
Chapter 60 Conspiracy.

At this time, Mu Junhao looked at me with accusation and said, "Why do you always hurt me? Do you know? It really hurts! My heart really hurts!" Then, with his sad face, under the gaze of Anxin's eyes, he slowly stretched his hand to the position of his heart, and then penetrated his chest fiercely.

Blood suddenly splashed out and even splashed on An's face, making her skin suddenly as painful as burning. However, she, who had already been shocked by everything in front of her, could only open her mouth wide and look at Mu Junhao, who was covered with blood. But her heart is as distressed as him.

Then, he reached into his chest and slowly pulled it out, while his bloody hand had one more thing.

The bright red one is still dripping sticky blood, and it is "banging!" Bang! Bang!" What kept picking was the heart. It was being held in the palm of Mu Junhao's hand with a desperate face, and he said, "Look." Extending the palm that was ticking along his fingers in the direction of peace of mind, he said with a smile on his face, "Did you see it? My heart is beating for you, but unfortunately..."

And as he suddenly became silent, the expression on his face instantly turned into sadness, and the beating heart suddenly disappeared. He said sadly, "You don't want me anymore, so it died, my heart died, and I..."

A tragic and desperate smile appeared on Mu Junhao's face, and then his body began with his feet and became blurred little by little...

No! No! No!

With tears on her face, she shook her head fiercely, because she knew that Mu Junhao was going to leave her, and this time she would never come back.

I want to hold the other party's hand tightly and tell the other party not to leave and not to leave myself. However, the retained words can't be conveyed to the other party because they can't make a sound. The tightly bound body can only see the other party's figure gradually disappear in front of its own eyes because it can't run.

Shaking his head in despair and crying helplessly, don't go! Don't go! She struggled hard to bind her chain. Even if her hands, even her body, were grinding painful and bleeding, she didn't care, because she didn't care, but the man, the heart, finally turned into a wisp of smoke... and disappeared.

"Mu Junhao!!!!"

Screaming, the peace of mind in my sleep suddenly opened my eyes.

At this moment, her sweaty chest is undulating violently. Her wide eyes and frightened eyes show that she has not recovered from her dream.

After a while, Anxin's heart, which was beating wildly because of this nightmare, finally stabilized and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

A dream is a dream, just a dream.

However, even if she is fully awake now, she still clearly remembers everything in her sleep, especially the painful feeling. She can still feel it now. When she sees Mu Junhao's figure slowly becoming blurred and transparent, her heart feels like a knife.

I began to worry. Where is Mu Junhao now? Could it be that there is any danger? The more I think about it, the more I panic. I can't sit still.

And at this time, "Are you awake?" Su Tianyi's gloomy voice suddenly sounded at this time.

"God's will?" She looked at him who suddenly appeared here in surprise. At this time, she began to notice her environment. However, the more she looked at it, the more surprised she became. She was not only in and outside a abandoned warehouse, but also tightly tied to a chair with her hands behind her back. She didn't know how long she had been tied. All she knew that now His arms seemed to be unconscious, and his feet were tightly tied to the legs of the chair, and his ankles began to become uncomfortable. Therefore, she was held in the chair under her and could not move freely. Seeing her current situation, her heart was full of doubts. She looked at the other party and said, "God's will, what's going on? Why are you tying me up?

Looking at this strange environment, I keep asking myself what's going on? She tried to recall what she had experienced before falling into darkness, but she only remembered that after leaving school, she, who was going to go home, actually went to the supermarket to buy a lot of beer, and then drank on the street regardless of her image. Then, she frowned, seemed to be drunk and fell down, and then... Head, she remembered that she was caught with her hands before falling into darkness, and the smell of her body told herself that it was... Su Tianyi!

However, his eyebrows frowned more tightly. Why did Su Tianyi treat him like this? What the hell is going on? Full of doubts made Anxin frown at the person in front of him, trying to get a confusing answer from him.

And Su Tianyi looked at her with a resentful face and said viciously, "Mu Junhao! Mu Junhao!! Mu Junhao!!!! Do you still think about him when you fall asleep? Is he really so irreplaceable to you? Why! Why!"

