
Chapter 138 Trouble. On

Seeing that the puppy was safe and sound, his heart suddenly fell down and burst into tears and laughed. And the little guy was shaking his head and pulling the plastic bag on the ground, which Mu Junhao had just lost in a hurry, containing all the food he brought from the restaurant. The little guy seems to smell the fragrance.

When he saw Anxin approaching, the little guy immediately dragged the plastic bag on the ground back. His mouth kept whining like a demonstration.

It's so cute that I can't help thinking about it. I really want to have a dog............

"Come here!" Mu Junhao, who caught up, pulled her around thinking about something, and his angry face showed how angry he was at this time.

Seeing the other party like this, she suddenly realized that everything that had just happened appeared in her mind. Oh, my God, she couldn't help scolding herself in her heart. Why did she jump out of the car? Seeing Mu Junhao's almost cannibal face, she clearly knew that she had provoked him. So, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry!" She was really anxious just now, that's why she did that. She carefully raised her eyes to look at Mu Junhao, and her angry face made her shrink her shoulders. It was so scary.

Mu Junhao, who was going to be furious, was blocked by a reassuring apology, but he could not completely calm his mood. The chest is violently undulating, but it is not easy to reprimand. Squeeuch his lips, Mu Junhao said angrily, "Come with me!!"

Then he couldn't help dragging her up and left, but after dragging her twice, he found that Anxin was almost a step away. Looking back, he saw that she was twisting her head and looking at the dirty puppy on the ground, so Mu Junhao said angrily, "Isn't it dead? Why don't you leave now!"

His roar made An An suddenly turn his head. Although he was very angry because of his inhumane words, after all, she asked for others, so she said with a smile, "Mu Junhao, shall we keep a dog?"

Hearing this, Mu Junhao's face immediately became more ugly. The tone is so evil that it can't be said. Not good!!"

Seeing that the other party increased his strength to drag himself, Anxin immediately half bent his leg, dragged Mu Junhao's big hand to drag her away, and begged, "Mu Junhao, how cute!" And he kept dragging the man back to stop him from leaving.

"I'm not cute!!" The man said angrily, "Leave with me immediately!!" He said that he also began to drag it out of the parking lot with peace of mind.

"Mu Junhao..." Her tone was once more coquettish than ever before. Keep a dog! Let's keep a dog!"

"No!" The man simply refused the reassuring plea. He just didn't agree with her to keep a dog.

At this time, a young man and woman dressed in fashion who looked like a couple were walking to the parking lot. Seeing Mu Junhao constantly begging, the woman suddenly glanced at her contemptuously, but when she looked at Mu Junhao, her eyes were shining and pretended to inadvertently dump their soup and dyed yellow curly hair. And the man next to her reacted exactly the opposite of him. When he saw Mu Junhao, he was a little disdainful, but when he saw Anxin, he chewed chewing gum and saw her from head toe.

Unfortunately, Mu Junhao's attention was all here. The woman did not succeed in attracting his attention, and all his thoughts were on Mu Junhao, and he did not see the man's pretentious posture.


The puppy, who was eating, immediately began to demonstrate when it saw a stranger approaching. This made the peace of mind who was begging for Mu Junhao also turn around.

"Oh, my God!" The woman said in a fuss, "It scared me!" He patted his chest in shock, and then frowned in disgust and said, "Where did the wild dog come from? It's really dirty!"

However, the two kept getting closer, which made the puppy start to "Wow!" Wang Wang!" Shout out.

Hearing this cry, the woman hurried back a few steps in fear and said to the man beside her, "Get rid of it, don't let it bite me."

Before he could speak at ease, the man kicked the puppy far away and scolded: "Dead dog! Get out of here!"

This foot seemed to be kicked lightly. The puppy lay on the ground and cried "Oh... Oh..." and couldn't stand up. The man probably kicked his leg badly.

"Puppy!" He shook off Mu Junhao's hand and ran over in a hurry.

Mu Junhao behind him did not stop him, but his eyebrows frowned tightly.

This reassuring sentence immediately made the young man and woman stunned for a moment and looked at each other, all of which were unknown.

"Wow...Wow..." The puppy still kept screaming. Seeing this, he frowned tightly and picked up the dirty little guy. The white dress was suddenly stained with stains.

Seeing this, the woman couldn't help curling her lips and her face was full of disgust, and the man's expression was not much better.

Holding the dog, he walked angrily to the young man and woman, with a beautiful face and angrily looking at the man in fashion.

