
Chapter 27 The separation of yin and yang.

It's like everything you see is an illusory illusion. Tell yourself that everything in front of you is not true, absolutely not true, don't believe it.

But the violent beating of her heart could be clearly felt, ignoring what she saw in front of her. She moved her legs like a lead, took heavy steps, and slowly walked to Father Su, who was lying peacefully.

The smiling man seemed to sleep soundly and didn't even wake up.

"Dad." Anxin shouted softly, as if worried that her voice would scare the other party. She shouted softly, "Dad, it's time to eat."

She really slept so soundly that she didn't even hear such close words, so she reached out and pushed Su's father, but the temperature from her men suddenly made her heart shrink, and her hands began to tremble. Because it clearly tells Anxin that this pair of bodies... is already cold.

Slowly withdrew her trembling hand, but the red ** on the palm of her hand. This harsh color made her eyes so uncomfortable that she dared not face it.

At this time, her feet suddenly seemed to be unable to support the weight of her body, making her fall and sit on the ground, and her clothes were suddenly soaked by the red **. Looking at the red ** slowly fainting on her trousers, she suddenly stood up in horror and kept patting the red marks on her body. I felt that the red was slowly wrapping around her body like a python, making her unable to breathe.

"Go away. Go away quickly." She kept jumping in fear, trying to shake off the red ** that stuck to her body. She was so scared that she even burst into tears.

Especially the big red** by my father's bed, which makes Anxin dare not even look at it. That color is really horrible.

Tears kept rolling out of her eyes. She cried so sadly, because the frozen blood stains on her father's wrist told Anxin that he... committed suicide.

"Dad!!!" He cried and shouted out, rushed to the bed, and kept shaking Su's father's stiff body. "Get up! Get up!"

Why is this? Why is it like this? Mother hasn't forgiven you yet. Su Tianyi hasn't come home yet. How can you do this? How can you leave us? Get up! Dad! Get up!" He beat his father's body, which would no longer react, and cried desperately, "Woo-woo, get up!"

has disappeared for so long. You just came back yesterday. Are you leaving us again today? No! No! I don't want it!

"Plop!" There was a muffled sound at the door. Looking back, An's mother was sitting on the ground with her eyes empty. And tears slowly flowed down her mother's empty eyes.


When you saw this note, I thought that I had passed away. I am very grateful for everything God has given me, a gentle and virtuous wife, a smart son, and a kind and well-behaved daughter. Unfortunately, I did not cherish you well, and even disappointed you again and again. Looking back on what I have done, I know that I have really made too many mistakes. A word of apology is not good at all, but I still want to say sorry to you. By now, I have no face the benefits entrusted to me all my life, my son Su Tianyi, and even more ashamed to face me. The peace of mind of suffering from a father without blood.

When I walked into Tianyi's room, I suddenly found that it had been too long after I last came to his room. It had been several years, and the room was no longer a mess, and there were no longer piles of building blocks and toys everywhere. It turned out that Su Tianyi had grown up unconsciously, but I missed too much, and it was really sad to say that there was no trace of my father in my son's growth footprints. Looking at the family portrait on Tianyi's table also reminds me that it has been a long time since the whole family went out together.

Suddenly, I miss my previous life. How happy our family of four was at that time, but unfortunately, I didn't hold this happiness tightly and let it slip away from my hand. If possible, I really hope that time can go back, but after all, it is if, because we can't go back.

And I will actually look back because I have witnessed something with my own eyes, which makes me suddenly understand what stupid things I have done.

That day, I pointed to this last flip book, but I didn't expect that after it came out, I would still lose the same penniless as before.

When I got out of the casino angrily, the sky suddenly began to rain. I think God was crying for my obsession, and when I was sheltering from the rain, a man who looked like a gambler like me was holding money to gamble, and behind him, a woman was dragging tightly. He cried and begged him not to go in again, which reminded me of the beauty that persuaded me to turn back more than once, and it was not tears but tears but disappointment in her eyes.

However, men can't listen at all like me. They just want to gamble. He even pushed the woman down again and again.

The two tore up on the road for a long time under the heavy rain, but the man finally did not look back. The woman asked him how he went home with her, and the man seemed to think she was annoying and casually saying that you were dead, so I went home. Unexpectedly, after a few seconds of hesitation, the woman really rushed to the middle of the road, and then a car was facing him. He came and hit the woman's body far away, and the man was stunned on the spot. The money in hand also fell to the ground.

And I actually saw a satisfied smile on the woman's face.

Tears suddenly fell down for some reason. It turned out that no matter what, the family wanted us to turn back and even use blood as a price to wake us up.

Later, because I felt ashamed to face you, I had been wandering around. When I was so hungry that I couldn't hold on, I stole a young man's wallet. Later, I met peace of mind. I wouldn't have said anything to go home, but I was finally moved by her.

