
Chapter 137 Accident in the parking lot.

Before Mu Junhao could speak, he began to speak like a cannonball. "Don't say anything, don't ask anything. It's better to pretend that you haven't seen anything. I will naturally explain everything to you when I go back. Now, I have to leave first. You can eat by yourself!" Then he hung up the phone neatly.

Although Mu Junhao was puzzled by all this, he did not grasp the quickly disappearing figure and ask clearly.

Anyway, the peace of mind of standing outside is really completely relieved and can be relieved. I really scared her to death just now. If she was seen, I can't imagine what the result would be. Thinking about this, he sighed helplessly. It's never a matter to hide it like this, but Shen Shengxian... frowned, I'm sorry......

"What's going on!"

My God, the sudden sound scared the peace of mind who was thinking. Looking back, I saw Mu Junhao standing behind her impatiently.

His appearance made An An a little surprised. Why did you come out? Didn't she let Mu Junhao stay there for dinner?" You go back to dinner first!" Besides, they ordered a meal! If no one is there, what about the dishes on that table?

"Answer my question!" I ignored the reassuring question, and Mu Junhao insisted on the answer he wanted to know.

Seeing the impatience on the right side, Anxin immediately stopped persuading, but opened his mouth and explained, "Shengxian's sister Xiaoyou is a waiter in it. She knows me, and I guess... she also knows you." There is no need to explain any more. Everything is clear.

Although Mu Junhao didn't say anything, he said, "Oh!" A sarcastic laugh came out.

I knew at ease that this incident annoyed him. So "I'm sorry." I can't help it. I have to apologize for ruining other people's elegance.

But fortunately, Mu Junhao did not have a particularly stubborn request to go back at ease. But he didn't mean to go back to the restaurant again, but turned around and walked to the parking lot, looking like he was going to leave.

Seeing this, Anxin said cautiously, "That..."

Stop, Mu Junhao turned his head and looked at her, his eyes full of impatience.

Even if she knew that it was not the right time to speak, she thought it would be better to say it. "I mean..." She bit her lip and said at ease, "I have ordered everything, and the kitchen should have begun to be done now. If we go like this... It seems..." Looking at Mu Junhao "It's not very good!"

They have done everything according to your requirements. When they come back, they will see that the people are gone. Isn't this a trick? And even if you really have something to leave, you should say hello.

"You really love to worry about others!" Mu Junhao said in a sarcastic and cold voice.

Although he was reprimanded, he was relieved and did not say anything to refute. Besides, she thinks Mu Junhao is right. She is really nosy. She knows this very well.

"I have settled the bill! So now! Get in the car!"

Have you settled the bill? Her words made Anxin unbelievable for a moment. She slowly lowered her head and saw Mu Junhao's empty hands. Seeing this, Anxin frowned and whispered, "It's settled..." What about that thing? After paying the bill, you didn't eat or pack anything and just came out? Isn't it too chic?

Uncomportionately, Mu Junhao also glanced at himself with some puzzlement, but did not see anything wrong.

Looking at Mu Junhao's face that he didn't know why he showed unbelievable. He sighed helplessly. It seemed that this kind of thing was not often done, and it was almost done. Suddenly, I remembered that it happened once when I met Mu Junhao and his mistress in the ice cream shop with Han Sichen. I just ate something and had to wrap up the whole store. It's really luxurious...

However, no matter how rich you are, you can't spend it like this, can you? So Anxin said softly, "I know you have money, but..." he frowned slightly. "It can't be such a waste." Looking at Mu Junhao, she begged and said, "Pack it, pack it up and take it away!" Haven't you eaten yet? We can eat in the car or take it home..." Anyway, don't waste it. Every penny you spend is hard earned, not from the strong wind, so please don't do this.

Sure enough, as soon as this word came out, it immediately aroused Mu Junhao's strong reaction. He couldn't stand it, "Ha!" He burst out laughing.

It may be a little unbearable to know what she did, but "waste is a sin..." She muttered in a low voice. If you don't eat it, just don't want it. This is too... It's a waste to say something good, and it's a loser.

"Go back, go back by yourself."

"But..." She whispered, "It's you who settled the bill..." How can they pack things for me if they don't know me?

Closing his eyes, Mu Junhao exhaled heavily, and it seemed that he was very angry.

"Mu Junhao..." Anxin just whispered his name in an annoying voice, but said nothing. Packing may be disgraceful to him as a president, but he feels that thrifty is not guilty.

He took a hard look at the man who couldn't stand it and finally walked in the direction of the restaurant.

Seeing this, Anxin immediately smiled happily and shouted behind his back, "Don't forget to ask for two pairs of disposable chopsticks!"

As soon as this came out, Mu Junhao immediately stopped and turned his head to look at her angrily. He knew that his request might be too much, so he hurriedly said with a smile, "Don't... It's okay..." Mu Junhao was willing to go back. I don't know how much determination he made. Don't take an inch. There are chopsticks at home, just use them.

