Golden hairpin

Chapter 124 A Thousand and One

You can't save peach blossoms on your own! By the way, Mrs. Yu! In a hurry, the only person that Narcissus can think of is Mrs. Heyu, who once had made friends with Taohua. But she hasn't been to the Hundred Flowers Museum for a long time!

Anyway, it's good to have a try! How did she know to come to look for peach blossoms when she was worried? Saving people's lives is better than building a seven-level Futu! Therefore, Narcissus tried to ask someone to help take a letter out to find Mrs. Heyu. And it was already the morning of the day when the execution was about to be executed. It is not difficult to find out where Mrs. Yu lives, because since she married Lord Du, she has moved into Dufu, that is, the home of Lord Du Shangde, the servant of the Ministry of War.

What a cruel thing it is to watch your hands cut off! And it is even more unimaginable to live in this flower hall with two handsless arms all your life! I hope Mrs. Heyu can remember the old feelings and save the life of Peach Blossom!

And the person entrusted by Narcissus is also a good brother he has known in recent years. He is the son of a rich man in the north of the city. He is a good man and especially friends with Narcissus. This morning, he came to look for Narcissus, but he didn't want to be entrusted with a difficult matter. Unexpectedly, he sent a letter to Mrs. Heyu. Seeing that Narcissus knelt down and begged again and again, saying that it was a big event to save lives and 100,000 urgent, she also agreed.

Who knew that Mrs. Yu was not there. Trusted by others, there must be a beginning and an end! What should I do? She is not here, who will save people! Just as I hesitated, I met Lord Du who came back to pick up the documents at home.

Lin Yuqing stood beside Du Da's side and saw a man swinging around in front of Du's door, so he went to ask. When asked, he said that he was here to find Mrs. Yu. Lord Du didn't feel unhappy when he heard it. When asked what happened, he said that he was here to deliver the letter. Lord Du wanted to accept the letter, but he was hesitant to see that the man seemed to take it and had to take it.

Lord Du said that if you don't want to leave a letter, please leave. After thinking about it, the messenger still left the letter to Lord Du and asked him to pass it on to Mrs. Heyu, and be sure to do it within this morning.

The messenger left, but Lord Du and Lin Yuqing were full of doubts. What letter is so important? Do you have to hand it over to your wife within this morning? When Lord Du put the letter on the table and took the document to leave, a signature on the envelope really attracted his attention. Baihuaguan Narcissus"!

Flower Hall! Hundred Flowers Museum! Previously, a peach blossom made my family restless, and I almost turned against my baby daughter Xue'er! Now there is another daffodil! It's all right. She and Mrs. Yu are now her wife in Du's house. How can she still have contact with such a place as Baihua Hall? Dushande was very angry and immediately called the little man to ask where his wife had gone. The young lady replied that she went out early in the morning and said that she was going to meet her friends.

Friends! Humph! Lord Du, who wanted to take the paper and leave, threw down the paper and sat alone in the study for a long time! Since he got married, he didn't treat her well. Why did he still embarrass him so much? The more Lord Du thought about it, the more angry he became. He took the letter and wanted to tear it off. But strong curiosity drove him to put down the letter again.

What exactly is written in

? It's up to see. This is a letter to my wife. In case there are some more diot words in it, can you stand it? If you don't read it and tear it up, then this letter will always become a mystery. Will he always live in the shadow of doubting his wife?

Just as Lord Du hesitated, Lin Yuqing knocked on the door and entered, asking if he had found the document, so that he could immediately get up and return to the military headquarters. Lord Du asked Yuqing to go out first and wait. He hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't help opening the envelope and taking out the letter to read.

Fortunately, Lord Du made this decision, otherwise Manxiu's life would have died! When Lord Du saw this letter for help, he immediately returned to the army and ordered people to go to the Hundred Flowers Museum to bring the peach blossoms back intact.

Lin Yuqing didn't know why Lord Du ordered troops and went to the Hundred Flowers Hall, but heard Lord Du say, "Peach Blossom, do you know?"

Peach? Lin Yuqing suddenly remembered Qin Manxiu.

"Your excellency! ......”

"Ye�, you should know each other. Last time Cher said you had seen it. It's even better if you know each other! You go too! Hundred Flowers Museum, be sure to bring him back! Just talk about the people wanted by the Ministry of War.

Lin Yuqing didn't know why, but Lord Du's decision must be related to the letter he received today. As for Man Xiu, ah! That day, he said that he was taken away by a group of people, was he from the Hundred Flowers Museum?

When the people of Lin Yuqing's military headquarters arrived, all the people in the Hundred Flowers Museum were surrounded by Longhuxuan. There was no expression on his pale face, and he couldn't even find any trace of fear. Unfortunately, his hands will soon say goodbye to him one by one. Just next to the execution, there are two dogs. I guess it means to cut off a section and let the dog eat it!

Narcissus squeezed desperately in front of everyone, and his hands were also trembling. Has the letter been delivered? Why didn't Mrs. Yu come at this time? Did you find it by the fragrant people halfway? Impossible! Narcissus looked out anxiously and looked at Man Xiu. At this time, he saw the long correction opposite his eyes, and his expression was very peaceful, as if to say, "I haven't seen you for a long time, old friend!"

