King of Close Combat

Chapter 110 The First Student

Li Yang and the three drank a bottle of red wine, but two more bottles were eliminated. Lin Waner and Zhou Yingying were a little drunk, but they still had to drink and were stopped by Li Yang. Although there are some bad ideas in his heart, Li Yang doesn't want to do that while he is drunk. The two women are still awake, and he won't really go too far.

Lin Waner was on the table with one hand and patted Li Yang on the shoulder with one hand. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were confused and said, "Bastard, if you dare to run away without saying a word again, I will definitely ask my grandfather to catch you back and tie you here, and then I will chain your neck. Um... Hang another bell. If you want to run, I will hear Hee hee..."

"Wan'er, you are drunk." Li Yang said helplessly. This chain bell is like a pet no matter how you think about it! A strong queen will never be understood.

At this time, Zhou Yingying on one side interrupted and said, "Sister Wan'er is right. She tied him up, hee hee..."

"Okay, it's time for you to go to bed." Li Yang grabbed Lin Waner's arm and put it on his neck, picked her up rudely, and walked to Lin Waner's bedroom. By the way, he said to Zhou Yingying, "I'll help you later."

"Gone down! Ah! My first princess was lost, and I want to sue you for being rude. Yingying, broadcast 119. Lin Waner shouted and squeezed Li Yang's cheek with one hand, which was pulling hard.

"Sweat! You can't drink and drink so much. You are really awesome. Li Yang muttered and quickly hugged Lin Waner and ran to the bedroom. Later, she heard Zhou Yingying pick up her mobile phone: "Hey, is it 114? How can I call 119?

Throw Lin Waner directly at **, Li Yang quickly took off the latter's slippers, pulled over the cover of Lin Waner's body.

Just as Li Yang was about to leave, his palm was suddenly caught by Lin Waner.

"Hmm?" Li Yang turned his head and looked at Lin Waner.

Lin Waner's beautiful face turned red, and her eyes suddenly showed a pitiful look. She whispered, "This time, don't go, okay?"

Looking at Lin Wan'er's sudden expression, Li Yang was a little touched. He nodded solemnly and said, "Don't go, don't go again."

Then, he gently put Lin Waner's hand back into the quilt and patted the quilt: "Go to sleep!"

After saying that, Li Yang disappeared and the door closed.

Lin Waner's eyes were dizzy and she fell asleep in a daze...

Out of the room, Li Yang saw Zhou Yingying come out of the bathroom. There were some small drops of water on her red face, but her eyes were sober.

"Are you not drunk?" Li Yang was surprised.

Zhou Yingying smiled and said, "No! I just called 114 and they said 119 was a fire alarm.

Li Yang said helplessly, "Stop it. I still can't see whether you are drunk or not."

"Oh!" Zhou Yingying's expression changed in an instant, and her eyes were clear without a trace of confusion.

She said, "Do you want to sleep here today?"

Li Yang said, "No, there are my things in the villa. If I lose them, the matter will be very serious. It seems that you have grown a lot in the past two months.

Zhou Yingying smiled and said, "That's right! Since I was with Sister Wan'er, I have also been bold and understand the importance of strength. In fact, I was drunk just now. Later, I put up with it and forced the alcohol out of my body with dark force. This is learning from you.

"So, let's wash the dishes together?" Li Yangdao.


The two warriors were very efficient, but in 20 minutes, they cleaned up all the bowls and chopsticks.

After changing his shoes, Li Yang stood at the door and looked at Zhou Yingying and said, "Go back! From now on, the company will also be yours. See you tomorrow!"

After saying that, Li Yang waved his hand and turned around and walked down the stairs.

Before he walked out of the residential building, he received a text message on his mobile phone and saw that it was sent by Zhou Yingying: "Don't be robbed on the road! Hee..."

Li Yang shook his head quickly and muttered, "This little goblin."

It's past eight o'clock in the night when I walked out of the building.

Li Yang looked up at the crescent moon, and his arm showed a very thin milky white light. The power of the moonlight entered the body, forming the power of Taiyin and integrating into the black energy.

"I like the moon more and more." Li Yang said to himself.

At this time, his mobile phone vibrated and the bell rang. I took out my mobile phone and saw that it was Liu Shan.

"Hey, Liu Shan." Li Yang said flatly.

Liu Shan said, "Brother Yang, Wang Long Asset Brothers have investigated clearly."

"Typ." Li Yangdao.

Liu Shan said, "I don't know if I don't check it. After checking, I found that I was shocked. Wang Long has been operating in the north of Tianhai City for more than 20 years, but he didn't expect so much! His assets are in the north of the city. Eight villas, the worst one is worth tens of millions. There are still five communities, and each community has at least one row of buildings that are his. And he invested in several companies. These can't be explained on the phone for a moment. I'll give you a document tomorrow. I sent it this time!"

Li Yang grinned and smiled, "Announce these to the other four people, and say that everyone will divide them according to the shares. If they can find more, they can get more.

"This! Brother Yang, will you give it all? A little cover-up is tens of millions. After all, you have just become the boss and need money to beat a lot of brothers. Liushan Road

Li Yangxin said, "I really chose Liushan at the beginning. This person can really think about the people above."

