Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 9 As soon as you jump into the sea, the direction is clear

In Huilong Town, Qidong City, Jiangsu Province, the morning fog is full of fog. If you take a closer look at the Chongqi Bridge in front of the town, you will find that one end of it is hidden in the fog. In addition, the bridge is winding and magnificent, adding a mysterious artistic conception to it. This dragon-like bridge can be called a human miracle, and in the whole earth, such I don't know how many artificial miracles there are. Perhaps, those legends from ancient times, and those earth-shaking legends also come from the development of human beings themselves. However, few people have lived for less than a hundred years. Who cares about these distant and ancient stories?

From the bird's eye view of this bridge, you will find that under the rolling yellow torrent, there are always some unusual waves. In some places, the water will scatter with a sound, playing a beautiful splash, and in the same place, at different times, there will be a perfect whirlpool.

For us, these splashes, just like we are beautiful and special for the whole river of time, but it is still not worth mentioning. In this vast world, no one has even found that this turbid current also exists beautifully.

Now, on this unnoticed water surface, there is an extremely distinctive splash of water. It cuts through the water and is much faster than a speedboat. From this, you can faintly see the shadow of a big fish. This big fish is a rare grass green all over. Every time the body twists, it guides The body rowed forward very quickly, but although the speed was fast, it was amazing that it did not make a chaotic sound. It had the agility of dolphins, the burst of sharks, and the simpleness of penguins, which was really cute and awkward.

Lin Quan only remembered that he kept swimming and rushing forward. He didn't know how long it took, maybe a few days, maybe a week, or maybe two weeks. It was not until the extremely magnificent Three Gorges Dam appeared in front of him that he stopped for a moment and followed the boat out of the mouth of the dam. He couldn't look at the Three Gorges carefully and rushed out. Come on, he kept swimming and swimming. He slowly realized the joy of swimming and slowly understood the carefree life.

For some moments, he will feel careless and free, and for some moments, he will feel extremely empty and lonely, but none of this can stop him from swimming. It seems that he was born to swim and will not be tired all his life. He just wants to swim like this forever and take it as himself. My lifelong career, until the long river of time flooded myself and countless splashes.

However, he knew that he could not swim like this forever. He finally had a knot in his heart, a knot that betrayed himself and betrayed his parents. His changed powerful body not only did not bring him incomparable happiness in his heart, but also made him feel that he had lost part of himself. This feeling, and healthy people suddenly lost Like your hands and feet, you want to pick up what you love, and your love is also light, like the winter snowflakes, but you just can't get it.

He knew this clearly from the time he smelled the salty smell - he stopped. For so many days, he stopped for the first time. In the course of so many days, he has found his control of the water. The faint illusion of water around him has been able to transform his whole body into a fish. He knows It was the role of the corners of his eyebrows. Now as soon as he stopped, these transparent water snakes slowly dispersed and began to disperse, as if they had quarreled with each other. Then, these beautiful water snakes all turned into ordinary water droplets and integrated into the rolling Yangtze River, as if they had never existed.

Lin Quan stopped, and I don't know why. He floated to the surface and looked at the Chongqi Bridge behind him. Now the bridge, in his eyes, like a gate stretching for dozens of kilometers, it seems to mean the isolation of two different worlds, from For a moment, he deeply felt his love for the land that raised him, but at this moment, he immediately left his love, all the love he has now.

Lin Quan turned around, and at this time, there was a resolute expression on his face. He jumped forward and went into the water again. In the distance, you can already see the endless sea, at the junction of yellow water and blue ocean. Occasionally, some sea fish rushed into the river, but they seemed to feel that they had gone to the wrong place and swam back. Only one big fish swam out of the river. Unlike all other fish, his speed was fast, no With the slightest hesitation, his speed was out of proportion to his sound and suddenly penetrated into the blue sea. At this moment, it seemed that the whole ocean was his home and the whole ocean was born for him. For a moment, Lin Quan felt like the master of the ocean.

There is salt water everywhere, water everywhere! Lin Quan was also very excited at this time, as if he had recovered his childhood adventure dream. He only felt reborn and entered the ocean. He no longer wanted to return to the river. Compared with this ocean, the Yangtze River was simply a garbage dump. He ran 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers day and night and finally reached his destination.

At this time, on the corner of the eyebrows, a memory that seemed to be an idea, but not an idea, surged out. This memory seemed to tell an old story and seemed to be talking to itself.

This memory only appeared for a moment, just like the spray that suddenly appeared in the water, and suddenly disappeared. However, Lin Quan felt this memory, but his face completely changed. Although he didn't understand what he was talking about, he vaguely felt something incredible from it.

In his own feeling, his corner is for change. When the change reaches the extreme, it seems that he can turn himself back into a human shape and no longer be bound by the body to the soul. The universe really has practice, but the universe is vast and boundless. No one knows where anyone is practicing. Maybe it is Another world may be in a wormhole.

It's just that what surprises him most is that a route vaguely appears in his mind, which seems to connect the entrance to another world and seems to solve all his current troubles. The world is vast and far larger than this earth's space. There are also colorful lives there, and there are also various kinds of Lin Quan seems to be very familiar with this kind of customs, which is as friendly as his home, a place called China.

"Are I leaving home or looking for home?" Lin Quan couldn't help raising a question.