The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

The love of Mo Xie: keep the clouds open to see the moon 5 (the secret of jade broken)

The love of Mo Xie: keep the clouds open and see the moon 5

It was a snowstorm day. My mother had just been killed, but there was nothing I could do. I could only hide in the dark and watch my mother die. My heart was extremely sad. After everything had calmed down, I escaped from the palace. Everything in the palace made me feel disgusted. I ran out like that. I had never walked out of the palace. That was the first time I came out. When I came out, I felt that the air outside was very fresh. However, my heart was very heavy, and my eyes were full of eyes when my mother died. I was so sad and unwilling, so I was so careless. Running purposely, I suddenly fell off the cliff. I fainted for a short time, but when I felt that I was cold all over, I found that I was lying in the snowdrift, and none of my body was stiff. I felt that I was about to die, but at this time, the man in blue was there. He came out and saved me. I worshipped him as a teacher, but he said that he would not accept apprentices. He just saved people by passing by. I don't have to pay attention to it. After that, he sent me out of the cave and ignored me.

I knelt in the ice and snow outside the cave for three days. Finally, the man sent me back to the palace, and then acquiesced that I called him master, that is, such a master, but it changed my life.

The days have passed like this day by day, and I also slowly found that since the appearance of the woman's forehead, the atmosphere in the palace has changed a lot. In that gloomy atmosphere, there is a lot of brightness, and the corners of the heart are still in the dark, but it is still not as obvious as before. I I also feel that the friendship between our brothers also seems to be changing because of the woman in the middle, and the situation is much more relaxed than before. Even if they understand that they are opposed to each other and compete for the throne, their feelings have increased. As the woman continues torment us all .

Sometimes I really can't believe that a small human ordinary woman who can play such a role. Although on the surface, that woman really didn't do anything, if I think about it carefully, I find that in fact, everything that woman does is After careful consideration and a certain plan in my heart, the benefits that can be brought to this matter have been calculated. I have to say that this is the strength of the woman, inadvertently changing all the aspects that are unfavorable to him.

The longer I found that woman's heart, I really understood. In fact, I really don't have to worry that that woman's heart will be robbed by others, because I gradually found that that woman's heart has always belonged to me. Such a discovery made me very happy, and those few foxes were like Hu also found this conclusion, and they all have the idea of withdrawing from the competition. They also try not to interfere with the solitude between me and that woman, and sometimes create a certain space for us to cultivate our feelings and achieve positive results as soon as possible.

However, what I didn't expect was that the little princess Jiuran would suddenly appear like this, which would disrupt my original plan, and when I made up my mind to be with Xiaoran, I found that the inner elixir of the little princess of Jiuran was That's what the master once said about the pearl of extreme yin. In this way, I'm a little confused. I don't know what to choose. I haven't slept for several days. Looking at the distant distance in a daze, this is a fish and a bear's paw. You can't have both. If you get one, you must give up one. I hate such multiple questions.

I have to say that sometimes fate is really playing tricks on us. Obviously, just when I was about to be ready to give up the pearl that can untie the jade, the demon world was suddenly disturbed. The calm water of the demon world has been mudd up by the shocking news that Xiaoran has moon marks on his body. It is possible to launch a war. Such a situation has appeared, and I have to reconsider the answer at one time and throw the answer that has been chosen into the option again.

Finally, I finally compromised. I looked at the situation getting more and more tense day by day. I also think that since I am a member of the demon world and the prince of the fox clan, I have the right and obligation to sacrifice myself for everyone, and for that woman. I don't want my woman to be hurt a little, so I He gave full play to his fearless spirit of sacrifing his life for righteousness, resolutely went to the snake clan, proposed marriage, and then got married.

I know that at the moment I made my decision, I lost my qualification to compete with that woman, and I lost that woman forever. Perhaps, that woman will no longer forgive me for what I did in my life. In that woman's psychology, marriage and wedding have always been very grand and sacred. Things.

I personally told the old man the news of the marriage. Although the old man did not understand, he did not say anything more. He just nodded and agreed, and then told the Ministry of Ceremonies to prepare for relevant matters. When he got up that day, his eyes were full of overwhelming red, so dazzling red, so let I feel distressed. No matter how I convince myself, I still can't restrain my heartache when I see the red. It seems that at this moment, my heart has been out of control. For a moment, I always thought it was a dream.

When I saw the woman coming, I suddenly felt lost my voice and came back to realize that this was not a nightmare. Everything was true and caused by myself. Therefore, I had to bear this pain by myself, because it was deserved and deserved. Just, woman, will you understand me? In order to hold you stable for half a life, even if I lose you, I will.

When I watched the woman slowly come with unbelievable eyes, I felt that my body was stiff. When I answered Xiaoran's question truthfully, I obviously saw something in her eyes suddenly broken, and my uncontrollably heart ached.

In this way, she, who was bruised all over my body, disappeared into my sight and never appeared. I kept learning about her recent situation from the air of those gossipy maids, but I couldn't do anything but watch it from a distance.

In a blink of an eye, the day of marriage came, and in addition to pushing all my hatred on Jiuran, whenever I see Xiao Ran's pale face, I will be more ruthless. If Jiuran does not appear, if Jiuran is not the pearl of the polar yin, if the world does not If there is turmoil, won't all this happen? Will my bride be the woman I love with all my heart at this moment? It's just that everything has happened and hasn't given me any way out.

And the extremely dark pearl must be able to play a role in the continuous erosion of the man's essence-liquid that has jade fragments. As the pearl is constantly eroded, it is gradually activated, and then constantly washed away with tears of sadness. Finally, it can break away from the woman's body on the full moon night and succeed in it. Yes, of course, without that pearl, it means death. In this way, I had no choice but to keep spoiling her, making her hate stronger every time. In this way, I went further and further with the woman in my heart.

That night, after acting with Jiuran, I saw the face that I hadn't seen for a long time. When I saw the still pale face, my heart ached again. She was thin, strange and sad. It seemed that Xiaoran didn't expect me to suddenly appear at such a time and met her. She was stunned for a moment and turned away sadly. However, I didn't expect that this was the side after she left the fox clan.

When I received the news that she left the fox clan, it was already a day later. I went to see if they had any news about Xiaoran, but I got the news that Xiaoran had blocked her whereabouts. Such news was the same as missing for me. I couldn't allow myself. I have been waiting like this, but when I was about to step out of the room, I was suddenly blocked by huge energy. Only then did I know that when this room had been bounded, and the only thing we could do at this moment was to sort out such a thing.

When we got the news of Mo Xiaoran and found her, it was a few days later. We were relieved to see that the woman was fine. Suddenly, I felt that my heart was calm. However, such a good day was broken once in a few days. On a dark night, I suddenly received the pearl of extreme darkness at that moment, and I also understood that the wine had died on this night. Then, the snake clan united with the demon clan to attack the fox clan, which caused great injury to the fox clan, and I only got the news after leaving the customs. When I rushed back to the fox clan, everything had stabilized, so that I was not qualified to appear.

Then, before I had time to find the woman who had absorbed the pearl and uncovered the jade seal, I heard the news that the woman was captured by the devil. At this moment, I was no longer the original me. I broke into the demon clan alone with great energy and fought with the devil. When I fought, Looking at the demon king unbelievably, although I can't see the true face under the cloak, I already know who the demon king is.

Think about it, the world is really ridiculous. It turns out that you can meet acquaintances and relatives when you turn around.