The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

140 miserable fox clan


When some foxes rushed to the demon world as quickly as possible, the sky over the demon world was already covered with blooming fireworks, and the glory of the blood moon was also blocked by such dazzling fireworks, losing its original brightness, making such a demon world a little strange.

A few foxes stopped breathlessly on a small mountain not far from the fox clan and rested for a while. After all, they ran all the way with their physical strength, not because they were not strong enough, but because they knew in their hearts that they had been proud of having been cut by that woman. After their hair, their original demonic power was limited. During this period of recuperation, although they recovered, the recovery situation was not very optimistic. Therefore, at such a time of crisis, they tried not to use their less demonic power. Otherwise, they would not come this time to rescue, but to send When death comes, it's not as good as they didn't come as the cruel woman at the beginning. At least they can save their lives, leave descendants for the fox clan, and re-establish the fox clan in the future.

With this idea, certain foxes consume as little physical strength as possible along the way and try not to consume demonic power in case they attack at the most critical moment and give those people a fatal blow. After all, judging from time, the war is nearing the end and in an incandescent state. Now they The emergence of several may also be the most critical lifeblood.

A few foxes with such an idea rested on this small mountain for a moment, then turned into a human form and walked down the mountain and arrived at the fox clan.

After stepping into the gate with the sign of the big capital, some foxes couldn't help but be stunned. They saw that the brightly lit and lively city became dark and quiet. The bustling fox capital was silent at this moment, and dry blood stains could be seen everywhere on the street. Occasionally, you will see the bodies that have not had time or fallen in the corner. Each body has widened its eyes and said that it is unbelievable. Each body tells the visitor what kind of war it is and what kind of fear it is with its already lax eyes.

The capital of the fox clan is filled with a strong smell of blood. Even if the wind blows, it can't blow away the smell. The strong smell of blood always reminds certain foxes what has happened here, what they have experienced here, what they have lost here. Every step and every breath deeply hurts the ink demon and his party. Hearts, every time their hearts hurt, they will hate them more and more. The more they hate, the more they will think of the cruel woman. Their hearts become telling themselves over and over again that the woman can't forgive. It's the woman who delayed their rescue time. It's the cruel woman who doesn't appear. If it's earlier, if the woman comes together, things won't change. It's like this.

In this way, a few foxes walked to the vermilion gate with hatred and those complex emotions. The thick palace wall was too much separated, but it also interpreted too much.

The guard of the palace gate had already fallen into a pool of blood, and his eyes were not closed. How unwilling he was. Moxi's small body stepped forward and slowly squatted down beside the guard's bodyguard, with a faint sadness in his eyes, and a small hand slowly closed the pair of unwilling eyes that had not been closed until death.

At this moment, they have only one voice since the middle of the year, that is, they must pay for it with blood.

Mosha came forward and pulled up Moshi, who was still squatting on the ground with a sad expression, holding the little Moxi in one hand and holding it high to the sky with the other hand. "Brothers, let's go. We must let those people pay for their blood tonight." After Mo Shu finished speaking, he first led Mo Xi to the front. Then, the rest of the foxes followed closely and stepped into the palace isolated by the high wall.

The palace has already bleed like a river, and the disgusting smell of blood came to the moment when the palace door was opened, making people take a step for a moment, and then moved forward more bravely. Mosha and others stepped on such a wet and sticky ground, and their anger was even better. At the same time, they watched the familiar faces fall to one side awkwardly. What's more, their clothes were untidy, their bodies were mutilated, and their nerve centers were stimulated all the time, so that the hearts of some foxes could not calm down.

"No...don't...don't..." A sharp shout broke through the silence and let a few foxes cheer up. Without saying a word, they hurried to the place where the sound came out.

"Wait, let's act separately and save the fox clan as much as possible." At this time, Mo Shu suddenly said that his tone was so serious, and the rest of the foxes also understood that what Mo Shu was right. After all, their number was limited. If they all acted together, it would not only waste time, but also may cause greater losses. What they need to do now is to do. It is true to reduce the number of deaths and find the final place of those people to avoid future trouble.

