Golden hairpin

Chapter 123 as an example

In the moldy room, it was dark everywhere, and the only light that could be seen came from a small hole drilled from the edge of the roof. If it weren't for ventilation, I'm afraid it wouldn't even have been... Man Xiu felt an inexplicable fear for the first time, more fear than death! Do you have to spend the rest of your life in this dark room where you can't see the sun all day?

Fortunately, there was no difference in imagination. Soon, I heard the sound of unlocking outside. Just now, two of the hitters came in again, but this time, even these two people came in with their noses covered.

At the same time, a pungent smell hit Manxiu's sense of smell. Ah! The person who came carried two buckets of toilets of manure! This is called not treating him badly. Man Xiu tried to hide as far as possible, but was easily caught by two thumps, and then he was locked to the two dung buckets by a chain.

I've only heard that people in prison may suffer this kind of abuse before, but I didn't expect that I'm "lucky" to be in my turn. It's so humiliating! And in addition to enduring it, what else can I do?

In this dark and sunless hut, on the first day, Man Xiu still vaguely remembered some hours. On the second day, the day and night could only be judged by the light and darkness seen in the hole. On the third day, Man Xiu felt as if he was about to explode, and he didn't care about the time outside at all. On the fourth day, Man Xiu didn't even know what he was thinking. Time just passed by minute by minute...

It's quiet all the time, but it's a little creepy! Except twice a day, someone will hand him some leftovers from a small piece of iron by the door, nothing else.

Man Xiu endured eating all these meals, because he still had to live. As long as he was alive, there was hope to go out. What's more, Fu Yu said that he would not kill him!

I don't know how much time it has passed. If it hadn't been for the experience of living alone under the cliff for four years, I would have been driven crazy or committed suicide. But even so, being locked alone in this dark place is an extreme torment all day long with the rotten and unpleasant smell.

Finally, Fuyu appeared in front of him again.

In his hazy eyes, as if he had seen the savior, he was so grateful for the first time that he was willing to appear in front of him. How long has it been? The world of only one person is terrible!

"How are you doing here?"

"Please, please, let me go!" Now the cultivation is extremely weak.

"Are you begging me to let you out?"

Man Xiu doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, the owner of the Baihua Restaurant in front of him. Is it really a glimmer of life when he said so? Or is it clear that people are knives and I are fish? But it is certain that Fuyu can't let go so easily. Never mind, let nature take its course and let it be!

Man Xiu no longer specizes his gloomy psychology. He knows that it's too tiring.

"Yes, please!"

"What are you on? Do you know how much face you have lost to me? Since you escaped, there have been a lot of thorns in this museum. In the Hundred Flowers Museum I carefully founded, there are people who dare not listen to me! What a terrible thing! How dare they disobey my orders? It's really disgusting!"

"So this house was built to make them obedient?"

"Haha, I said, you are different from them! You are such a smart child! You don't know how much I cherished you! Even if I knew that you helped release the mangosteen, I was not willing to kill you! However, you are so disappointed and disappointing me!"

"What is the price of disappointment?"

"Ha ha, you know I won't kill you, it doesn't matter, right? But what if I tell you that I have changed my mind?

"This is the Hundred Flowers Museum. Of course, the owner has the final say. If you change your gossip, I will die. If you don't change your gossip, I will die. Either one is not good news for me!"

"Haha! Why is there no one of my newly trained children as smart as you? As long as I change my face, they will kneel down and beg for mercy. Sometimes I think about it, it's really boring!"

"Isn't this what the curator wants? Unconditional obedience!" Man Xiu became no longer timid. He knew that he had to face what he had to face. In this case, why not retain some dignity?

"You dare to talk to me like this for the first time!"

"If you know there will be no good ending, why do you pretend again? If the curator promises to let me go, not to mention kneel down and begging for mercy. I'm afraid I will consider agreeing any more.

"Haha! Hahahaha! Kneel down and beg for mercy. Once you are released, you will not be who you are now!"

"I never wanted to hurt you or do anything bad for the Hundred Flowers Museum. I just just want to go out. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Haha! From your own perspective, there is naturally nothing wrong with this choice! But in the position of Baihuaguan, you are very wrong! Where is the place where people can come and leave? You don't care too much about my fragrance!"

"I didn't come as I wanted, but I went as I wanted. I don't belong here in the first place. Why do I have to force people?

