
Chapter 177 Confused.

I cried peacefully on the door of the bathroom. Sorry! Sorry! Mu Junhao... I'm sorry! Thousands of words also seemed powerless at this time, and there was only one word of apology. But... it also looks very pale, doesn't it?

I thought about a lot of things that happened after returning to China, but the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt, because the more I understood it clearly, the more I could know that the clumsy man was good intentions towards me. Unfortunately, I laughed at myself and found it too late. And he is not good at expressing himself. Good things will be ruined in the end.

She thought that maybe he was angry when she first saw her return to China! After all, he gave everything for himself, but when he fought with life and death, he was not by his side and left him who didn't even want his life for his relatives, which was a big blow for him. He also laughed at his infatuation and told him that he was not the first in her heart.

And what he said about revenge, think at ease, he is in a mess! When Shen Shengxian's family saw him, he still liked his words. This scene was enough to make him confused. In addition, what happened to the swallow at that time gave him a chance. At that time, I didn't know anything, and with resentment and unwillingness, I was forced to walk with him and laugh at myself. These were just my guesses!

Who knows if it is! Only Mu Junhao knows the truth best. What is the real purpose of what he has done? Is revenge? Do you want to forget it?

Forget it, wipe your face, tell yourself not to think about it, and let everything take its course! If it's your own, you can't grab it.

Slowly stood up and found that his feet were almost numb. He beat his legs and waited for better. Anxin went to the washbasin to wash his face. What if Mu Junhao saw himself like this for a while? It's hard to guarantee that you won't think too much, so you'd better wash your face stained with tears!

Looking at herself in the mirror, Anxin now just wants to go back to last night. She doesn't know anything.

When I returned to the bedroom, the ** in the hanging bottle had fallen a lot, and at this time, Anxin suddenly remembered something and hurriedly looked at Mu Junhao's needle-piercing hand. Seeing that there was no change, he couldn't help patting his chest and it was okay! It's okay! There is no needle rolling. He sleeps quite honestly, or he is so uncomfortable that he doesn't want to move at all.

Sitting by the bed, he looked at the man who was already asleep, reached out and touched his forehead, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth. This medicine is really good, and it feels less hot now.

As if he noticed something, Mu Junhao slowly opened his eyes. Seeing this, he said shyly, "Wake you up!" She didn't expect a man to feel so light.

Look at the expression on his face and you will know that he is no longer so uncomfortable now. Seeing that he no longer frowned, Anxin was slightly relieved. Seeing that he was about to get up, she quickly reached out to help for fear that he would roll the needle in the hand. Help Mu Junhao sit up and stand up the pillow to let him lean on, which makes him feel more comfortable.

Seeing that the man's lips were dry and cracked, he said calmly, "Would you like to drink some water?" Burn it like that, you should want to drink water now!

"Hmm..." The voice was hoarse as soon as he opened his mouth. The magnetic sound is not so charming at this time.

Pour half of the cooled water in the cup into another cup, and then fill the two cups with half a cup of cold water with hot water, so that they will become warm water that can be drunk immediately. Because she estimated that Mu Junhao's glass of water should not be enough.

And that's the truth. When the first glass of water handed to him was drunk, the man did not speak, but looked at the other glass. He even bit his lip.

Anxin wants to laugh a little. Is it possible that I will laugh at you drinking too much water? So, she said, "There is another cup!" Drink this too!" Hand another glass of water to Mu Junhao and said at ease, "It's good for you to drink more water!" He is like this, not to mention the rare sight of him in a hundred years. He is as shy and timid as a child.

Although he didn't say anything, he did not hesitate to take over another glass of water, which proved that the reassuring conjecture was correct.

However, drinking too much water also has disadvantages...

Seeing that Mu Junhao actually got up from **, he hurriedly said, "Don't move! Be careful of rolling needles!"

But the man was not obedient, but continued to get up and reach out to take off the hanging bottle hanging in **.

This immediately made me look at him strangely and said inexplicably, "What are you going to do?" Then she took out a dress from the wardrobe and put it on the man. He is still dressed as last night. He only wears a pair of big shorts and nothing on his upper body. Although it is not cold in the room, it is better for him to wear a dress now.

She blinked her still confused eyes and looked at Anxin, but she didn't say anything, but she felt that she seemed to understand something, so she said, "Are you going to the toilet?"

