
Chapter 59 Dream.

When the last subject exam was completed, the textbooks flying all over the sky were like snow, and the students' happy cheers resounded throughout the playground.

It's over, and it's finally over.

The three years of high school life are finally over, and the most difficult year is also over.

What we need to do now is to have fun, have a good time, and make up for the entertainment time given up for the college entrance examination in this summer vacation. However, there are also things that make people worry about in this happiness. Look at those who are unhappy when they come out of the examination room, you will know that the results will be the most worrying thing next. This is a hard relief from the uneasiness, but she is relieved with a smile on her face, because those test questions are not very difficult for her.

But... the next second, she seemed to think of something, and the smile on her face suddenly collapsed, because... good grades meant that she would be admitted to the school she wanted to go to, which also meant that she and he were really... separated. In fact, after today, after walking out of the campus, everything that was happy and unhappy ended with graduation.

However, her heart suddenly hurt so much that she even bent down and frowned in pain. Then her eyes began to look for the figure she wanted to see most at this time in the crowd, who was her painkiller, but the figures passing by her one by one, or full of excitement or face The sadness is not the man she wants.

No! No!! No!!! My heart is getting more and more painful because of the strange faces passing by. But at the same time, it is also clear that it will be so easy to never see each other again, because you can't meet them on a campus, not to mention in different cities in the future.

However, the call in my heart is becoming clearer and clearer, and the desire to see him is getting stronger and stronger. Where are you? Where are you? Just let me see you for the last time, just let me see him at a glance. God, I beg you, you have cruelly separated us forever. Please fulfill my last little wish!

After leaving here, they will really become passers-by in each other's lives.

However, until everyone left and the campus was empty, she didn't see Mu Junhao for the last time.

Cruelty turned out to be missed.

With full of disappointment and sadness, she left the campus and walked home slowly. At this time, she was so calm, but her heart kept surging. Her heart was really painful. However, even if her missing could not be passed on to the other party, he had identified her as a bad woman, and she did She is a bad woman. Perhaps for Su Tianyi, she is a good sister who will give up her lover for him, but she is also a stupid sister. No, in Su Tianyi's eyes, she is a stubborn woman who never accepts him and laughed at herself. She is really sad. The two most important men for him, one She is ruthless, and she is stubborn for her. She sacrificed so much for them, but in the end, she ends up like this, and her heart is suddenly unbalanced.

When will you idiots understand my heart? When can I live without being so tired? But do you regret it? I smiled helplessly, and then regretted and did everything. What's the use of thinking about these? I just feel uncomfortable when they treat me in an incomprehensible way. However, I often understand it later. It's because I don't know what the reason is, so... I can't be angry.

Stop, she stands still, and now she really doesn't want to go home. Perhaps because the tense and busy senior high school life ended with the moment of handing in today's papers. She was so busy every day that she had nothing to do now. Suddenly, she was not used to it and felt that she was always empty. What's more, now she is not only empty, but also so lonely.

I suddenly felt so cold and looked up at the sky. It was obviously a sunny day. How could it be like this? But the reason is clear. How can she not feel cold without the person who is tired and the person who will hug her behind her?

Inadvertently glanced at the supermarket beside her. Somehow, the word wine suddenly came to her mind, reached out and touched the pocket of her trousers, smiled at ease, and then strode to the supermarket.

"Hm!" I frowned. It's not as delicious as I thought. It's not as sweet as a drink, but there is a faint bitterness, just like my current mood! Then use your bitterness to drive away my annoyance, and then swallow it. If you get drunk, you won't feel anything.

She doesn't care about the surprised eyes of the people around her. She drinks cans of beer one after another, and the more she drinks, the happier she becomes. It seems that wine is really a good thing and can really make people forget unpleasant things. Now she feels in a super good mood.

"Bum!" She began to shake at ease when she walked. Suddenly, she fell hard. The pain suddenly made her wake up a little. She shook her dizzy head and knew that she was drunk. Although she didn't feel too much, she was walking unstable. Isn't this the best proof?

And, look at the sky, I have been shaking outside for a long time. The girl is drunk and another person is not safe anyway. And my mood doesn't seem to be that bad, so... go back after enough tossing!

Forget it after venting! There is no ending story, that's it.