Because it's too far away, I don't know what Mu Junhao said, but looking at that, that expression will never be a compliment.

Leaning against the car door, she waited patiently for Mu Junhao to come back. In fact, she was really hungry. She and Han Sichen had been staying in the ice cream shop. Thinking of this, Anxin felt a little sorry for him. She missed him for most of the day and didn't know how much loss she would bring. Hey... Peace of mind, she couldn't help sighing that she was really a troublemaker.


At this moment, a strange sound attracted the attention of peace of mind............

By the saying, the echo of this empty place is quite heavy, and whether there is anyone, the sound is really a little scary, but fortunately it is during the day, no matter what, it will not be particularly scary.


Why did you listen to the sound and want to come from under your feet? At the thought of this, you left Mu Junhao's car in a hurry. However, listen carefully, isn't this the puppy's barking?

Realizing this, peace of mind was relieved, bent down and lowered his head hard. Sure enough, he found a small puppy under Mu Junhao's car............

Girls seem to have a special love for small animals, so they suddenly laughed and said, "Puppy! Puppy! Come on!" This tone is both surprising and joyful.

seemed to be afraid of people's approach, and the hand stretched out at ease made it suddenly push its legs and stagger back. And this move made An An see its injured leg and felt pity in her heart. She whispered, "I won't hurt you. Come here!"

Leaning against the tire, the little guy opened a pair of big timid eyes and looked at ease with fear with a leg that dared not hit the ground. This makes Anxin even more uncomfortable. The desire to take care of it begins to be strong. Girls are all like this. They are soft-hearted and can't see small animals suffering. When they encounter something bad, they are always emotional.

It seemed that she felt the kindness of her heart. The little guy actually had a tendency to slowly approach peace of mind. Seeing this, she was very happy and kept whispering, "I won't hurt you. Come here!" And keep beckoning.

With the crisp sound of leather shoes walking on the cement floor, Mu Junhao's doubtful words also sounded above his head, "What are you doing?" As soon as you hear this tone, you can guess what kind of expression Mu Junhao's face is now. The sword eyebrows must be wrinkled.

As soon as the stranger arrived, he was going to get close to the reassuring puppy, but he immediately withdrew. Seeing this, the newly rising joy of peace of mind was immediately replaced by disappointment. Don't make any noise! Don't quarrel!" Anxin lay on the ground quickly straightened up and made a silent gesture on his lips, and then continued to focus on the car.

But he bowed his head in a hurry, but "bang!" It hit the door of the car.

A burst of dizziness hit Anxin. This outfit was really light, and she couldn't help thinking that she really had a little back, and the old injury was not healed and added new wounds. As soon as Mu Junhao saw Anxin injured, he immediately threw down his things in his hand. He squatted down and quickly turned Anxin's face to himself.

With his eyes closed, he was still a little confused, but he kept waving his hand and said, "It's okay! It's okay!" However, she felt that something was flowing down. I can't scream in my heart, but don't knock the original wound open.

"Shut up!" Mu Junhao's angry voice sounded in his ear, and he said impatiently, "Tut!" With a sound. Although I didn't see how I was hurt, it was not difficult to guess from this tone that it seemed that I had caused trouble to others again.

He pulled Anxin up from the ground. Mu Junhao opened the door and stuffed her in. Then, he quickly got into the car himself.

As soon as he heard Mu Junhao taking a taxi, Anxin was immediately so scared that he woke up and hurriedly opened his eyes, "Don't drive! The puppy is still down there!"

But Mu Junhao didn't listen to her at all and still started the car.

"Mu Junhao!" He shouted in horror that the puppy was next to his tire! If... and at this time, a sadness sounded, and her head was blank for a moment, and after recovering, her heart was tightly twisted together. Mu Junhao! Stop the car for me!!" How can a cruel guy be so inhumane? That's a life!

But Mu Junhao was indifferent and even stepped on the accelerator. And he shouted angrily, "Stay honest with me!!" His angry face was shown in the rearview mirror.

His cruel behavior made Anxin both sad and angry, and he completely forgot that he had said that he would no longer disobey Mu Junhao. So she reached out and opened the door.

Seeing this, Mu Junhao's eyes flashed with panic and scolded, "You're crazy!" Then he hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

Irreliance, jumped straight down without waiting for his car to stop, and then ran to the parking lot. Even if it is a dog, it is alive! How can he not take it seriously! Even drove without hesitation! Mu Junhao, you bastard!!! She scolded angrily in her heart, asshole!! Bastard!!

The more I think about it, the more angry I am, and my heart is also sad for the disappeared life. These tears have begun to condense uncontrollably in my eyes.

"You stop!!" Mu Junhao's angry voice sounded behind him, but peace of mind not only did not stop, but also ran faster and faster. It was reasonable that Mu Junhao's long legs could not be relieved when he ran. However, somehow, he just didn't catch up with the peace of mind, and by the time she caught up, she had arrived at the parking lot.