
Chapter 61 Still in love.

Jack looked at Anxin with a sinister smile and said, "Do you know why we invited you here?"

This............I don't know, Anxin shook her head gently with doubt on her face, which was actually her question. Since Su Tianyi and Jack want to be unfavorable to Mu Junhao, why tie her up? What does this have to do with her? She is not their enemy.

Wait a minute, she suddenly thought of something. Anxin suddenly frowned. Could it be... Did she think of a possibility, so she looked at Jack standing in front of him in disbelief and wanted to get an answer from him.

Seeing the reassuring expression, Jack immediately laughed and looked at her admiringly and said, "Smart! As you think, you are the bargaining chip we threaten him. Can he come without you? Then he continued, "I admit that the boy's skills are not very good. I can't beat him, but..." He once again showed the sinister smile of reassuring and disgust, and said, "With you, everything will be different. The boy in your hand in my hand will never dare to mess around."

Threat... Realizing that they were going to threaten Mu Junhao with themselves, their hearts suddenly panicked. No, she said to herself in her heart that she could never let their purpose succeed. She could never let Mu Junhao come here, but what should she do? What can she do to dispel their thoughts?

Anxin quickly turned her smart brain. Suddenly, she remembered an important thing, which also gave her confidence to destroy their conspiracy.

So she looked at Jack sarcastically and said, "You're thinking wrong! Mu Junhao won't come back. We have broken up! It doesn't matter to us anymore." Then she said, "Let go of me!"

Now, she sincerely expects that she has hurt Mu Junhao to despair, so that he will not come here and will not be endangered because of herself. However, she is not sure whether Mu Junhao will appear, because his personality is really unpredictable. However, she is one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand unwilling, and he will appear. Although this will mean that she and Mu Junhao are really over, as long as he is safe and as long as he is living a good life, nothing else doesn't matter.

But the man seemed to hear some funny jokes at this time. "Haha" laughed and said, "You can't lie to me. Although you broke up, the boy will never forget you!" Every time you are uncomfortable, I can see it clearly! I didn't expect such a cruel person to be an infatuated bastard!"

The man's words broke the last hope of peace of mind. What is he talking about? What is he talking about? Anxin's face was unbelievable. She never thought that everything between her and Mu Junhao turned out to be seen by this man, and more importantly, he knew that Mu Junhao was still not dead to him, and even she didn't know about it!" I know best about our affairs. We have broken up. It doesn't matter anymore. Let me go quickly!" Then he began to struggle fiercely.

Whether the man's words are true or false, peace of mind doesn't care at this time. She just wants to get out of this hateful chair now. If you want to escape from here, as long as she leaves, it doesn't matter if Mu Junhao comes, because he will definitely defeat this man again! Definitely, and he will also go to Han Xiao for help, which will not hurt her. However, this must be based on his own departure, so the struggle is even more fierce.

"Less effort!" Jack looked at Anxin and said, "You can't get rid of it, and I'm afraid I know more about your affairs than you." Then he suddenly bent down slowly at this time.

The sudden approach of the man made the struggling peace of mind immediately stop resisting and subconsciously shrink back. However, her body was completely tied up and she couldn't move at all. She could only look nervously at Jack who didn't know what to do. And she was also worried about Mu Junhao and thought about a way to escape from here. She must leave here before Mu Junhao arrived. She could never become a bargaining chip for them to threaten her. At this time, Mu's father's words suddenly appeared in his ears and suddenly began to feel unstoppable sadness. It turned out that she really became his burden. It turned out that Mu's father asked him to leave Mu Junhao.

After a careful look, Jack said with a smile and said, "That boy will go to the competition for you, but you do have the capital. This face is really beautiful." With that, he reached out and touched his reassuring face.

And Su Tianyi immediately knocked off the man's hand and frowned, "Pay attention to your hand!"

However, she had no intention of caring about this. She looked at the man in surprise and said, "How did you know?" How could she know that Mu Junhao punched for her? He wouldn't tell others about it with his personality, but in this case, how could he know about it.................

Her mind is full of doubts, and her heart is so messy that she can't figure out. Now she seems to have walked into the maze and can't find an outlet at all.

"I guessed." Su Tianyi said at this time, "At that time, you and Mu Junhao were very close, and you suddenly took out so much money. I think it must have nothing to do with him. After meeting Jack, I affirmed this guess, and what you just said has already represented that my guess is correct. With that, he clenched his fist and said hatefully again, "I really hate that I don't have a rich person*, so that you won't suffer and you won't come with him!"

Looking at the resentful Su Tianyi's unstoppable pain, not because he is rich or powerful, but because of his people, the domineering and unreasonable, the coquettish and irresistible, the jealous and unscrupulous him, the considerate him, the vulnerable him, the The person she can't let go of, she loves his people!

Although they approached because of money, what can money represent? There is a large amount of money owed, and she can pay it back. If she doesn't love his person, how can she hand over all her heart? That's something that can't be taken back once it's handed over! She doesn't have to do this at all! I don't like his approach. She can slowly return the money to him afterwards!

Why did her former sunny brother become such a jealous and resentful person? What the hell is going on with all this!" God's will, if you still have me as a sister in your heart, just let me go."

Dare not face the sad eyes of An An, Su Tianyi turned his head and said, "I can't do it yet."

