The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

141 Mysterious Phantom

When some foxes rushed to the door of Qiancheng Hall, they just stood at the door and used their sensitive ear power to try to hear the movement inside. However, those who replied to them were still quiet, as if there was no one in the room at all. Some foxes couldn't help looking at each other. , can't help thinking about whether their guess is wrong.

"Dangbang..." Then, some foxes were silent for a while and found a firm look in each other's eyes. After that, Mo Shu nodded to the ink demons and raised his hand to knock on the closed scarlet door. Hands up and down, the vermilion door makes a heavy and far-reaching muffled sound to tell everyone how old they are.

Also, the Qiancheng Hall has existed since the ancient fox ancestors founded the fox clan. So, this Qiancheng Hall has at least been thousands of years old. Naturally, this door, which has never been changed, has a history of thousands of years. It has seen the replacement of generations of kings and experienced a After the change, it is still in its own position after experiencing the vicissitudes of life. Looking at another war a hundred years later, I don't know what the old guy will feel after seeing it. I think it will also sigh heavily, and then shake its head feebly and stand in its post and stick to its mission. It should also be happy. After all, it has played a role as a spectator in the long river of history, watching such and other things happen, and then watching the decline of such and such figures, and gradually being submerged by the long scroll of history.

"Dangbang..." After a period of time, Mo's hand raised again and knocked on the door panel rhythmically again. However, in addition to silence, it was still silent. Such silence made some fox feel that things were wrong, so he mobilized all the vigilance on his body and did it at any time. Good sudden attack and preparation for defense in the face of sudden things.

Mo Shi turned his head and looked at the Mo Yao standing beside him, and then exchanged their thoughts with each other's eyes. Finally, Mo Shi looked at them and nodded. The remaining foxes stood in two teams on both sides of the gate to find the best geographical location. Mo Shi looked at them. Ready, he slowly turned his head, gently put his hand on the door, and easily pushed the door open with a little force. The door still had ancient songs in the process of opening, which made people faint for a moment.

Subsequently, the sunlight shone into the room from the door, adding a touch of softness to the dark room and making the furnishings in the room appear more clearly in front of certain foxes. In fact, they are familiar with this room, and they have been here many times. Almost every time there is something important, the Fox King will call them or one of them here for interrogation or discussion.

However, just as Mosha and his party standing outside were carefully looking at the situation in the room, they suddenly found something that surprised them, that is, a game of chess appeared on the original stone table. But in terms of normal thinking, it is not surprising that such a chess game appears. However, the strange thing about this chess game is that it is a bloody jade chess game at this time, and it is connected to this stone table. The black and white chess pieces on it are also firmly linked to this chessboard, as if this chess game is an art. The art is the same.

A few foxes carefully checked outside the door and made sure that there was no danger in the house. Then they looked at the chess game that appeared out of thin air with a puzzled face. What an exquisite chess game, step by step, good A tightly entangled, a soft photo makes this chess game that is dissatisfied with killing a slight warmth.

Mo Yan looked at this stone table and couldn't help raising his hand to reach out to the chess piece, trying to crack such a chess game, but before Mo Yan's hand fell, he was tightly grasped by Mo Yao's enchanting hand halfway. Mo Yao shook his head and signaled Mo Yan not to act rashly. Mo Yan withdrew his hand reluctantly, but he still couldn't dispel the strong unwillingness in his eyes.

Before Mo Yan's unwillingness to fully express it, Mo Ya, who was walking in the front, stood in a corner, listening and knocking quietly. He was not happy to play. Then, he seemed to find something and silently waved to some foxes standing not far away and motioned them to come over. . The rest of the fox immediately gathered to the place where Mo Ba was, and every step was very careful. After all, in such a familiar and strange room, it may be a trap set by the enemy, one step by step. At this moment, they can't make any mistakes, otherwise, it will be all destruction. In today's situation, it depends on who has good patience and high vigilance, and who is the final winner. The current reality is not the previous society where the brave meet on a narrow road, but that the two heroes meet and the wise win. The era of bravery has passed, and now is the era of wisdom.

