Golden hairpin

Chapter 341 on the wedding day

"Oh? I don't dare anything." The face under the mask is full of pride.


"You can report me. Anyway, didn't the emperor say that? The person who caught me will get a reward of 10,000 taels. Just right, you have to spend a lot of money to get married. How about it as my gift?

"You..." Man Xiu looked around quickly and was a little relieved when he was sure that there was no "ear of the wall". Come in and say something."

"Ha ha, it seems that today's long live grandfather is still quite childlike. You have hidden him for a long time, and he has also concealed you for a long time.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Forget it, it's not fun to tease you. To tell you the truth, after I parted ways with you in Guanyin Mountain, I did exchange that Ma Haiqing's virtual card for my mother, but after that, she was the only one who went out of the city, and I went to the palace.


"You don't have to make such a fuss. I haven't finished my words yet. I went into the palace to see the emperor, and took the initiative to admit that I killed Hongyuan, that is, Ma Haiqing. Otherwise, do you think that with your dead brain, you won't admit that I killed you until you die, and you can still live to this day?

"What did you say?" Man Xiu, who was shocked and didn't close his mouth for a long time, easily squeezed a few words out of his mouth.

"Sure enough, Qin Manxiu, whom I know, really needs to be changed. I hate to say the same thing twice."

"And then? Didn't the emperor kill you?"

"Why did he kill me? Give him a big enemy! Imagine that if Hong Yuan is still alive, he is bound to fight against the imperial court. Wouldn't he be uncomfortable as a prosperous emperor? So, I was absolutely right to kill that person. What's more, I also provided him with the source information of Ma Haiqing's money. If you guess correctly, the treasury and silver of the imperial court should have risen a lot at once. In addition to hidden dangers, you have also made huge profits for the court. If you were the emperor, you wouldn't have the heart to kill such a meritorious talent.

"I didn't kill you and pardoned you?"

"You're right. I am absolutely free now. Not only that, but I also asked for a death-free letter from the emperor.

"Ah... then you still..."

"Easy face? The reason is very simple. I don't want people who talk too much to see me, saying that Zhou Xinran reduced his value and actually came to please you Qin Manxiu.

"Is it also related to you that the emperor let me out?" Although Zhou Xinran's words made Man Xiu frown, he suddenly remembered the question of why the emperor had not figured out why he even released him. If you guess correctly, the eight achievements were related to Zhou Xinran's entry into the palace.

"You don't have to thank me too much. I just don't like to owe others. One life is equal to one life. Ah! I'm here this time to tell you that I'm fine. Don't mess with me again, or I may come to avenge you someday. In addition, it's just to fulfill the promise I made to you last time. Here, it's a gift. Zhou Xinran of Yirong handed Man Xiu a gift box.

Man Xiu took the gift box and opened it. When he opened it, it turned out to be a book on how to control the direction of weapons with his will. In shock, when he looked up at Zhou Xinran, he could not find anyone and had long been gone.

It's strange and feels strange. Since when did he and Zhou Xinran, an enemy who seemed to want to meet again, become to the point where the other party also came to congratulate him when he got married? And such a valuable gift?!

It was another busy day. I tried on clothes, saw the stew manager, was dragged here for a while, and was dragged there for a while. There were some pre-wedding thank-you banquets, drinking, and hospitality. It was not until very late that Man Xiu had to return to his **, but he didn't even take off his clothes and fell asleep.

The next morning, it was rare that I didn't wake up early and was shaken by the girl. Bathing and changing clothes, riding horses to welcome relatives, several times, Man Xiu wanted to simply drag the bride on the horse, and then immediately turn the horse's head and run away. However, there are many people, I'm afraid he doesn't even have a route to turn the horse's head.

"It's really handsome. At first, people said that he was beautiful, but I didn't believe that. I was thinking about how beautiful a big man could be no matter how good-looking he was! I really can't accept it when I see you today!"

"Yes, I heard that his original nickname was called 'Peach Blossom'. That's what people said about the skin and face like peach blossoms."

"It's 'the skin is like fat, and the face is like peach blossoms'." I really couldn't listen to the words of the vulgar people next to me, and a scholar in the crowd finally couldn't help talking.

"No, no, this kind brother should say that he is 'the young of peach, burning his glory, the son is returning, and it is suitable for his family'..." Listening to the scholar dragging the article, a weak scholar not far behind him also intervened in.

"This brother also seems to have read books for several years." The previous readers were a little dissatisfied with the other party's denial of themselves, and their words inevitably brought some emotions.

"It's not, it's not. It's not a few years, but a whole decade.

"Oh? Listening to the accent, Brother Taiwan doesn't look like a Tokyo native, and now it's not the time for the big exam. Did Brother Taiwan come to Beijing this time to prepare for the exam? Or visit a family?"

