The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

Love of Mo Xie: Keep the clouds open and see the moon 4 (dissolved in jade fragments)

The love of Mo Xie: keep the clouds open and see the moon 4

In this way, the woman Mo Xiaoran and I entered the palace and began to live in the palace. To be honest, these days are the warmest days I have ever felt. In the past, I never dared to imagine that there would be such warmth in such a deep palace, and there were fewer brothers. The estrangement seems to be really like a brother.

I grew up in such a deep palace. I saw my mother being killed with my own eyes, but there was nothing I could do. I could only watch it. After growing up, such things often happened in front of my eyes. Gradually, I learned to be silent, cold-blooded, and even ruthless and cruel. I have never mercy on those people, because I know that there is only one throne. Although I don't want it, the situation forces me to do it. Even if I don't want it, there will still be a war. If I don't want it, I may kill myself. In this way, I am always alerting myself. I must get that emperor. I must stand at the top of the circle. Only in this way can I live a better life and live longer.

Therefore, I have never been close to those brothers, and I don't want to be with them. They also seem to live each other's lives. Except for the youngest prince Moxi, the little fox is very beautiful, but it's not because of this that he is an exception, but that he can never grow up. He can only maintain his own child's appearance, and even the demonic power is the demonic power of childhood. Therefore, he has no effect on us, let alone become an obstacle in this battle. Therefore, he has to admit that this child is happy and has family affection and happiness that they do not have.

However, it seems that after Mo Xiaoran came to the palace, the whole atmosphere in the palace changed. For some reason, the woman actually had a certain connection with those foxes, and those foxes were also very curious about such a human woman who lived in the palace. Come on, they gradually formed a group and flirted with the woman from time to time. Seeing this made me very unhappy. I don't know when the woman has been subconsciously owned by herself. No one can take it away, but I didn't I know this is the so-called jealousy.

Originally, this situation had made me very unhappy. Just when I wanted to take the woman to get approval from my father and get married, the old man actually gave an order to make his idea come to nought, because the old man was very unscrupulous and said to us, who could let that The woman came out of a nest of little foxes. Who owns the throne is? In fact, I also know that this is an unusual and alternative battle set by the old man, which avoids the fighting on the battlefield and greatly reduces the number of deaths. After all, almost all the princes in the battle for the throne hundreds of years ago were in that war. He died, so that's why the old man is so old that he still hasn't abdiced, and several princes are not very old.

The battle for the throne was no longer very impressive to me. At that time, I was still very young, and my mother's concubine was not dead. I just remember that the war was very grand. The war continued to expand from a small scale, from the dark to the surface, and finally the brothers killed each other. The eyes are like the devil. In addition to the corpse in their eyes, there is only one belief that if they kill all the people around them, they can get the throne. Everyone in the royal family of the demon world is looking forward to the desire for power, and this is nature and there is no way to eliminate it. Desire continues to increase with their age. In the end, when their expectation of power reaches its maximum, they can no longer control it. This is demonic nature, and this is the difference between demons and people. People can suppress their desires, but demons can't. This is why human beings are so weak and demons are so powerful.

By the saying, since the promulgation of the father's knife-free rule, the woman was honored to become a princess without any doubt. In the future, I don't understand why the old man did this and what's the advantage of doing so. However, I suddenly woke up. Come here, because that woman has moon scars, such a powerful energy can only stay in the fox clan and cannot fall into the rest of the clan. Once it falls into the hands of ambitious people, it is a huge disaster, which is more likely to put the whole demon world in danger. In this way, this woman or the moon scar remains in the fox clan. No matter who is the fox king in the end, the position of the most glorious fox queen will be that woman. Because of this, that throne is even more inevitable for me.

It is also the foxes that have been diligently looking for opportunities to get close to Mo Xiaoran since that regulation. Now they are more diligent than before, and they are more righteous than before, as if this is what they should be. After all, they all secretly guessed that I brought back that woman back. Come on, that may be my woman. The fox king inserted such a foot at this jux, which made the fox suddenly clear. From time to time, they swaggered and openly made out with the woman, but it was obvious that those foxes had not found a way. They had always been teased by the woman and had never succeeded. The occasional successes also left a deep impression on them, and sometimes even made them have no face to go out for half a month. People were so ashamed that they were so embarrassed that in the end, Mo Yao summed up a sentence, and he got used to losing his face.