His words made Anxin's heart with a trace of expectation suddenly fall to the bottom, and then she said, "Oh!" Suddenly, he laughed sarcastically and looked at him and said sarcastically, "Take me as a bargaining chip, your love is really great!"

biting his lips, Su Tianyi was speechless.

He doesn't know that his behavior is losing peace of mind.

However, after all, he is his only relative. He still doesn't want to watch him go on the road of no return. Moreover, what he thought was too simple. The Mu family was Mu Junhao, an heir. His father cleared all the people who stayed by his side would become obstacles for his safety. Thinking of this, he felt uncomfortable. Because she has become Mu Junhao's weakness.

And if...if...if Mu Junhao really dies, she will not live. Without her most cherished person in the world, it will be meaningless for her to stay in the world. In addition, the Mu family will never let go of them who killed Mu Junhao. Besides, this man is also very suspicious. How much does Su Tianyi know about him? In addition to knowing that Jack and Mu Junhao have a grudge against him, what else does he know?

Looking at the malicious man who smiled, she was even more worried. Her brother might have been encouraged by him, so she painstakingly comforted her: "God, don't be naive. You can't kill Mu Junhao. Come here. Let go of me, and I'll pretend that nothing has happened. You are still my good brother."

But what she said suddenly made Su Tianyi excited. He said, "Speaking of which, you are still worried about him! You still want me to let him go! Let me tell you! It's impossible, I can't let him go! I must Mu Junhao die here!"

Looking at Su Tianyi, who was already trapped in the mud and closed his eyes in pain, he was hopeless.

"Who wants me to die in this place where birds don't shit!"

A magnetic voice with a funny tone suddenly sounded in this huge warehouse.

And Anxin opened her eyes in horror in an instant, and the familiar figure with her hands tilted in her pockets made her tears begin to swirl in her eyes. Why are you so stupid! Why are you so stupid!! She shouted, "Go quickly!" You fool, haven't you agreed to do anything for me anymore? Why are you doing something stupid again! Do you have a long memory? Are you a pig? Are you a pig!!

It seemed that he didn't hear Anxin's words. Mu Junhao didn't answer and didn't even look in her direction. He just reached out of his pocket and took out the cigarette leisurely.

Seeing this, Su Tianyi's face was even more ugly. He said viciously, "Mu Junhao is your death today!"

But he frowned and said doubtfully, "Why do I feel that a dog is barking?" Then he looked at Jack and suddenly pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh! The losers are also there!"

His words undoubtedly angered the two. Jack said angrily, "Don't be proud too early!"

Then he turned around and grabbed his reassuring hair.

"Hm!" Anxin immediately snorted, because the pain immediately came from her scalp with the man's rude movements, and she was forced to raise her face in pain. The tightly frown showed her discomfort at this time.

The expressionless face makes people unable to see what he is thinking, and he doesn't seem to see the pain of peace of mind. It's just... the finger holding the cigarette trembled gently without a trace.

And Su Tianyi, seeing that Anxin was treated like this, immediately shouted to the man, "What are you doing? Let her go immediately!" And he wants to stop Jack's action of hurting peace of mind.

"Get out of here!" Jack stretched out his hand and pushed it, and Su Tianyi immediately fell aside fiercely. He looked at him with laughter and said, "Idiot, do you think I really want to join hands with you?"

And the disgraced Su Tianyi looked at Jack who said this in disbelief.

Seeing his appearance, Jack smiled wildly and said, "Do you really believe what I said?" Do you believe that I will let you and her go abroad after killing him? With that, his men grabbed Anxin's long black hair hard, but Anxin just frowned and said nothing. His appearance meant that the man's words were true, so she must not make a little sound to worry Mu Junhao.

Idiot! Stupid!! Stupid!!!

"You lied to me?!" Su Tianyi looked at Jack in surprise.

Obviously, he really didn't expect such a result.

"Hmm!" Jack snorted coldly, and then laughed, "If I didn't say that, how could you join hands with me and help me kidnap your sister? There are so many bodyguards around him! Now that he comes, you will naturally be useless!"

Body? Anxin is puzzled by the man's words. How can there be a bodyguard around her? Why doesn't she know? What the hell is going on?

And Jack seemed to feel relieved and confused. He said, "That's why I'm sure he still likes you. That boy has too many enemies. He is afraid that you will be hurt, so he has always sent people to follow you! If he didn't like you, he would have removed the bodyguard!" Then he looked at Mu Junhao and said with laughter, "I didn't expect that the gangster young master was also an infatuated lover!"

It turned out that... It was like this. He looked at Mu Junhao, but he looked at himself blankly, but he was still moved to wet his eyes. What on earth do you want? Why are you always so kind to me, you! What the hell do you want me to do?

"You despicable!" Su Tianyi, who was lying on the ground, cursed viciously, and then stood up and rushed to the man again. Unfortunately, he was punched in the abdomen by Kong Wu's powerful man and suddenly bent down in pain and couldn't say a word.

And the man looked at Su Tianyi and asked, "Am I despicable? So what are you?" He said, "Is it a good thing that even my sister kidnapped?"

And because of Jack's words, Su Tianyi immediately turned pale and lowered his head with guilt. At this point, he did not dare to look in the direction of peace of mind.