 Fuyu Hate

"All right! Man Xiu, it's really fate to see you here. Why don't you go to the house to sit down when you come? If Mr. Ye hadn't sent people to see Jinlan and asked someone to send a message that you had come to Tokyo, we wouldn't have known!" It seems that Ye Zilian received his letter, but it was a little embarrassing for Yunxuan to say so.

"Yes, after going out in such a big circle, I don't remember to look at my old friends when I come back. I don't even have a gift. It's really unrighteous!" Cher opened her little mouth and then said something.

"Xueer!" Yunxuan saw that Manxiu was now working as a buddy, which was not like she and Xueer's worry about money all day long, so she said something to stop it. However, this reminded Yunxuan of the appearance when Manxiu threatened her to leave Tokyo that day, she couldn't even figure out the sedan chair and the boat money.

Because of her sister's words, Xue'er stared at Manxiu and said, "But just think about it and ask him for a gift!" Maybe a mouse will be delivered that day. It still scares our sisters!"

"So you are also afraid of mice! Well, next time I remember your request!"

"Qin Manxiu, you...boss!"

As soon as Man Xiu heard Xue'er call the boss, he immediately put his hands together, which means asking Xue'er to raise his hand.

"Well, you are also afraid!" Cher is very proud. She just wanted to scare Manxiu. There is no real meaning to call the boss.

"You eat first, and I'll come and talk to you later!"

Because the downstairs shouted again, Man Xiu smiled at several of them and went out first.

"Hey, June, what does the child's face mean?" After Manxiu left, Cher asked curiously. Lin Yuqing and Yunxuan laughed secretly next to him, and Jin Lan also smiled. Cher couldn't help but want to know more.

"Good sister, just tell me! The food in this place is delicious, and I recommend it!"

"Why don't you even know this? In June, it was sunny and rainy, and the child's face also cried and laughed. After that, it was most of the time to describe the ermanence of people.

"Okay, this stinky boy! Dare to scold me for being capricious! He will come over later and see how I deal with him! Let's talk about it first! You are not allowed to care!"

Several people talked and laughed for a while, but never waited for Man Xiu to come back.

Speaking of Manxiu, he came out of the No. 1 elegant room and saw his old friend in Tokyo City. He was in a good mood and seemed to be more energetic than before. After being busy downstairs for a while, the boss asked him to send the wine to the No. 6 elegant room upstairs. After delivering it, he could go to the No. 1 elegant room to have a look. Man Xiu smiled and took the wine pot upstairs.

As a result, after Manxiu knocked on No. 6 Yajian and pushed the door in, the door behind him was marked by another person standing behind the door. Man Xiu fixed his eyes and seemed to know each other. Before he could react, he heard a familiar voice behind him and said to him, "Don't you remember me?"

Ah! It's Fuyu! The owner of the Hundred Flowers Museum!

There are also a few hitters next to it, and so is the one from the other door just now.

Man Xiu took a breath at that time. Hearing what Lin Yuqing said, it was obvious that Fuyu promised Master Ye not to chase him again. Otherwise, how could he dare to return to Tokyo so openly and still work in such a ostentatious restaurant? Did Master Ye change his mind again? What's wrong with this!

"Why, you haven't recognized me for less than a year?"

"The museum, the master!" Man Xiu's words were a little unpresistful. After all, he escaped at that time, and he also helped Master Mangosteen escape first.

"Ha ha, good! It's easy to say! As you know, I seldom leave the Hundred Flowers Museum when I have nothing to do. I came here today specifically for you!"

"Me?" Man Xiu's heart rose even more. What on earth does this mean? No matter what it means, it's not good intentions to see the owner Fuyu with a few thugs.

"I have always thought that you are also a smart person. The dialogue between smart people and smart people doesn't need to be so straightforward, right?"

"Please make it clear!"

"Express? OK! You helped Shanzhu escape first, and you destroyed the back wall of my Hundred Flowers Museum. After you escaped, you destroyed the rules of my Hundred Flowers Hall twice. Do you think I should come to you?"

"Master, you didn't promise Lord Ye..." Man Xiu wanted to mention Lord Ye Mingzhi and reminded the owner not to speak anything.

"Ha ha, your child's news is quite good! Yes, I promised Lord Ye not to chase you! Unfortunately, rumors are rumors. You only heard one, not the other!"

"Second?" Manxiu suddenly had a very ominous feeling, and it should not be said to be a hunch.

"Yes, Lord Ye also knows that you escaped privately. This is a family matter of the Hundred Flowers Museum, and it is not easy to interfere in more. Therefore, I only promised that I was dissatisfied with the city chasing you, but when I met you, I must ask for an explanation for Baihua Hall!"