The whole warehouse suddenly echoed the angry roar of Su Tianyi.

Her ears began to buzz because of the other party's roar, and his words made her confused. First, she also called the other party's name when she was sleeping, and second, Su Tianyi still had love for herself.

At this time, a strange man sounded and said, "Don't be so angry. When the boy dies, she will be yours."

Then, Anxin only felt that a mountain had moved in front of him, because the man in front of him was really tall and strong, and the vest on his body seemed to be burst by the man. The developed muscles, the scarred body covered under the narrow vest, and the fierce face made Anxin feel that his body could not stop trembling just by looking at it. It was terrible. The man in front of him was really terrible.

However, the doubts are even deeper. How could Su Tianyi be with such a person? This man is not an ordinary person at first glance, and his younger brother is just a student. No matter how they look at it, they will not have intersections. How did they know each other?

Wait a minute, the puzzled Anxin suddenly remembered a sentence, 'Waiting for that boy to die.' Shocked, did the boy in his mouth refer to... Mu Junhao? This is even more doubtful. What the hell is going on? So, he said anxiously, "Su Tianyi, what the hell is going on! How can you be with such a person, and what are you going to do to Mu Junhao? Answer me!"

"Yes!" Su Tianyi admitted happily and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill him. I want him to disappear from this world forever!" Then he suddenly smiled again, reached out and slowly stroked the delicate skin of his face, and said intoxicatedly, "So you are mine, and you are alone."

Because of Su Tianyi's words, Anxin suddenly opened her eyes wide in horror. She never thought that he would say such a thing.

Looking at the person who has become so evil in front of him with a strange face, this is no longer the Su Tianyi he is familiar with, and this is no longer her brother! How could his brother hurt her favorite person? How could he make her sad!

"Don't look at me like this!" Su Tianyi shouted at Anxin, "You forced me! You forced me! If you hadn't been giving up on Mu Junhao, I wouldn't have done this, and I wouldn't have killed him! It's you! It's all because of you!"

She frowned in pain. It was all because of her. Without her, all this would have been peaceful. Su Tianyi would not have been so persistent or even become what she is now, and Mu Junhao would not have been hurt by himself, and he would not have to be threatened by Mu's father for Su Tianyi's safety and leave him. The person you love the most makes you suffer from pain.

Everything is her, and she is the culprit of all this.

However, all this happened and can't go back to the past. It's useless to blame yourself. Now... Looking at Su Tianyi, who has become unreasonable, she said feebly, "God, do you know what you are doing? Don't mess around! You are not Mu Junhao's opponent............"

"Of course I know I'm not his opponent." Su Tianyi interrupted the reassuring words, and then said with a smile, "So, I joined hands with Jack."

Who is Jack? She was puzzled, but subconsciously looked at the tall man beside her. Surprisingly, she saw the answer on the tall man's face.

Looking at the man's thick and powerful arm, his heart began to beat wildly because of fear. This... this... worried about Mu Junhao. This is like a mountain. How can Mu Junhao defeat him? His figure can completely fit him down!

So, she pleaded and said, "I beg you to let Mu Junhao go. You have no grievances. You can't hurt him..."

And the man suddenly interrupted her at this time and said, "You're wrong. I have a deep hatred with him!" Speaking of this, the man's eyes suddenly became grim. He said, "That stinky boy made me lose the game, made me a waste in the eyes of the boss, made me lose my job, and made me become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes!" With that, he clenched his fist fiercely, and the arm that showed blue veins because of his strength and the clicking fingers made Anxin's heart, who was worried about Mu Junhao, lift up even more tightly.

And at this time, she suddenly remembered who this man was. He should be the boxer Mu Junhao challenged and defeated in order to pay off her father's debts.

Her brother killed him because of her, and his enemy also wanted to kill him because he won the boxing match for himself. These two people who wanted to kill him were because of her, and he suddenly felt even more sorry for Mu Junhao. However, looking at the big man in front of her, she was not so nervous for some reason. Maybe she knew that he was a loser under Mu Junhao, so she didn't think he was so powerful. However, the man's next sentence made her heart rise again.