Mu Junhao, who was beside him, did not stop or speak. Instead, he raised his arms with some interest and looked at ease. Just when he saw the man's eyes for Anxin, he smiled sarcastically. The smile was grim and unself-reate.

As soon as she approached and didn't wait for the man to speak, the woman immediately covered the tip of her nose with a red handbag and waved her hand in disgust, "It stinks, take it away quickly!"

But she ignored her at all. She looked at the man and said, "How can you treat it like this! Look at it!" She handed the puppy in her hand to the man and said, "Your feet have been kicked out. How can you let it live in the future!"

Iriless the woman's screams because she brought the puppy close to them, she looked at the man with a blank face. It looks like you want to ask for an explanation.

Mu Junhao's angle just saw the expression on Anxin's face clearly. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth.

"Miss, what's wrong with you!" The man couldn't stand it and said, "It's just a stray dog. Is it necessary for you to protect it like this?"

As soon as he heard his words, he suddenly became angry. It turned out that Mu Junhao was not the only hateful person! Even if he is a dog, he is still a life!!"

"Cut!" He hummed disdainfully, and the man's face was unreasonable. Do you still need me to pay for the medical expenses?

"Isn't it okay?" Reply angrily. There is no need to be nice to meet such a conscienceless person!

At this time, the woman next to him looked up and down and said sarcastically, "What a human being! You don't look like a bad person, but you didn't expect to be a money fraud!"

"What?" An An was stunned by the woman's words. When did he become a liar? Why doesn't she know?

regarded the new dullness as if she was at a loss after being recognized by the editing. The woman proudly put her hands on her chest and said proudly, "Please take a worthwhile dog to deceive people next time. This is not a precious breed. You won't get much money to pay for medical expenses!" Then he said sarcastically, "If you can't be fooled by that gentleman, just attack us, right?" Straight up, the woman said disdainfully, "I tell you, we are not idiots."

"Ha!" After listening to the woman's words, An An suddenly laughed and understood that they thought they had used the dog as an excuse to ask them for money and treat themselves as a liar. And he regarded his behavior with Mu Junhao as a scoundrel who couldn't afford money. It's really crazy. "I'm not a liar!" Although her behavior is incomprehensible, she is definitely not a liar.

"Hmm!" The woman snorted coldly, "Which liar would say that he is not a liar!" Then he pushed it hard and said, "Go away! Don't get in the way!" And opened the door.

The unprepared peace of mind was staggered by the woman, and happened to step on a small stone behind her, and suddenly leaned back uncontrollably.

The pain did not come, but fell into the familiar embrace. As soon as he looked up, Mu Junhao looked at the two people in the car blankly, but did not look at her.

And the gloomy face told Anxin that something bad would happen.

Seeing Mu Junhao holding the woman they thought was a liar, the two people in the car were stunned, but what surprised them was still ahead.

After holding him and standing firmly, Mu Junhao directly went forward to open the door and said to the people inside, "Come down!!"

This cold tone really shocked the woman in the car. Without arrogance, she clenched the bag in her hand in fear, but said calmly, "Why?"

At this time, the man sitting in the driver's seat got out of the car and threw it on the door angrily. "Who are you!" Then he cursed a few dirty words.

The unwanted premonition suddenly made Anxin rush forward and pulled Mu Junhao and said, "Let's go!" He has never seen anyone dare to speak unruly in front of Mu Junhao, and the breath he exudes has clearly told her that he is now very angry.

Without listening to the reassuring words, Mu Junhao broke away from her arm and looked at the man who had walked in front of him and said, "Say it again!"

I know at ease, things are going to be bad! Looking at the man, she hurriedly said, "Go away!" Hurry up and go!"

But the man didn't see her persuasion at all, but scolded impatiently, "Get out of here!"

Because of his disrespect for peace of mind, Mu Junhao's eyes are even more vicious.

Seeing that the man was disobedient, he advised Mu Junhao, "Let's go!" And he reached out to pull Mu Junhao, but the man broke away from her hand again.

The peace of mind suddenly cooled down, which was really not good.

Although Mu Junhao's cold breath made the man a little bold, maybe his girlfriend was beside him and didn't want to lose face. The man straightened his waist and said again, "You..."

He only said one thing, and Mu Junhao waved his fist, so fast that he couldn't even say a word of reminder. I could only watch the man being knocked to the ground with a punch, and blood suddenly came out of his mouth.