A few foxes quickly gathered at Moshi's place and quietly followed Moshi's expression to listen to the sound on the other side of the wall.

Before the people on the other side of the wall found that Mo Xi was suddenly attracted by an emerald left on the ground in the corner of the wall, so he squatted down and pressed it gently. Immediately when all people did not react, the wall turned over like a loose-leaf door, and all the scenes inside So suddenly appeared in front of the middle fox, and all the people inside were also surprised to see such a sudden change in front of him. They were a little stunned and did not recover. The two sides looked at each other so opposite each other.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon~" A very illusory shadow, unable to see his appearance clearly, but the bright red coat made people feel very dazzling and familiar. He looked at them charmingly and said lightly. The tone in his tone could not tell whether it was sarcasm or praise, but Now, all this is no longer important, is it?

"Ha ha, senior, that's not the important thing, isn't it?" Mo Yao took a step forward and learned from the enchanting charm of the mysterious phantom, and that look was learned from the bone. They finally understood where the familiar feeling from the bottom of their hearts came from. If you don't know the Mo Yao, I'm afraid you have to think that the two of them are actually one person. After all, even their expressions are so similar, which is really surprising. Even some foxes standing next to Mo Yao turned their heads and looked at the Mo Yao who were not far away, and their eyes were full of eyes. This really made Mo Yao very helpless. He turned around and looked at the helpless shrugging their shoulders, but his eyes never left the illusory shadow opposite him.

"Ha ha, there is really the charm of this seat. I don't know if it can be attributed to this seat?" Then the voice sounded again. Even if he could not see the mysterious man's face or his expression, it could be imagined from his words that this person was looking at them with a charming look.

What do you think? Although Mo Yao is not a person of profound righteousness, he still understands that the hatred of the extermination of the clan is not replaced by heaven, how can he return to the people who destroyed the clan? Mo Yao still continued to speak like this illusory figure. His charming eyes fully reflected the expression of the person who couldn't see his face clearly, so that everyone could see it seriously. At this time, Mo Yan and his party really wanted to laugh out loud. If it hadn't been for the current situation, it was really disallowed. Xu's words, they thought they would laugh out loud. After all, it is difficult to hold back their laughter. Such a scene can't help but remind them of the woman Mo Xiaoran. That woman always has strange ideas in her head. She toss this and tos that when she has nothing to do, which always makes that person very embarrassed, but it is so funny in the eyes of others. Every time they are strongly hiding themselves. I don't know why they suddenly removed the woman's figure in front of their eyes, but at this moment, their hearts are getting more and more painful. That woman always makes them like and hate like this, and they really don't know what to do.

"Haha, little fox, I'm interested in you, but it's not suitable now. We'll talk about it another day." The phantom in front of them said with a charming smile, and then shook his hand at this kind of person, and the phantom disappeared in front of all the people present, making everyone feel incredible.

"Father, are you all right?" When everything had calmed down, several foxes came forward together and were rescued by the fox king tied to the chair, all with a worried face.

The fox king shook his head tiredly and sighed secretly, but the ink demons sounded more like a sigh of relief.

"It's okay. You put me in **, and then retreat. You can deal with the things in the palace as appropriate." The fox king looked at some foxes and said boldly that they could see how tired the fox king was at this moment and needed to rest urgently. In this way, they helped the fox king to bed and quietly retreated out.


Alas... By the way, a fish has been really out of shape recently. In addition, it is not convenient to surf the Internet at relatives recently. Therefore, the recent update time will try to keep a fish at eight o'clock, but there is no guarantee that it will be reincarnated at eight o'clock. After all, it is very difficult for us to surf the Internet now. We can't drink children grabbing computers, don't we? So, dear, please forgive us. Did they all jump on us? Hey hey~

Fly away after taking advantage~