Golden hairpin

Chapter 342 Spring Festival

"Xueer, I'm really happy today and finally married you. In the future, I will definitely..." Manxiu, who was a little dizzy, stood in front of Xueer and was ready to open her head with Yu Ruyi in her hand. However, in the middle of the words, he inadvertently threw something in the corner of the ground, as if it was still shining.

When he rubbed his eyes and looked at them again, Yu Ruyi's hands trembled. And due to nervousness, the previous wine was also instantly wiped out.

Golden hairpin! What is the golden hairpin in the corner of the ground? Although it is different from the one he had before, it looks like the golden hairpin that his biological mother, who had asked about it with pictures before. He will also recognize it if it turns into ashes. He still remembers that Yunxuan quietly told him before entering the bridal chamber that Cher was going to surprise him tonight. At that time, he was curious to ask what it was, so Yunxuan sold it and said that he could only know if he opened the lid.

Why does this golden hairpin, which should have been inserted on the head of the bride Cher, want to give him the surprise, appear on the ground or in the corner, and the place is not far from the window?

Cher knew what the golden hairpin meant to him, and Cher would never throw her feelings for her on the ground at will. The only possibility is what happened to Cher. There was no sign of fighting in the wedding room, but a small hole could be seen on the window. Smoke! And Cher was kidnapped! It is completely possible that the golden hairpin is really God's will. When the thief transported the snow out, it fell to the corner of the ground. But the thief didn't find it!

If Cher has encountered something wrong, who will be the newcomer** sitting on?

Man Xiu deliberately burped and said half drunk, "I'm so thirsty. Drink some water first!" After that, he went back and drank the wine in the wine pot like water. Ouch, why does my stomach hurt a little? Who prepared this water? It's so bad!"

"Haha!" Just as Manxiu half squatted down and pretended to be in severe pain, the ** person finally reacted. He lifted his head cover by himself and turned out to be a weak scholar!

", who are you?"

"Haha! It turned out that the rumors could not be believed. I thought you were so versatile and smart, and didn't you be subdued by me?

"You, ouch, did you put something in the water?"

"Water? Haha! I think you are really drunk! Candles in the bridal chamber and beautiful scenery, where can there be water? That's wine, idiot!"

"Wine, it's poisonous!"

"Ha ha, it's not too stupid."

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"I'd better answer your first question first. Do you know Liu's house in Chisong Township, Jinhua, Zhejiang?

"Are you Liu Xi's son?"

"Well... it's smarter than I thought."

"Do you want to get your property back? Yes! But what about Cher? My bride!"

"Ah! She! Don't worry, I will keep you together. Return the property to me first!"

"First? You kidnapped Cher, poisoned me, and said first? What you said together doesn't mean that we can die together, do you? If so, I don't mind bringing that big property to the ground with us for burial.

The other party's obviously anxious "no" mouth shape did not escape Manxiu's eyes. OK, it's good to have something nervous.

"Good! As long as you return all your property to me, I will keep you two fine. How about that?

"How to get letters?"

Life is a bet, isn't it? My father killed your father and won the bet. You designed to kill my father again and won the bet. So I was wondering if I would win this time? If you win the bet, you can take over the wealth I have been waiting for for many years!"

"I thought you would seek money and kill you!"

"No! How could it be? I am also a person who has read books and knows how to commit murder, not to mention that I am still at the feet of the emperor. As long as you cooperate with me obediently, I will never do it."

"Okay, where's the pen and paper?"

The other party seemed to be ready. As soon as Man Xiu said this, he took the paper and pen and put it in front of Man Xiu.

"You have to keep your word!"

"Yes! Have you seen this envelope? It contains the antidote and where your wife is. To tell you the truth, your wife is also poisoned by me, so don't try to mess around. I can destroy this envelope at any time. After transferring all the property to me, how about I give this to you?

"Good! It's a deal!"

Man Xiu gritted his teeth with hatred and agreed. After that, he took the pen and paper and wrote on the paper with some difficulty: "Now I voluntarily transfer all the property under my name..."

"What's your name?"

"Liu Wancai."

Man Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly. The name seems to be given by Liu Xi, but it is too un worthy of the image of the scholar in front of him. At present, he didn't say anything, but continued to write, "Liu Wangcai, Chisong Township, Jinhua, Zhejiang."

"It's wrong. Liu Wangcai is Liu Wancai."

"What? Isn't it Liu Wangcai that I wrote?" Man Xiu looked innocent and was so anxious that the other party wanted to scratch his ears and cheeks.

"Where is the prosperity, it is the ten thousand, the wealth of the family."

"Ah, Wan, make it clear." Man Xiu tore off this card and wrote a new one. I don't know whether it was intentional or coincidence. When it came to the word "Wan", he wrote the word "Wang" again.

"I said you deliberately found fault, didn't you? Don't forget that now you and your wife's life are in my hand!"

"Write another copy, write another copy."

For the third time, Man Xiu finally wrote 10,000 words, but he didn't write it right.

