
Chapter 28 The Tormented Heart.

Su's father's death seemed to give the two a chance to ease their relationship. After this incident, the previous awkward atmosphere seemed to suddenly disappear. The two seem to have returned to the point where they talked about nothing before.

However, I don't know if it is the reason why the stiff relationship between the two has lasted for too long. This sudden change actually made An An feel a little uncomfortable, because she always feels that she sees a prayer in Su Tianyi's eyes. Even she was shocked when the idea appeared, but she was sure that she really saw it.

So every time she looks at Su Tianyi, she feels that he is really heartbroken. She doesn't know why Su Tianyi looks at her like this. Is it because her father left the house, so she is afraid that her mother and her attitude towards him will change? However, she and her mother will not do this. They will still treat him as their own brother as before, and their mother will still treat him as their own child. They will not be indifferent to Su Tianyi because of their father's departure. So don't be upset, don't pray, no one will change.

So I can only be more kind to him. I will wait for him to come home every night and say good night to him before going to bed. The purpose of doing this is just to reassure him. I will go to school with him in the morning. If I eat breakfast too fast, I will slow down. Sometimes I am even full, but I will still eat more, just so that he can finish it before himself and not panic when he is waiting by himself. After school, he will leave the campus with him, say goodbye, and then rush to the place where he works. There is no good way, so she can only do her best to reso that he can be relieved from small things and try to spend as much time as possible with him. That's all she can do.

"Be careful. I'm going to work. See you in the evening." Anxin smiled and said goodbye to Su Tianyi.

But at the moment when Anxin was ready to turn around, Su Tianyi suddenly grabbed her hand, which made Anxin look back at him in a frenze.

"I..." opened his mouth, but Su Tianyi didn't seem to know what he was going to say, and he grabbed Anxin but had no other action, as if it was just a subconscious retention action caused by seeing her turn around. Then he felt that doing so seemed to make him unhappy. Although he was full of reluctance, he finally slowly let go of his hand.

appeared again. Looking at Su Tianyi's faintly tearful eyes, I really couldn't say why I was so scared? I will not change my attitude towards you. I will still care about you and take care of you as before.

Don't care about the surprised eyes of the people around him, he hugged the uneasy Su Tianyi in his arms and said softly, "God, I will always treat you as my own brother." So, stop looking at me like this. My heart is really sad. I really love you. It's nothing. Dad is gone. You and my mother and I. We will love you as before.

And the trembling from my arms adds to the strength of the hug. Can I relieve your uneasiness by doing so?

But there is more than one thing that bothers peace of mind.

Su's father's death brought a great blow to her mother. Although she was stubborn and didn't care, when he really left, everyone's heart ached, and her mother's current physical condition was really every day. Seeing her mother getting thinner and thinner, as her daughter, she couldn't help her. He Busy, which made her heartbroken and scared. She was really worried about her mother's shortcomings, because she couldn't lose any more relatives.

"Mom, I made porridge. Eat some!" He said with peace of mind.

Looking at her daughter's carefully cooked food, An's mother picked up the bowl with a smile and said, "Okay."

Then he frowned and picked up the bowl, but the porridge had been drunk in his mouth, but he couldn't swallow anything.

Looking at An with embarrassment, An's mother finally swallowed it.

Looking at such a mother, tears of peace of mind began to swirling in her eyes. I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart. If I didn't let my mother eat it, my body would not be able to stand it, but let my mother eat it made her suffer so much. What should I do? I really want to know.

But it's not over yet. In addition to Su Tianyi and her mother, there are also Mu Junhao.

A twitch made her slowly raise her head, who was staring at the page in a daze, and the situation in front of her surprised her, because Mu Junhao had wounds on his face, the most obvious of which were the scars on the corners of her mouth and eyes. Although the injury is not heavy, it can still be seen, and the fact that he was injured is really confusing, because his identity will not cause anyone to die to provoke him. So what's going on with this injury?

"How did you do it?" Anxin frowned and reached out to gently touch the wound at the corner of his eyes.

And with her movements, there was a whisper immediately around her. The unpleasant words are also involved in what to say about seduction, shamelessness, and inversion, but now she is not in the mood to care about other people's comments, or she didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. Because they are innocent and not the kind of relationship they say. So she doesn't care what others say, and what if she and Mu Junhao really have that kind of relationship? If you want to talk about it, just say it. She won't waste any feelings because of their gossip.

