
Chapter 117 Recover quickly.

After watching a movie, there is no need to elaborate on the wonderful story. Just looking at the vacant seats left by the people around them who quit the midfield because they couldn't stand it, you should know how horrible and exciting the film will be, but...

The popcorn was gone, the coke was gone, and the movie was over. Satisfied, he stood up from his seat sitting for more than an hour and stretched out a big lazy waist, and Han Sichen beside him also stood up with a smile.

Obviously, it was the most horrible film, but it made the two see the taste of the documentary. This pair of strange people made people around them talk about it.

"You are very bold." As he walked out, Han Sichen said with a smile, "You are so excited to watch such a horrible film."

His words made An feel embarrassed to scratch his head and smile, as if someone thought comedy was funny, so she liked it. She felt that horror movies were scary and exciting, which was the same as the former's love.

People are different from people and like different things. However, she thinks that there must be girls who like horror movies as much as he does, but there should not be too many.

"Do you like watching it?" As soon as I saw the long-awaited film being released, I was immediately excited that I didn't ask Han Sichen's preferences at all, so I directly chose the film I wanted to watch. Now I think it's really selfish. Moreover, I accompanied Han Sichen, but my practice has made him a foil.

And people who don't like this kind of film will suffer completely if they watch this kind of movie.

"It's okay." Han Sichen said with a smile, "This is my first time to come to such a place. Feeling..." Looking around, he slowly said, "It's quite... fresh."

"Oh?" As he walked forward, he immediately stopped and looked at the other party with an incredible face and said, "Is this your first time to see a movie?"

"Yes!" Han Sichen nodded and gave her a positive answer, "It's my first time to come to such a place."

Oh my God! Anxin felt that she had seen an alien. At such an age, she came to see a movie for the first time. "That..." She suddenly became a little hesitant. After looking at the other party, she finally said carefully, "May I ask, how old are you today?" If you look at his appearance alone, Han Sichen is really very young, looking only 234. However, I feel relieved that he should not be so young. He must be a president. He is too young and not have enough experience. It should be impossible to sit in this position, and analyze it from the feeling Han Sichen gave her when he got along with him. He is mature, but despite this, he should not be 30 or even 28 years old, because if he is too old, he really won't be so young.

But Han Sichen didn't answer the question. He looked at Anxin with his arms in his hands and asked with a smile on his face, "How old do you think I should be?"

After biting his lips, he looked up at Han Sichen and said cautiously, "Twenty...six." She doesn't think this age should be much different from reality.

But I never thought that as soon as Han Sichen heard her words, he immediately said, "Oh!" I laughed out loud. This is the first time Anxin has seen his smile. Although he has always been smiling, it is like Mu Junhao's expressionless face, just like a signature action. There is no other meaning. Anyway, Anxin thinks so. But this expression is very dead and stiff, as if it were professional, and lacks anger. Simply put, it is a mask.

And now such a smile is a real, heartfelt smile, but...

Whether he is older or young, his smile confuses Anxin, but he should be older. After all, he is really young, and 26 should say that he is old! That... "twenty...four?" Open your mouth again with peace of mind. I hope there is no joke this time.

Who knows that Han Sichen laughed more happily and couldn't even straighten up, but he was more and more confused. Did he really guess his age ridiculously? But...hey! Finally, I could only look at him with an embarrassed smile and wait for him to reveal the answer.

After a long time, he seemed to have laughed enough. Han Sichen slowly stopped smiling and said, "I'm 32 years old this year."

I was so surprised that my eyes were staring out. How could this happen? Thirty...32 years old?! She said unbelievablely, "Are you kidding!" Obviously, he has a 20-year-old face, but he tells himself that he is in his early thirties, which is... incredible, but he is really young! It is completely indescribable that he is a person of this age.

"Is it difficult to accept?" Han Sichen smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I was so young in your eyes, ah..." As if he suddenly sighed, he said, "I thought I was very old. It turned out that I was quite young."

