Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 8 Decided to go to sea

If you look at the highest building by the river in this small city with a telescope, you will find a big fish that keeps spinning and swimming in the distance. The big fish sometimes sticks its head out, as if it were observing the environment, and sometimes it only rotates in the depths, as if thinking about something.

It sometimes walked down the water and turned back after a while, hesitating and didn't know what it was thinking until the sun changed from round to only a trace of mutilation, and the clouds changed from orange to bright red. The big fish seemed to have finally made up its mind and quickly downstream along the river.

This is Lin Quan, who officially decided to leave his hometown and embark on a road that seemed doomed to be doomed to be lonely, but he did not regret it. If someone told him that there is really fate in the world at this time, he must have admitted it rather than arguing as before. Probably, this can only be blamed for his own life, otherwise, it is difficult Can't you say that you are a bastard?

It's very easy for him to go downstream. His hands and feet are strong and powerful, as if he was born to swim in the water. His fingers are now three times as long as before. While swimming, he sucks plankton, but he doesn't have to worry about hunger, but salt is a little troublesome.

The sun has gone down, and now there is only a little afterglow left by the setting sun. In this quiet environment where only the sound of water can be heard, Lin Quan's heart suddenly surged up with great loneliness. If there was a friend in the world who could swim with him, how good it be, Mom and Dad? How are you doing now? If the communication between people does not need to use language, but can communicate directly to let others know what they are thinking, how good it would be, at least it doesn't need to be regarded as a monster.

Or, if one day I can be a person again and no longer suffer this unknown curse, can I still see you? Thinking of this, Lin Quan smiled bitterly, although it was still a "hss" sound.

The eyebrows seemed to hurt again. At this time, the corners of Lin Quan's eyebrows were longer and much harder than before. When he glanced up, he could see a faint shadow. At this time, there was a slight light in the already dark water. This light was soft and beautiful, attracting some beautiful fish.

This reminds him of the deep-sea fierce fish in the animal world, which is to lure small fish in this way. Those little fish think they have seen heaven, but they don't know that they are about to go to hell. However, Lin Quan can't eat fish raw for the time being. These plankton can provide him with enough energy. Some small fish swam around in front of his eyes.

I don't know how long he swam, but there was no feeling of fatigue. At this time, it was late at night. Except for the weak light of his eyebrows, it was dark around. Suddenly, a danger appeared in his mind out of thin air. A huge thing suddenly appeared in front of him. When he fixed his eyes, it was actually a fish head and a big mouth. It bit The little fish in front of Lin Quan's forehead almost bit Lin Quan's horn.

Lin Quan doesn't know what kind of fish it is, but only feels very dangerous. This big fish is nearly three meters long. He has never seen such a big fish before. If he really bites him, he will have to peel off the skin if he doesn't die.

He rushed down quickly, and then kicked his legs and rushed under the big fish. The big fish also seemed to react. Seeing Lin Quan's feet like a fish tail, he thought it should be an edible prey, so he suddenly chased him.

The big fish is strong and extremely agile. Take its reaction as an example. As soon as it saw Lin Quan rushing over from under its body, it immediately chased Lin Quan. It scared him all over and his muscles stretched to the limit. For the first time in his life, he encountered a life-and-death pursuit and rushed forward. As for the last sinking river, it only It can be said that it is a "waiting death crisis".

Lin Quan didn't know that his impulse was very powerful. There was a small whirlpool under his feet, and many bubbles gushed out, which stunned the big fish. It turned out that the bubbles in his foot slightly blocked the sight of the big fish. When the fish rushed through the bubbles, he couldn't see it at all. Lin Quan's trace, this speed is really a little frightening. I'm afraid that the high-speed boat on the surface of the water is not as fast as he broke out at this moment.

Lin Quan didn't know that he had thrown the fish away. He was still rushing forward until his legs were a little sore. He turned around to see where the big fish was, but where was the shadow of a big fish?

However, as soon as he rushed, he felt a trace of strangeness in his forehead, and a trace of warmth flow came into his body from his forehead. Originally, his body was still the previous body temperature, but it was very cold-resistant. It was only a little cool to soak in water for a long time, but this warmth still made him feel very comfortable. He only I feel that I have further integrated with water and have a deeper understanding of water. The speed of swimming seems to be faster. Even my hair has changed its shape and stands back slightly, as if to reduce the resistance in the water.

If it is daytime and someone happens to watch from the side, you will find that his change is much more than that. Although his body has not changed much, the change of water behind him is earth-shaking.

I saw snake-like water flowing around his body and flipping up and down. These water flows seem to be spiritual and churning with each other. It seems to slowly find the feeling. The speed of winding is getting faster and faster until there is no feeling of winding. At this time, if you look carefully, you will find Lin Quan behind you, The feet that look a little like a fish tail have completely transformed into a real fish tail. This fish tail is very strong, and the streamlined arc makes people feel very beautiful. Lin Quan looks like the legendary mermaid, but there is just a fancy teenager in front of him.

Lin Quan did not know the change of the water flow around him. He just swam forward vigorously. His recovery ability was extremely strong, as if he never knew that he was tired. The more so, the more he swam forward with the greatest strength to see how big his potential was. Lin Quan finally felt the horn on his head and the crowd. Differently, after this change, he finally began to believe in the strange stories of countless people around him.

However, this still makes him unhappy. It seems that the endless swimming is just to vent the unhappiness he has encountered in these days. After all, for a 15-year-old teenager, an inexplicable panic about the future and a trace of nostalgia for the past still occupy his heart. Leading role.