The wound seemed to hurt a little, because the relieved touch made him frown, but he did not avoid it.

He took out the Band-Aid from his schoolbag, tore off the wrapping paper, and said calmly, "Lower your head."

And Mu Junhao really frowned and did it, which made the group of gossip people in the class even more heatedly discuss. In fact, the people who discuss their affairs are basically girls, and the people who discuss their affairs are actually jealous because they are too envious, because Mu Junhao, who makes all girls crazy, is difficult to get close to them, but he gets along very well with them. How can this not make that group of girls feel at ease?

And Anxin just wanted to continue to ask something, but the head teacher came in with the textbook at this time, so even if he wanted to know the cause of the matter, he had to give up temporarily, and his doubts could only be left until after class.

However, this class was called unprecedented suffering, because Mu Junhao lay on the table facing her, but he did not look at her with his eyes closed but frowning as usual. He felt that his face was about to be stared out of by the other party. Although he tried his best to pretend not to care, Their faces were still warming unconsciously. Not only did they see their classmates whispering about them behind their back, but even the teacher found that there was something wrong with them and looked at them several times. This made her face blush, who had a fever because of Mu Junhao's behavior.

While the teacher wrote on the blackboard with his back to the students, he turned his head and looked at Mu Junhao with reproach, only to find that although he was looking at himself, he could feel that his thoughts had already run away from his eyes. At this time, he didn't know what he was thinking.

And the frown made Anxin's mood unconsciously begin to decline, and when he saw the wound on his face, the previous doubts ran out at this time. Who hurt him like this? What's the reason? With Mu Junhao's skills, ordinary people will not hurt him at all, and even those who practice martial arts may be a master among masters who can hurt him, masters...

Thinking of this, Anxin suddenly looked worried, because she thought of one thing. Did Mu Junhao go to hit the black fist again? Otherwise, how could it be so embarrassing? This sudden idea made Anxin start to feel uneasy. What's going on? My mind is full of question marks, but I can't ask at this time. Anxin has never felt that the teacher standing on the podium who lectured earnestly would make her so annoying. And this is like a static time, which makes her mood start from anxiety to annoyance.

grabbed the ballpoint pen on the table, wrote a sentence on the notebook quickly, and then pushed Mu Junhao fiercely again when the teacher was not paying attention.

Seeing that the other party's eyes began to focus, I believed that he was really thinking about something just now, or something very important, otherwise it would not be so abnormal.

"How on earth did you get the wound on your face?"

Anxin pointed to the words he wrote on the paper. Then he looked at him anxiously and waited for his answer.

However, Mu Junhao, who came to his mind, looked at the sentences he wrote with peace of mind without any action, as if the short sentence was difficult for him to understand. He actually stared at them and began to stare.

This made me feel more anxious, and at the same time, the doubts in her heart were deepening, and she couldn't help pushing Mu Junhao again, but as if she didn't feel it, he still didn't respond.

Anxin's heart is beating trembling. What's going on? Mu Junhao didn't answer him at all, just let her guess here randomly. This feeling is really terrible!

After a long time, Mu Junhao turned his head, as if he had just reacted, but after taking a deep look, he threw his notebook aside and did not answer his words. Then he turned his face back and even closed his eyes.

This... Anxin was stunned, not because of Mu Junhao's behavior, not because of his attitude, but because he looked at himself, which was full of contradictions, which made Anxin wonder even more. What's wrong? Or have you encountered something difficult to choose?

The rush is the best word to describe the current mood.

Just after class, Anxin was ready to have a good talk with Mu Junhao in a few places, but he left first. It didn't even appear in the next few classes.

I wanted to ask the person concerned, but he ran away. He was full of anxiety but there was no way to solve it. Anxin was really irritable, and what made her more annoying was that Mu Junhao was hiding from her, because he clearly read what he wrote on the paper. If he wrote the words on the paper with a pen and couldn't understand, then it was even more I should have had a good talk with myself after class, but he left. Why, what's going on? Walking silently on the path to the library, it's really annoying to feel at ease now.

But she can't continue to ask questions, because Mu Junhao hiding from her now means that he doesn't want to answer. His repeated persecution will only put him in a worse situation. Looking at the leaves gently swinging with the breeze, he tells himself not to mess up. He wants to say that nature I will tell you that you just need to wait silently now. Thinking so, he closed his eyes slowly, took a deep breath, and told himself to relax.