"It's not up to you to decide whether you belong here or not, but I have the final say! You left and broke my rules, and you should pay the corresponding price for it!"

"Master, what do you want?"

"Ha ha, do you know why I have to bring you back?"


"Actually, you know it very well. I don't allow anyone to violate my rules. However, you have violated my sacred rules twice! I once said, what will happen if I break the rules of the museum?

"No mercy! But you promised not to kill me!"

"Ha ha, after so many days, my brain is not stupid. Yes, I promised! Unfortunately, I didn't promise not to punish you. I'll bring you back for nothing else, just to give you an example! But I'm a trustworthy person, so this killing is not really killing! Look, how about I want your hands that once won Huakui?"

Ah! Manxiu took a cold breath.

"Don't you think this room is too gloomy? Don't you think the shackles in this hand are too restrictive? As long as you give me your hands, I promise that this room will no longer belong to your patent, and the shackles in this hand can naturally be opened without a key! Is this not good?"

A rich smile always makes people feel inexplicably disgusting! But this time Manxiu responded to him with a crazier smile than him.

"Ha, ha, ha! I will only be the owner of the Hundred Flowers Museum, which is different from those laymen, and it turns out that it is nothing more than that! Whether you want a hand or a head, isn't it just a matter of your words? OK! Of course! Hahahaha, hahaha!"

Looking at Man Xiu's abnormal smile, Fu Yu turned away angrily. Before leaving, I didn't forget to say, "Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon is a good time for your hands. I won't cut them all at once. I want to chop down your fingers one by one and feed them to the dog!" At that time, you will still laugh! Haha!"

Tomorrow, there will be only one day left. From now on, it is no longer possible to take a pen or play the piano, and it is impossible to find a job as a restaurant clerk as before. Ha ha, what else do you want to do in such a long time? Even if Fuyu cut off his hands and feet and makes him a complete waste, he will not let him step out of the Hundred Flowers Hall again. It seems that death is really going to become the ghost of the Hundred Flowers Museum!

On that day, the food delivery person only came once, and almost all the food was sent was moldy food. I guess I don't want him to eat too well. The more decadent he is, the more embarrassed he will be, and the more he can achieve the purpose of educating other pavilions. But Manxiu even ate this, because this is the last day he can eat with his hands. If he doesn't grasp it well, he won't even have this rare opportunity.

"Hands, hands, you also followed the wrong master! If you meet a good family, you will not suffer this reckless disaster! I'm sorry for you! Tomorrow, I will say goodbye to you forever! Don't think I'm ruthless. Tomorrow, I won't shed tears to send you away. Do you understand what I mean?

After Manxiu said goodbye to his hands, this night, as soon as the light of the small hole dimmed, he went to bed early. Tomorrow, I have to experience the torture. How can I survive if I don't have a good spirit? But then again, even if you are in good spirits, can you really survive?

The judgment of fate must have done something wrong in the previous life, and it will be returned in this life!

Let's say that Man Xiu is here waiting for tomorrow's torture. The daffodils outside the Baihua Hall still haven't changed his habit of being easy to inquire about things. Since Fuyu went out in person that day and came back, he went straight into Longhuxuan with the carriage, and he became curious. Later, I saw that Long Huxuan was guarded, and someone brought food to deliver it every day. It could be seen that the little iron room must have closed some disobedient people again. But the question is, there is no shortage of male prostitutes? Who will be the person at that level?

Narcissus took a lot of effort this time, and finally came out of a male prostitute who had just moved into the backyard but was deeply loved by pomegranates. The cabin of Longhuxuan is closed by a male prostitute who escaped from the Hundred Flowers Hall before! If so, except for peach blossoms, it is mangosteen! And if he is a handsome man under the age of 20, there must be a peach blossom!

What? The peach blossom was captured by the owner! Narcissus knows that the pomegranate has now become a left-hand man, and he will not rise without wind and waves. I also heard that they are not allowed to receive guests at noon tomorrow, and they all gather in Longhuxuan. There must be no doubt about peach blossoms!

And when Narcissus was in a hurry, they heard a surprising news, saying that the owner Fuyu wanted to cut off the two hands of peach blossoms to set an example! Ah! Going to Longhuxuan's feelings is to see the execution! What should I do? What to do!