Meihui, if there is an afterlife, please let me be selfish once, because I hope we can still meet and get married, and I will never let you cry for me.

God's will, my good son, I'm proud of you. The award in this room let me know that I have such an excellent son, and I'm very proud. I know that I am not a competent father and neglected to take care of you. This is really a pity for me in this life. If there is a next life, I also hope that you can be my son, and I will definitely be a good father next time.

Reassuring, the person I'm most sorry about in this family is you. You are really a kind daughter. You have suffered a lot for me. I really appreciate everything you have done for me. If it weren't for you, mine would have become disabled, and you are so generous. After being hurt by me again and again, you still forgive me. I really can't express my gratitude to you. But I want to say that you are the most grateful person.

If there is really an afterlife, I also hope that we will still be a family. The next time we meet, I will be a good husband and a good father, and I will never let you down again.................

Tears gradually blurred his eyes, and then flowed out of his eyes, dripping on his father's suicide note, fainting his father's notes.

"Dad, I promise you that if there is an afterlife, we will still be a family." An An's voice trembled and shouted loudly to the sky. She hoped that her voice would be transmitted to her father in heaven and let him know that she was reluctant to part with him.

Looking at the peace of mind that kept crying, Mu Junhao silently put his hand in his arms and patted her on the back comfortingly.

Hiding in Mu Junhao's arms, he grabbed the other party's clothes tightly and cried again.


Since Su's father's death, An's mother's health has deteriorated every day and eventually fell ill. Su Tianyi did not return home until three days after disappearing, but his family has already undergone unexpected changes.

He handed his father's suicide note to Su Tianyi, who had already been shocked by his father's death.

"Look at the suicide note left by Dad." Speaking of his father, his reassuring voice choked again. He quickly turned his face to one side.

Just like this piece of paper will bite people, Su Tianyi hesitated and again before slowly stretching out his trembling hand to take it.

Slowly opened the small paper, and the faint handwriting on it told Su Tianyi that it had been seen, and the person who saw the paper cried.

As time passed, tears slowly flowed from Su Tianyi's eyes, and then the paper in his hand was immediately clenched tightly, but he shouted angrily, "I haven't forgiven him yet. How can he leave? How can he leave!"

Su Tianyi's sad expression made his reassuring eyes red "God's will." She could only whisper the other party's names.

"How can you leave..." Su Tianyi cried to herself and said something that she couldn't understand.

Seeing him like this, Anxin could only reach out and hold her brother, who was half a head taller than herself, into her arms. She didn't know what to say to comfort him, so she could only hold him into her arms to warm him.

And Su Tianyi also hugged tightly and restless.

This night, Anxin stayed by Su Tianyi's bed like a mother. "I will wait for you to fall asleep and leave."

Now Su Tianyi is fragile and lost his biological father, which makes him not sad. What's more, the quiet night is the best condition for missing.

"Although I always blame him, I have never really resented him in my heart." Su Tianyi's voice slowly came over, and Anxin sitting by the bed listened quietly and carefully.

She knows all these, otherwise Su Tianyi will not keep working and working overtime in order to pay back Su's father. Although she complains, this is not the case in her heart, because he still loves his father.

"Thinking of my father's past and looking at the present, every time I compare it, my heart hurts. I really want him to return to the past."

Not only Su Tianyi thought so, but also her mother and herself hoped so. Unfortunately, Su's father still didn't figure it out at that time, and when he figured it out, he made such an extreme choice.

Thinking of this, he began to feel uncomfortable again. He swallowed his saliva and suppressed his discomfort. Continue to listen carefully to Su Tianyi's words.

"I regret it." Su Tianyi's voice of self-blaming came gently.

Anxin knew that he was regretting his attitude towards his father that day, but Su's father would not blame him. He was his favorite son. Su's father would understand, and Su's father should also understand that Su Tianyi was just talking. What can their father and son do to talk about hatred?

He tucked the quilt for Su Tianyi and said calmly, "Dad won't blame you."

Shaking his head, Su Tianyi said, "How can you not blame me? After all, my words are really hurtful." After saying this, Su Tianyi's face was even more self-reproached.

"Maybe I will blame you, but I will also forgive you, because my father said that he would continue to be a father and son with you in the next life. If he really blames you, he won't say that, right?" He comforted Su Tianyi, who was extremely fragile at this time.

I'm glad that I can be with Su Tianyi at this time, otherwise he may live forever in self-reproach.

"Really?" Su Tianyi turned her face and looked at ease with some expectation.

"Really." An An smiled and nodded.

And under the gentle gaze of peace of mind, Su Tianyi's face was less self-reproach.