King of Close Combat

Chapter 329 Collapse Sword

At the beginning, Li Yang's meridians were broken, which happened suddenly, and the pain broke out in an instant. And at that time, Li Yang's life was in crisis and he was not in the mood to take care of pain. But now it's different.

Now he must follow the steps of one of the methods in the collapse sword spectrum to break the meridians. This kind of pain is continuous pain. This is tantamount to holding a knife, cutting your wrist, or stabing your body. And it's a different method, cutting the original wound with a knife.

Every time he broke, Li Yang's face was pale. Later, his whole body sweated. His face turned pale because of pain, and the corners of his mouth also overflowed with a little blood. If it were ordinary people, they would have fainted at this time!

"Hold on! You must stick to it and you will succeed!"

Finally, after an hour of persistence, Li Yang broke the meridians of his whole body. He just adjusted his breath for about five minutes, gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Next, the blood vessel broke!"

Vascular collapse, and there are also nine kinds of impossible starting and line steps. However, compared with the meridians, the collapse of blood vessels is much simpler. Because even if Li Yang's meridians collapse, the phaseless cyclone still exists, which can release phaseless mysterious gas and break blood vessels, which is very easy.

"Puff..." Li Yang's skin continued to break, blood vessels exploded, and blood splashed around, making his whole body full of blood, looking like a bloody man.

"Bone, starting from the finger bone, broken!" Li Yang frowned, and then shouted coldly. The bones of the five fingers of his right hand suddenly broke and became soft and collapsed.

"Kkare! Crackle, quack!" Li Yang's body burst like beans, constantly crackling.

Twenty minutes, Li Yang's bones were broken, his whole body was paralyzed, and he lay on the cold ground.

Looking at the deep fog of the stone room, Li Yang grinned and laughed at himself, "I'm also a sick person, and I actually practice this strange swordsmanship. This is not swordsmanship. This is simply a way to self-harm. This is the first time, and there are eight more. It's simply nine times of self-harm! Shit!"

Only Li Yang can complete this kind of practice in such a short time.

Because when cutting off the meridians, ordinary warriors can't operate their internal forces. Naturally, they can't break their blood vessels and bones easily, which requires the help of others. Or wait for the meridians to heal and begin to break blood vessels and bones. Like Li Yang, almost no one can do the four severe pains continuously.

However, there are no seniors to guide Li Yang how to practice. Li Yang is like a blind man crossing the river. If you want to see the success on the other side of the riverbank, you can only keep working hard and move forward!

Finally, the collapse was completed. Li Yang recalled the road map of the transportation pulse told in the collapse of the sky, and then began to absorb the spirit of death and began to repair the meridians in his body.

"Boom!" Li Yang's whole body was wrapped in black fog, his pores were relaxed, and the spirit of death poured in crazily.

His eyes showed a cold and deep color. If Li Yang could see his eyes, he would be surprised to find that his eyes were very similar to Xuanming's ancestors at this time. Deep and distant, expressionless, people can't guess.

Time flies...

The spirit of death here is much stronger than in the big pit where he once stayed on the barbarian island, and Li Yang absorbed it crazily regardless of the consequences to repair his body. It only took two days to reshape the meridians, blood vessels and bones in the way described in Collapse.

After recovering, he did not practice again, but rushed out of the passage and came to the big lake along the same road against the suction of the current. Then he climbed up the stone wall, walked out of the valley of Thor, and returned to Li's holy land.

It's not that he was afraid of the danger of Thor Valley, but because when he came out, he was too hasty and did not inform Li Shiyun. Forget about others. He was afraid that Li Shiyu's little girl would be very worried, so he came back and stayed with the baby for a long time. He said that he would practice and might come back every few days in the future.

Of course, Li Yang also wanted to see how the rabbit roared Xiaobai was doing here. When he came again, he found that the rabbit was very low-key and hidden in a group of small animals. No one could find such a nonsense rabbit.

On the same day, Li Yang left Li's holy land and went to the Thor Valley to continue to practice...

With the experience of breaking down for the first time, although the second step line was not working, Li Yang was still much faster than last time, and he did not have the same painful thought of death.

Moreover, he felt that he may have reshaped the meridians with the collapse of the sky, and this recovery was significantly faster.

Second, third,...

Finally, after half a month, Li Yang also recovered after the ninth collapse of the meridians. At the beginning, it was difficult to count the meridians, and it took a long time. However, as the number of collapses increases.

Li Yang found that his meridians and blood vessels, and the bone healing speed became faster. Every time he counted the meridians were the same method of shaping the sky, which was also considered to be perfect, and the speed of physical healing increased significantly. From the fourth start, you can recover every day.

It was the ninth time, which was the last step and the most important step. Li Yang took the longest time. Four days, during this period, he repaired his body very slowly, because this period was the process of creating the sword spirit of collapse.

And Li Yang already has a fixed Pluto Xuanqi. In his heart, Pluto's secret is his own fundamental. If he creates a sword spirit, it will conflict with Pluto Xuanqi. Otherwise, to replace your own Pluto Xuanqi, which is equivalent to abolishing martial arts and practicing it again.

