
Chapter 38 Sweet Honey.

As if there is only one left in the world, they hold each other so tightly that they don't want to let go for the rest of their lives.

And it was not until some classmates walked into the classroom that they were reluctant to separate.

Avoiding the doubtful eyes of her classmates, she turned her back and wiped away her tears. When she saw the crystal tears on the back of her hand, she suddenly smiled happily. It turned out that Mu Junhao liked her so much that she couldn't help crying.

Looking up at Mu Junhao, who was also turning his back, frowning and quickly wiping his face, Anxin suddenly smiled again. Fortunately, he was so lucky to be the only one in your eyes. But I broke your heart, but I promise this will be the last time. From now on, I won't let you cry for me again. Really.

Feeling the reassuring sight, Mu Junhao turned his head and looked at her. Seeing that she was looking at him with a smile on his face, he suddenly pouted, frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Are you proud!" Although it's some reproach, it has a cute tone of coquettishness.

"Ha ha!" Seeing him show such a lovely expression, An An smiled again. And full of pride, because only I can see Mu Junhao's childish side and this coquettish side!

And Mu Junhao also smiled and reached out to scratch his upturned nose.

And his behavior suddenly made An's face fever, and she said in panic, "This is a classroom!"

Now many students have returned to the classroom, and their every move has been watched. How can Mu Junhao make such an intimate move? Although she doesn't care what others think of them, his behavior still makes her a little embarrassed.

"What does it matter!" Mu Junhao said dissatisfiedly.

With his personality, if you love each other, you should show it bravely and make everyone envy you.

So, he stretched out his domineering arms and put Anxin in his arms again and said loudly, "I want to tell everyone." He hugged the body in his arms and said, "You! Peace of mind, from today on, it will be my Mu Junhao's woman!"

And with his words, everyone's eyes turned to the two, surprised, surprised, unbelievable, envious, jealous............

And she was so shocked that she couldn't say a word because he suddenly hugged him in front of his classmates. After Mu Junhao said this, she couldn't react and could only let him do whatever he wanted.

As if these were not enough, he turned his eyes, like a prank-loving child. In a burst of gasping, Mu Junhao's face was full of bad smiles and gradually approached Anxin's stunned face. The target seemed to be the red lips that were slightly open because of surprise.

What is he going to do? What is he going to do? Anxin stared at the other party and asked herself again and again, because Mu Junhao's series of actions had left her brain blank and forgot what she should react to. As his face got closer and closer, the anxious Anxin suddenly raised his foot and stepped on Mu Junhao's feet fiercely.

As a result, Mu Junhao's scream suddenly resounded through the classroom, and his handsome face suddenly wrinkled like a steamed bun.

And the red-faced Anxin immediately said, "Go away!"

After saying this, he quickly ran away from the classroom, but the corners of his mouth with a smile were dazzling with happiness.

And after Mu Junhao shouted, he immediately chased out "Ah! Stop!"

The two figures before and after are chasing happiness.


In this way, the two people who resolved the misunderstanding and got together sweetly. While getting along with each other, they found that Mu Junhao was really like a child and very clingy. No matter what she did, he would follow him. Moreover, if Su Tianyi was in the hospital with her mother last night, then Anxin had to prepare breakfast for the two people in the hospital. At this time He will come to their house early, just like now.

Not long after the sun appeared in the sky, there was a pleasant mobile phone sound in the quiet bedroom, which woke up the peace of mind that was still sleeping. She closed her eyes and frowned. She reached out and groped for the ringing mobile phone near the pillow. After finding it, she pressed the answer button and said hoarsely, "Hey?"

"It's me!"

Mu Junhao's energetic voice immediately came from the receiver.

He opened his eyes impatiently and looked at the small alarm clock on the table. After seeing the number on it, he said helplessly, "What are you going to do? It's only 3:30 now."

Anxin is really going crazy. Mu Junhao called to wake her up so early.

"I'm outside your house now. Get up quickly and open the door for me."

Anxin suddenly said helplessly, "Mu Junhao, why are you here again?" He appeared at their house almost every day during this period, and it was around three o'clock, and only when there was no later than this, she really couldn't help asking him, isn't he sleepy when he got up so early? It was already very late the night before they started!

