King of Close Combat

Chapter 328 Deep in the Valley

Li Yang climbed some steep mountain walls on the barbarian island. In comparison, the stone walls of the Thor Valley are not too steep, and there are also raised stones or potholes.

He estimated that he had climbed down more than 800 meters and penetrated deep into the fog. The fog entered the nose, and Li Yang instantly felt as if sulfuric acid had entered the body. His nose was sore and his throat was a little astringent.

Li Yang frowned slightly and said to himself, "Poisonous fog! No wonder I saw a man covering his mouth and nose in the distance just now. That's why. However, the poison gas is not heavy. If you are an ordinary person. I may be poisoned, and my body can completely bear it.

After that, he operated Pluto's Xuanqi, froze the poisonous fog that entered the body and discharged it out of the body. Li Yang's current Pluto is immortal. As long as he controls it, his breath will be poisonous and can poison ordinary people. And he felt that the poisonous fog was still poisonous for a while.

Compared, the poisonous fog did little harm to him.

"Continue to go deeper." Li Yang said to himself, and then walked down in the white fog.

Once again, he went 300 meters deep into the valley, but Li Yang saw several black mountains in the valley!

"I'll go! There are still mountains in the valley! This geographical layout is weird enough. Li Yang was surprised that although there was thick fog, he could still hear some sounds within three or four hundred meters.

These mountains seem to have been cut by a huge sword, and the top of the mountain disappears, but with a smooth top with a large area. At this time, there are still some gravel on it.

He found that several people who, like him, marched down, landed at the top of the mountains through ropes or gliding wings.

Li Yang didn't see anyone continue to move down.

"It's weird! When I come, I should find out and come back. I'm too impulsive. Thinking in his heart, Li Yang had to continue to climb down. If you go back to the Holy Land and ask Li Shiyun, it will be another day, and Li Shiyun will know whether she knows it or not.

Despite the peak in the center, Li Yang crawled down about 200 meters again and suddenly found that it had turned into a black thick fog under the white fog.

The strong spirit of the dead forms a cold wind and blows in the thick black fog. Before approaching, it gives people a creepy feeling, as if they are going to meet a devil the next moment.

"What a strong spirit of the dead!" Li Yang's eyes showed a trace of happiness: "This content is enough for me to repair my seriously injured body.

If ordinary people encounter this dark breath, their minds will definitely be disturbed and they dare not continue to go deep into the valley below. However, Li Yang likes this spirit of death most, the baby nourishment for cultivating Pluto's immortal body!

Entering the black fog, Li Yang was surrounded by this trace of black spirit, making him look like a living person surrounded by evil spirits.

And removing the thick black fog, even if it was too yin and evil pupil, Li Yang could not see the situation two meters away, but felt that his whole body was extremely cold, and his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

"It feels weird! Do you want to stop practicing here? Li Yangxin said, "But I can't climb on the stone wall and break the meridians, right? Go down a little further."

Li Yang climbed down again. Just 50 meters down, Li Yang felt that his body seemed to fall into the mud, and the black fog seemed to become black seawater, stopping his body.

He is too familiar with this situation. At the beginning, he and Li Shiyu encountered this situation on Yuyang Island. Because that was the time when he encountered the strongest spirit of death.

"It should be almost the end." Li Yangxin said, "Hold on, maybe there is a baby waiting for me!"

Li Yang continued to climb down despite the obstruction of this sticky spirit of the dead.

"Woo... quack..." In an instant, Li Yang remembered the sad crying, the unpleasant screams, and all kinds of strange screams, which made his whole body cold, as if he had entered the underworld.

At the same time, Li Yang felt a thin layer of black frost on his body. As he crawled down, the frost was still turning towards the ice. He felt a little stiff, and his pores seemed to be squeezed into small bugs.

"No wonder no one comes down. Even if the prefecture-level warriors come here, they will be disturbed. It's not a place for living people to come at all. The ghost is deep, it's terrible!"

"The Pluto is immortal, running!" Li Yang did not resist, but began to slowly absorb the spirit of death.

Immediately, the thin black frost permeated his body turned into dusty black particles, entered Li Yang's pores and was sucked into his body.

"Very strong spirit of the dead, this place is definitely a holy place for cultivation for me!" Li Yang showed excitement in his eyes.

At the beginning of entering the black fog, the spirit of death is not too strong. Now Li Yang feels that every small particle is like a soul condensed. I just absorbed a little bit, and the dark wounds left by the battle with Li Dayun recovered in an instant.

And because Li Yang absorbed the spirit of the dead, he found that the cold atmosphere around him was also weakened a lot.