"Brother, you can tell me." Mo Yao was born first and said that this is not the time for individuals to fight for wisdom and courage. They are now a team and a whole. They are even more brothers. There can't be differences between them. Otherwise, even if their original intention is good, they will eventually get a tragic ending. They all understand that Mo Yao said it. After that, Mo Yan also nodded together.

"Mo Yao, east. Mo Yan, west side. Ink, south. Me and Moxi are in the north. Everything should be based on your own safety. If you find the ultimate goal, you will be notified immediately. Mo Shi glanced at everyone present and said slowly. At this time, for the first time, they found that their eldest brother was so careful about something except for what human experiments he had done.

"Brother, take care." Mo Yao looked deeply at Mo Yao and finally said such a simple sentence, but it contained too many emotions, and everything was silent.

"Ye, let's go." After Mo Ya finished speaking, he first took Mo Xi to leave first, and then some foxes also left to the place he was responsible for.

Since they began their journey, they have been fighting constantly. They don't know how many games they have fought, how many people they have killed, and they don't know what ethnic groups among the people they killed. They feel that they are a killing machine at this moment, but they just know how to keep swinging. Dancing their hands, constantly users' demonic power is constantly fighting. They want to live, they want to save the whole fox clan, and they can't fall down. This belief has always supported them to keep moving forward.

In this way, the sky gradually brightened, and the new dawn broke the morning dawn. The faint light of the sun shone on the earth, adding a trace of warmth to the earth. The blood moon gradually disappeared in the sky and the sky dawned.

It rushed straight to the sky with a 'sw', and then burst, emitting red stars.

"Moxi, fight quickly, don't fall in love with the war." After hearing the sound, Mo Shi, who was in the north, looked up at the sky and said to Mo Xi's small body, which was still not far from him. Then, Mo Shi and Mo Xi quickly solved all the people and quickly ran east.

At the same time, in the west, Mo Yan and Mo in the south also fought quickly and rushed to the east.

When they rushed to the east, they saw the red figure of the ink demon looming around the enemy and flying constantly. The bright red body had already been stained with blood stains. It was impossible to tell whether it was the ink demon's own or someone else's. The ink demon was so embarrassed that some foxes were still the first I saw it once.

Then, the foxes who came one after another also participated in the battle. When some foxes killed the inner layer, they finally saw a familiar face, that is, the snake prince also had a bottom in his heart. It turned out that as they guessed, this matter was really related to the snake clan, which showed that this The matter is related to the inexplicable death of the little princess, so Mo Xie has an unavoidable responsibility. However, what they don't understand is why they don't see Mo Xie in the whole fox clan? This is the strangest point.

"Withdraw--" When the snake prince looked at the situation in front of him, the situation suddenly changed because of the sudden appearance of those foxes, so he waved and fought, trying to get out of the encirclement of these foxes, and shouted that the snake prince was also smart. Until this moment, he stood up Sometimes, courage is not the most important thing to decide to withdraw, but to be able to see the reality is the most important.

In an instant, the originally noisy palace became quiet after these people suddenly withdrew. At this moment, Mo Yao's bitterly persistent body relaxed and immediately fell down. Fortunately, the ink eyes standing aside quickly caught the Moyao's fallen body.

"Mo Yao, are you all right?" Mo Yan asked worriedly.

"It's okay. Let's go to the father." Mo Yao shook his head tiredly and said faintly. His footsteps were a little floating, and he had always been helped by the ink color.

"Where will the father be?" Mo Xi blinked and asked, and the crisp voice shocked some foxes present. What they lacked was that kind of clarity.

"Maybe it's in Qiancheng Hall. Let's go there and have a look." Mo Shu said speculated that the foxes also agreed with Mo Shu's speculation. After all, they have never seen their father go there except for the Qiancheng Hall. Even if they want to spoil a concubine, they are invited to the Qiancheng Hall. They don't understand why their father has never left there for a long time, even if Hasn't it happened all night?

They know that the palace is the place where the ancestors of the ancient fox people lived, but what does it matter?

It seems that although they have lived in this palace for hundreds of years, the longer they live, the more they will find things they don't know and understand.