"You don't have to be so nervous. I promised him that I would never kill you!" As you know, I am the most important person to keep my word. Since I promise, I will not repent, but the death penalty is inevitable and the living crime is inevitable. How about it? Did you take the initiative to go back to Baihua Hall with me? Or let your brothers work hard and take you back to the Hundred Flowers Hall?

"I..." Man Xiu suddenly thought of Lin Yuqing. He was in the No. 1 elegant room. Although there are several rooms away from here, if he asks for help, he should hear it. Come and help him!

However, before Man Xiu could ask for help, he felt a blow in the back, and then fainted.

When he woke up again, Man Xiu was already in a carriage. The left and right sides are the thieches of the Hundred Flowers Hall, and I don't know when my hands and feet were locked with chains. There is no chance to escape at all.

At this time, in the No. 1 elegant room, Xue'er was pouted and complaining, "Didn't Qin Manxiu say that he would come here in a while? Are you really afraid of me?"

"Why, if he doesn't come, are you still thinking about him?"

"Bah, who misses him! It's just that the account hasn't been calculated with him yet! This boy has a strong mouth! If he is as good as Brother Lin's martial arts, how many people will suffer from him!"

"Look at what you said, as if many people have suffered my losses!"

"Brother Lin, you know I didn't mean that."

"Ha ha, of course I know. Since you want to see him, I'll go out and have a look.

"Non, he must be very busy. If he is free, why don't he come to see us?"

"I really don't understand him. Obviously, things don't match the staff in the restaurant, so I just want to do this. Born..." Cher saw that Jinlan's expression was a little wrong, so she didn't say any more.

"Just add a few dishes. Miss He rarely came out and tasted the characteristics of this place.

"Thank you, Brother Lin."

Lin Yuqing came out of the elegant room and greeted Xiao Er with a few more dishes. However, there was no Manxiu left and right. I asked and learned that just now, Manxiu no longer worked here. Lin Yuqing was shocked. How could this be possible? It was true that Xue'er was right. He was afraid that they would not make it, but he went to chat with a smile when he first left. What the hell is going on?

Lin Yuqing hurried downstairs and asked the boss. Just when the boss was hesitant and couldn't make it clear, Yuqing knew something had happened. After questioning, I knew that a group of people had taken Man Xiu away. But as for who was, the restaurant owner didn't know who they were. He only knew that they had left him two ingots of silver, which was enough for him to hire more guys.

Lin Yuqing stamped his foot and wanted to go back to talk about it, but he was afraid that Miss He, Yunxuan and Xue'er would be worried. He hurried back and only said that there was something wrong with the military department. He came out and gathered again another day, so he urgently sent the three ladies back to Du's house first, and he inquired about them everywhere.

Xue'er complained all the way, not only because of Lin Yuqing's disappointing, but also because of his unfaithful cultivation. If Jin Lan hadn't said that she was not feeling well and came out another day, she wouldn't have gone back so easily!

Let's talk about Manxiu, I didn't find any gap along the way. Did the terrible god of fate land on his head again? It took five or six years to escape from the place last time, but now it's back. Although he can't die, his rich style of doing things will definitely make him worse than death. What should I do? What should I do?

Unfortunately, the wheels of the carriage are running forward as fast as time. Before Manxiu could think about what to do, the carriage had stopped in the Longhuxuan of the Hundred Flowers Museum. No one will come to this place except the 29th of the twelfth lunar month every year.

Manxiu was pushed off the carriage, and in front of him was a small hut. Manxiu remembers that at least two years ago, there was no such hut here.

"Look, are you satisfied?" Fuyu is a monk.

"What?" Although Man Xiu also knew that Fuyu was referring to this small house, he still asked.

"Ha ha, I haven't seen you for a few days, but the skill of pretending to be garlic is amazing! But it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. This is a hut specially built for you. No, it should be said that it is a special hut for people who have violated the rules of the Hundred Flowers Museum. You can stay here for the next two days. How about it? Am I treating you well?"

Although Fuyu still said with a smile, Man Xiu didn't think it was a good thing.

"Go in, what are you waiting for?"

Man Xiu had no choice but to enter the door under the intimidation of the thims around him. As a result, unlike the exterior thatched hut, the interior is all made of iron. There was nothing in the room except two buckets of stinky food. You can't be so kind to him! Man Xiu couldn't help laughing at himself and humming.

"You are also satisfied, aren't you? I'm also very satisfied! Haha! This is carefully designed by me to deal with disobedient children like you. There is only one key in my hand. Without my permission, this room will never be opened. As for the food in the house, it was a few days ago. I wanted to find you a few days ago, but it was delayed because of other things. I will ask someone to send two new barrels later. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly!"

With that, Fu Yu laughed and turned away. At this time, the man Xiu had been pushed into the house, and the sound of locking came from outside.