But at this time, Manxiu looked like a daffodil. He had just been dragged out of the small iron house. His clothes were smelly, and his hair became a grass nest. He was dragged around on the ground like a dead body, and his hands were finally fixed under a steel knife. From beginning to end, Man Xiu has never resisted. Is this fate?

The daffodils sweated in their hands. Seeing this in front of me, I recalled the days when the two first entered the Hundred Flowers Museum, and I couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Heaven has eyes, save the peach blossoms!

"This man is a criminal Peach Blossom. Presumably many of you still remember him! He escaped from the Hundred Flowers Museum and seriously violated the rules of the museum. Today, he was arrested and asked everyone to bear witness. This is the result of the destruction of the rules of the Hundred Flowers Museum! He should have broken him into ten thousand pieces, but the owner of our museum is compassionate and remembers the virtue of a good life, so he only cut his hands to let him know that he should not betray the power of the Hundred Flowers Museum!"

It is said to let Man Xiu know, but in fact, it is to let everyone know! This is the result of betraying the Hundred Flowers Museum! Or more serious than this!

"Is there anything else to say?" Hua Shiliu, who presided over the execution, asked Man Xiu, but before Man Xiu could speak, Fuyu interrupted, "Is he still qualified to speak?"

If the curator orders so, the people who work below will not give any more opportunities. In fact, Fuyu was also worried that Manxiu would say something that would shake the hearts of his Hundred Flowers Museum, so he didn't even give him a chance. He was stunned to stuff a piece of cloth in Man Xiu's mouth to prevent him from pain. However, he bit his tongue and committed suicide before the execution was over!

"You are all optimistic! This is the end of betraying the Hundred Flowers Museum!"

The onlookers have old acquaintances like Narcissus and many new faces. However, it is the first time to see such a bloody scene collectively in such a snowy place. Therefore, many people covered their faces and didn't look at it, but the pomegranate shouted, "You all open your eyes and take good care of it!" Those who violate the rules will be severely punished!"

Man Xiu closed his eyes. Although he tried to comfort himself that "it doesn't hurt, it will pass soon", the fear in his heart still made him sweat coldly. After all, it was a very cruel thing to watch his ten fingers leave him one by one. And all he can do is close his eyes and don't look!

The narcissus looked anxiously and begged Mrs. Yu to bring people to appear at this critical moment. In fact, Narcissus can't say in her heart. If Mrs. Yu comes, can she really save the peach blossoms? However, the only person he can think of and ask for is Mrs. Heyu, who once took care of peach blossoms! However, after waiting for so many hours, why can't I even see a person? Isn't it that Mrs. Yu didn't see the letter? Or, Mrs. Yu, who has become affinity, doesn't want to have anything to do with the Hundred Flowers Museum anymore. She doesn't want peach blossoms?

Just as Narcissus made all kinds of speculations, the hand responsible for cutting his fingers was already in place. With the pomegranate's sentence, "Three o'clock in the afternoon has arrived, execution!" In the past, when it comes to three quarters at noon, execution usually reminds people of beheading, but this time it is not beheading, but chopping. Although it can save your life, the ensuing pain and lifelong trauma don't seem to be much better than beheading.

As the words of the pomegranate fell, the hand aimed at the first finger of Manxiu's right hand, and the knife fell...

But when the knife was about to fall on the long and cultivated finger, he heard a sentence "slow down". Moreover, just as the sound was made, a stone also hit the hand holding the knife, and the knife in the hand unconsciously fell to the ground.

Man Xiu couldn't believe that everything in front of him was true, because when he opened his eyes, it was Lin Yuqing who came to stop the execution!

"I don't know who this is?" Fu Yu actually saw the officers and soldiers behind Lin Yuqing and knew that this was from the military department, but he still asked.

"This must be the owner of the Hundred Flowers Museum! Lin Yuqing, in the military department, was ordered by the lord to bring peach blossoms back to the military department for interrogation. I hope the museum owner can understand that we are waiting to enter without invitation!"

"Where! Since Lord Du of the Ministry of War wanted someone, how could I commit the crime of hiding fugitives again? Among them, the inside story can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Please say more beautiful words in front of Lord Du!"

"You're welcome! Adults only want people, and it is necessary to have evidence to decide whether they are fugitives or not. Now I'm just ordered to bring people, as long as the curator is convenient!"

He looked at Man Xiu with hatred, but it was not the first time for the Ministry of War to ask him, so it was also acceptable. In desperation, he had to wave his hand and let go of Manxiu's fixed hand. He also ordered someone to open Manxiu's bracelet and anklet and handed them over to Lin Yuqing.

All this happened so suddenly that Man Xiu was like a dream. I rubbed my eyes several times for fear that I was in a dream. But soon, he was sure that he was not dreaming, because what replaced the chain was a set of criminal shackles, and Man Xiu was pushed to the military department.

Along the way, Lin Yuqing and Man Xiu were speechless. Soon, Manxiu moved from the small iron house of the Hundred Flowers Museum to the prison of the Ministry of War, alas! I thought it was a great thing to see Lin Yuqing! Now it seems that the richness of the Hundred Flowers Museum is nothing more than his hands. I'm afraid Lord Du here wants one of his heads. Things in the world are so complementary. It seems that what the ancients said is really right. Misfortunes and blessings depend on, and misfortunes!

In prison, the shackles of cultivation were lifted. However, he still feels very heavy in prison. Is it really so difficult to live like yourself and like a person?