His words made him feel relieved and a little embarrassed. "To be honest, people who don't know you will think that you are in your early 20s for the first time, and they will never think that you are over 30 years old."

I feel relieved that this sentence must be true, because Han Sichen's face really didn't leave a trace of the years. I couldn't help but envy him. I wish I was as young as him when I was as him. Women are afraid of old age.

After separating from Han Sichen, it was past eight o'clock in the evening. She didn't go home and went directly to the hospital. That time she met swallows on the street. After she directly led herself to her home, she went to the hospital to take care of Xiaoxue. She hasn't come back in the past few days. Moreover, she called today, which made Anxin very worried, so, As soon as he separated from Han Sichen, Anxin rushed over.

Gently pushed open the door of the ward, and the swallow in the room was half lying by the bed and sleeping, with a tired face. Unexpectedly, Xiaoxue was sober. She was looking at her sister who was sleeping by her bed because she was tired. As soon as she saw Anxin come in, she hurriedly wiped away her tears and said with a smile, "Sister Anxin."

If it hadn't been for the fact that she had cried from her still red eyes, she would have never thought that this strong-looking girl had shed tears.

Don't expose her forced smile, pretend not to see, and said with a smile, "Let's see what delicious food I brought you." Proudly put the food in her hand on the bedside table. This is the pork liver she bought at the deli. Don't they all say that eating this is good for patients? For this reason, she also specially checked it on the Internet. I don't know whether this is true or not.

"Thank you, Sister Anxin." Xiaoxue looked grateful.

And without waking up the swallow, the two chatted in a low voice.

"How are you feeling today?" While cutting apples for the sick Xiaoxue, she asked with concern.

"It's okay."

"I heard that the right bone marrow has been found..." She continued to ask, "When will the operation be done?"

If this 300,000 is enough, forget it. If it's not enough, the money... She will try her best to help the swallow raise it again. But... who should I open my mouth this time with the knife that peeled the apple in my hand? Is it still Shen Shengxian? After thinking about it, let's forget it. Otherwise, I really think that I have bad intentions. Let's wait until then... The boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and there will be a way.

"Three days later." Normally, ordinary people will be full of joy and happy that they can be saved, but Xiaoxue does not have a trace of joy, and even has sadness on her face, as if she were talking to herself. She slowly said, "Why don't I die directly?"

As soon as she said this, An An was shocked. She said in a hurry, "Don't say that, Xiaoxue. If you were like this, how sad your sister would be!"

"But..." The voice couldn't stop trembling. It seemed that everything that had been hidden these days had to be poured out at this time, and it was no longer possible to hide my feelings. Tears slipped from my cheek drop by drop. "How much trouble I have caused my sister! In these days when I was sick, although I don't know how much money I spent, it will never be a small amount. I know better than anyone about our family. For me, my sister must have owed a lot of money..."

I dare not speak loudly and cry hard. I am afraid that the people around me will be even more sad to see this scene when they are suddenly woken up by me, so I have to cover my mouth to suppress my feelings and try not to make a sound.

Put down the fruit in your hand and hold the crying Xiaoxue in his arms. It's so small, but so sensible. It's really heartbreaking and sigh helplessly. Why does God love to torture people? Why do you always put your suffering on the unfortunate people?

"But I dare not die..." Xiao Xue said in a trembling voice, "It's not that I'm afraid of death, but that after I die, my sister will collapse because she can't accept the blow, so I will never forgive myself. However, I am a burden when I am alive, but why did my sister try her best to save me without abandoning me? If she does this, I won't blame her, and I won't hate her at all..."

"Don't think so!" He interrupted Xiaoxue's crying and looked at her and said, "As long as you are safe and ready to enter the operating room, you don't want to do anything else. What swallows has done for you is willing. She is your sister. Don't feel guilty no matter what you do. If you really want to repay her, you have to recover quickly, live well, and always be by her side, so that everything she does is worth it.