"Um..." The man lowered his head and answered sullenly. And the ears are still slightly red. Seeing him like this, Anxin really didn't know what to say. The arrogant and domineering man completely turned into a shy child at this time.

Inadvertently looked at the man's hand for the injection, but suddenly found that blood had entered the blood vessels, which made her panic and said, "Raise the bottle higher!" People who take the injection know that when the pressure of ** in the infusion bottle is not as high as the blood pressure in the blood vessels, there will be a blood return, as long as the hanging bottle is a little higher.

But Mu Junhao doesn't seem to know whether he is unwilling to move or something. He is lazy. In fact, sick people are like this and don't want to move at all. Therefore, Anxin's panic was not passed on to him at all. He still did not raise the hanging bottle as high as before. Seeing him like this, Anxin rolled his eyes helplessly and reached out to bring the hanging bottle over. She is not short. If she reaches out and raises her hand high, she should not return blood again. At this point of view, it really stopped.

And Mu Junhao didn't say anything, so he walked to the bathroom, as if he completely forgot that he was still pricking a needle, and Anxin raised his arm and followed him like a maid. Without the domineeringness of the past, today's men have an indescribably cute, confused and at the mercy of others. Feeling. Looking at the man's back, he couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth, which was still so pleasing to him. However, when I entered the sanitary napkin, I suddenly found a problem.

Standing by the toilet, the man blinked his not very energetic eyes and glanced at ease. She didn't understand at first, but when she saw that Mu Junhao had not moved for a long time, she suddenly reacted. Suddenly, he looked at Mu Junhao with some embarrassment. What should I do? She can't stand here and watch him go to the toilet! However, if she doesn't hold it, where will this bottle hang? Mu Junhao can't go to the toilet while holding a hanging bottle, can he? This is so weird............

So, it was so stiff here. Mu Junhao blinked his eyes and looked at the toilet. He didn't know what he was thinking, but Anxin held the bottle awkwardly and stood beside him. Both of them are here! Although he is a big man, he will feel embarrassed! And it's because it's a man that he feels embarrassed. If he is a woman like Anxin, why would Mu Junhao be ashamed?

Looking at the remaining **, he said at ease, "Otherwise, are you holding on for a while?" As soon as I finished saying this, I suddenly remembered, "Yes, there is still a bottle of medicine on the table!" In this way, there is no chance to go to the toilet unless all the potions are finished, but how long will it take? Less than an hour! This... It's not a big deal!

And Mu Junhao didn't seem to hear it. He didn't say anything or respond. He still looked at the toilet and couldn't help doubting whether he was stupid. Junhao? Mu Junhao?" Are there any side effects of this medicine? Otherwise, how can a man who has always been energetic now be like a stupid goose?

"Hmm............?" The voice of this answer is also weak.

After that, the man who seemed to understand something had to start going to the toilet.

Seeing this, Anxin suddenly panicked and looked at the man in disbelief and found that his face was still dull. So she hurriedly said, "Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" And he reached out and pressed his hand on Mu Junhao's hand that was about to take off his trousers. If this man is not awake, he will really do some incredible things!

The hand was held down, and the man turned his head and looked at her blankly. Seeing this, he was anxious. Maybe Mu Junhao thought it was a dream now! However, she is sober! He was confused. She knew everything, so she looked around for the items that could hang the hanging bottle on it. Suddenly, she saw something, which immediately gave her an idea. How about I hang the hanging bottle on the lotus head for you? It should be able to withstand the weight of the bottle. Carefully put the mesh bag on the hanging bottle on the head of the lotus hanging on the wall. It's okay. The infusion tube is keeping Mu Junhao in his original position without moving. It's just long enough.

There is no need to be embarrassed. Specifically, you don't have to be scared. Then I'm going out!"

"Hmm..." The man looked at her and nodded mechanically.

Before Anxin went out, there was a sound of friction of clothes. Seeing this, she quickly closed the bathroom door for him, but Anxin did not go far and stood outside the door. After a while, there was the sound of flushing, followed by footsteps, and then there was the sound of water. This time, it was the sound of the faucet of the sink. This made Anxin immediately open the door. As expected, Mu Junhao put the hanging bottle on the ground and was washing his hands by the sink.

The hand with the needle was full of blood for a long time, and he suddenly breathed, "You're stupid!" Mu Junhao, who was stunned by the sudden entry, was blinking at her, looking innocently. It seems that she is so angry that she didn't know what she did wrong.