However, the more I think about it, the more sore my eyes become. Why is it so bad? Why do you have to oppose their love? And the improved mood also began to deteriorate, and he was so irritable that he even frowned unconsciously. He cursed fiercely, and the can in his hand was also thrown out.

Seeing a young and beautiful girl with a schoolbag on her back, sitting on the side of the road without image, many people cast curious or surprised or disgusted eyes at her and whispered.

When she saw the people biting her ears behind her back, she suddenly became very angry and shouted to the crowd, "What are you looking at! Get out of here!"

Then she had to stand up and seemed to drive away the crowd. Unfortunately, she was drunk and her body was out of control. As soon as she stood up, she fell down fiercely.

And just as she was about to kiss the hard earth again, a pair of hands caught her fallen body.

At this time, a feeling of nausea suddenly surged up, followed by "vomiting!" He spit it out with peace of mind.


"Don't go, don't go." Anxin looked at Mu Junhao, who was heartbroken and eager to leave her.

"Why don't you let me go? You don't love me anymore. You're tired of me..." He said with a wounded face, and his tearful eyes made him feel at ease.

"I love you, I love you, I'm not tired of you, I'm not tired of you, don't go, I beg you not to go." Anxin rushed forward and hugged Mu Junhao's strong waist tightly. She shook her head and said, "Don't go. I can't live without you."

After listening to her words, Mu Junhao suddenly smiled sarcastically. He said, "Don't fool me anymore. You clearly said you didn't love me. How could you..."

"I lied to you!" Anxin interrupted him emotionally and said, "I lied to you. Everything I said before lied to you. It was your father. It was your father who forced me to leave you!" In a hurry, he said everything at ease, but after a moment of silence, Mu Junhao still broke away from her hand around his waist and said, "I won't believe it anymore. I won't believe you anymore." Then he began to walk away.

Standing in peace, looking at his departing back, he cried and said, "What I said is true, what I said is true!" I wanted to run forward and hold the other party again, trying to tell him that my heart really loved him, but my feet seemed to grow on the ground, and I couldn't move, and I kept beating my disobedient legs in a hurry.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded behind her and said coldly, "Leave, you must leave!"

Looking back, the speaker was Mu's father, and he was holding a chain in his hand at this time. Looking along his chain, he finally came to himself. I don't know when he was tightly entangled by the chain and couldn't move, and there was still a big stone tied under his feet.

And Mu Junhao didn't seem to find anything behind him. He was still walking forward. Seeing that his figure was gradually away from his sight, he said anxiously, "Let go of me, you let me go!"

He struggled fiercely for the chain wrapped around his body, but he was tightly, and he could not take a step under his feet. At this time, Su Tianyi appeared again. He knelt on the ground covered with blood, and Mu's father had an extra black pistol in his hand, and the cold weapon stared at ease. Her eyes, just because he pointed to Su Tianyi's head, suddenly, she dared not move and struggled. She looked at Mu's father pleadingly and said, "Don't hurt him, I beg you not to hurt him."

Mu's father smiled cruelly and said, "Do you know how to do it?" Then he had to pull the trigger.

"I know! I know!" Anxin nodded in a hurry and stared at the black pistol in Mu's father's hand.

At this time, the bondage on her body suddenly disappeared, and Mu Junhao, who had originally left, appeared again. She said happily, "Mu Junhao!"

He wanted to lean forward with joy, but suddenly found that Mu's father, who pointed a pistol at Su Tianyi, was standing behind him, so his footsteps running towards him were stopped abruptly.

Mu Junhao, who came back at this time, suddenly opened his mouth and carefully asked, "Is what you just said true? Is it true that you still love me?"

The tears in her eyes kept falling, but now she can't tell the truth again, so she said painfully, "No, it's not true, it's not true. I'm playing with you, I'm just kidding you!"

With her words, Mu Junhao pulled the corners of his mouth with laughter, and his face was full of despair, and he could only keep crying.

At this time, Mu Junhao's body suddenly changed, and the position of his heart began to flow bright red**. The dazzling color made Anxin couldn't help trembling all over. She wanted to come forward and stop the blood flowing from his heart. However, the bondage of her body appeared again. She struggled fiercely, but she was entangled The chains on her body did not move at all, and her mouth could not make a sound.