
Chapter 118 Han Xiao becomes Mu Junhao.

A slight sob came, asking Anxin to help wipe Xiaoxue's face, and the latter immediately lay obediently ** and closed his eyes. He looks like he is sleeping soundly.

And she calmed down and smiled and said to the swallow who had just woken up, "I woke up."

"Hmm!" He nodded gently, but the tired color on his face did not diminish, and his eyebrows were full of sadness.

Seeing this, I knew something about it in my heart. I couldn't help but get angry, but I still comforted the swallow and said, "It's okay! And me!" Xiaoxue is awake now, so she can't say anything more so that the little girl won't feel uncomfortable.

But as soon as he heard the words of peace of mind, Yanzi's eyes suddenly turned red and his voice trembled, "Peace of mind, thank you, really, without your help, I will..."

"What are you talking about? We are friends!" She can help as much as she can. Besides, she just took out a lot of money, and she didn't do anything else. Looking worriedly in the direction of Xiaoxue, the little girl seemed to inadvertently turn over and turned her whole body back to the swallow face with peace of mind, and a tear slipped quietly from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing this, the peace of mind is really uncomfortable.

So, she decided to help others to the end, and she would try her best to help the swallow solve everything until Xiaoxue recovered. Whether he is nosy or sympathetic, in short, that's what she decided.

When she got home, it was already dark. Anxin was going to cook some food for the swallow who accompanied Xiaoxue in the hospital, but she insisted and finally had to give up. She knew that the swallow felt ashamed of herself, so she was embarrassed to let herself go there, but it was nothing at all, just to I just received a few pieces of money by myself. There is no need to have such a big psychological burden. Besides, they are friends! There is no need to be embarrassed.

Sometimes, the same words comfort others, but they can't comfort themselves, because although Shen Shengxian's name is displayed on the screen, his hand can't press the dial button, and his face is full of hesitation. So, he turned over the phone book again, and Han Xiao's name finally stayed on the screen.

Although he hesitated again and again, in the end, he still pushed it out cruelly.

"Du...Du...Du..." Somehow, this heart became more and more uneasy. He frowned and bit his lips and hung up the phone at ease.

However, except Han Xiao, she has no one else to ask for help now. Looking at her mobile phone, she regretted that she hung up the phone so impulsively.

"Hey!" With a sigh, she began to feel helpless about herself. Just text. I'm embarrassed to say it, because I know that Han Xiao's days don't seem to be very rich, but I should also have a little savings. When I think about it, I feel that I'm really hateful, and even dig out other people's private money. However, this must be a life-threatening thing, and she will also pay back the money, but slowly. After comforting herself like this, she feels a little more comfortable.

"Here comes the text message! Here comes the text message!" As soon as I put down my mobile phone, there was a prompt sound of information. When I took it, it turned out to be Han Xiao. I didn't expect to reply so soon. However, she was really a little nervous. She was really afraid that Han Xiao would refuse, but she also pressed the reading button.

'Yes, let's meet at the Rose Restaurant at eight o'clock tomorrow.

It was like a big stone falling in my heart, and I felt relieved.

She pressed her finger quickly on the keyboard, and she gratefully replied a message to Han Xiao.

Lying on **, she began to expect tomorrow to come soon.


Anxin was woken up by Shen Shengxian's phone call in the morning. He was still thinking about her opening a store, but she felt that it was better not to say about this matter first. As soon as she lent the money to herself, she lent it to others. She always felt not very good. After Xiaoxue finished the operation, she was telling him at that time, now Just hide it first.

After talking to him on the phone, Anxin quickly got up and cooked. She wanted to send some food to the swallow in the hospital before meeting Han Xiao. In order to save money, she would not buy food to eat, and when Anxin came back yesterday, she didn't have dinner! What a fool! I couldn't help scolding Yanzi for not taking good care of herself, and I didn't want to think about what would happen to Xiaoxue if she collapsed.

When I went to the hospital, I didn't see the swallow in the ward. Only Xiaoxue was sleeping. After gently putting down the things, she left a note, but as soon as she went out, she almost bumped into the swallow.

"Why are you so pale?" It's almost bloodless, and the whole face is about to catch up with the white paper.

He pulled the corners of his mouth, but his smile was weak and tight. "You don't have to worry about not eating."

Anxin is not a child. How can he believe it so easily? Besides, even if he doesn't eat, his face will not be so scary. Therefore, a bad feeling began to appear in his heart. Anxin frowned and said, "What did you do behind my back?"

