King of Close Combat

Chapter 111 Chen Xueqing in Progress

Li Yang said anxiously, "So do you have internal strength in your body now?"

Chen Xueqing's cheeks turned slightly red and she lowered her head and said, "Dad doesn't teach me. Every time I absorb it, I feel that I can't breathe. Therefore, I have no internal strength. The leg method used last time was based on a small size.

"That's it!" Li Yang frowned and said, "I can't breathe well because you can't guide. If the air can't enter the meridians, it will follow the air through the respiratory tract. Fortunately, you didn't forcibly absorb it, otherwise it would be harmful to the body. Tomorrow I will teach you to absorb air and slowly cultivate internal strength. Well, it's not early today. Let's take a break and start practicing tomorrow.

"Hmm." Chen Xueqing nodded and looked at Li Yang. Her cheeks became more and more pink, and she looked like she wanted to stop talking.

"What's wrong?" Li Yang doubted.

"No, nothing, I, I just want to ask Brother Li, which room do you live in?" Chen Xueqing asked.

"Second floor, the original room." Li Yang said casually.

Chen Xueqing said, "Well, can I sleep next to you?"

When she said this, her cheeks suddenly turned red. This is very ambiguous. Who is next to her? Next to the body?

She quickly explained, "No, it's not next to that, yes, it's the room next to you."

'Ha ha..." Li Yang smiled and said, "I know that if it's really next to me, Brother Feng must cut me with a sword."

"No." Chen Xueqing said quickly, and then she ran to the second floor: "I'm going to bed."

Watching Chen Xueqing run up in her cute pajamas, Li Yang smiled and went to take a shower...

Tianhai City is located in the south of China, a metropolis near the sea, with cool breeze at night in autumn.

At this time, in a very spacious luxury private room in a hotel in the north of the city, eight men and women sat around the round table and stood behind them.

A middle-aged man with a fine face took a sip of cigarette, highlighting a trace of smoke, and said in a low voice, "Have you got the news? Li Yang, who killed Wang Long, became the boss of the Dragon Shadow Club and changed his name to the Sun and Moon Club on that day. What do you think?"

A fat middle-aged man sneered and said, "A hairy boy, I heard that he was only 20 years old. He came and went freely among more than 300 people in the Dragon Shadow Club and killed Wang Long. This sounds impractical. Unless it is prefecture-level strength, it can't be done at all.

"If he is a prefecture-level, will he still use it to control small forces like us? As long as he greets him, he can establish the ancient martial arts sect. In my feeling, someone deliberately promoted him to be extremely powerful.

Another person said: "It seems that your news is too backward! In the morning, some people who were dissatisfied with Li Yang in the Longying meeting revealed the real situation of that day. Wang Long drank some drugs, his strength rose sharply, and his speed became faster, catching up with Li Yang and Chen Tianfeng.

"The rest of the Dragon Shadow Club didn't have time, but Wang Long was suddenly counterattacked by drugs and was killed by Li Yang and Chen Tianfeng. Then he and Chen Tianfeng escaped from the east four streets. If you ask me, this is a little true. It may be that Chen Tianfeng killed Wang Long. Haicheng is neither big nor small. Chen Tianfeng can control the whole city, which is by no means idle. It is possible that he supports Li Yang as the boss. Li Yang is just a puppet.

A bald middle-aged man holding a handful of * in his hand, the blade cut out some black mud on his nails. He didn't look up, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "We have seen many powerful people, but not many can control the overall situation. Just kill a hairy boy. I'm really not sure. You can find Zhuge Yun, who participated in the battle that day.

"I think so. Li Yang is just the key to connecting the five King Kongs. If you kill him, the five people will have conflicts and will eventually be eaten by us little by little."


In the center of Tianhai, the only seven-star hotel, 23-storey high-rise building, in the presidential suite.

A tall man, wrapped in a bath towel and naked, stood in front of the bright glass window, overlooking the whole Tianhai City below. His ten abdominal muscles are as strong as slate, and his arms are thicker than ordinary thighs. His upper body is covered with ferocious scars, revealing a fierce breath, like a humanoid beast.

At this time, a woman in tulle came from behind him and came with a glass of red wine.

"Brother Ying, what are you thinking about?" The woman said charmingly.

The man grabbed the cup, looked out of the window, and sneered, "I'm curious about who Li Yang is. He can defeat the second brother who injected the biochemical potion. However, I am more interested in what will be wonderful after killing him. Let him live first! When he takes away all my second brother's things, I will take them back. At that time, he will be very entangled! Hey..."

"Brother Ying is still so strong." The woman said.

At six o'clock the next day, Li Yang got up. He was going to knock on Chen Xueqing's door, but found that the girl's door was actually closed.

"This girl's vigilance is too low. If I were another man, sweat! Although I really have that idea, I just practiced for too long yesterday and forgot it. Li Yang said, and then he knocked on the door a little harder.

"Dong Dong!"

Chen Xueqing did not respond. Li Yang knocked on the door again and found that there was no response. He immediately raised his voice and shouted, "Qing'er, can't you practice martial arts?"