He responded, "It's only tens of millions. We can earn far more than these in the future. However, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to control the Dragon Shadow Club so quickly. Secretly, my shares would have been two percentage points for you. If you do well in the future, there will be more. Of course, don't tell them."

"2%!" Liu Shan was surprised and said, "Hey... Of course, since I've been with Brother Yang, I have to go through fire and water for you. Brother Xie Yang!"

"Hmm!" Li Yang hung up the phone and strolled around the street to see the bustling streets of Tianhai City.

At ten o'clock, Li Yang returned to the villa by taxi and opened the door. When he walked in, he saw the lights in the villa!

"Is there anyone?" Li Yang said in his heart and quickly ran to the villa.

Put the door open, Li Yang stops his body, and his hearing is the strongest.

After that, he heard the sound of water flowing from the bathroom on the first floor.

At this time, the bathroom door was pushed open, but Chen Xueqing came out wearing cute slippers wrapped in a pink bath towel. Now she is wiping her long black hair with another towel.

Li Yang had a feeling that blood was going straight to the sky. Chen Xueqing suddenly came back without saying a word. The problem is that she wore it like this!

She is also worthy of being a childlike, only wrapped in a bath towel, milky white legs, pink feet, towering peaks, making people suffocate quickly!

"Ah! Brother Li!" Chen Xueqing screamed and her cheeks turned red. She had taken five or six steps, but she quickly ran back to the bathroom and quickly closed the door.

"Cough..." Li Yang coughed, covered up his embarrassment, and then said, "I don't know you came back suddenly. Do I need to bring you pajamas?"

Chen Xueqing's crisp little voice sounded behind the door: "No, no, I'm ready. Well, that, wait a minute!"

"Hmm!" Li Yang answered and then walked to the sofa.

After about five minutes, Chen Xueqing came out in pink floral long-sleeved cotton pajamas. Although the collar buttons were buckled, she still couldn't hide Chen Xueqing's proud chest, which made Li Yang couldn't help looking at it a few more times.

He shook his head slightly and looked at Chen Xueqing with a smile and said, "Your father is willing to let you come to Tianhai City?"

"Uh-huh!" Chen Xueqing nodded and said, "I heard from Dad that the Wang Long brothers are both dead, and Brother Li controls the Dragon Film Club. My school is in the north of the city, and I can go to class normally in the future. You can also learn martial arts from Brother Li.

"The news is so fast! As soon as I asked someone to release the news today, he knew that he still felt that Chen Tianfeng was much better than Wang Long. Li Yangxin said.

Then, he said, "Well, do you usually have many classes? If I'm free when you don't have class, we can study at any time.

"Graduate students have very few courses. And, hee... My father paid me to go in. It's okay if I don't go to class. Chen Xueqing suddenly stared at Li Yang excitedly and said, "I want to learn from Brother Li's sudden disappearance and suddenly appearing. It feels too chic."

"This." Li Yang said awkwardly, "This was taught to me by an old senior. At that time, he vowed not to teach others."

Phantom Step was exchanged from the inside of Shenlong. Even if Li Yang was discharged from the army, he was still a member of Shenlong. He signed that rule. If he passed it to others and was known, he would still be held accountable. Therefore, he did not dare to spread it.

"Oh! Then I won't learn this. I'll learn something else. Chen Xueqing was not angry and was still very excited.

That day, she watched Li Yang's power. Hundreds of people fired and hundreds of people besieged him. Li Yang was still calm and sounded like a fantasy, which was even more surprising. Since that day, Chen Xueqing has yearned for that kind of power.

"Hmm!" Li Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Now I will talk about the basic knowledge of martial arts first. After choosing the goal, I will start learning tomorrow."

"Hmm." Chen Xueqing nodded cleverly and looked at Li Yang seriously, like a curious baby.

Li Yang said, "Let's talk about the warrior first!" There are two kinds of warriors.

"I know this, outside, inside." Chen Xueqing said, "My father said that other people send out powerful attacks with their limbs. The inner family attacks with internal force to destroy people's visceral meridians.

"Khan knows it! Do you know the internal strength? Li Yangdao.

"Well, my father didn't say that he didn't want me to become a martial artist, so he didn't teach me to condense internal strength." Chen Xueqing said regretfully.

Li Yang smiled and said, "Then let's talk about internal strength!"

"Internal force, popularly speaking, is the power of the human body. To put it complicated, people carefully feel the qi of nature by exercising their bodies, and then incorporate them into the body to open up the meridians. When you can retain the qi of nature in the body and operate in your own meridians, you can turn them into your own strength, that is, internal forces.

"There are many kinds of gas, and most people can only feel air. And some talented people can feel other qi from the air. There are also different qi by practicing special skills.

"And the ordinary gas is also the most common when you break through the mysterious level. If you can incorporate a special qi and have a special internal force, you will also have a special dark energy when you break through the mysterious level.

"Of course, there are also some special skills. When you are at the mysterious level, you can transform ordinary dark energy into special dark energy."

At this time, Chen Xueqing wondered: "Sometimes, I feel like glue in the air, which is very sticky. If I breathe at that time, I feel that my throat will be stuck, which is very uncomfortable. Is this the gas of nature?"

"Special gas!" Li Yang was surprised.