Originally, there seemed to be no problem in life, just like this, because I had a huge change after dissolving the jade fragments into the body, because the moon scar and the jade fragments are originally a pair, and they both contain a lot of energy. That is, Qiyue injected all her energy into the moon scar and the jade fragments respectively. If you want to have huge energy, you must dissolve the moon marks or jade in your body, so that you can play the greatest effect.

So, I ran to a quiet place, that is, a corner under my master's cliff, and spent three days dissolving the jade into my body. However, I didn't expect that after the jade was dissolved in my body, all the energy would be imprisoned in Dantian, and a mass of white energy was alone. Yu Dantian can't be integrated with his own energy. I don't know what's wrong with this.

Coincidentally, that night, the master who rarely walked out of the cave appeared without warning, so I asked the question in my heart.

"Master, apprentice, I have something to ask you." I knelt respectfully in front of the master and said faintly.

"At the beginning, Yueer avoided the intention of people gathering the moon scar and the jade to cause war again, so she sealed the jade." It seems that the master knew what I was going to ask and didn't answer me. Instead, he directly told the answer to the question I wanted to ask, but after I already knew why, I still didn't understand. Since this jade was broken and sealed, there was a way to untie the seal.

"Master, how can I untie the seal?" I still knelt in the same position and kept my original posture and asked lightly, but there was some anxiety in this tone. Because after all, I am not in the fox clan these days, and I don't know if those foxes have eaten the stupid woman. Although that woman usually seems to be very cheerful and bold, she is actually a conservative person in her bones, only seeking the idea of getting one person's heart and never leaving each other. Of course, such a conservative woman also cares about her body. In this woman's idea, only her own man can get her own body. For this, that woman is still very chaste. I really don't know what to say. I still remember that once again Mo Yao found an opportunity to cook rice, but Yes, the woman resisted desperately, and finally Mo Yao had to give up. Later, I also said that I didn't pay attention to whether it was the first time here, but the woman still adhered to her own point of view and has not changed. Now, the Fox King keeps urging again and again, saying that if you can't let that woman**, it is difficult to say the most violent way. In this way, those foxes will work harder to seduce, and I don't know if those foxes have been available now.

"The pearl of extreme yin can be unlocked, but whether this pearl of extreme yin can be found depends on your own creation." The master standing in front of me said faintly, and there was a little sadness in his tone, and the faint sigh came to my ears.

"Is there any other way?" I continued to ask.

"Use your own demonic power to melt, but it will take no sure how long it will take." After saying that, the master turned back to his cave and didn't give me a chance to ask questions again. Many times I felt very amazing. How could I know what my master was thinking? Whenever I had a question, the master would be the first to appear and tell me to solve it. Method, and then without waiting for me to ask something, I left quickly. I always feel that this person knows a lot of things, has many secrets, and doesn't want people to know too much. Anyway, it's very mysterious. I knew it from the first time I saw him.

It was a snowstorm day. My mother had just been killed, but there was nothing I could do. I could only hide in the dark and watch my mother die. My heart was extremely sad. After everything had calmed down, I escaped from the palace. Everything in the palace made me feel disgusted. I ran out like that. I had never walked out of the palace. That was the first time I came out. When I came out, I felt that the air outside was very fresh. However, my heart was very heavy, and my eyes were full of eyes when my mother died. I was so sad and unwilling, so I was so careless. Running purposely, I suddenly fell off the cliff. I fainted for a short time, but when I felt that I was cold all over, I found that I was lying in the snowdrift, and none of my body was stiff. I felt that I was about to die, but at this time, the man in blue was there. He came out and saved me. I worshipped him as a teacher, but he said that he would not accept apprentices. He just saved people by passing by. I don't have to pay attention to it. After that, he sent me out of the cave and ignored me.

I knelt in the ice and snow outside the cave for three days. Finally, the man sent me back to the palace, and then he also acquiesced that I called him master, that is, such a master, but changed my life.