After listening to Anxin's words, Mu Junhao immediately said dissatisfiedly, "You don't welcome me. I'm also here. Open the door for me immediately."

And then I heard a bang! Bang! Bang!" The fierce knock on the door came from the living room.

"Okay, okay, don't knock." After all, Anxin gave in. "I'll open the door for you right away. Wait a minute."

Although it is very early in summer, many people should still be sleeping at this time. Mu Junhao doesn't let her rest, but he can't let him disturb others again. Therefore, he rubbed his confused eyes, muttered dissatisfiedly, and walked out of bed and walked to the living room. I really lost to him.

Looking at the iron gate in front of her, she really has the impulse not to open it, but also wants to add a few locks, because she is really sleepy! But............hey................ If you don't open the door, something big will happen.

"Good morning!" The moment he opened the door, Mu Junhao's bright smiling face immediately appeared in front of Anxin and stole a fragrance on her face.

I have no time to take care of these. Before I woke up, I yawned and said hello to Mu Junhao, "Good morning!" Then she ignored him and turned to the bedroom. She had to go back and sleep for a while. It's not her time to get up yet.

Turning to bed, he suddenly found that Mu Junhao also followed him and said in surprise, "Why did you come in?"

"Oh!" Mu Junhao smiled with his hands around his chest and said, "Are you sleepy? You just opened the door for me!"

"I know." Anxin said, of course she remembered that she opened the door for Mu Junhao. I mean, why did you come to my bedroom? I still have to sleep. You go to the living room to watch TV for a while, and I..."

"No!" Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Mu Junhao's frown. He said, "You sleep with you. Why do you care where I stay? Even if I stay in the bedroom, I won't take the opportunity to eat you. Don't worry about sleeping with you."

His words made the thin-skinned An's face suddenly blush, and then she rolled her eyes and said, "It's up to you." Then he covered the thin quilt and closed his eyes and continued to sleep. It's really too sleepy. His mess these days has almost messed up the biological clock she has developed over the years.

And Mu Junhao was also sensible and did not make a sound, so that she could sleep quietly. However, if he did not make a sound, he also made peace of mind unable to rest. Ten minutes later, she still couldn't sleep. She gave up and opened her eyes and turned to look at Mu Junhao, who was smiling when she woke up with a smile.

Because her eyes made her unable to ignore the hot temperature even if she closed her eyes, she couldn't continue to sleep. I really can't care about the feeling of staring at the holes in my face.

With a sigh, she sat up from **, which was really crazy.

But Mu Junhao asked knowingly, "Why don't you sleep?" That naive look was as if he really didn't know that he had disturbed his rest.

She bit her lip. She really wanted to hit that handsome too hard with a pillow, but at this time it was an annoying face. How can it be so abominable!

Since you can't sleep, get up and wash up! However, this can't stop. Mu Junhao kept turning around her, as if he were not an earthman, taking all her things over and looking at her facial cleanser, her toothpaste, her gum, her toothbrush...

He was a little angry, but his childish behavior made her cry and laugh, "What are you going to do?"

The things she uses are ordinary. Is it necessary to take them one by one for a long time?

"I'm getting to know you!" Mu Junhao said and put the things in his hand back in place.

In my heart, because of his simple sentence, he suddenly became a little sour. What a fool. "You can ask me what you want to know."

Why do you have to look at it so troublesomely one by one? She thought he was curious, but she didn't expect him to know herself.

"No!" Mu Junhao refused, and then looked at Anxin and said seriously, "I want to know everything I like and hate. This process may take a long time, but I will try my best to remember them all." Pointing to his chest, he looked into reassuring eyes and said, "Remember it here."

Is the water stains on the face not cleaned, otherwise how can you feel that your face is still wet?

Why, every word you say will make me overwhelmed, love me carefully, understand my Mu Junhao seriously, and let me love you so that I don't feel bad? What should I do to not make me feel that I won't love you less than you? How can you get the love that is directly proportional to your efforts? You! What should I do? Mu Junhao, did I meet you who loved me so much in my life because I was a good man and accumulated great virtue in my life?