"I said you were a pig? Bring it, and I'll write it to you!" Again and again, the weak scholar can no longer tolerate such poor hearing and uneducated people in the world, so he simply took the pen from Man Xiu's hand and wrote his name neatly. Have you seen it clearly? Copy this!"

Man Xiu took the name written by the other party and looked at it carefully. Finally, he wrote it completely right in the fourth writing, with Su Manxiu and the date of the day.

"Are you satisfied?"

Liu Wancai looked at the commitment and said proudly, "I thought it would take more time!" Unexpectedly, there is no place to break the iron shoes, so it doesn't take much time!"

"What about things? Give it to me!"

"Oh? What is it?

"The place where the antidote and the snow are hidden!"

"Ah! You are talking about this envelope!" The other party shook and opened the envelope in front of Manxiu. Sure enough, as expected, it was empty inside.

"You lied to me?"

"Hmm! You don't think I'm really that stupid, do you? You know martial arts and gave you an antidote. Didn't I look for death by myself? At that time, if you take back the commitment you just wrote, won't I be busy in vain?


"Don't get angry! After drinking so much wine, it's still poisoned wine. If you get angry again, it's easy to hurt your body! But don't worry, I'm a man of my word. When I leave here safely, I will entrust someone to give the answer and the medicine with both hands.

"Wait for you to leave safely? What if something happens?"

"So, let's bet! How peaceful and boring life is!"

"Just give me one antidote first, otherwise, I promise you won't get out of the gate of Lin Mansion!"

"Oh? I don't like people threatening me the most, not to mention that this person is still my father's murderer!"

"If you want revenge, come to me alone!"

"Revenge? Ha ha, you think too badly of people! I didn't want revenge! My father is a money-keeper, and I can't touch that wealth in one day. My mother, oh, that Mrs. Lan you are talking about, is not my own mother at all, not to mention that she is in charge of money and life all day long. I have to borrow it from my friends even if I go out to drink a flower wine. Do you think this is the life that young master Liu should live? Now that I can become the head of Liu's family so soon, I have to thank you. Why do you want revenge?"

A father has a son! If it weren't for Xue'er's antidote and place, Man Xiu really wanted to go up and beat him hard now!

"You should know that all promises written under duress are not recognized by the law. What's more, I know so many judges in the court. As long as I sue, you will take a piece of waste paper. So, unless you kill me today, I won't let you go if you don't take out the antidote or tell me where Cher is. I'm not greedy either. As long as there is one antidote, one is enough.

Liu Wancai narrowed his eyes and speculating about Su Manxiu's words were a little credible. However, after several pushes, he felt that as long as there was an antidote in his hand, the other party would not do anything, so he agreed to the other party's request. The condition is not to prevent yourself from leaving or sue the official.

This condition is naturally promised.

So an agreement was reached between the two "gentlemen". Liu Wancai gave an understanding of the hidden places of medicine and Xue'er. Man Xiu let him go according to his words and did not report to the officials.

Liu Wancai left, but Man Xiu did not chase him. He hurried to find the place where Xueer was hiding. Fortunately, Liu Wancai did not lie. He quickly fed Xue'er the medicine. It was not until Xue'er's eyebrows frowned slightly and coughed several times in a row that Man Xiu was finally relieved. Because I just tried her pulse, the antidote is also true.

It's still Liu Wancai's credit, Manxiu thought of it.

When Xueer woke up, she found that she was lying on the wedding bed, and the cover on her head had long gone. Man Xiu lay sideways beside her and looked at her without blinking.

"What's going on?" Without what my sister said, I picked up the lid and drank a glass of wine. All I could remember was sitting and falling asleep. It seemed that I had eaten something halfway. When I woke up, it was like this now.

"You're sleepy. What's going on?"

Ah? Am I asleep? How is that possible? At such a critical moment?"

"Yes, it was at such a critical moment that our great Miss Du Xueer fell asleep. You should have slept sweetly. What's your dream?

"Ah... this, I don't remember... Maybe I was too nervous and tired yesterday... Man Xiu, that..." Looking at the hour, it was late at night, and I actually slept so soundly. On the wedding night, Xue'er scolded herself in private many times. She was also really sorry for her husband Man Xiu.

"Don't be sorry. However, people say that the spring night is worth a lot of money. You let me waste at least 600 gold in vain and have to make it up for me.

"Financial fan! Don't you have a lot of money now? Are you still short of that 600 gold?

"That's not what my wife gave me."

"Fuck you! Lady! There is no spring night, ask your husband who asks for 600 gold!"

"It's okay if you don't give it, how about making up for me a quarter of the Spring Festival?" Looking at Man Xiu's confused smile, Xue Er raised her hand and slapped him on the chest, "I'll give you 600 gold tomorrow."

"Ah! Do you want to murder your husband? Still on the night of the wedding? I don't want to change tomorrow, but now. Anyway, you still owe me 400 gold. Why don't we do it together?

"Well, you... didn't find that you were still like this..." Before Xue's words were finished, she felt a warmth on her lips. Their spring night began, right?