
Chapter 176 It's okay, it's okay.

This sound of "Du...Du...Du..." was relieved and frowned. She nervously clenched the mobile phone in her hand.

"Reassuring..." Mu Junhao's voice sounded softly at this time.

This immediately attracted all her attention, and she hurried forward and asked worriedly, "I'm here!" Just say what you have. Is it uncomfortable? Touching Mu Junhao's forehead, it's still so hot. She was even more anxious, but Dr. Joe's phone had not been connected yet. Or do you want to drink water? If you have anything else, just let me know if you have any requirements. Seeing that Mu Junhao's lips had dried and cracked obviously, she bit her lips worriedly. Why are you still sick like this?

"I'm so uncomfortable..." The man's weak voice continued to come "so uncomfortable..."

The majestic man who usually calls for wind and rain is like a child, complaining bitterly. As soon as she said this, her relieved heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She hurriedly comforted Mu Junhao and said, "I know, I know you feel uncomfortable." Reaching out and touching Mu Junhao's face, hoping that this can make him feel better and give him some comfort. But hold on a little longer! Dr. Joe is coming soon!" However, there was still a sound of "du...du...du..." on the phone, and it was still not connected. In such a hurry, she couldn't help complaining, "D. Qiao, answer the phone quickly!" As soon as he finished saying this, the phone was connected. What a coincidence.

"What's the matter? Your family..."

"It's me, Dr. Joe! Peace of mind!" She hurriedly interrupted Dr. Joe. Now the heart can finally be relieved a little bit. Come here quickly. Mu Junhao has a serious fever. I just fed him antipyretics, but it doesn't seem to have any effect! There is an increasingly serious trend! People are not very sober. Come and have a look!"

"Alle!" Dr. Joe said cheerfully, "I'll be right there!"

"Yes!" Thinking of something, he hurriedly said, "We are not in the villa now. I'll text you the address later." If you don't make it clear, it will be bad if Dr. Joe goes to the villa later! Then rushing from the villa to this side, how long will it take! Do you still want Mu Junhao to get better?

"Alle! Send it to me later!"

"Hmm!" After the explanation, he quickly sent the address to Dr. Qiao in a short e-send. After finishing everything, I felt at ease sitting by the bedside, but I didn't feel relaxed at all.

Looking at the man, she seemed to remember something. She hurried to the living room to carry the medicine box, took out the thermometer, dumped it, and threw the mercury mercury back to its normal state. Mu Junhao... "I'll put the thermometer under your armpit and take your temperature. When Dr. Qiao comes, you don't have to waste time to take it again!"

And the man with some consciousness gently said, "Hmm..."

Lifting a small corner of the quilt and stuffing the thermometer under her armpit, she told her, "Don't let it fall off!" You have to hold it, or you won't!" Then the cover of the cover for him.

At this time, the man next to him suddenly began to cough violently! Cough! Cough! Cough!" Although I was coughing before, it seems to be a little serious now. This is not a good sign! The relieved heart suddenly sank, but now she can't help anything. She can only be as anxious as the ants on the edge of the hot pot.

"Reassuring..." Mu Junhao's weak voice slowly came over, "I'm so uncomfortable... Don't go..."

"I'm not leaving!" As soon as she said this, her eyes felt a little sour. She whispered, "I will always be with you!" Reaching out and touching his cheek, she kept comforting the extremely vulnerable man at this time, "Don't worry! Stop talking! Lie down in peace!" I will be with you! I will be with you!

The palm was gently rubbed, but Mu Junhao whispered in fear, "Don't go..." Then he began to cough again!

Seeing this scene, her heart suddenly felt so uncomfortable. She only saw him three times, twice four years ago and once now. You! Looking at the man lying in ** helplessly, he is so fragile, but he always pretends to be invulnerable. Obviously, he is more afraid of losing than anyone else, but he always looks indifferent. Don't do this again, okay? I'm really sorry for you............

"Stop talking! Put your heart in your stomach! I won't leave! I will always be by your side."

In this way, in the continuous temptation and the cough of Mu Junhao, she waited anxiously for Dr. Qiao's arrival. When the doorbell rang, she stood up in a hurry, but did not leave directly, but whispered to the ** man, " Dr. Qiao is here. I'll open the door for him."

After a few seconds, Mu Junhao said "um..." before she trotted away.

When the thermometer was taken out, I was relieved to see the number above and was confused with "39 degrees?" This... She looked at the man who was almost delirious and frowned and said, "Why did it burn like this?"