"No, what can I do? Don't think too much about it."

Although the swallow said so, she still found that something was wrong, because she saw a panicked expression on the swallow's face, although it was just a flash.

"Swallow, don't worry, I..." Before he finished saying this, Swallow's body was about to fall aside. Fortunately, she was supported by her with quick eyes and hands in time. Does it matter to you?" Anxin said with a worried face, and at this time, there was a little blood on the arm of the swallow's white shirt. For a moment, Anxin couldn't react and looked at the trace of red in a daze.

Then she rolled up her clothes, but she was stunned. Because there was a dense needle on the white arm, tears began to rotate in her eyes, and it turned out that the swallow went to sell blood.

The facts were revealed, and the swallow was embarrassed. He smiled weakly at Anxin and said, "It's okay. Don't worry! I can hold on."

She didn't dare to cry and frowned with tears in her eyes and pretended to be fine, but her pale lips and white paper-like face could not hide the fact that she was not good. I have raised the money for you, and I will withdraw it in a moment. Don't do this again. Even if you sell all your blood, it won't be enough for the operation. Wipe off the tears that slipped from his cheeks and said calmly, "I'll leave this matter to you. Don't be so stupid anymore."

Rejection and acceptance kept alternating on the swallow's face, knowing what she was struggling with, so she patted her on the shoulder, "We are friends, swallow!"

This sentence immediately made the swallow cry and hold it into her arms. She kept saying thank you, thank you.

He hugged the other party and said in a choked voice, "It's okay. Everything will pass."

She vowed that if Han Xiao still didn't have enough money, she would shamelessly think about Shen Shengxian to speak. She didn't want to see her last friend suffer like this. Thinking of the dense needle-eye arm, her heart ached.

With a sad face, she arrived at the Rose Restaurant on time. As soon as she entered the door, a waiter smiled and asked, "Are you Miss Anxin?"

"Yes!" She answered politely. It turned out that Han Xiao arrived earlier than herself, but when she looked around for a week, she frowned doubtfully, because she did not see Han Xiao's figure.

The smiling waiter said at this time, "Your friend is waiting for you in the Prop.4 room upstairs. Please come with me."

So that's it. Han Xiao is really careful. It seems that he is afraid of embarrassment, so he specially asked for a private room! Thinking so, he smiled gratefully.

It's really a high-end restaurant. The sound effect of the package upstairs is so good. There is no quiet sound at all, huh? As soon as this idea appeared, Anxin was stunned. Yes, how could it be so quiet? Not even a trace of popularity? An indescribable feeling lingered in her heart, which made her calm heart beat wildly.

After leading her to the door, the waiter left with a smile and looked at the beautiful mahogany door in front of him. Anxin suddenly dared not open the door. What are you thinking about! She scolded herself in her heart, but the environment of the restaurant is better. What are you thinking about here? Besides, isn't it good to be quiet while eating? Does it have to be like a vegetable market?

Thinking about this, she opened the door.

However, the current situation made her at a loss. There was no... No, there was someone in the room, but at this time, she sat in the chair with her back to herself, "You are not Han Xiao!" Although she can't see the other party's face, this back is definitely not Han Xiao she is familiar with, or even a woman.

"I'm Mu Junhao!"

The deep and magnetic voice was like hell in her ears, which scared her. Subconsciously taking a step back, it seemed that Mu Junhao had become a dangerous person in her heart.

Mu Junhao stood up and saw this scene without any expression. Rarely, there was still a smile on his face.

The more he is like this, the more upset he is. "You... why are you here?" She looked at Mu Junhao with an unbelievable face. She clearly sent a message to Han Xiao! But how did he come from? What the hell is going on? For a moment, my mind was full of question marks.

"Is it strange that I'm here?" Mu Junhao's smile remains unchanged and seems to be in a good mood.

It's not very strange, but it's incredible at all. She clearly remembers that she sent a message to Han Xiao, and she also replied to herself and made an appointment to meet here... Is that the message you replied?!" Only then did she suddenly realize. And if this is the case, he knows all the purpose of his coming here. Somehow, his face began to burn. "If it's okay, I'll go first."

She doesn't want to spend more time with him. In fact, she doesn't know what to say for him. Lovers are not, friends are not, strangers are not yet, so what are they? This indescribable relationship is embarrassing.