Moreover, although the collapse of the sky is powerful, it is still not as strong as the mysterious spirit of Pluto.

Therefore, Li Yang finally chose to create the collapse sword qi in the last step of practicing in the sword spectrum, but to use the phaseless mysterious qi to get out of the collapse sword qi early and operate in the meridians to achieve the last step to cultivate this strange sword method.

Li Yang thought that there should be difficulties, but he didn't expect that the sword spirit forged by no internal force was completely integrated with the meridians, and the cultivation was very smooth. Finally, half a month later, it was repaired to collapse the sky!

In half a month, Li Yang has only returned to the Holy Land three times. Each time he is too busy. He just stayed with Li Shiyu for a while and only met Li Shiyun once. However, they are all children of a big family. They know that Li Yang entered the library and obtained martial arts. Now they are practicing, so they naturally don't ask anything else.

"Wow!" Li Yang, who was cross-legged, suddenly got up, and his robes were windless. Black swords rushed out of his body and surrounded him, revealing a strong breath of collapse of everything.

Li Yang stretched out his right hand and a black sword with a long finger appeared in the palm of his hand. This small sword is like an entity, but it is actually formed by the collapse of the sword.

Looking at the little sword, Li Yang frowned slightly, but also had an excited look. He said to himself, "Generally, people who practice swords have internal forces in their bodies at the Xuan level, and then leave the outside of the body is sword spirit. Only when the prefecture-level swordsmen are put outside the body can they form a sword spirit.

"But the practice of Collapse of the Sky is completely different from these, because the mysterious spirit in my body is the sword spirit. First of all, this conversion process is omitted. Of course, only Bangtian is so powerful. The sword spirit is so destructive that it is left in the body, and most of them will be damaged by the sword spirit.

"When the practice collapsed, nine consecutive times of self-broken meridians have formed a strong defense. Now, but I don't say that the powerful attack of the swordsmanship, even if I have self-healing ability, I am much more powerful than before.

"However, it is said in the sword spectrum that the sword spirit of the collapse of the sky should be the characteristic of gold. Generally speaking, it should be golden sword spirit. My sword spirit is dark and black, and there is no sharpness containing gold, but a cold killing atmosphere.

"Damn, it may be that I absorbed the spirit of the dead during this period, and then replaced it with phaseless mysterious qi, causing a strange mutation. Forget it, let's try how strong this broken sword is!"

When Li Yang chose to practice this swordsmanship, it was because he saw that this swordsmanship had two characteristics, one is the sword spirit, which contains the power of the collapse of the sky. Generally speaking, it is the power of explosion, which collapses everything and breaks everything.

And the second characteristic is to stimulate the body with the sword spirit of collapse, which doubles its own strength. It is best for him to use the Black Sword.

In the early stage of the construction of Collapse, people's power is to double, and then it will triple, quadruple, or even stronger.

It seems that there are not many multiples each time, but this depends on whether the basic strength is strong or weak. Like Li Yang, it is a very exaggerated growth.

He already has 20,000 catties of great power. As long as he exerts the collapse sword, he can exert a distance of 40,000 catties, which is equivalent to 20 tons of sword. It can even crush a tall building.

What's more, Li Yang's Pluto immortal body, if it breaks through, its power will soar, which is even more exaggerated. If Li Shiyu cultivates the sky, even if she succeeds, her own strength is only three or four hundred catties. Double is not enough for a thousand catties.

Li Yang now understands why no one in the Li family practices this collapse. Difficulty in cultivation, only double the strength at the beginning. For those who have a few hundred catties, or one or two thousand catties, even if they increase ten times, they will not be too strong. It is better to practice more powerful swordsmanship. After all, there are not many monsters like Li Yang or Lin Waner in the world.

"Crash the sky!" Li Yang secretly stretched out his index finger with his right hand.

In an instant, the dark sword spirit appeared in his arm, and Li Yang pressed his fingers hard on the ground. Although he felt as if he had pressed on the tofu, the hard stone did not stop him at all. He lightly stabbed his finger into the stone.

"I'll go! So powerful." Li Yang's eyes showed joy: "Double the power, and the power will increase in an instant. This is just a little bit of strength. There are also some powerful swordsmanship inside.

At this time, there was no black thick fog in the stone room, and these dead spirits were absorbed by Li Yang. Li Yang also saw the whole stone room clearly.

After searching around for a few minutes, Li Yang still didn't find any valuable treasures, just some gravel. Finally, he did not stop much and left the Thor Valley and returned to Li's Holy Land.

After 15 days of sleepless practice, Li Yang's body has also strengthened a little, and his mysterious spirit has also increased. However, this kind of high-intensity cultivation also makes him very tired. When he first came back in the afternoon, he fell asleep.

In a daze, Li Yang felt as if someone was beside him. He raised his eyelids with difficulty and vaguely saw that it was a person.

"What a person!" Li Yang suddenly woke up.