"It's not, it's not. Xiaosheng came to Beijing this time not to prepare for the exam or visit his family, but for one person.

"Oh? But for the beautiful woman?" Thinking of the woman, the previous scholar's dissatisfaction with the other party has decreased.

"If all beautiful people are beautiful, then the little student will come for the beautiful woman this time."

"Of course, a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. Dare to ask..."

"The bride is out!" Previously, the scholar was very interested. When he was about to inquire about where the beautiful woman was and what her name was, he had to stop the question just now with a burst of noise from the crowd. And the weak scholar stopped paying attention to him and only looked at today's protagonist with everyone. However, in such a lively day, no one noticed the fierceness in the eyes of the weak scholar just now.

Finally married his bride, Man Xiu looked at Xue Er, who was wearing a big red wedding dress and a big red head, and his heart was overjoyed.

Many people came to the house to celebrate the marriage of the two of them, but most of them were for the emperor's marriage and Lord Du and other officials. Manxiu really wanted to receive friends, in addition to Ye Zilian and Ye Ziqi brothers, as well as Xie Bin, the son of Xie Zhongxiao, who assassinated Zhou Xinran at the beginning and proved that Hu Yong's concubine Hua Yun committed suicide in Kaifeng Mansion. Qin Wei was the only witness framed by Zhou Ke, and there is Fu Yu, the owner of the Hundred Flowers Museum, who seems to have no other. As for Mu Feng, Mu Lanzhi, Shen Yuncheng and others, they have been busy greeting guests for a long time, and they are not entertained at all.

Maybe in order to avoid suspicion, Fu Yu, the owner of Baihua Museum, wanted to come and say congratulations and left directly. But the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind did not stop. Just when Fuyu greeted today's groom Manxiu in the past, he was looked at by Shi Jiangbai, the son of the bachelor of the Senior Hall, who also came to drink the wedding, and Zou Yanhua, the son of the university scholar of Guanwen Hall.

"Yo, isn't this the famous owner of the Hundred Flowers Museum? I heard that you didn't even give face to send a few little maids to support you. What's the wind today that you came here?

"Yes, I sent a few little sheer not allowed to go, but I actually ran to the little sheer in person. That's not good to say!"

The two sang and sang together, and Man Xiu raised their eyebrows slightly. Sure enough, they still met someone who was looking for fault. It seems that the two were angry at the palace banquet last time, and then there was no intersection. Today, they plan to get them back together at this wedding banquet.

"It turned out to be Mr. Shi, Mr. Zou, who is very polite." Fuyu was not slow and saluted the two of them generously. This time, it was not easy for the other two to step down. They wanted to ridicule each other for a while, but they didn't expect that the other party came with a "courtesy back" and ate cowardly!

"Lanzhi, come here." At this time, Man Xiu ignored the two, but directly called Mu Lanzhi, who was running around in his eyes.

"Hm, what's the matter?"

"Help to see where these two princes are located. After all, they are all distinguished guests. Don't wait."

It turns out that the words "Emperor" and "marriage" are sometimes very useful.

Looking at the two backs that followed Mu Lanzhi with great embarrassment, Fu Yu couldn't help smiling and said, "You have really grown up."

"The curator is really funny. Is there anyone in the world who doesn't grow up? If there is any secret recipe that can grow up, the curator must not forget to tell me.

Generally speaking, the wedding banquet went smoothly, accompanied by his uncle and Lord Du, accompanied by Ye Zilian and Lin Yuqing, coupled with Man Xiu's own humility. Of course, there was mainly the emperor's marriage, and there were no words of contempt for him as they had just now. At least, he didn't hear it.

However, as he said before, how can Youyou't stop his mouth? If you like to say it, let them talk about it. It's just a topic of after dinner and tea. The most important thing for people is themselves. It's their family. Who really cares who he is? What I care about is whether he is good or bad for himself.

However, there were too many guests, even if there were a lot of people, and the toast was a little dizzy in the end. Fortunately, I was still sober. Although I walked a little shaky, I found my wedding room smoothly and correctly. This is carefully prepared for him by his uncle and aunt. The loneliness and pain in the past will turn into clouds. From today on, there will be a bosom lover in this room who is always waiting for his return, and there will be a smile to welcome his return every time. Every time I think of this, Manxiu's heart will be very sweet.

Father, mother, adoptive father, adoptive mother, you are spiritual in heaven, and you will also feel gratified and happy that your child can marry such a loving wife today, right?

Although after getting married by the emperor, Man Xiu went to the grave of his adoptive father and mother almost every day to worship his parents's card, on the day of the wedding, he still couldn't help but want to say this good news that he had been told to them many times. He was so happy that he even wanted to cry...