As soon as Li Yang said the word martial arts, he heard a sound in the room, and then there was no sound.

About ten seconds later, Chen Xueqing's delicate little voice came out: "Brother Li, it's too early. Please let someone sleep for a while!" So sleepy! I have no strength."

"Then you are lazy! I'm leaving. Let's continue tomorrow." Li Yang finished saying that and left.

Although Chen Xueqing is very cute, pure and lovely. However, Li Yang also remembered a sentence from Feng Ranhua. The sense of responsibility is not to protect her forever, but to make her stronger and face the crisis independently.

Li Yang needs to face powerful enemies like Sirius. It is impossible to be here every day. Moreover, since Chen Xueqing promised to become his student, he had to act like a teacher, at least to get up early.

And he believes that if he calls like this every day, he will always wake up.

Li Yang just walked to the first floor, and Chen Xueqing suddenly pushed the door and ran out. Her hair was messy. When she saw Li Yang, she said anxiously, "Learn! Of course."

"Okay, go wash up and come to the hospital later."

About half an hour later.

Li Yang wore sweatpants and a black vest, while Chen Xueqing wore white autumn clothes and sweatpants because the air was a little cold in the morning.

"Okay, I'll talk about the future training today." Li Yang said righteously, "First of all, it is necessary to get up at six o'clock every day. Your physique is not weak, especially your legs, and you are no longer afraid of ordinary yellow-level warriors. Now, the first task every day is to feel the qi in nature and then condense the internal force. Practice for two hours, and then you can allocate the time at will. First, we reached out and began to feel angry.

"Is that so?" Chen Xueqing stretched out her hands doubtfully.

Li Yang came to Chen Xueqing, stretched out his hand and gently shook the latter's small hand and said, "Close your eyes and don't resist. I will stimulate your meridians with dark power in a moment and slowly feel the glue you said."

Handed by Li Yang's big hand, Chen Xueqing's cheek suddenly became pink, hummed gently, and quickly closed her eyes...

Li Yang thought that his talent was not low, but he didn't expect that there would be much higher than him. He just dredged a little, and Chen Xueqing actually realized that in less than an hour, she could absorb the qi of nature by herself. An hour later, she actually opened a small meridians.

At the beginning, he studied for three days. I heard that he was already talented. Ordinary people may not be able to do it in a month. Three days is definitely a genius. What is this hour? Li Yang was powerless to realize that this student might surpass his teacher in the future.

At the end of two hours, Li Yang and Chen Xueqing had breakfast, and then they went to the car selling place.

Nowadays, people with status and students are not allowed to ride electric bikes, and Li Yang also has to buy a car. Under Chen Xueqing's repeated dissuasion, Li Yang ignored the purchase of a Volkswagen Phaeton. The internal equipment is luxurious and the exterior is very low-key.

When driving away from the 4S store, Li Yang received a phone call from Lin Waner.

"Hey, Wan'er." Li Yangdao.

Lin Waner said, "Come to the Big Bear Di Hall, Liu Shan and the other five have come. I'm waiting for you here!"

"Okay, I'll be right there." Li Yang said, and then hung up the phone.

He stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

In the car, Chen Xueqing bit her lower lip and then asked, "Brother Li, where have you been in the past two months? I texted you, but you didn't reply to me, and you called to remind me that there was no signal. Later, there was no such number at all.

Li Yangdao casually said, "I had some insights some time ago, so I went to travel to some mountains and rivers. If I don't come back, my strength will increase!" By the way, I changed my number, and your father told you!"

"Hmm! If the warrior really understands, will he be very strong? Chen Xueqing asked curiously.

"Hmm!" Li Yang nodded, but said in his heart, "I really mislead people's children."

At this time, Chen Xueqing said again, "Well, do you want to be Wan'er's sister's personal bodyguard again?"

"I won't do it. I'm the president of the Sun and Moon Association now. Now I'll go to the meeting to show you my demeanor." Li Yang grinned.


Soon, Li Yang drove to the Big Bear Di Hall and saw more than a dozen people standing at the door in black suits, some of which he had seen.

"These guys are really high-profile, afraid that others don't know that they will have a meeting here." Li Yang secretly said.

As soon as they got out of the car, those people saw Li Yang. They quickly ran over and said respectfully, "Brother Yang."

Li Yang smiled and said, "Okay!"

After that, Li Yang took Chen Xueqing into the main entrance of the disco.

Chen Xueqing is the daughter of Chen Tianfeng, the gangster boss. Naturally, she has also seen this scene and is very idle.

When Li Yang walked in, he saw Liu Shan and Lin Wan'er and Zhou Yingying sitting on the sofa near the bar, with more than a dozen people standing behind them.

"Brother Yang!" Liu Shan's eyes were sharp and he got up quickly. The other four also got up in a hurry.

"Sit down!" Li Yang casually came over and sat next to Lin Waner.

"Start with Liushan and talk about your task yesterday." Li Yangdao.