After about 30 meters, Li Yang found that the thick feeling disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, the black fog is also getting lighter and lighter, and finally there is no fog.

Li Yang also saw the situation below. More than 100 meters away from him, there was an endless black lake!

The closer he got, the more Li Yang saw the big lake. The lake was as dark as ink, so that he could not see the specific situation of the lake.

Soon, Li Yang approached the lake and found that the black lake was not thick ink, but like the usual lake water. The black was not complete, and he could slightly see the interior of the lake one or two meters.

"Try to be poisonous." Li Yang stretched out his hand to touch the lake, and then felt a cold feeling close to minus Baidu. His fingers instantly made black ice, and the ice was still spreading rapidly, trying to completely freeze one of his arms.

"Damn! Baidu below zero has not yet become ice cubes. This water is so strange. If ordinary warriors approach, they will definitely freeze into ice in an instant. Li Yang was shocked and quickly displayed Pluto's ice armor, which made his body appear in advance.

His Pluto Xuanqi is about 200 degrees below zero, and about 100 degrees below zero, which is completely useless to him.

After that, Li Yang plunged into the lake.

"It's okay. The temperature in the lake is also about Baidu below zero." Li Yang's thin glasses with cold changes appeared in his eyes, protecting his eyes.

He moved his limbs and swam down, looking down seriously.

At this time, the evil pupil played a role again. Li Yang can see the scene of about 20 meters clearly.

Hundreds of meters deep into the lake, Li Yang found that there were no other creatures in the lake. At that time, there were hundreds of human bodies frozen into black ice sculptures and some beast ice sculptures. These human beings should have been frozen during the expedition. The beast may have fallen by mistake.

At the bottom of the lake, Li Yang saw some destroyed ancient buildings. Some are columns and some are roofs. Li Yang has no research on these, doesn't know what materials, and doesn't know what the era is.

After that, he swam at the bottom of the lake for more than five hours, occasionally moving dilapidated buildings, but did not find any treasure.

Finally, when Li Yang moved a three-meter-sized grinding disc-shaped stone slab, he saw a two-meter-sized hole.

Then, the hole formed a tornado vortex, and a huge suction came from it.

Li Yang was not in a hurry to resist, but was sucked into the hole.

He felt like sitting on a cylindrical slide, being sucked into a deeper and inexplicable place by the tornado in an irregular passage.

About a minute later, Li Yang rushed out of the long channel with the water and came to the black lake. He glanced casually and found that he seemed to have come to a dark pool.

"Plop!" Li Yang swam more than ten meters and rushed out of the pool.

In an instant, Li Yang saw that there was a thick black fog around, full of dead spirits, thick as mud! Fortunately, we can see the situation two or three meters away.

After swimming more than five meters, Li Yang saw a stone platform.

Climbing up the stone platform, Li Yang cautiously walked around a few steps and saw the place clearly.

"It turned out to be a not spacious cave, but unfortunately there was no treasure. However, this is just for me to practice. If others come here, it's really useless and can't breathe. Even the local warriors will slowly suffocate. However, I can absorb the spirit of death to make up for this!"

Li Yang realized the strength of Pluto's immortal body again.

After that, Li Yang did not look around, but sat cross-legged on the stone platform, took out the sword spectrum of the collapsed sky and put it on his knee.

"First break the meridians, then break the blood vessels, and finally break the bones. After these are completed, the meeting will be held according to the operation line and begin to create new collapsed meridians, as well as a body suitable for the collapse of the sky. After these are completed, the second method is used to break the meridians, blood vessels and bones. Nine ways, damn it! Even if I can repair the injury, it hurts to think about it.

Li Yang thought about it, looked through some methods, and then determined one. Let's start with the simplest foot Taiyin spleen meridian.

The so-called collapse of the meridians is to completely tear and break the meridians little by little from an acupuncture point. Li Yang once used his internal force to explode and make a counterattack, which broke the meridians of his whole body.

He can't forget the feeling that seems to be more uncomfortable than death. However, it is also because he has experienced it, so he dares to experience it. Because of that experience, he did not die, which proved that he would not die.

As long as he doesn't die, he can carry over these tortures.

The teacher once said that only when you endure hardships can you be a superior person. He doesn't have to be a superior, but he has to become a strong man to protect some people and control his fate.

Freedom, destiny!

"Break!" Li Yang shouted coldly, and the foot Taiyin spleen meridian first started at the acupuncture point, and then extended to the next acupuncture point. This meridians, like a straw, were suddenly turned into countless suctions by Pluto Xuanqi and pierced countless holes. Then it broke.

"Ah!" Li Yang exclaimed in pain, and his face turned slightly pale.