After closing the stethoscope, Dr. Qiao turned over Mu Junhao's eyelids again. He didn't know what he was doing, so he could only worry. Finally, Dr. Qiao said, "It's not a big deal. It's just a bad cold! I gave him an injection. Just let him have a good sleep."

As soon as he said this, he was really relieved. A bad cold! It's just a bad cold! It's much better than some of her own nonsense before.

When the needle pushed into the back of Mu Junhao's hand, the man who had experienced bullets suddenly said aggrievedly, "It hurts!"

It made Dr. Qiao stunned and then smiled, "This is the first time I've seen Junhao like this! I used to be asked to deal with trauma, but this time I had a bad cold, which was quite unexpected!"

She smiled helplessly. It was also the first time she saw Mu Junhao sick. Dr. Qiao, did you say that he was sick? Did he not dry his hair and turned on the air conditioner to sleep after washing his hair last night?

"Of course!" Dr. Qiao said affirmatively, and then said, "I still wonder why such a strong person still has a cold. It turned out..." With a helpless smile, he told him, "Tell him not to do this. It's not good to be sick."

"I don't think he will!" After this time, she thought that Mu Junhao would have a long memory! Seeing Dr. Qiao packing up, he said at ease, "Don't you stay any longer?"

"No!" Dr. Joe shook his head with a smile. There are still some things to deal with in the clinic!" Then he told him, "Let him drink more hot water. When he is not so uncomfortable, feed him something light. After this injection, he should be much better." Looking at the drips on the table, he said, "I'll come and pull out the needle for him in two hours!"

"No!" He said at ease, "Let me draw a needle for him! I used to help in the clinic! This will still work!" When Mrs. William was in England, she used to be a doctor. She also had a small clinic. Sometimes after helping in the restaurant, she would go to the clinic to see what she could do, or clean up. Sometimes when she was short of manpower, or if the doctor had something else, she helped pull out the needle. I don't dare to prick the needle, but this still dares.

Besides, otherwise I will have to toss Dr. Joe again later. I'm so sorry. One phone call asked people to put down their affairs and hurried here. How could they bother him again because of a little thing here?

Anxin is not the kind of unstable person, and he said so again, so Dr. Qiao left at ease.

Now, there are only two of them left in the room. Dr. Joe told him to drink more water, right? Thinking of this, Anxin ran to the kitchen and poured a cup of hot water, which was so hot that it could not be fed at all. Therefore, he took out a cup and tossed the glass of water back and forth in the two cups, but one hand could not get water, so it took a lot of time to wait until it felt that it was almost ready to drink. It has been a few minutes.

Before I walked into the bedroom, I heard Mu Junhao's soft call from inside, "Don't worry... Don't go... Don't go..."

This pleading call made my nose sore, and tears fell naturally. Sucking her nose and sorting out her mood, she pretended to be fine and walked into the bedroom and whispered, "I didn't leave. I've always been there."

I don't know if my mind has not recovered, so although Anxin has answered, Mu Junhao still persistently said, "Don't go... Don't go..."

His words may be unconscious, but they stirred up ripples in his peace of mind. Looking at the man's uneasy face, she was suddenly full of guilt. The mentality of revenge that had been hurt by him before, and all the injustices in her heart seemed to have disappeared.

What position do I occupy in his heart and how I hurt him? It's proportional to what I hurt him! The two must be proportional.

"Junhao..." He said softly, "I'll feed you some water..." After drinking some water with a small spoon, he slowly sent it to Mu Junhao's mouth. "Open your mouth, Junhao..."

The mouth was not open, but the man's eyes slowly opened. Looking at the peace of mind, his eyes were loose and blurred. She didn't know what was thinking about in his mind now, but a tear flowed down the corners of his eyes.

The movements of his hands were frozen, and he looked at the tears at the corners of the man's eyes in disbelief and couldn't speak. This is the first time she has seen Mu Junhao...

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Mu Junhao's face, and then he slowly closed his eyes. A very light word slipped out of his mouth, but it was clearly heard "dream..."

The hand holding the spoon shook fiercely, and suddenly water overflowed and spilled on Mu Junhao's quilt. She hurriedly wiped it with her hand, but it still slowly penetrated into the cloth. The tears that have just stopped seem to fall again!

Thinking of this, she squeezed her lips and inadvertently glanced at the man's handsome face. The clear tears on her cheeks suddenly stung her eyes, and tears suddenly fell down and covered her mouth! He quietly left the bedroom.